How do I configure Dancer2 with mod_proxy_fastcgi - apache

The Dancer2 Manual gives examples for mod_proxy and mod_fastcgi but in Ubuntu 18.04 the mod_fastcgi is removed.
So are there any examples out there using Dancer2 with mod_proxy_fcgi?
Edit: If I have to use mod_proxy instead, how do I startup my dancer2 application using, say starman or plackup


how to remove "Server:Apache" from response header

We have Apache 2.4.34 on a Red Hat Linux Server and I need to remove Server: Apache from the response header.
Is there any easy way to do that without mod_security?
If we need to do it with mod_security only, I have checked the Apache 2.4 documentation and it appears Apache 2.4 wont come with mod_security by default.
Can any one tell me the detailed steps how to install mod_security on Red Hat Linux?
Does mod_security have to be separate from Apache?
How we can configure or make Apache 2.4 to use mod_security?
Do we just need to configure in httpd.conf the same as we load other modules?

How to run flask on apache using mod_wsgi-express on same ip as a subdomain

I want to run flask on apache.I have already installed mod_wsgi-express and my flask application is running on port 8000(localhost:8000) but i want to run my application as a subdomain i dont want to open a new port and want to run the application on same ip using '/'(ex- localhost/application).I have already drupal running on port 80.
So basically i want my drupal run on url(localhost) and flask app on url(localhost/flaskapp) .How can i do this?
Use your main Apache to run mod_wsgi as well, instead of mod_wsgi-express. Use mod_wsgi-express just for development.
Presuming you do not have mod_wsgi installed from a system package, you can run:
sudo mod_wsgi-express install-module
and it will copy the mod_wsgi module into your Apache configuration. The command will also output two lines that you need to include in your main Apache configuration to have it load mod_wsgi and set the correct location for your Python installation or virtual environment.
You should then configure your main Apache installation manually to have it also host your Flask application using mod_wsgi. See the Flask documentation on mod_wsgi for details, but because you still want to run a PHP application, also read:
Because where you put configuration for Apache depends on the Linux distribution used, can't tell you exactly where you need to put stuff and what steps you may need to do to enable it.

fcgid, fastcgi with or without php-fpm?

I'm installing Apache 2.4.7 with PHP5 and I use fcgid and suexec.
I read that some people use PHP-FPM with fastcgi, but I don't know if they are speaking about the old fastcgi or the new fcgid.
Anyway, I want to know if my configuration of fcgid without PHP-FPM is correct or I need to install and configure PHP-FPM to have all the functionality?
Which is the advantage and disadvantage of putting fcgid and PHP-FPM together, in the case that it is correct?

Start nginx on bootup when compiled from source on Ubuntu

On my Ubuntu 13.10 webserver, I installed nginx from source as I read a guide on how to do this in order to run both nginx (for my Rails apps) and Apache2 (for my php apps). I have nginx running as a proxy for apache2 on these php web apps. I installed nginx from source in to /opt/nginx, but I also have the Ubuntu default (using app-get) installed, although it isn't running.
Upon reboot, the Ubuntu default nginx starts up, so I need to manually "service nginx stop", then start the source compiled nginx using /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx.
How can I disable the Ubuntu default nginx from starting on bootup and instead have my source compiled nginx start?
Try going to /etc/init.d/ and modify the path in nginx.

HHVM through Apache mod_fastcgi on debian

I've been able to rather easily get facebooks hhvm working from prebuilt debian packages as well as compile it, and afterwards to run it behind apache as a proxy. The problem with the proxy setup is though, that I can't get response headers other than http status code 200 - like 304 for example - through. It's not the proxy config of apache, but something wrt hhvm and apache interact, or even in hhvm.
Anyway, HHVM officially stopped supporting the standalone server, and they're moving over to fastcgi, and as all of our servers are running Debian, I don't have access to mod_proxy_fastcgi without compiling it (the only backports I found of apache 2.4 don't have mod_proxy_fastcgi backported unfortunately).
So I'm currently trying to get HHVM to run behind the old mod_fastcgi with apache 2.2. But currently I'm only getting "connect() failed" in the error log of apache, while hhvm is listening on :::1080
The important part of my apache config is
RemoveHandler application/x-httpd-php
FastCgiExternalServer /home/www/hhvm/hostname/htdocs/php5.fcgi -flush -host ip6-localhost:1080
AddType application/x-hhtpd-fastphp5 .php
Action application/x-httpd-fastphp5 /php5.fcgi
Alias /php5.fcgi /home/www/hhvm/hostname/htdocs/php5.fcgi
netstat also lists hhvm as listening on :::1080 and I can connect to it via telnet
Any Ideas on what I need to change so it works?
Looks like a IP6 port problem. Try \[ip6-localhost\]:1080 . Not sure if this has side effects in Apache.
How do ports work with IPv6?