(index):34 Uncaught TypeError: gooddata.login is not a function - gooddata

I am trying to do an inital setup of gooddata/d3js using gooddataJS sdk but it gives me this error:
"(index):34 Uncaught TypeError: gooddata.login is not a function"
Not sure why I am getting this error, I did exactly what was told oin get started for gooddataJS sdk and upon compiling it says cant find visualization.js.map and eventually goodata.login is not a function(I dont get any error for gooddata.js)
<html lang="en">
<body class="app" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="display:block">
<div id="root" class="app"></div>
<h1>GoodData JS Project Template</h1>
<!-- Dendencies of your project can be specified here -->
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../gooddata.js"></script>
<script src="../viz/gooddata-js/dist/gooddata.js"></script>
var projectId = 'n4qgebtg809vbi573dvat2s28rizwkm0',
user = "svs+analyticsimpl#eaab.com",
passwd = "svs>";
// Show login info
$('body').append('<div class="login-loader">Logging in...</div>');
gooddata.login(user, passwd).then(function() {
// Loged in
$('body').append('<div class="loading">Loading data...</div>');
gooddata.execution.getData(projectId, elements).then(function(dataResult) {

I believe you are calling the login method at wrong level. The "login" is part of "gooddata.user" not directly gooddata.
Your call should look like this:
gooddata.user.login(user, passwd).then(function()


Polymer 3.0 a11ySuite testing error

I am trying to get a11ySuite in Polymer 3.0 tests to work.
When I am running the test with polymer test, the tests times out, and I can see in the console of the automated browser the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Polymer is not defined
at Suite.a11ySuite.eachTest (a11ySuite.js:51)
at mocha.js:1550
at Object.exports.forEach (mocha.js:1595)
at Suite.eachTest (mocha.js:1550)
at Runner.grepTotal (mocha.js:1224)
at Runner.grep (mocha.js:1215)
at new Runner (mocha.js:1197)
at Mocha.run (mocha.js:592)
at _runMocha (extend.js:41)
at done (util.js:34)
If I am running in debug mode, from polymer serve url, I am getting this error:
a11ySuite.js:49 Uncaught TypeError: fixtureElement.create is not a function
at Suite.a11ySuite.eachTest (a11ySuite.js:49)
at mocha.js:1550
at Object.exports.forEach (mocha.js:1595)
at Suite.eachTest (mocha.js:1550)
at Runner.grepTotal (mocha.js:1224)
at Runner.grep (mocha.js:1215)
at new Runner (mocha.js:1197)
at Mocha.run (mocha.js:592)
at _runMocha (extend.js:41)
at done (util.js:34)
This is also preceded by a bunch of 404 coming from mocha, regarding lodash, sinonjs and test-fixture, assuming this is because it is ran in serve mode.
This is my test code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Verifier - a11y test</title>
<script src="../node_modules/#webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
<script src="../node_modules/web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="../src/verifier.js"></script>
<test-fixture id="BUVA11y">
<verifier id="verifier"></verifier>
suite('A11y testing', function() {
I can't find more information online, and the docs are very limited on this subject (actually not precise indeed).
a11ySuite was moved to wct-browser-legacy as of web-component-tester version 6.4.3. Given the "legacy" naming, I'm guessing it's deprecated. I assume it's used like this:
<script type="module">
import {a11ySuite} from 'wct-browser-legacy/a11ySuite.js';
a11ySuite('view1'); // "view1" == template name
But I could not get it to work in an otherwise clean polymer-3-starter-kit project (i.e., the a11ySuite property exists in the module but is always undefined). Setting up a breakpoint where that variable is defined, I can see that the variable is actually never set because the Mocha pre-require event handler is never invoked for whatever reason.
However, it appears that axe-core (via pwa-helpers) is the newest a11y testing tool to use in Polymer 3, based on the test code in pwa-starter-kit:
<script type="module">
import 'axe-core/axe.min.js';
import {axeReport} from 'pwa-helpers/axe-report.js';
suite('views a11y tests', function() {
test('my-view1', function() {
const el = fixture('view1');
return axeReport(el);

Server Rendering SyntaxError with React/Redux/Express

I'm trying to get my app rendering from the server and so was trying to implement the ServerRendering example from here: http://redux.js.org/docs/recipes/ServerRendering.html
I can successfully run server.js but I get an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" error # bundle.js:2 once I load up localhost. I believe it has to do with the renderFullPage() function:
function renderFullPage(html, initialState) {
return `
<!doctype html>
<title>Redux Universal Example</title>
<div id="root">${html}</div>
window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = ${JSON.stringify(initialState)}
<script src="/dist/bundle.js"></script>
If I remove the line <script src="/dist/bundle.js"></script> the error goes away, but then the counter doesn't work.
Here is the bundle.js that the error references:
It should be referencing bundle.js in my dist folder but it's not for some reason? If I make an index.html file exactly the same as what renderFullPage is returning, except getting rid of ${html} and
window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = ${JSON.stringify(initialState)}
then the counter works fine. When I do the server side rendering it seems like the client can't find the bundle.js code so creates one that has the exact same code as what it received from the server, and so there is an error as it runs into html when it's expecting javascript.
It's because your bundle.js contains HTML rather than your client-side scripts. Are you using a catch-all route and not letting it load your static assets? Your express.static middleware use call should go before this bit of code (middleware order matters).

AngularJS authentication - Incompatibility between directives?

I'm really new on Angular JS development and I'm trying to implement the following authentication module : https://github.com/witoldsz/angular-http-auth (more info at http://www.espeo.pl/2012/02/26/authentication-in-angularjs-application), to my project .
The module has been thought to allow the following scenario :
user asks for: something.com/secured/formXyz,
server sends a login form,
user logs in, fills a long and complicated form, but they are doing it so long that theirs session expires,
user submits a form, but since the session is not valid anymore, login screen appears,
once user logs in, server can process the submitted form, **no need to re-enter everything again**.
The solution to do such a thing is :
server side behavior :
for every /resources/* call, if user is not authorized, response a 401 status. Otherwise, when user is authorized or when not a /resources/* request, send what client asked for.
client side behavior :
capture 401 response,
save the request parameters, so in the future we can reconstruct original request,
create and return new object representing server’s future answer (instead of returning the original failed response),
broadcast that login is required, so application can react, in particular login form can appear,
listen to login successful events, so we can gather all the saved request parameters, resend them again and trigger all the ‘future’ objects (returned previously).
My project is a basic one, which uses the $route service. When I try to add the directive which catch the events :
angular.module('myApp', ['http-auth-interceptor','content-mocks'])
* This directive will find itself inside HTML as a class,
* It is responsible for showing/hiding login form.
.directive('authDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'C',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var login = elem.find('#login');
var main = elem.find('#main');
scope.$on('event:auth-loginRequired', function() {
scope.$on('event:auth-loginConfirmed', function() {
to my index.html :
<body ng-app='myApp' class='auth-directive'>
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<p class="chromeframe">You are using an outdated browser. Upgrade your browser today or install Google Chrome Frame to better experience this site.</p>
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js"></script>
<script src="components/json3/lib/json3.min.js"></script>
<div id="login" name="login">
<div id="main" name="main">
<div class="container" ng-view></div>
<script src="components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="components/angular-resource/angular-resource.js"></script>
<script src="components/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.js"></script>
<script src="components/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
<script src="components/angular-http-auth/angular-mocks-1.0.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="components/angular-http-auth/http-auth-interceptor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="scripts/app.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/controllers/main.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/directives/login-directive.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/mocks/content-mocks.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
The directive ngView doesn't work anymore. Nothing appears on console log. Is there any incompatibility between the two directives ?
By the look of your login-directive files it seems that you are (improperly) reinitialising you Angular app by passing the dependencies array as a second parameter to your angular.module call:
angular.module('myApp', ['http-auth-interceptor','content-mocks'])
Dependencies should be defines only once, when app is initialised (probably in app.js), and when you want to reference your application in another file you should call the angular.module without the second parameter:
.directive('authDirective', function() { ...

Google Plus Signin 'Unknown RPC service: widget-interactive-I0_1370237493291'

Sorry for such a noob question.
I just followed following google plus signin's Step1 to Step4.
The signin seemed to succeed, while an error 'Unknown RPC service: widget-interactive-I0_1370237493291' emerged. Here are the console logs on Chrome.
XHR finished loading: "https://plusone.google.com/_/scs/apps-static/_/js/k=oz.connect.en_US.B31L_d…sv=1/d=1/ed=1/am=GA/rs=AItRSTOhxGvE7YZFbwjOy6nLkxCnNjz3og/cb=gapi.loaded_1". signin:15
XHR finished loading: "https://plusone.google.com/_/scs/apps-static/_/js/k=oz.gapi.en.hgKKOofQjvI.…sv=1/d=1/ed=1/am=EQ/rs=AItRSTOeNwU4i5ApX9gPGjnZ0AzovKWmWw/cb=gapi.loaded_0". signin:15
Unknown RPC service: widget-interactive-I0_1370237493291 cb=gapi.loaded_0:71
signed in
I think the error is about something incomplete. I cannot figure out what the exactly the error is and how to get it clear. What am I missing?
Here is the code. The origin is http://localhost:3000
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<span id="signinButton">
<script type="text/javascript">
function signinCallback(authResult) {
if (authResult['access_token']) {
// Successfully authorized
// Hide the sign-in button now that the user is authorized, for example:
document.getElementById('signinButton').setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
console.log('signed in');
} else if (authResult['error']) {
// There was an error.
// Possible error codes:
// "access_denied" - User denied access to your app
// "immediate_failed" - Could not automatically log in the user
// console.log('There was an error: ' + authResult['error']);
<!-- Place this asynchronous JavaScript just before your </body> tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/client:plusone.js';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
I had the same problem when I was trying that code sample. When trying to figure it out, I found this post:
in the Google+ Developers Forum that seems to indicate that it's not really an 'error' but some kind of warning. If I find out more, I'll post an update here.
Hope this helps.

SignalR Undefined is not a function

I have the following in my layout
<script src="#System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/Scripts/js")"></script
<script src="#Url.Content("~/signalr/hubs")" type="text/javascript"></script>
and in the Global.asax Application_Start()
SignalR works fine but it's throwing an error
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
So it doesn't work well with bundles or is there something else?
Obviously the
<script src="#System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/Scripts/js")"></script
is not working and after some experiments i've solved it by moving signalr scripts to different folder (Scripts/signalr) and used the following in my _Layout.cshtml file.:
<script src="#System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/Scripts/js")"></script>
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/signalr/jquery.signalR-0.5.3.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="#Url.Content("~/signalr/hubs")" type="text/javascript"></script>
Just add ; in signalr-x.x.x.js after
...{ n.signalR.version = "1.1.2" }(window.jQuery).
The result string is:
...{ n.signalR.version = "1.1.2" }(window.jQuery);