Vue - Disable Eslint - vue.js

I did some research, but could not find a quick fix to this situation:
Vue-cli 3.4.0 - Webpack 4.29.0
My project does not have config/index.js as mentioned here.
I tried to open vue.config.js and disable eslint does not work.
I removed the cli-plugin-eslint package.
Don't have .eslintrc.js.
Could not find any other configuration about eslint in project.
--- Fix ---
I realize that I didn't control my settings well. It was built in vetur.

the easiest way to ignore eslint is to ignore the files you dont want to be linted. For example, create .eslintignore in your project root folder. then just add the following folder which you dont want to lint like,
add src\


Nuxt + Tailwind: My tailwind.config.js file has no effect and default config is used instead

I have followed the official Tailwind + Nuxt documentation to add Tailwind to Nuxt. I have done so for 2 new Projects and 1 existing Nuxt project. And it works fine for the first 2 projects, but...
The existing Nuxt project is giving me a hard time now as it seems to ignore the tailwind.config.js file.
Tailwind works but it is using the default config, no matter what changes I make to the config file. Nuxt also does not hot-reload when changes are made to the config.
My IDE on the other hand detects the changes and offers them as IntelliSense auto-complete option.
I am pretty lost and not sure where to start troubleshooting. Happy to share the repo if that helps.
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
-- Miss J
Did you register tailwindcss in the buildModules of the nuxt.config.js (and not modules) ?
buildModules: [
Can you add some of your code to help troubleshoot ?
What are you trying to change inside the tailwind config ?
The Nuxt module for Tailwind CSS is using v1.9.6 and not the latest v.2.0.3, so some things you try to change in your config file following the docs are maybe not possible with the current nuxt package.
You can upgrade to latest Tailwind version :
yarn add --dev tailwindcss#npm:#tailwindcss/postcss7-compat postcss#^7 autoprefixer#^9
All I did was add a tailwind.config.js file.
Hope it helps

disable the warnings in VS code

enter image description here
When I click Disable(Workspace) the error is:
Cannot disable extension 'ESLint'. Extension 'Node.js Extension Pack' depends on this.
In what other way can react-native errors be eliminated???
You need to define .eslintignore file in your root directory and add the path of the folder you wish to ignore from linting.
The suggested way to solve the issue is to resolve all the linter issues as they can help you to overcome some scaling issues and make your code consistent.
Workaround for the problem is you can create a file .eslintignore in the root directory of your project and add the file path for which you want to disable the linter.
To disable the Eslint. You can follow the steps.
Navigate to the folder where you defined package.json (Project root directory).
Create a new file with the name .eslintignore
Edit the .eslintignore to add the files where you do not want the linter. Example, you have an src directory where all the react code is present, you want to diable linters for whole src directory. Add the following line in .eslintignore.
Don't know if you can disable it all but this worked for me for the time being add this // eslint-disable-next-line before the line it warned about

webpack.config.js and vue.config.js

I am new to vue and I started a project from scratch.
I needed to install vuetify. However, I realized that I do not have webpack.config.js and vue.config.js.
Do I need to install it using npm or can I just directly make these config files manually?
Can help me how do I add this config files?
If you created your app with the cli, until you want to add your custom config, you do not need to add those files.
If you need to add your custom configurations for webPack, you can manually create a vue.config.js and put there the setting for webPack, as explained in detail here.

Remove plugins with vue-cli3

Is there a way to remove plugins and its configuration with vue-cli3 in an existing project? For example I want to replace unit test plugin Mocha with Jest. I know how to add and invoke a new plugin but I cannot find how to remove one. Is it possible with vue-cli or do I need to do it manually?
I've asked about this (How does one uninstall a plugin? #2540) and it appears the current official advice is to issue an npm uninstall X.
I think you can just go to your package.json and remove the entry for the plugin/package,
delete the directory of your node_modules,
and then run.
npm install
Delete the vuetify stuff[1] from your package.json and then run:
npm prune
[1] Dependency vuetify and dev dependencies vue-cli-plugin-vuetify, vuetify-loader...
It looks like you need to do it manually, I cannot find anything in the docs or CLI help that mentions removal of plugins. It is slightly more complicated than #alexandre-canijo says though. Besides the package.json there may be some config in your project folder. Check the src/plugins folder, and main.js.
The documentation
You have to do it manually. It worked for me.
In my case, I just removed the plugin ("vue-cli-plugin-quasar": "^2.0.1",) from devDependencies in package.json and ran npm install.
With the new "vue ui" option, removing installed cli-plugins is supported now.
Under "Dependencies" (second tab on the left of vue ui) you'll find all plugins listed. And on the right of each plugin there is a little trash icon, which removes the respective plugin.
You still might get compile errors due to dead references in your sources, but those can be identified quickly with the provided log and error messages.

Where to execute npm install commands to include files in .net project directly

I have recently included Angular 2 in my project. After setup, facing issue for namespace webdriver. On Google I found the solution here. But here it is asking to execute below npm command.
npm install #types/selenium-webdriver#2.53.36 --save-dev
Now, I want to know, where I will execute this above command, so that the required files will get included in my project.
Inside the VS IDE, I haven't found any console area like as for nuget, where I execute the command and files get included in project.
Please help.
add a nmp configuration file
add all of the #angular dependencys that you will be needing
add system.config file in the root of the project
add tsconfig.json to the root of the project
add tslint.json to root of project
then add your app.component .module .route and other files.
in system.config.js add your #angular/core and others like
'#angular/core': 'npm:#angular/core#2.1.1/bundles/core.umd.js'
after doing this your can run your project and your _layout page is where you will add all of your <script> and other angular files.