Where can I find the build for ActiveMQ Real Time? - activemq

There is a mention of ActiveMQ real time on the apache ActiveMQ site. But, I am unable to locate any builds for download.
Is it in alpha stage? Is there any way I can try it out?
I did see the activeblaze in the apache SVN repo. Is it expected that we check out the code, build and try?

According to this thread on the ActiveMQ user mailing list the project is "mothballed" (i.e. no longer maintained). That thread was back in 2014.
I joined the ActiveMQ project a few years ago, and I've never seen any development on or questions about any "real time" broker variant.


RabbitMQ crashes when entering UI

I was testing RabbitMQ using a script, I added 500,000 bindings to different routing keys on an exchange. Only when I try to enter the rabbit's UI - the exchange page, the page fails to load and the rabbit server crashes.
Is this a known issue? Is it a memory problem?
Is this a known issue? Is it a memory problem?
The answers are "No" and "Maybe".
You haven't given basic information like RabbitMQ, Erlang and operating system version. I'm assuming you have a script to add that many bindings. If you'd like to share the required information on the mailing list the team may be able to help out.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

Automatic timestamp generator plugin on RabbitMQ broker

I've searched a lot on Google or directly on Stackoverflow and I know that AMQP's timestamp message property must be filled by the producer.
But I want to know if there is some plugin that writes out on this parameter based on the broker's local timestamp automatic when the message is putted on each queue by a topic exchange.
I'm on a situation that neither producer's nor consumer's timestamps are reliable. Only the broker has a trustworthy watch.
I'm not an Erlang programmer but, if there is no known plugin to do that, I need some help. How could I start to write it myself?
I just need to:
Publish some message by someone who doesn't rely on his local timestamp.
Put this message on each queue mapped on my broker's topic exchange (with it's local timestamp, now I need only this step)
Finally, anyone for whom this message was addressed to is able to get the message and see the exact time this message landed on the broker.
I'm using RabbitMQ 3.3.4, Erlang R16B03, on an Ubuntu's new Amazon AWS machine.
First try official Plugin Development Guide. Also look through official and community plugins and their sources. In addition you can always googled any other rabbitmq plugins not listed in lists above. Finally, there are official RabbitMQ mailing list on google groups (replaced http://lists.rabbitmq.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rabbitmq-discuss).

ActiveMQ integration with Weblogic

I have been tasked with integrating ActiveMQ with Weblogic (v
I have downloaded ActiveMQ v 5.10.0, installed it upon the server and browsed to localhost:8161/admin in order to confirm that ActiveMQ is running.
I'm not sure how to progress from here in order to complete my goal. This link:
.. suggests that there are two approaches to deploying ActiveMQ on Weblogic: either deploying a broker as an application or using a J2EE Connector. I'm investigating the latter approach as I have now installed ActiveMQ on the server (which means that I already have a running broker, I assume) but can't find much useful information on the Net about how to do this.
This page:
... suggests that it can be done via a JCA Resource Adapter but again does not give any details on how to do it.
If anyone has any advice or guidance, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Did you try this: http://activemq.apache.org/how-to-deploy-activemq-ra-versionrar-to-weblogic.html?
You will have to grab the resource adapter from maven.
Not that your local installation will help you much expect for testing etc. You should deploy AMQ inside WebLogic if you want it to serve as the JMS layer of WebLogic - otherwise a totally standalone installation is fine. But then you're done, and I suspect you want the deployed version non the less.

NServiceBus - Messages are going to Error queue directly without processing

We have an issue with a windows service which uses nServiceBus. At some random moment, the nServiceBus stops processing messages and direct them directly to Error queue, and I have to restart the service. After the restart, the messages arrived in the input message queue are handled, and everything gets back to normal. If we re-drop the messages which were went to error queue, it is processing it successfully without any issue.
We are using log4net logs to audit the message flow and storing in DB. The NServiceBus Handler stops to log in log4net. After we restart the windows service (NServiceBus) then it start to log again. We are NOT able to redproduce this issue in development environment. We are suspecting this could be a NService Bus Memory Leak issue. But we don't know how to confirm this issue and resolve the same.
We are planning to move this Windows Service (NServiceBus) to different server as a trial and error basis. Did anyone face this issue ever and resolved it? Please help us to resolve this issue as it is causing more troubles in Production environment.
NServiceBus Version that we are using :
Message queue and windows service are in the same machine.
I believe you're running on a version of NServiceBus that is about 5 years old and is no longer supported. While I could give you the standard recommendation of upgrading to a more current release, it could very well be that some of the configuration APIs that you're using have been made obsolete so you may need to make some modifications there and/or in the app.configs.
I'm sorry to say that there probably isn't a better solution for you at this time.
In general, I'd suggest trying to track the NServiceBus releases somewhat more closely. If you're within 6-12 months of the current release, you should generally be in good shape.

How to receive tomcat critical alarms

As a recovery mechanism I need to write a software if my tomcat fails, I need to send email notification. Are there any api's supported from tomcat where I can receive critical events.
Any help on this regard would be very useful to me.
It depends: What do you consider a critical event?
Answering time above 2 sec/page?
Out of Memory
database not available
You should look for generic monitoring tools, nagios is a good starting point and there are lots of equally good alternatives, open source as well as commercial.
Then monitor your tomcat installation, e.g. through standard http, on jmx, on process/OS level. Include your infrastructure: Database, Apache, others.