SSRS grouping chart by parameter - sql

I have problem with grouping by parameter in my chart.
Let's assume query that gives data like below:
I would like to Group category in the cart based on parameter.
Parameter has value City or Country but it can be also different (no possibility to define constant list)
On the chart I should see (based on parameter):
Parameter: City
Parameter: Country
Is there any possibility to do it in SSRS?

Assuming your parameter has values of 0 and 1 where 0=Country and 1=City....
You just need to set the following items
The cell to be displayed ( in column 1 in your example)
The Group On expression of your row group
The Sort by expression of your row group
to the same expression, something like this...
=IIF(Parameters!groupColumn.Value =0, Fields!country.Value, Fields!city.Value)
Its the exact same expression in all three places.
If you can't get this working, let me know and I'll post an example but it's pretty simple.

You can do use an expression for group by:
select (case when parameter = 'City' then city
when parameter = 'Country' then country
end) as which,
from t
group by (case when parameter = 'City' then city
when parameter = 'Country' then country
That said, I think you should have separate queries in SSRS for the different values. Such parameterized queries are harder to optimize and harder to maintain.


Need to identify same characters between two columns' value in spark sql

I have two columns one is code and other one is category
Code: category
321 3210001
432 4320001
5314 5314001
6310 7480001
Based on the above code value is exactly the prefix of category value.
Now I have to write a spark sql query which should provide how many rows are categorized and non categorized
eg: if code and prefix of category values are matching, then it should be categorized else
it is non categorized.
from the above table, 4th row is non-categorized and rest of them are categorized
I am trying to use like, substring, len, case but I am not able to achieve this result.
Could someone please help me out on this?
assumed those columns are string , if not cast them to str by cast(column as string) in the same query below :
select case when instr(category , code) = 1
then 'Categorized'
else 'Non Categorized' end
, count(*) counts
from df
group by case when instr(category , code) = 1
then 'Categorized'
else 'Non Categorized' end

SQLite split column on another column's value

I have a database in which multiple variables appear as consecutive rows (shown below, variables differentiated by their tags). As a result, their values appear as consecutive rows in the 'value' column.
Existing table:
For data analysis, I need to split each variable's value into separate columns, as illustrated below.
The SQLite query is listed below. I have tried using GROUP BY tag and averaging the values, but the result becomes too granular to be useful.
Advice would be much appreciated!
( 'flow1.Val'
, 'flow2.Val'
, 'density1.Val'
, 'density2.Val'
't-1d' and 't'
timestep = '1h'
You can use conditional aggregation:
select time,
max(case when tag = 'flow1.Val' then value end) as flow1_val,
max(case when tag = 'flow2.Val' then value end) as flow2_val,
max(case when tag = 'density1.Val' then value end) as density1_val,
max(case when tag = 'density2.Val' then value end) as density2_val
from [archive]..[interp]
group by time
Depending on your actual requirement, you might want to use another aggregate function than max(), it you have more than one row for a given time/tag tuple.

ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments when using NVL

I have a column that gets the specific amount which has a condition like below.
I tried this one to get his specific value but I getting a multiple rows which it should be single row.
select distinct
when aila.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' and aila.tax_classification_code = 'VAT12 SERVICES' then to_char(aila.assessable_value) else '0'
end) as taxable_lines
ap_invoice_lines_all aila
aila.invoice_id = '31004'
then I tried this one to replace a null values.
select distinct
when aila.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' and aila.tax_classification_code = 'VAT12 SERVICES' then nvl(to_char(aila.assessable_value,0)) end) as taxable_lines
ap_invoice_lines_all aila
aila.invoice_id = '31004'
For example I have a table named ap_invoice_lines_all that has a columns name
line_type_lookup_code string
tax_classification_code string
assessable_value double
then the expected output I want based on the query I tried above is
taxable lines
but the one I get is
taxable lines
How do I remove the 0 in the result?
First off, you are using to_char wrong. This function should only have a single argument in this context:
should be
I would recommend against using a case expression like this in such a simple query to improve readability. Case expressions are great tools, but typically decrease the query readability. And in this particular instance, you don't really need an IF..THEN..ELSE function (which is the reason to use case expressions).
Secondly, are you sure there is only record where aila.invoice_id = '31004'? The query will only return two rows if there are actually two rows in the table where that clause is true. In this case it finds one row where assessable_value is null and one where it isn't.
In any case, to remove the zero (or in this case a null value) from the resultset, you can simply do this:
select distinct aila.assessable_value as taxable_lines
from ap_invoice_lines_all aila
where aila.invoice_id = '31004'
and aila.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' -- Originally a condition in the case statement
and aila.tax_classification_code = 'VAT12 SERVICES' -- Originally a condition in the case statement
and aila.assessable_value is not null; -- Removes any null values from the result
Or if you want null values to be replaced by a zero;
select distinct nvl(aila.assessable_value, 0) as taxable_lines
from ap_invoice_lines_all aila
where aila.invoice_id = '31004'
and aila.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' -- Originally a condition in the case statement
and aila.tax_classification_code = 'VAT12 SERVICES' -- Originally a condition in the case statement
Note that the distinct clause will cause all rows where assessable_value to be grouped into a single row if multiple rows are a possibility. Remove the distinct clause if you want all rows where assessable_value is null to show in the result as 0.
Lastly, you might want to think about implementing a primary key (if the table doesn't have one) or unique index on invoice_id, if there shouldn't ever be duplicate ids. And it's simply good practice to do so for ID columns which are used often in queries and should be unique.

SQL - Loop through a list and add to a variable using sql select statements

I have data loaded in a table called Trades. Now I need to query this table, find elements that satisfy a particular condition and produce the trade value amount.
Here is the requirement
TradeAmt = 0
Loop for all Trades
{IF TradeId is 35
If type = 'I'
ADD (TradeAmt =TradeAmt + col_TradeAmt )
ADD (TradeAmt = TradeAmt + col_TradeAmtOverlap )
Return TradeAmt
Row1: tradeid=35, type=I, col_TradeAmt=10, col_TradeAmtOverlap=20
Row2: tradeid=35, type=S, col_TradeAmt=30, col_TradeAmtOverlap=40
Output: TradeAmt=50
How can i write this using SQL statements.
Well, in SQL you don't really loop over a sequence.
You write a statement that describes what you want to get from the set of data (e.g. the Trades table).
In your case, you want to accumulate all the elements in some way and provide that accumulation as a result, you can do that by using an aggregate function like SUM.
Something along these lines probably could work. Note that I'm nesting two queries here, the inner one to decide which column to treat as the "Amount" to accumulate depending on the Type of the trade and also to filter only the trade with Id 35, and the outer query performs the sum aggregate of all amounts:
WHEN Type = 'I' THEN col_TradeAmt
ELSE col_TradeAmtOverlap
END "Amount"
FROM Trades
WHERE TradeId = 35) "TradeAmt";

SSRS CountRows of a specific Field containing a specific Value

I am building an SSRS report. I have a DataSet that contains several Fields, one of which is Doc_Type. Doc_Type can contain several values, one of which is 'Shipment'.
In my report, I want to count the number of Doc_Types that are equal to 'Shipment'. This is what I am using, and it is not working:
=CountRows(Fields!Doc_Type.Value = "Shipments")
The error I get is: "The Value expression for the textrun 'Doc_Type.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a dataset.
You need to use an IIF to evaluate your fields and SUM the results. If your expression is in a table, you could use this:
=SUM(IIF(Fields!Doc_Type.Value = "Shipments", 1, 0))
There are many ways to achieve this.
Method 1
You can set up your expression something like this
=SUM(IIf(Fields!Doc_Type.Value = "Shipments", 1, 0), "YourDataSetName")
Remember SSRS is case sensitive so put your dataset name and Field names correctly.
Method 2
I prefer handling it in SQL as I want to keep the business logic out of RDLs.
You can use window functions to get the shipment count.
Also notice in the case of count I haven't added ELSE 0 condition. Because that will give wrong results. Count doesn't care what is the value inside it. It just counts all Non Null values. ELSE NULL will work.
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3,
SUM(CASE WHEN Doc_Type = 'Shipments' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER() ShipmentCount_UsingSum
COUNT(CASE WHEN Doc_Type = 'Shipments' THEN 1 END) OVER() ShipmentCount_UsingCount
FROM myTable
WHERE .....
Now you can use this field in the report.