ListView in nativescript-vue slow to scroll - vue.js

The listview is so slow when scrolling. It hits the bottom and bounces like it has run out of items to display. If you retry, it lets you scroll further. The same thing happens on the way back up the list.
I load in my array of only 40 items using a vuex getter.
computed: {
history () {
return this.$store.getters.allHistory;
Then the ListView is simply
<ListView ref="listView" for="item in history">
<StackLayout height="60" padding="10">
<Label :text="item.title" textWrap="true"></Label>

Removing the fixed height and padding seemed to fix. This is working...
<ListView ref="listView" for="item in history">
<GridLayout columns="auto,*" rows="auto, auto" margin="10">
<Image v-show="item.poster_url.length > 0" :src="item.poster_url" marginRight="5"
stretch="aspectFill" height="100" borderRadius="5"></Image>
<StackLayout col="1" row="0" rowSpan="2">
<Label :text="item.title" textWrap="true"></Label>


Slow expanding and collapsing TreeView nodes

When a node in TreeView contains many elements, like above 2000, its expanding and collapsing is very slow. For ListView I was using incremental loading:
IsItemClickEnabled = "False"
SelectionMode ="None"
However I do not see such option for TreeView. How this can be optimized?
Slow expanding and collapsing TreeView nodes
Both TreeView and TreeViewItem do not contain IncrementalLoading behavior, so you can't make increment loading for treeview. But you could porcess data soure with linq select-take method to implement Incremental loading function.
placing a button in the last TreeViewItem that used to load more items.
For example
<DataTemplate x:Key="FileTemplate" x:DataType="local:ExplorerItem">
<TreeViewItem AutomationProperties.Name="{x:Bind Name}" IsSelected="{x:Bind IsSelected,Mode=TwoWay}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Width="20" Source="../Assets/file.png" />
<TextBlock Margin="0,0,10,0" />
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind Name}" />
<Button Background="White" Margin="15,0,0,0" x:Name="LoadMore" Visibility="{Binding IsLastItem}"
Command="{Binding LoadMoreCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}">
<SymbolIcon Symbol="More"/>
Code Behind
WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Register<object>(this, (s, e) =>
var temp = subitems.Skip(subitems.IndexOf(e as ExplorerItem)+1).Take(20);
(e as ExplorerItem).IsLastItem = false;
foreach (var item in temp)
folder1.Children.Last().IsLastItem = true;
For complete code, please refer to this link.

Vue warn: Property or method "item" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render

im getting below error while i'm iterate CartItem.
Property or method "item" is
not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property
why this error is showing and how can i solve this.
[Note : this is a nativescript vue project]
v-for="(item, index) in cartItems"
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" col="0" row="0">
class="fa fas"
:text="'fa-trash' | fonticon"
<Image :src="item.imageUrl" height="80" width="auto"></Image>
<StackLayout col="1" row="0">
<Label :text="item.color" color="#999999"></Label>
<Label :text="'USD ' + item.price" color="red"></Label>
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" col="2" row="0">
class="operatorButton operatorBox"
class="operatorLabel operatorBox"
class="operatorButton operatorBox"
I don't see any error in your code but can you try using for instead of v-for. I see in this example, Listview is being using with for.
As per docs: If a v-for is used on a <ListView> a warning will be printed to the console, and it will be converted to the **for** property. you can read more about Listview with for here
for="(item, index) in cartItems"

Nested TabView in NativeScript Angular2

I'm trying to create a tabView on one of the pages in my application which is reachable by sidebar. I think that I have misunderstood the concept of TabView since I get this message:
Property binding tabItem not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the property name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "directives" section. ("<Label text="scanner"></Label>
<TabView class="tab">
[ERROR ->]<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Profile'}">
<Label text="first tab item"></Label>
The html code for creating the TabView is working if I paste it in my root html file (app.component.html).
This is how my sidedrawer html code looks like, where the ng-content is where the page is included when selected:
<RadSideDrawer [transition]="sideDrawerTransition" tkExampleTitle tkToggleNavButton>
<StackLayout tkDrawerContent class="sidedrawer-left">
<StackLayout class="extended-sidedrawer-header">
<Label text="Navigation Menu"></Label>
<StackLayout class="sidedrawer-content">
<Label text="Map" class="sidedrawer-list-item" [nsRouterLink]="['/map']" (tap)="closeDrawer()"></Label>
<Label text="Beacon" class="sidedrawer-list-item" [nsRouterLink]="['/beacon']" (tap)="closeDrawer()"></Label>
<Label text="Scanner" class="sidedrawer-list-item" [nsRouterLink]="['/scanner']" (tap)="closeDrawer()"></Label>
<Label text="Camera" class="sidedrawer-list-item" [nsRouterLink]="['/camera']" (tap)="closeDrawer()"></Label>
<ScrollView tkMainContent>
<StackLayout class="page">
<StackLayout (tap)="openDrawer()" horizontalAlignment="left">
<Label class="menu-icon" ></Label>
<Label class="menu-icon" ></Label>
<Label class="menu-icon" ></Label>

Xamarin forms xaml Listview not updating as per collection changes

Hi I am trying to update listView by adding and removing item from it. Adding Item in listview works fine in iOS and android well. But removing any item from it gives wrong out on android, it works perfect on iOS.
In Android : whenever I delete a item from listview it deletes from collection but on UI it deletes last item present on UI after deleting when I add once again it adds previously deleted item into list not new new fresh item. Please check code I used
<ListView RowHeight="100" HorizontalOptions="End" ItemsSource="{Binding GuidePrices, Mode=OneWay}" >
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
<controls:BindablePicker ItemsSource="{Binding Prices}" WidthRequest="150" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedProduct, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<Button Text="Add" IsVisible="{Binding Action}">
<b:EventToCommand CommandNameContext="{b:RelativeContext CampsiteViewPage}"
CommandParameter="{Binding}" />
<Button Text="Delete" IsVisible="{Binding Action, Converter={StaticResource cnvInvert}}">
<b:EventToCommand CommandNameContext="{b:RelativeContext CampsiteViewPage}"
CommandParameter="{Binding}" />
--ViewModel code for on add and delete command
this.AddPriceListCommand = new Command((s) =>
if (_guidePrices != null)
_guidePrices.Add(new PricesListModel() { ListId = Guid.NewGuid(), Action = false, Prices = _campsite.Guides[0].Prices });
this.DeletePriceListCommand = new Command((sender) => {
var _priseList = (from priceList in _guidePrices
where priceList == (PricesListModel)sender
select priceList).ToList();
I am not able find cause why this behave on android as same code works in ios as expected.
What is the type of _guidePrices? Removing an item from a List<T> does not update the UI. You need to use the ObservableCollction<T> or raise PropertyChanged event notify UI to update

GridView Control (Windows 8) incorrectly rendered

Here's the code for the GridView Control that I'm using (made on BlankPage App):
<GridView HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Name="gridView1" Margin="227,220,0,53" Width="1087">
<Button x:Name="XboxButton" Margin="10,10,10,10" Style="{StaticResource XboxButton}" Height="200" Click="SnappedXboxButton_Click_1"/>
<Button x:Name="PS3Button" Margin="10,10,10,10" Style="{StaticResource PS3Button}" Click="SnappedPS3Button_Click_1" />
<Button x:Name="PCButton" Margin="10,10,10,10" Style="{StaticResource PCButton}" Click="SnappedPCButton_Click_1" />
<Button x:Name="DSButton" Margin="10,10,10,10" Style="{StaticResource DSButton}" Click="SnappedDSButton_Click_1" />
<Button x:Name="PSPButton" Margin="10,10,10,10" Style="{StaticResource PSPButton}" Click="SnappedPSPButton_Click_1" />
<Button x:Name="ContactButton1" Margin="10,10,10,10" Style="{StaticResource ContactButton}" Click="SnappedContactButton_Click_1" />
<Button x:Name="PrivacyButton" Margin="10,10,10,10" Style="{StaticResource DisclaimerButton}" Click="SnappedPrivacyButton_Click_1"/>
The problem is when the app first loads it shows the GridView is shown like this:
(Please go here, since, I'm new, I'm not allowed to post images)
But when I click any item and GO BACK to the first page the render is fine as shown in this image:
Improve tour markup.
1. In the GridView define a style resource for buttons, or in app resources create a base style and then use it in each button style using BasedOn={StaticResource binding notation
2. Set the margin,width,height , as I see all buttons have same property values
3. Id you don't want GridView set width or height values automaticly, ensure you set the values in the styles