How to use external-check command in HAProxy - load-balancing

I am getting issue External check error, code: 255 while doing external check.
I need to know how external-check command runs a shell script.
I have haproxy.cfg as follows:
chroot /
backend TCP
mode tcp
option tcplog
option log-health-checks
option external-check
external-check command /
server serv1 check


GitLab CI runner with SSH ProxyJump

I have the following settings in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config file:
Host serverA
User idA
Host serverB
User idB
ProxyJump serverA
I’ve also copied the public keys, so if I locally run ssh serverB I’m correctly connected to serverB as idB through serverA.
Now, here’s my runner configuration in /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml:
name = "ssh-runner-1"
url = "http://my-cicd-server"
token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
executor = "ssh"
user = "idB"
host = "serverB"
identity_file = "/home/gitlab-runner/.ssh/id_ed25519"
When I run a CI/CD job on this runner I get a « connection refused » error:
ERROR: Preparation failed: ssh command Connect() error: ssh Dial() error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
I conclude that the ProxyJump configuration is not applied, and since the machine with the runner can’t directly connect to serverB, I get denied access.
How can I configure the runner to apply the proxy jump configuration?
The GitLab runner uses a Go-based SSH client. It does not respect your system SSH configuration and does not have the same configurability as the standard ssh (usually OpenSSH) packages you typically find installed in operating system distributions or similar packages.
The Go client does not support the ProxyJump configuration.
Your best bet would probably be to configure a tunneled connection where your entrypoint does not require SSH configuration options that are not supported.
Local port forwarding
One way might be to open a local port-forwarding tunnel, then in your GitLab configuration, specify the host as localhost and port as the forwarded port.
For example:
Open the tunnel -- local port 2222 forwards to port 22 on ServerB via ssh connection through ServerA
ssh -L 2222:ServerB:22 -N ServerA
Configure runner to use the tunnel:
host = "localhost"
port = 2222
With this approach, you may have to write some automation on your server to restore the tunnel connection in the event it is broken. How you might do this depends on your operating system and preferred service manager. Or use a tool like autossh
This is basically how the ProxyJump configuration works under the hood.
IP/Port forwarding system
A similar approach would be to have your jump system automatically forward connections to the desired destination. This might be something like a software firewall rule (e.g. using iptables routing rules). That way the forwarding occurs transparently. Then simply tell the runner to target ServerA and the traffic will be transparently moved to ServerB.
This approach is more reliable, since you won't have to do anything to keep the tunnel alive if it ever drops. However, the configuration is much more complex and requires a static IP for ServerB.
For example, on ServerA, assuming the IP of ServerB is the following iptables configuration could be used:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
Then the GitLab runner configuration:
host = "ServerA"
port = 2222
Lastly, it may also be useful to know that disable_strict_host_key_checking is an undocumented configuration option for the runner as well, in the event you need this.

How to specify RemoteForward in the ssh config file?

I'm trying to setup a an ssh tunnel with remote port forwarding. The idea is the have a VPS act as a means to ssh into remote deployed systems (which currently incorporate a Raspberry Pi). Everything seems to work, but I run into issues when trying to move all arguments into the ~/.ssh/config file.
what does work is the setting of the HostName, User, Port and IdentityFile. However setting the RemoteForward parameter does not seem to work.
The following works:
ssh -R 5555:localhost:22 ssh-tunnel
How ever when using the following line in the config file;
Host ssh-tunnel
RemoteForward 5555 localhost:22
The following command returns the message "Bad remote forwarding specification 'ssh-tunnel'"
ssh -R ssh-tunnel
Obvious I found the answer almost immediately after posting the question. Using the -R flag requires you to set the remote forwarding in the command line call. However because remote forwarding is set in the config file you shouldn't add it to the command. However something confusing occurs in that aside from setting up the tunnel you also ssh into the remote server. To avoid this add the -f and the -N flag. This results in the following command:
ssh -f -N ssh-tunnel

gcloud compute ssh refuses connection (return code 255)

I cannot get ssh access into the vm instance created by Google Cloud command line tool (gcloud).
sudo gcloud compute ssh myuser#ubuntu
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
What I did:
1: Verify that firewall is open on port 22
gcloud compute firewall-rules list
allow-rstudio default tcp:8787 allow-rstudio
default-allow-http default tcp:80 http-server
default-allow-https default tcp:443
default-allow-icmp default icmp
default-allow-internal default tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp
default-allow-rdp default tcp:3389
default-allow-ssh default tcp:22
2: Renew public key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine -C myuser
3: Update metadata with new public key
sudo gcloud compute ssh myuser#ubuntu
Updating project ssh metadata...
Updating project ssh metadata...done.
Waiting for SSH key to propagate.
Then, still the same error message:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
I should add that I could access ssh until today, and of course, I did authentication before with
gcloud auth login
SSH from the Google Cloud web interface works! What is different there?
Would be grateful for any help!!
After a long search, I finally found the underlying reason for this tricky problem. I hope that this will help some people in desperation...
The reason you may get your ssh connection refused is that accidentally, the internal routing for external ip requests was deleted. You can check this by:
gcloud compute routes list
If this does not return a list including the following entry:
default-internet default default-internet-gateway 1000
Then you must re-create this entry by:
gcloud compute routes create default-internet \
--destination-range \
--next-hop-gateway default-internet-gateway
In my case, after I made an upgrade of the GCP instance (just added more processor and memory).
My Circle CI deploy started throwing:
Authentication failed.
Exited with code 255
After a couple of hours trying to figure out what messed up, I found that the contents of the /etc/ssh/sshd_config was emptied with no reason at all.
What fixed my problem is to recreate this file and restart the ssh service.
Note: PasswordAuthentication should be set to:
PasswordAuthentication no
For the poor, suffering souls who stumble upon this.
The following works for me with consistency:
On your machine in gcloud CLI run gcloud init and go through the
The end. I hope this helps you my dear, internet fellow-sufferer.
My scenario was that I was running a nohup process on the instance, all of a sudden the process stopped working.
After spending a lot of time investigating, I found that the instance itself hung-up. We miss small things like that, getting caught debugging the bigger problem
Check if you're able to ping your instance. If not, restart it and ssh, it will work fine. This is one of the solutions.

docker Mule-server curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

This might just be my rookie knowledge of Docker,
but I can't get the networking to work.
I'm trying to run a Mule-server via the pr3d4t0r/mule repository.
I can run it, hot-swap applications but I can reach it.
I can run a local server without Docker, and it works flawlessly.
But not when I try it with Docker.
When I try to do a simple curl command I get "curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer"
curl http://localhost:8090/Sven
I have tried exposing the ports via -P and separately via -p 8090:8090 but no luck.
When the docker is running it blocks the ports (I tried running Docker and the normal server at the same time but the normal one said the ports where already in use).
When I try another Image like jboss/wildfly and I use -p 8080:8080 there's no problem, it works perfectly.
The application in the mule-server will log and respond a simple "hello World", the output says that the application is deployed, but no messages or logging while I try to reach it.
Any suggestions?
In my case it was actually the app that was configured incorrectly. It had localhost as host. It should have been without this it was acting only on localhost aka the docker container but not from outside of it.
You should not need to use -net=host.
So check if there's a configuration
In need set ip not
"curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer"
mean that no process in docker image listening to the port. Option -p is bind of port in host system and image.
-p <port in host os to be binded to>:<port in container>
So, check your image, maybe your app in container use different port and you need
-p 8080:8090
if you have this , comment or remove it, server.address=localhost in your

SSH Connection Being Refused When I'm Remote, but not Local (Port Forwarding Already Enabled)

I set up SSH on my Ubuntu server (running XMonad) and generated a key for my laptop that I used to connect to my home server with. I also went on my wireless router and forward port 22 for SSH use. I can SSH fine when I'm at home using the standard:
ssh user#ipaddress
However when I'm outside of my local network I get this error:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
Everything I read says I need to either a) check that my port 22 is forward (which it is) or b) check that sshd is actually running on my Ubuntu server (which it is).
Any ideas what is preventing my SSH from working when I'm remote?
Add the following line your ssh user config file if it doesn't exits You can create the config file as shown below.
vi ~/.ssh/config
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 300
Change the permission as below:
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
Restart the daemon. Hope this helps.
For me this was the cause.
In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config or /etc/ssh_ssh_config check to make sure GSSAPI Auth is disabled (set to no).
GSSAPIAuthentication no
Then restart the service or machine.