How to solve Node:SCSS Problem? Any Solutions - node-sass

If you had solve this type of issue then give some solutions..
=> changed: C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\NA-TOURS\sass\main.scss
"status": 1,
"file": "C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/NA-TOURS/sass/abstracts/_variables.scss",
"line": 26,
"column": 1,
"message": "Invalid CSS after \"$default-font-size\": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was \": 1.6rem;\"",
"formatted": "Error: Invalid CSS after \"$default-font-size\": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was \": 1.6rem;\"\n on line 26 of sass/abstracts/_variables.scss\n from line 3 of sass/main.scss\n>> $default-font-size: 1.6rem;\r\n ^\n"


"web/session/authenticate" API endpoint returns an error instead of session_info in ODOO V16

I am using odoo V16. When I send a POST request to web/session/authenticate endpoint with the correct user credentials in the body like this:
"params": {
"login": <LOGIN>,
"password": <PASSWORD>
I get a bad response with the error message "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'user'".
The expected behavior is a JSON response with session info like:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": null,
"result": {...}
I'm not sure if it is a bug in the new odoo version or I'm doing something wrong. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Full error response:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": null,
"error": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Odoo Server Error",
"data": {
"name": "builtins.AttributeError",
"debug": "Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/odoo-16/odoo/", line 1963, in call
response = request._serve_nodb()
File "/odoo-16/odoo/", line 1516, in _serve_nodb
response = self.dispatcher.dispatch(rule.endpoint, args)
File "/odoo-16/odoo/", line 1775, in dispatch
result = endpoint(**self.request.params)
File "/odoo-16/odoo/", line 673, in route_wrapper
result = endpoint(self, *args, **params_ok)
File "/odoo-16/addons/web/controllers/", line 52, in authenticate
print('session_info', env['ir.http'].session_info())
File "/odoo-16/addons/web_tour/models/", line 12, in session_info
result = super().session_info()
File "/odoo-16/addons/web/models/", line 68, in session_info
user = request.env.user
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'user'
"message": "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'user'",
"arguments": [
"'NoneType' object has no attribute 'user'"
"context": {}
I faced the same problem, and I found a workaround.
The problem happen when you call the Odoo API for authentication web/session/authenticate.
We usually send the login data like this in POST request to the server
I got the error saying:
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/mail/models/", line 17, in session_info
user = request.env.user
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'user'
This problem Happen when you has many databases in the server, so the request handler fail in fetching the user from env variable.
But if you update your odoo.conf and added a dbfilter = odoo16, and restart the server. you will have only one database like this:
Then if you call the API you will get the CORRECT response and works fine with you,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": null,
"result": {
"uid": 2,
"is_system": true,
"is_admin": true,
"user_context": {
"lang": "en_US",
"tz": "Africa/Cairo",
"uid": 2
Hope this help you fixing your issue till Odoo fix there bug.

Undefined variable: \"$enable-cssgrid\

i'm starting in a new project using SASS for the first time,
i was able to run npm install successfully.
but when i try to run npm run watch
i'm always getting errors of undefined variables, like this one:
"status": 1,
"file": ".../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss",
"line": 15,
"column": 5,
"message": "Undefined variable: \"$enable-cssgrid\".",
"formatted": "Error: Undefined variable: \"$enable-cssgrid\".\n on line 15 of node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss\n from line 12 of scss/bootstrap.scss\n from line 4 of scss/style.scss\n>> #if $enable-cssgrid {\n\n ----^\n"
the file that the error refers to:
#if $enable-cssgrid {
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: repeat(var(--#{$variable-prefix}rows, 1), 1fr);
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--#{$variable-prefix}columns, #{$grid-columns}), 1fr);
gap: var(--#{$variable-prefix}gap, #{$grid-gutter-width});
#include make-cssgrid();
hope some can help

Multi-stage $ref doesn't work with jsonschema version 3.0.1

It seems that jsonschema version 3.0.1 does not accept multi-stage schema using $refs (while it works with jsonschema version 2.6.0).
I have to make it work under several module versions simply because my code will be running on different computers with different environments.
I verified my jsons on (thanks for this link found in another StackOverflow question).
I Tried :
jsonschema -i myjson.json noRefs.schema.json --> 2.6.0 = OK, 3.0.1 OK
jsonschema -i myjson.json usingRefs.schema.json --> 2.6.0 = OK, 3.0.1 KO
Note :
Both *.schema.json worked on
File myjson.json :
"TopProperty" : {
"LowerProperty" : {"toto" : "plop"}
File noRefs.schema.json :
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"TopProperty": {"$ref": "#/schemaTopProperty"}
"schemaTopProperty": {
"$id": "schemaTopProperty",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"LowerProperty": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"toto": {"type": "string"}
File usingRefs.schema.json :
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"TopProperty": {"$ref": "#/schemaTopProperty"}
"schemaTopProperty": {
"$id": "schemaTopProperty",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"LowerProperty": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"toto": {"$ref": "#/justAString"}
"justAString": {
"$id": "justAString",
"type": "string"
Error message received :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/jsonschema", line 11, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 67, in main
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 78, in run
for error in validator.iter_errors(instance):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 323, in iter_errors
for error in errors:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 274, in properties
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 339, in descend
for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 323, in iter_errors
for error in errors:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 251, in ref
for error in validator.descend(instance, resolved):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 339, in descend
for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 323, in iter_errors
for error in errors:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 274, in properties
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 339, in descend
for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 323, in iter_errors
for error in errors:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 73, in items
for error in validator.descend(item, items, path=index):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 339, in descend
for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 323, in iter_errors
for error in errors:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 274, in properties
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 339, in descend
for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 323, in iter_errors
for error in errors:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 247, in ref
scope, resolved = validator.resolver.resolve(ref)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 734, in resolve
return url, self._remote_cache(url)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32/", line 400, in wrapper
result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 744, in resolve_from_url
raise exceptions.RefResolutionError(exc)
jsonschema.exceptions.RefResolutionError: unknown url type: schemaTopProperty
Edit: my previous answer was incorrect.
TL;DR: You have two options:
Remove the $id properties from the definitions
Use #/ in the $id properties (Example: {"$id": "#/justAString"})
The issue is with the IDs, up until draft-04, $ref and $id were treated at face value, nothing special, but starting with draft-06 these are uri-references, in which case, when descending into {"$id": "schemaTopProperty"}, resolving {"$ref": "justAString"} is no more looking for a fragment justAString at the root structure, but for /justAString under schemaTopProperty host, which is a remote reference.
Hence my solutions to either remove the $ids which cause the definitions to be URLs (hosts in fact), or to define the $ids as what they are, fragments in the current schema.

Error: OAuthException code 1 during test user creation

Since 1 week max, i got this error when i try to create a test user.
"error": {
"message": "An unknown error has occurred.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 1
Authentication application type is WEB.
My other apps don't have this problem!

AWS xray put trace segment command return error

I am trying to send segment doc manually using the CLI with example on this page:
I created my own Trace ID and also start and end time.
The command i used are:
> DOC='{"trace_id": "'$TRACE_ID'", "id": "6226467e3f841234", "start_time": 1581596193, "end_time": 1581596198, "name": ""}'
>echo $DOC
{"trace_id": "1-5e453c54-3dc3e03a3c86f97231d06c88", "id": "6226467e3f845502", "start_time": 1581596193, "end_time": 1581596198, "name": ""}
> aws xray put-trace-segments --trace-segment-documents $DOC
"UnprocessedTraceSegments": [
"ErrorCode": "ParseError",
"Message": "Invalid segment. ErrorCode: ParseError"
"ErrorCode": "MissingId",
"Message": "Invalid segment. ErrorCode: MissingId"
"ErrorCode": "MissingId",
"Message": "Invalid segment. ErrorCode: MissingId"
The put-trace-segment keep giving me error. The segment doc comply with the JSON schema too. Am i missing something else?
I need to enclose the JSON with "..". The command that works for me was: aws xray put-trace-segments --trace-segment-documents "$DOC"
This is probably due an error in the documentation or that the xray team was using another kind of shell.