Why is .Net Core 2.2 now publishing a ton of other dlls - msbuild

I just upgraded my .net core 2.0 project to 2.2. To my knowledge, I didn't change any other settings, but now when I publish to my file system, it publishes a ton of folders and dlls that it didn't before.
Do I need to publish them? If not, can I suppress their output?
Here is my publish profile settings:
Here is what the output directory looked like before the upgrade:
Now, here is just a snippet of what the output directory looks like:

Introduction: This issue seems to result from .net core 2.0.
From the picture you shared above. I know you choose Framework-Dependent Mode.
In this mode, generated files should be like what you have in picture1. And if your choose self-contained mode, generated files should be like what you have in picture2.
But in .net core2.0, there seems to be some different. When we publishing projects in .net core2.0, or just upgraded from 2.0 like yours. We must set self-contained property to false explicitly so that the Framework-Dependent mode can work normally.
Do I need to publish them?
No, you don’t need to publish generated files from self-contained mode as you choose framework-dependent mode.
If not, can I suppress their output?
Here is one workaround:
Looks like you use VS IDE to publish it, when publishing make sure choose 'create profile'. So we will have a PublishProfile, we can find it below Properties in Solution Window. Open the FolderProfile.pubxml and add the <PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest>true</PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest> in the PropertyGroup. Also, we can set the <DeleteExistingFiles>false</DeleteExistingFiles> to true.
After that, publish the project again the issue can be resolved.
The final format of PublishProfiles looks like below:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
In addition: You can find more info from this issue. Thanks to natemcmaster. His advice do work at my side.


MSBuild not publishing dll.config of dependency for ClickOnce

My C# projectA published via ClickOnce depends on projectB. I need the projectB.dll.config file for projectA to work. While MSBuild copies over projectB.dll.config to projectA/bin/ConfigXY correctly, it is not published. VisualStudio (2017) doesn't even show the file in Application->Publish->Application Files.
As a workaround, I added this to A.csproj:
<Content Include="..\projectB\bin\Release\projectB.dll.config">
Now VS shows the file in the "Application Files" list, but this of course works only for the Release build config. Since I have lots of configs in project A that map to different configs in B, I cannot simple use $(Configuration) in the path.
I have found some suggestions to include ..\**\*.dll.config, but that seems dangerous, as when both the Debug and Release folder exist (from a previous build), I might end up with the wrong one.
What's the right way to do this?
I’d like to post this as a comment, but due to the limitations, I post it as an answer and I am sorry for that.
I did some tests, and it seems, to include the project.dll.config file to be published(shown in Application > Publish > Application Files), we need to include this file to the projectA.
I guess you mean you want to use “..\XXX\XXX\Release\projectB.dll.config” path for Release build and use ““..\XXX\XXX\Debug\projectB.dll.config” path for Debug build without using $(Configuration) right?
Generally, MSBuild uses $(configuration) to switch the configuration mode, if it is not available for you, to my knowledge, from MSBuild side, it is hard or not possible to switch/match the configuration mode.

MSBuild 16.9 .NET Core 3.1 - OutDir isn't searched for dependencies

I'm trying to use MSBuild in a powershell script to build many projects and solutions in a full application suite. I set the parameter for OutDir to point to a single binaries directory and from an output perspective that works.
However the documentation states that OutDir is included in AssemblySearchPaths. But looking at the logs MSBuild is clearly stuck using the hintpath from the csproj file. I've tried setting AdditionalLibPaths as well with no success. This appears to be an issue with building from Visual Studio 2019 as well. My hintpaths point to a common debug directory. A release build still looks in the debug directory. This used to work in older versions of Studio in the .NET Framework days. It worked in older TFS XAML builds setting Output Location to "SingleFolder"
I've also played around with OutDir path ending various quantities of back slashes. I suspect that this old issue is fixed.
How can I get MSBuild to use an alternate directory for the dependencies?
As per the accepted answer, adding OutDir to the AssemblySearchPaths does the trick. For me, I've created a proj file that I've added to each .NET Core csproj files. My thought is that when this gets fixed I can remove the tweak in one place.
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">
My hintpaths point to a common debug directory. A release build still
looks in the debug directory.
The outdir is always the output folder which does not distinguish between Release and Debug. So you have to use <OutDir>C:\ttt\$(Configuration)\</OutDir> to distinguish between them.
Actually, the system msbuild properties are read earlier than the start of build task. You have to set the properties before the start of build process.
Simply modifying the system properties outdir in csproj will only take effect during the build process, but the system properties are still read before the build starts, also AssemblySearchPaths property read the previous outdir property. So you always take the default values before the modification.
You have to use Directory.Build.props file, it set the values earlier than msbuild start.
1) create a file called Directory.Build.props under your project folder.
2) add the outdir property like these into the file.
3) restart VS to enable it.
However, I note that it works well in non-sdk net framework projects but it does not list under new-sdk net core projects.
non-sdk net framework projects
new-sdk net core projects
Not sure it is an issue or the Team has forgotten it. Anyway, I have reported it to our DC Forum. You can vote it or add any comments if I did not described it in detail.
As a workaround, you could try to set the new value for AssemblySearchPaths property.
In order not to lose the original value of AssemblySearchPaths, you must add it to csporj file rather than Directory.Build.props file.
Just add these into csproj file:
Update 1
I think it is an issue for net core projects.
What I said before is for VS IDE build. Now for MSBuild Command Line, it is another situation.
For non-sdk net framework projects
When I used msbuild xxx\xxx.csproj -p:outdir=c:\ttt -v:diagnostic, it shows this:
Well. It works perfect as we wished.
However, when we used the same command line for new-sdk net core projects, it does nothing. So I think it is quite an issue for net core projects.
And you should note that AdditionalLibPaths cannot be recognized by AssemblySearchPaths.
When I used this under :
msbuild xxx\xxx.csproj -p:AdditionalLibPaths=c:\ttt -v:diagnostic
And you should note that there is no property for AdditionalLibPaths under the list of AssemblySearchPaths property. And it also does not work for net core projects.
In short, it is quite an issue for net core projects no doubt. I also modify the DC ticket.
Now for new-sdk net core projects,
Since you used msbuild command line to set properties, so there is no need to use Directly.Build.props file. MSbuild command line property assignment is actually the same effect of the file.
Also, AssemblySearchPaths is not ready-only. You could modify it. And actually, all msbuild properties can be overwritten and that is a flexible feature of MSBuild.
In summary, you still have to use AssemblySearchPaths.
Since The Team has some problems with this detail in the net core project, we can use the flexibility of MSbuild to manually modify to get what we want:
1) abandon using Directly.Build.props file and also keep adding these on the net core csproj file:
2) use the following command line for net core projects:
msbuild xxx\xxx.csproj -p:Outdir=c:\ttt -v:diagnostic

How can I get GitVersion /UpdateAssemblyInfo to work with ASP.NET Core 2.0 project

We have been using a Bamboo build server for a while now and we have GitVersion installed so it can be selected as a task in the Build plan. We typically use the /UpdateAssembleInfo argument when we run the task. For .NET Framework projects, this would update the assemblyinfo file in the source with the bamboo versioning settings so the .NET assemblies had the same version info as our Bamboo builds and subsequent Bamboo deployment, allowing us to know the version of the deployed project in the field by examining the assembly file properties. This was all working quite well.
However, we are now building and deploying .NET Core 2.0 solutions and are finding that GitVersion /UpdateAssemblyInfo is not working.
I searched for a fix for .NET Core but was only able to find solutions that involved using the project.json file, which is no longer used with .NET Core 2.0 ( it changed to the *.csproj file).
I looked at http://gitversion.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/command-line/ and I tried running
gitversion.exe /UpdateAssemblyInfo MyProjectName.AssemblyInfo.cs /EnsureAssemblyInfo
where MyProjectName represents the actual project name suffix for the assemblyinfo.cs file in the .NET Core 2.0 ..\\obj\release\netcoreapp2.0 folder. But it did not update that file.
I have to assume that there has to be a solution for using GitVersion with Bamboo and.NET Core 2.0 but I am having a hard time finding one.
Any ideas?
The latest version of GitVersion provides /updateprojectfiles switch to update version info in the Sdk-style .csproj/.vbproj/.fsproj recursively.
From GitVersion/Usage/CommandLine/Arguments:
Will recursively search for all project files
(.csproj/.vbproj/.fsproj) files in the git repo and update them
Note: This is only compatible with the newer Sdk projects
It produces the needed attributes even if they are not present in the project files, resulting in following properties:
As a workaround, you may consider specifying the assembly info as project properties in .csproj
and then setting values during dotnet build. In addition to its options, the dotnet build command accepts MSBuild options like /property
Set or override the specified project-level properties, where name is the property name and value is the property value. Specify each property separately, or use a semicolon or comma to separate multiple properties.
So your build command will be something like
dotnet build /p:Version=;AssemblyVersion=

Unnecessary dlls in dotnet core console app?

I'm just trying build an example dotnet-core 2.0 console app which should be published as an execute file. This requires me to add an RuntimeIdentifier in the csproj file. After publishing my sample application for win-x64, I get a output directory which contains around 200 dlls and my executable. I have the feeling that's too much - only to print a simple Hello World to the console.
Is there a way to reduce the number of dlls? In this old (and now surely outdated document) named reducing package dependencies a manual approach is proposed for libraries.
Is there a way to reduce the dependencies in dotnet-core 2.0? Or isn't this an issue after all and I shouldn't care?
Just for completeness, here is my example project definition:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
All the dependencies are useful in a certain way (some classes of each are used to make your app work), so when you say "unnecessary" you are wrong.
So far, there is no better tool than the newly announced IL Linker to shrink the size of deployment,

'runtimes' Folder after Publishing a .Net Core App to Azure Publish Via VS Online

What is the purpose of the 'runtimes' folder that gets published along with all my project files? I have a VS Online account, and have the build/deploy process configured through there. The 'runtimes' folder is certainly not a folder that exists in source control or my project folder.
'runtimes' folder contents:
example contents:
Like #Gregory_Ott I was facing a similar issue where my deployment was an FDD deployment and the 'runtimes' folder was still being created. All I did was, mentioned the runtime and set the self-contained property to false.
In the following example I have used dotnet to publish:
dotnet publish -c Release -o ..\publish --runtime win-x64 --self-contained false
The following link should help you with the deployment:
These exist because you are building your application as a self contained application as opposed to one that is dependent upon the framework being installed on the machine executing it. Documentation can be found at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/core/deploying/ describing the various options that can be used to control this output.
If portable target runtime is selected, runtime folder is created.
FWIW, I was facing this situation with a .NET 5 application. An empty "runtimes" project was there in the output directory. After wasting a few minutes I realized that the folder was a left-over from a previous build. I deleted bin/obj folders completely and published again and the "runtimes" folder is no longer there in the output. I didn't have to change anything in the project file or build options. Hope it saves someone else a few minutes too.
Could this explain the existence of a runtimes folder in an FDD deployment:
A framework-dependent deployment with third-party dependencies is only
as portable as its third-party dependencies. For example, if a
third-party library only supports macOS, the app isn't portable to
Windows systems. This happens if the third-party dependency itself
depends on native code. A good example of this is Kestrel server,
which requires a native dependency on libuv. When an FDD is created
for an application with this kind of third-party dependency, the
published output contains a folder for each Runtime Identifier (RID)
that the native dependency supports (and that exists in its NuGet
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/deploying/deploy-with-vs?tabs=vs156#framework-dependent-deployment
Setting your RuntimeIdentifier might be the solution. In my case, working with an Azure Function, it cut about 500 megs and reduced my archive down to 174 megs. This is important because on Consumption plans you get very limited storage.
Prevents the runtimes folder from being created in publish, which contained 500 megs of runtime files we don't need.
In the publish profile in Visual Studio, if Target runtime is set to 'Portable' then all possible runtimes are generated. This is the default, so the output can be reduced by a more selective choice if applicable: