easy way to generate & manage ssl certificate manager kubernetes? - ssl

I want to generate SSL certificate automatically on Kubernetes. My site is already up and running but it is on HTTP:// not on HTTPS:// so which is the best way to provide them and generate the SSL certificate automatically.
I am new to k8s and learning. If the first time I manually install it then also the next time if the pod gets recreated the certificate will be deleted.
So suggest me easy way to manage certificate manager on K8s

A few of options I can think of:
You can try the certificate manager with Letsencrypt certificates.
You can try an a Kubernetes Ingress with an ingress controller like nginx also with Letsencrypt and this described here.
You can try a Traefik ingress controller also with Letsencrypt.


Using HTTP2 with GKE and Google Managed Certificates

I am using an Ingress using Google-managed SSL certs mostly similar to what is described here:
However my backend service is a grpc service that is using HTTP2. According to the same documentation if I am using HTTP2 my backend needs to be "configured with SSL".
This sounds like I need a separate set of certificates for my backend service to configure it with SSL.
Is there a way to use the same Google managed certs here as well?
What are my other options here? I am using, Google managed certs for the Ingress not to manage any certs on my own, if I then use self signed certificates for my service, that kind of defeats the purpose.
i don't think it's required to create SSL for the backend services if you are terminating the HTTPS at LB level. You can attach your certs to at LB level and the backed-end will be HTTPS > HTTP.
You might need to create SSL/TLS new cert in case there is diff version ssl-protocols: TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3, Cipher set in your ingress controller configmap which you are using Nginx ingress controller, Kong etc.
If you are looking for End to End HTTPS traffic definitely you need to create a cert for the backend service.
You can also create/manage the Managed certificate or Custom cert with Cert manager the K8s secret and mount to deployment which will be used further by the service, in that case, no need to manage or create the certs. Ingress will passthrough the HTTPS request to service directly.
In this case, it will be an end-to-end HTTPS setup.
Update :
Note: To ensure the load balancer can make a correct HTTP2 request to
your backend, your backend must be configured with SSL. For more
information on what types of certificates are accepted, see Encryption
from the load balancer to the backends ." end to end tls seems to be a
requirement for HTTP2
This is my site https://findmeip.com it's running on HTTP2 and terminating the SSL/TLS at the Nginx level only.
Definitely, it's good to go with the suggested practice so you can use the ESP option from the Google, setting GKE ingress + ESP + grpc stack.
If not want to use ESP check above suggested :
You can Mount Managed certificate to
deployment which will be used further by the service, in that case, no
need to manage or create the certs. In other words, cert-manager will create/manage/re-new SSL/TLS on behalf of you in K8s secret which will used by service.
Google Managed Certificates can only be used for the frontend portion of the load balancer (aka client to LB). If you need encryption from the LB to the backends you will have use self-signed certificates or some other way to store said certificates on GKE as secrets and configuring the Ingress to connect to the backend using these secrets.
Like this https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/ingress-xlb#setting_up_https_tls_between_client_and_load_balancer

Kubernetes: mount certificate to pod

I'd like to deploy an ldap server on my kubernetes cluster. The server itself is up and running, but I'd like to enable SSL encryption for it as well.
I already have cert-manager up and running and I also use a multitude of SSL certificates with my ingresses with my HTTP traffic. It would be really nice if I could just use a CertificateRequest with my ldap server as well, managed and updated by cert-manager.
My problem is I have no idea how to mount a Certificate to my kubernetes pod. I know that cert-manager creates a secret and puts the certificate data in it. The problem with that is I have no idea of the validity of that certificate this way, and can't remount/reapply the new certificate.
Has anybody done anything like this? Is there a non-hacky way to incorporate ingresses to terminate SSL encryption?

SSL/TLS certificates management in Kubernetes

We have 10 different kubernetes pods which runs inside a private VPN, this pods are HTTP serving endpoints(not HTTPS). But this services would interact with HTTPS serving endpoints. Logically to make call to HTTP-S serving endpoints from a HTTP serving pod , the SSL server certificate trust is required. Hence we decided to store the SSL certificates inside each HTTP Service pods to make call to HTTPS serving pods.
I am wondering is there are any alternative approaches for managing SSL certificates across different pods in Kubernetes cluster? How about kubeadm for K8s certificate management ... any suggestions ?
This is more of a general SSL certificate question rather than specific to Kubernetes.
If the containers/pods providing the HTTPS endpoint already have their SSL correctly configured and the SSL certificate you are using was purchased/generated from a known, trusted CA (like letsencrypt or any one of the known, trusted certificate companies out there) then there is no reason your other container apps that are making connections to your HTTPS endpoint serving pods would need anything special stored in them.
The only exception to this is if you have your own private CA and you've generated certificates on that internally and are installing them in your HTTPS serving containers. (Or if you are generating self-signed certs). Your pods/containers connecting to the https endpoints would then need to know about the CA certificate. Here is a stackoverflow question/answer that deals with this scenario:
How do I add a CA root certificate inside a docker image?
Lastly, there are better patterns to manage SSL in containers and container schedulers like Kubernetes. It all depends on your design/architecture.
Some general ideas:
Terminate SSL at a load balancer before traffic hits your pods. The load balancer then handles the traffic from itself to the pods as HTTP, and your clients terminate SSL at the Load Balancer. (This doesn't really tackle your specific use case though)
Use something like Hashicorp Vault as an internal CA, and use automation around this product and Kubernetes to manage certificates automatically.
Use something like cert-manager by jetstack to manage SSL in your kubernetes environment automatically. It can connect to a multitude of 'providers' such as letsencrypt for free SSL. https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager
Hope that helps.

Emtpy "ca.crt" file from cert-manager

I use cert-manager to generate TLS certificates for my application on Kubernetes with Let's Encrypt.
It is running and I can see "ca.crt", "tls.crt" and "tsl.key" inside the container of my application (in /etc/letsencrypt/).
But "ca.crt" is empty, and the application complains about it (Error: Unable to load CA certificates. Check cafile "/etc/letsencrypt/ca.crt"). The two other files look like normal certificates.
What does that mean?
With cert-manager you have to use the nginx-ingress controller which will work as expose point.
ingress nginx controller will create one load balancer and you can setup your application tls certificate there.
There is nothing regarding certificate inside the pod of cert-manager.
so setup nginx ingress with cert-manager that will help to manage the tls certificate. that certificate will be stored in kubernetes secret.
Please follow this guide for more details:
I noticed this:
$ kubectl describe certificate iot-mysmartliving -n mqtt
Message: Certificate issuance in progress. Temporary certificate issued.
and a related line in the docs:
They explain that the two existing certificates are generated for some compatibility, but they are not valid until the issuer has done its work.
So that suggests that the issuer is not properly set up.
Edit: yes it was. The DNS challenge was failing, the debug line that helped was
kubectl describe challenge --all-namespaces=true
More generally,
kubectl describe clusterissuer,certificate,order,challenge --all-namespaces=true
According to the documentation, cafile is for something else (trusted root certificates), and it would probably be more correct to use capath /etc/ssl/certs on most systems.
You can follow this guide if you have Windows Operating System:
Article is about how to enable Mosquitto and clients to use the TLS protocol.
Establishing a secure TLS connection to the Mosquitto broker requires key and certificate files. Creating all these files with the correct settings is not the easiest thing, but is rewarded with a secure way to communicate with the MQTT broker.
If you want to use TLS certificates you've generated using the Let's Encrypt service.
You need to be aware that current versions of mosquitto never update listener settings when running, so when you regenerate the server certificates you will need to completely restart the broker.
If you use DigitalOcean Kubernetes try to follow this instruction: ca-ninx, you can use Cert-Manager and ingress nginx controller, they will work like certbot.
Another solution is to create the certificate locally on your machine and then upload it to kubernetes secret and use secret on ingress.

http to https in EC2 apache2 in AWS

I'm trying to have https for a website which is hosted in AWS EC2. I have followed the steps mention in the following link.
But still its showing the privacy thing to all user who are visiting the website. How can make the certificate as trusted or how long it will take Amazon to make it a trusted one.
Please help me to solve this. I'm stuck with this for last 2 days. Answers will be appreciated and Thank you.
You can use AWS Certificate Manager to issue free SSL certificate signed by AWS Certificate Authority. However for this to work, you need to use a Load Balancer and attach the certificate to the Load Balancer which will forward the traffic to the EC2 instance.
Depending on your requirements you may wish to use SSL termination on an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) instead.
This involves creating a free AWS certificate and an ELB. Attach both your instance the certificate to the ELB with HTTPS forwarded to port 80 on your instance.
Then just point your DNS name to the ELB. If you're using Route53 then you can just use an A-record alias.
Edit: If you want to automatically direct HTTP to HTTPS you'll need to check the X-Forwarded-Proto header in Apache's .htaccess file. More information here.
The certificate which you are using is a "Self Signed Certificate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-signed_certificate)".
In order to get rid of insecure certificate or privacy issues on HTTPS, you need to get your CSR signed from a trusted CA like Comodo, Godaddy etc.
Ref -
In case you want free verified SSL certificates, "letsencrypt" is the way to go.
You don't need to pay anyone for a certificate. Just use LetsEncrypt and their CertBot ACME client. The CertBot automates the task of issuing and renewing certificates.
LetsEncrypt is the leading free SSL certificate authority (CA) and their certs are as good as any paid cert.