Error 400 when build:android setting keystore manually - react-native

We have an app previously built on phonegap and now migrated to React Native/Expo. We are trying to build the android .apk using the keystore we had before and we get the following error:
I know that the problem is not with my .keystore, since through expo fetch:android:keystore I’ve got the keystore generated by EXPO and it gives me the same error!
Using expo build:android works fine, but I can’t deploy since the fingerprints doesn’t match with the app I have already published.
Any ideas?

There was an issue with expo-cli 2.7.1 and it's fixed on 2.7.2. So just needed to update my cli version!


React Native Keychain - Cannot read property 'getSupportedBiometryType' of null

I have followed the installation steps, but when I start the application on android I get an error saying: "Cannot read property 'getSupportedBiometryType' of null, please check the last image.
Run yarn add react-native-keychain - Only for React Native <= 0.59: $ react-native link react-native-keychain and check to verify the package was added. See manual installation below if you have issues with the react-native link.
Run pod install in iOS/directory to install iOS dependencies.
If you want to support FaceID, add an NSFaceIDUsageDescription entry in your Info.plist.
Re-build your Android and iOS projects.`
On iOS Everything works fine and the getSupportedBiometryType returns a string or null depending if the biometrics authentication is enabled.
On android on another hand, I get a Render Error: Cannot Read property 'getSupportedBiometryType' of null.
I also did the react-native link react-native-keychain command to try to fix the issue, but I had no luck.
Note: I also did the Manual Android install as described in the library installation guide.
Note: Everything works fine on iOS.
"react-native": "0.64.2"
"react-native-keychain": "^8.1.0"
Keychain library import
.getSupportedBiometryType() function call
Error Message on Android Device

Debugging signed react native apk

I generated a signed apk but for some reason it does not work as the debug apk does, how can I test it with the debugging feature to view the console and see what issue is there?
if you want to debug the signed apk of react native then please install and run android studio and show the log of signed apk.
2.and second way is"react-native run-android --variant=release" run this command and install signed apk on your phone and then connect with cli and you able to see the log
run project with this commend" react-native run-android --variant=release", release build..

Can't run the .apk that generated by Expo

I have built an android app using expo build:android for a react native project. And then I can't ran the .apk on my 2 android phones. Error message App not installed was shown after ran the .apk on my phones.
I tried to rollback to older versions of my code and I found that the .apk can ran after I used the old slug value in app.json
I installed the .apk at android emulator. Error message The APK failed to install.
Error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Package /data/app/vmdl1022936792.tmp/base.apk has no certificates at entry AndroidManifest.xml is shown.
Having no ideas why this happens. How I can use a new slug value and build a valid .apk via Expo?
I feel code signing is the problem, the app is not able to install on another android only for this reason.
Use this link
try using command
expo build:android --clear-credentials

React-Native code-push compatibility issue

I am using Code-Push for my react-native project. I did such configuration quite-well. But after build it is successful I am seeing error in react-native CLI like below. I was thinking that this issue is about compatibility. I tried several ways. I read documentation bu

no version found in react-native-fcm

I'm using react native version 0.40, and followed the read me from this repo and i'm getting the following error when I try to run react-native run-android:
could not find any matches for as no versions of are available.
I have no clue what is the source for this error. I searched everywhere and I couldn't debug this problem.
I have found the answer, i need to update the android sdk google play services and google repository.
I am using ubuntu with android sdk installed, i type android in console and updated the packages.