Setting Apache mod_headers while we access directory any directory? - apache

I am using apache 2.2. I have to set header for home page url only. e.g If url is then I need to set header for this URL only. Could you please help me on this?
I have tried below things but no luck.
If condition used but not working for this version.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /
Header set ABC "abc"
Here, Header is setting for all URLs in the application


Can't find .htaccess file in mamp on Mac

I want to be able to send an authenticated requests via http header when I'm in localhost, but I can't do that before adding this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.)
RewriteRule . - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
to my .htaccess file, but I can't find the file. I have enable to see alle hidden files, but none of them is .htaccess. Hope you guys can help - Thank you.
PS I'm using this guide which tell me what to do to make send a http header reqeust when on localhost:
A .htaccess file won't be created by Apache automatically. You have to create it yourself (or use the regular configuration files, which would be slightly more efficient is the method recommended by the Apache documentation).

Apache mod_rewrite

I'm using Liferay 6.2 EE that runs on tomcat but it's fronted by an Apache server. I want to redirect users so that whenever they hit the old liferay URL, it redirects them to the new liferay URL. I changed the URL in liferay, so it is now the new URL. However, whenever I try to go to the old URL, I get a page request error. It never redirects me to the new URL. In /san/apache/conf/ I put my redirect code inside of httpd.conf. This my code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^group/old/(.*) /group/new/$1 [L]
After I applied these changes, I restarted the Apache server and it still doesn't work. I've tried a bunch of other combinations as well. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Is there some place else I have to make this change?
Ah, since your rewrite rule is lying in the server config file (instead of htaccess file), the mod-rewrite receives URLs with the leading slashes (/). So, the rule should be:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/group/old/(.*) /group/new/$1 [L]

Set x-frame-options to allow and disallow certain URLs to frame a page

I want to prevent my website from being clickjacked by someone else. So in my .htaccess file, I placed this code (which is working correctly):
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
My website is now secured from being iframed by any sites in the internet. However, I recently developed a mobile application that fetches pages under the about-us hosted in my website (my website contains www.mywebsite/about-us/author, www.mywebsite/about-us/company) to display the same details on the app. So what I did was I added the lines on my .htaccess file:
SetEnvIf REQUEST_URI ^about-us/$ aboutus_page
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN env=!aboutus_page
I want the rest of my pages to be free from being iframed except all pages under mywebsite/about-us/ "any page"
At least in Apache 2.4 %{REQUEST_URI} won't work for the usual SPA kind of URI. Use %{THE_REQUEST} instead. Then SetEnvIf is not as flexible so I recommend to use simply the // sections. Just tested the below and works:
<If "! %{THE_REQUEST} =~ /.*about-us.*/">
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
you can make a second htaccess file in folder "aboutus" where you allow xframe.
so it will override the outer htaccess file.
if you just want to allow xframes in company and auther you can put htaccess files there too.

hashtag in apache .htaccess

By using the following .htaccess
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$ /api/web/index.html#$1/$2 [R=301,NC,L]
When user types the following URL at their browser.
I'm expecting, Apache will perform internal redirection, and change the displayed URL at browser too (through R=301).
Changing the displayed URL at browser is important. This is to ensure index.html's JavaScript can parse the url correctly.
However, what I really get is
I will get Apache error.
Apache false thought that, I wish to fetch a file named 2 located in directory api/web/index.html%231/
Is there anything I can solve this through modifying .htaccess only?
The # is getting encoded as %23. Try using the NE flag in your rule:
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$ /api/web/index.html#$1/$2 [R=301,NC,L,NE]
the NE flag tells mod_rewrite not to encode the URI.

.htaccess Rewrite without changing URL

I have a site that's coded mainly in PHP, but I'm trying to rewrite my dynamic php URL's into static HTML URL's.
But I want the address bar to still remain as the static HTML link.
I'm trying to accomplish this through .htaccess (I have no access to httpd.conf as I'm hosted on a shared account). Here is what's written in my .httaccess file:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^inventory-search-([^.]+)-by-([^.]+).html$$1&by=$2 [R]
But I can't get the address bar to remain as the static HTML link.
Here is a link to show you what I mean:
What am I missing?
You need to remove both the R flag in your rewrite rule as well as the protocol/domain name:
RewriteRule ^inventory-search-([^.]+)-by-([^.]+).html$ /inventory.php?search=$1&by=$2 [L]
Both will cause the server to externally redirect the browser, telling it "what you were looking for is not at that URL, you need to go to this entirely different URL". The forces the browser to display the new location in its address bar.
If you internally rewrite it, the browser has no idea the URI that it sent as a request had been changed, therefore the address bar remains unchanged.