How to listen active dragging event of an UWP UIElement? - xaml

How to track/listen active dragging event of UI Element in UWP. I added the flat CanDrag=true to enable the drag feature. Using the DragStarting and DragLeave can identify the start and end of drag. But want to get the X,Y coordinate of the UIElement on dragging. Any recommendation to achieve that? I dont want to use RenderTransform for this.

I don't think it's possible in standard Drag'n'Drop flow.
There're few options but they look like a crutch.
You may use manipulations and subscribe to Delta event. That's where RenderTransform comes in.
You may start some time loop and get visual position each frame. (The most crutchy idea)
Try to play wih IsHitTestVisible and subscribe to PointMove of some FrameworkElement behind.
Subscribe to PointEntered and PointExited to the elements you dragging over so they could fire events.
I prefer the first one. It's simple and it's plane.


How to click through elements?

I have two shape at same position, not same color, and when i click over them, i want to fire click event on both, not just the first.
These two shapes are in the same container.
I have tried getObjectsUnderPoint() under stage.on("mousemove"), but this function increase my FPS (60 to 32~, and inside there are just a console.log), So it's not a good solution.
I tried the bubble, the useCapture, but i think it isn't what i want.
I just want to fire click on all element behind my mouse.
If someone have a solution, please.
There are a few points here:
EaselJS objects sort of work like HTML DOM Elements. If an element has a mouse handler on it it will block objects in other hierarchies below it from receiving the event. This is just how it works. The main difference is that if you don't have mouse events, then they are just ignored (like if you set the pointerEvents on an HTML element to none to have the mouse ignore it).
Your idea with getObjectsUnderPoint is what I would have recommended. Running any hit-test logic on mousemove is going to be expensive (mousemove fires a LOT, which is why we give the ability to throttle the typical mouseover check if you enableMouseOver on the stage).
A few things to optimize it:
Ensure you are using mode=2 on your getObjectsUnderPoint, which will only check objects with mouse listeners. This greatly reduces the overhead in checking. [docs]
Instead of checking the stage on your own mousemove event, set a flag to check it on tick. This throttles it to your Ticker FPS at least. You could also set an interval to check it even less often. It can create a little bit of a visible lag, but you can probably find a nice balance.
Reduce what is checked. If you have a container with your clickable elements in it, you can only check that object for mouse interaction.
If your objects are the exact same, you can also just trigger the click manually on the second item.
obj1.on("click", function(event) {
I hope those approaches provide you a solution. Let me know if you have follow-up questions.

Overlay in wxWidgets

I need a control
It should be asynchronous (should not block the launching thread).
It should block all the user interactions with background screen.
Backdrop shadow on background so that it gives the feeling of disabled interactions with background.
I tried wxBusyInfo. It solves my first requirement, but one can interact with background window.
Then I use the wxWindowDisabler with wxBusyInfo, It disables the background window. But looks like events are getting buffered while disabler is on and when I am destroying wxWindowDisabler object, buffered events are firing.
Then I found wxEventBlocker that can be used to block the events.
Is this the right way to achieve the requirements?
wxBusyInfo is the right class to do what you want, it doesn't dispatch events, so I'm not sure how do you manage to interact with anything while it is shown. Because it doesn't dispatch events -- even the repaint ones -- it's not recommended to show it for relatively long periods of time. If you need something more permanent, use wxProgressDialog.
Finally, wxEventBlocker is a rather special class which is only useful in very specific circumstances and this is not one of them.

Selecting Multiple Buttons by Sliding Finger Over Them

I'm trying to make it so that the buttons I have are selected whenever a finger passes over them on the screen. These buttons were added with fast enumeration (there are 20 of them), so I'm unsure of how exactly to do this.
There are various different properties on UIButton that you can use to achieve this. In particular what comes to mind is the isHighlighted and isSelected properties of the button. These are states on the button that you can manipulate to achieve the visual solution, and disable and enable the buttons as you want to make them press-able by the user. Also be sure to use the correct UIControlState you want. As in TouchUp, TouchDown etc...

Applescript and Cocoa window positions

I know that using Applescript I can change the size and position of any application's window, but is it possible to get a notification whenever a window has changed it size or position?
If thats not possible, then what I was thinking was making a thread in the background, and constantly check the positions of windows and see if they have changed, if they did then they moved.
But that would take a lot of cpu resources to constantly compare the positions/sizes of window. So is it possible? If not , is there a better way? Thanks!
I'm not sure but i think there isn't a notification for that.
I would listen for mouse events. When the mouse was dragged you can check the windoews for changes. Hope that helpa.

How to implement mouse dragging in Visual Basic?

I need to create a quick-n-dirty knob control in Visual Basic 2005 Express, the value of which is incremented/decremented by "grabbing" it with the mouse and moving the cursor up/down. Because the knob itself doesn't move, I need to keep tracking the mouse movement outside of the rectangle of the control.
I use a Label with an ImageList to implement this (I have a list of 127 bitmaps representing the knob in various positions).
Which events should I react to?
You need the control to handle three events: Mouse Down, Mouse Move and Mouse Up. On the Mouse Down event, you will need to capture the mouse. This means the mouse messages are sent to the control that has the capture. In the mouse move event, if the input is captured then update the displayed image depending on the amount the mouse moved. In the mouse up event, release the capture if the input is captured.
The boolean jjnguy suggests is unnecessary as the Capture property of a Control is readable so it's possible to determine if the capture has been set.
Your problem will be to determine which bitmap you have to display based upon the coordinates the mouse reports in the mouse_move event. You'll need to perform some magic to transform the coordinates and come up with a value that you can use to pick the right image.
It doesn't sound too complicated, just a little bit of trial and error in the math. Skizz has already show you how to capture the events.