Qliksense REST Connector error: BAD_AUTH_CODE - api

I am trying QlikSense REST connector for connecting HubSpot's API. Following are the parameters I am using in REST connector as per HubSpot's documentation to generate access token:
method: POST
URL: https://api.hubapi.com/oauth/v1/token
authentication schema: Basic
skip server certificate validation: checked
:: query parameters ::
grant_type = authorization_code
client_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
client_secret = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
redirect_uri = https://www.example.com/
code = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (this is the same code i got after authorizing the access to my app using this [https://app.hubspot.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx&scope=contacts%20automation&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com/] )
Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Now here's what the problem is :
When I use a totally refreshed code = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for the first time and hit Test Connection on Qliksense REST window dialogue, I get connection successful but when I try to save that connection I get the following error
Now from this error, at first I thought maybe my auth_code has expired but when I do the same exercise again (getting a refresh AUTH_CODE), it (QlikSense) does the same thing i.e. at first tell me connection is successful and when I try to save it I again bump into the BAD_AUTH_CODE or error 400 (Bad Request).
F.Y.I. I have tested the API with the same parameters and setting in Postman, works like a charm but not here in QlikSense.
Any idea what's going on in here? I am sure it's not HubSpot it's something to do with the REST connector.

query parameters like "Content-Type" should be headers not query

Once you get the Access Token it should be passed to the API as a Header, not a parameter, as 'Authorization': 'Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}'


Getting back 401 from Dynamics 365 despite being issued valid token

I am attempting to rewrite a client app that currently connects to Dynamics 365 using JavaScript
let URL = "https://<company-name>.operations.dynamics.com/data/FinancialDimensionValues?cross-company=true";
let body = '';
var headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json'};
let response = ai.https.authorizedRequest(URL, 'GET', body, headers);
Currently this JavaScript application works and gets back JSON data. I am attempting to rewrite this application using C#. I am first starting with Postman to make sure I have all the authentication steps in place before moving on the writing the C# code.
Using Postman I am able to successfully obtain a JWT token using the "Client Credentials" flow where I pass the Client ID and the Client Secret to the Access Token Request URL. However, when trying to access an API endpoint within Dynamics 365 I receive back an HTTP 401 even though I am passing the JWT access token properly.
Here is the Access Token Request URL:
I am thinking that I must be authenticating properly or I would not get back a valid access token. Also since the JavaScript application already in place works without issue I am assuming that Dynamics 365 is provisioned properly to allow API access.
What I am trying to figure out is what I might be doing wrong within Postman that results in my receiving a 401? What could be different between the working JavaScript request and what I am sending via Postman?
Issue is finally solved.
As mentioned follow the documentation mentioned.
If you face 401 Error, here is the last trick.
In postman Under Authorization--> Add authorization data to--> select Request Headers.
Now fire the query you shall have the 200 ok.
Ref Article which helped me figure it out.

HTTP dataset credential error

In Azure Data Factory V2, I created a new http dataset an added a url and basic login details to connect to a https endpoint, when use the the Test Connection the response is "Connection successful"
When i try to "Preview data" it fails, the message from more is
The credential to read http file is invalid. Activity ID:89ae4de1-e6be-46fd-abb9-39360fe5323b.
How do i find out more about this error?
When I try the same url and basic login details in Postman I get back the expected results.
In Azure data factory, if basic auth type is specified, the http connector honor basic auth protocol, that means:
* It would send out a request without any credential first
* when the http server return 401 response with correct WWW-Authenticate header, it will continue enclose credential into next http request
So if your http server can't handle the request, you will get unauthorize error.
Postman can do it because postman ignored the first http request and send out the second one directly.
you can manually add header to your request:
Authorization: Basic ......
If you don't know how to generate it, you can copy it from postman, after passing credentials.

Unable to obtain LinkedIn Access Token using Authorization Code

I am unable to obtain a LinkedIn Access Token. My setup is as follows:
I have setup an app on LI with this redirect URL http://localhost:5000/home
I request authorization from LI and get a response with the 'code'.
In under 10 seconds, I copy the code query param out of the URL bar and paste it into Postman.
In Postman, I have a setup as follows:
POST /oauth/v2/accessToken HTTP/1.1
Host: www.linkedin.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_id=<client id>&
client_secret=<client secret>&
I have made multiple attempts but in response, I get the following error.
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Unable to retrieve access token: appid/redirect uri/code verifier does not match authorization code. Or authorization code expired. Or external member binding exists"}
We have a LI login deployment that suddenly stopped working and started returning this error. On simplifying the use case, I find that Postman does the same.
What gives? What am I doing wrong? This used to work!

Okta: Failed to get authorization code through API call

I'm integrating Okta to my own IdP server by using Okta's API.
I'm implementing the Authorization code flow by following the steps below:
In my own server, use the /api/v1/authn endpoint to get the sessionToken.
Use the sessionToken to obtain the authorization by calling this endpoint: /oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id=" + clientId + "&sessionToken=" + sessionToken + "&response_type=code&response_mode=query&scope=openid&redirect_uri=" + redirectUrl + "&state=evanyang&nonce="
It's supposed to return a response with status code 302 and with the Location header containing the redirect url as well as the code value.
However, I keep getting a response with status code 200 and without the Location header, with a html body saying "You are using an unsupported browser." and "Javascript is disabled on your browser."
According to the API documentation: http://developer.okta.com/docs/api/resources/oidc.html#authentication-request, the sessionToken parameter is sufficient to do this: An Okta one-time sessionToken. This allows an API-based user login flow (rather than Okta login UI).
Am I missing any extra requirement for getting the authorization code through API? Please help.
Thanks in Advance :)
The Authorization Code grant type and the Authorization endpoint in there are meant to be access through a browser, not a non-browser client.
This issue is caused by obtaining session id between obtaining session token and authorization code. Once the session token is used to get session id, it becomes invalid, which means it cannot be used to get authorization code anymore.
According to Okta, the Authorization Code grant type and the Authorization endpoint and be used through a API-based web app too, as long as the session token is provided in the request: http://developer.okta.com/docs/api/resources/oidc.html#authentication-request. In fact, one can use this script(https://github.com/SohaibAjmal/Okta-OpenId-Scripts) to finish the flow.

Sending JWT token in the headers with Postman

I'm testing an implementation of JWT Token based security based off the following article. I have successfully received a token from the test server. I can't figure out how to have the Chrome POSTMAN REST Client program send the token in the header.
My questions are as follows:
1) Am I using the right header name and/or POSTMAN interface?
2) Do I need to base 64 encode the token? I thought I could just send the token back.
For the request Header name just use Authorization.
Place Bearer before the Token. I just tried it out and it works for me.
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_STRING
Each part of the JWT is a base64url encoded value.
Here is an image if it helps :)
The postman team added "Bearer token" to the "authorization tab":
I am adding to this question a little interesting tip that may help you guys testing JWT Apis.
Its is very simple actually.
When you log in, in your Api (login endpoint), you will immediately receive your token, and as #mick-cullen said you will have to use the JWT on your header as:
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_STRING
Now if you like to automate or just make your life easier, your tests you can save the token as a global that you can call on all other endpoints as:
Authorization: Bearer {{jwt_token}}
On Postman:
Then make a Global variable in postman as jwt_token = TOKEN_STRING.
On your login endpoint:
To make it useful, add on the beginning of the Tests Tab add:
var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setGlobalVariable("jwt_token", data.jwt_token);
I am guessing that your api is returning the token as a json on the response as:
{"jwt_token":"TOKEN_STRING"}, there may be some sort of variation.
On the first line you add the response to the data varibale.
Clean your Global
And assign the value.
So now you have your token on the global variable, what makes easy to use Authorization: Bearer {{jwt_token}} on all your endpoints.
Hope this tip helps.
Something to read
About tests on Postman: testing examples
Command Line: Newman
CI: integrating with Jenkins
Nice blog post: master api test automation
Here is how to set token this automatically
On your login/auth request
Then for authenticated page
I had the same issue in Flask and after trying the first 2 solutions which are the same (Authorization: Bearer <token>), and getting this:
"description": "Unsupported authorization type",
"error": "Invalid JWT header",
"status_code": 401
I managed to finally solve it by using:
Authorization: jwt <token>
Thought it might save some time to people who encounter the same thing.
If you wish to use postman the right way is to use the headers as such
key: Authorization
value: jwt {token}
as simple as that.
Open postman.
go to "header" field.
there one can see "key value" blanks.
in key type "Authorization".
in value type "Bearer(space)your_access_token_value".
For people who are using wordpress plugin Advanced Access Manager to open up the JWT Authentication.
The Header field should put Authentication instead of Authorization
AAM mentioned it inside their documentation,
Note! AAM does not use standard Authorization header as it is skipped
by most Apache servers. ...
Hope it helps someone! Thanks for other answers helped me alot too!!
Everything else ie. Params, Authorization, Body, Pre-request Script, Tests is empty, just open the Headers tab and add as shown in image. Its the same for GET request as well.
I did as how moplin mentioned .But in my case service send the JWT in response headers ,as a value under the key "Authorization".
Authorization →Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJpbWFsIiwiZXhwIjoxNDk4OTIwOTEyfQ.dYEbf4x5TGr_kTtwywKPI2S-xYhsp5RIIBdOa_wl9soqaFkUUKfy73kaMAv_c-6cxTAqBwtskOfr-Gm3QI0gpQ
What I did was ,make a Global variable in postman as
in login request->Tests Tab, add
postman.setGlobalVariable("jwt", postman.getResponseHeader("Authorization"));
in other requests select the Headers tab and give
Somehow postman didn't work for me.
I had to use a chrome extension called RESTED which did work.
In Postman latest version(7++) may be there is no Bearer field in Authorization
So go to Header tab
select key as Authorization and in value write JWT
x-access-token on headers works for me.
key: x-access-token
value: token