Maximo UI SQL Select Month - sql

I am trying to write a query using SQL in the Maximo 7.5 UI advanced search function which will return data from the month before the month in which the query was run. I want to save this query and make it available to users who will run the query without editing it. For example, if a user ran the saved query on 1/25/2019, the query would return all records for which the date was any day in December 2018. I have previously used "where actfinish >= sysdate-30" but the length on months varies and I cannot rely on the users (who do not write SQL) to always run the query on the first day of each month, so I need the query to filter by the previous month. The field I am filtering on is a DATE field, but in the DB it looks like DD-MMM-YY.

Your current where actfinish >= sysdate-30 will return data from the current month, as well as the issues you mentioned.
You can do something like:
where actfinish >= add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'MM'), -1)
and actfinish < trunc(sysdate, 'MM')
The trunc(sysdate, 'MM') gives you midnight on the first day of the current month. The first clausesubtracts a month from that, so gives you midnight on the first day of the previous month; the second clause prevent any record from this month being included.
You can check what those evaluate to by querying the terms outside your real query:
alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';
select sysdate,
add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'MM'), -1) as month_from,
trunc(sysdate, 'MM') as month_to
from dual;
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
2019-01-25 12:59:53 2018-12-01 00:00:00 2019-01-01 00:00:00
The alter session is just to make the client format the results in a particular way, instead of explicitly doing to_char().
When you said "in the DB it looks like DD-MMM-YY", it doesn't actually look like that in the database; when you query the date values your client is formatting the dates like that, so your NLS_DATE_FORMAT is probably set to the still-default DD-MON-RR model. (And it's MON in Oracle, not MMM - see the format model elements in the docs.)

Your solution will depend on the type of database that is being used.
For SQL Server, we have used logic along the following lines:
actfinish between dateadd(day,1,eomonth(dateadd(month,-2,getdate()))) and eomonth(dateadd(month,-1,getdate()))
(identify the last day of the previous month and the last day of the month before that + 1 day)
For Oracle, the equivalent would be:
trunc(actfinish,'MONTH') = add_months(trunc(sysdate,'MONTH'),-1)
(identify the year and month associated with last month and compare that against the target date components - trunc month function removes the time and day of month components so making comparisons easier)

I have previously used "where actfinish >= sysdate-30" but the length
on months varies.
By "length of month", do you mean the number of days for each month (e.g. 30, 31, 28, 29) or just a formatting issue with the month? If I understood your question correctly, you can convert the date to character then convert that to date and Oracle will take care of the change in the number of days. For example, something like:
where to_date(to_char(actfinish, 'mm/dd/yyyy')) >= to_date(to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy'))-30
where to_date(to_char(actfinish), 'mm/dd/yyyy') >= to_date(to_char(sysdate), 'mm/dd/yyyy')-30
I don't have Maximo installed on my personal laptop so you can try the two I listed above.


sql condition to not include 4712 date

I always have an issue with date transformation. Can someone guide and help me understanding the date transformation.
I am using the below code in Oracle Fusion HCM Extract tool and I am getting the correct output
and != 'Banked Time - Disbursement'
and (TO_DATE(trunc(start_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD')
>= TO_DATE((select trunc((sysdate),'month') as FirstDay from dual),'YYYY-MM-DD'))
but it is giving me data that has start_date as '4712-12-31' as well. I do not want this in my output. as soon as i add the below condition -
and (TO_DATE(trunc(start_date) ,'YYYY') != TO_DATE('YYYY','4712'))
I am not getting any output. How do I restrict the 4712 date in the start_Date column i.e. whichever data has 31-12-4712 in start_date should not come in output.
Assuming that there will be no higher values then you want:
AND start_date < DATE '4712-12-31'
Note: NEVER use TO_DATE on a value that is already a DATE data type.
Which would make your query:
AND != 'Banked Time - Disbursement'
AND start_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MM')
AND start_date < DATE '4712-12-31'
If you don't supply all the date elements then Oracle defaults to the first day of the current month; so TO_DATE('YYYY','4712') evaluates to 4712-04-01, not 4712-12-31 or 4712-01-01.
If you want a fixed date then it's easier to use a literal: DATE '4712-12-31', or possibly - given the range of valid dates Oracle allows - you really want DATE '-4712-01-01' (or DATE '-4712-12-31'). I'd check the full actual value you have in your data with TO_CHAR(start_date, 'SYYYY-MM-DD'). That will show you if it's BC/BCE (with a negative value) or AD/CE (with a positive value).
Also, do not use TO_DATE() for a value that is already a date; it might work, or it might do odd things. You don't need to do that. When you do TO_DATE(trunc(start_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD') you're implicitly doing TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(trunc(start_date), <NLS_DATE_FORMAT>) ,'YYYY-MM-DD') - which relies on the current session's NLS settings. Even if it works today, for you, it will break one day someone else.
Just trunc(start_date) and `trunc(sysdate, 'month') is enough. Though there's no point truncating the start_date really - if the truncated value is after the start of the month, so is the original non-truncated value.

Default Day using to_Date with time only

I was trying to get a date in oracle with today's date plus a provided time (hours and minutes)
The query was:
select TO_DATE ('02:03', 'hh24:mi') from dual
I was surprised by the result:
01/08/2017 02:03:00
It seems that the day is defaulted to the 1st of the month (I tried this on 3rd of the month) but the month and year are preserved.
Is that something expected or documented anywhere?
I think you can find the answer here
If you specify a date value without a date, then the default date is
the first day of the current month.

How does date manipulation/comparison/grouping work in SQL queries?

I need to analyze an SQL query (and construct its equivalent in MDX). I'm not familiar with SQL and can't access the database, so there are 5 simple things I can't figure out:
What does the part WHERE idate BETWEEN trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-7 AND trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-3 mean? Specifically:
What does subtracting 7 from trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw') do? Subtract 7 weeks or 7 days? I understand the trunc(...) expression is a value 0-53 corresponding to the week of the year, but it seems to clash with the label "previous week" and stated purpose of the query.
How does SQL compare dates? Are the values from trunc(...) evaluated as dates during comparison?
The query seems to group rows together if they happened in the same minute. However, the few rows of output I can see have 10-minute granularity (00:00, 00:10, 00:20, etc.) Is there something in the query that groups rows into 10 minute intervals, or is this a result of the input data?
Why are calls to substr() and to_char() and needed in the group by condition? What would happen if trunc(idate, 'HH24:MI') was used instead?
What does the pm do? There is also a cm that seems to have a similar function. Are these part of the temporary table names?
Finally, how do the hash marks (#) affect this query? I read it might be to signify temporary tables. If so, are these temporary tables created manually, or does something in the query cause them to be created?
For reference here is the query. (On a Oracle database, if it makes any difference.) Its purpose is to "analyze how firewall accept events are trending compared to last week":
SELECT 'Previous Week Average' AS term ,
Substr(To_char(idate, 'HH24:MI'), 0, 4)
|| '0' AS event_time ,
Round(Avg(tot_accept)) AS cnt
FROM st_event_100_#yyyymm-1m#
WHERE idate BETWEEN trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-7 AND trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-3 #stat_monitor_group_query#
FROM st_event_100_#yyyymm#
WHERE idate BETWEEN trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-7 AND trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-3 #stat_monitor_group_query# ) pm
GROUP BY substr(to_char(idate, 'HH24:MI'), 0, 4)
|| '0'
SELECT 'Today' AS term ,
substr(to_char(idate, 'HH24:MI'), 0, 4)
|| '0' AS event_time ,
round(avg(tot_accept)) AS cnt
FROM st_event_100_#yyyymm# cm
WHERE idate >= trunc(SYSDATE) #stat_monitor_group_query#
GROUP BY substr(to_char(idate, 'HH24:MI'), 0, 4)
|| '0'
event_time ASC
iw truncates the date to the first day of the calendar week as defined by the ISO 8601 standard, which is Monday. When you subtract numbers from the date, it is always the number of days. So, idate BETWEEN trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-7 AND trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-3 gives you those dates that fall between previous week's Monday and Friday.
to_char(idate, 'HH24:MI') gives you the time(hour and minute) part in 24hr format. Ex: 14:33. By using substrin to extract only 4 characters, you are actually getting 14:3. So yes, this groups with a granularity of 10 mins.
You cannot write trunc(idate, 'HH24:MI'). It can only have 1 precision specifier.
If you write trunc(idate,'HH24'), it truncates to the hour. If you use MI, it truncates to the minute. So, to truncate it to 10 mins is a little tricky.
pm is just an alias for the whole subquery.
FROM st_event_100_#yyyymm-1m#
WHERE idate BETWEEN trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-7 AND trunc(SYSDATE, 'iw')-3 #stat_monitor_group_query#
# is part of the table anme in your query. It has no significance as such. But, it might be project/company specific.

How would you truncate or limit the results of a date result you are adding time to? (Oracle SQL)

So I am doing a homework project where I have to display the current date, and then the date for three months from now, which I have done with this:
SELECT CURRENT_DATE AS "Today's Date", LOWER(ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE, 3)) AS "Today, Three Months Hence" FROM dual;
and again with this:
SELECT CURRENT_DATE AS "Today's Date", LOWER(CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '3' MONTH)AS "Today, Three Months Hence" FROM dual;
Today's Date
Today, Three Months Hence
What I am wondering is if there is a way to display the results of the future date where it only shows the month and nothing else, (i.e. no day or year). Is this possible in Oracle, or am I just looking to try the impossible?
You just need to specify the display format, which you should really do anyway instead of relying on your session defaults:
AS "Today, Three Months Hence",
TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE, 3), 'Month') AS "Three Months Hence"
FROM dual;
| 06/02/2014 | 2014-05-06 | May |
Simple SQL Fiddle.
The available date format model elements are shown in the documentation.
A date value is actually stored as a number in database, not a character string. What you see in your result is the default date format interpretation of your session.
To change the way your date fields are displayed, you need to use to_char function.
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM') from dual;
'MM' parameter here stands for month, which is what you asked. It is a format string to convert a date into a character string. For a list of your options with format string, a simple google search will help you.
OK, I was looking at an example about to_char and finally sorted it out:
SELECT CURRENT_DATE AS "Today's Date", TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE, 3), 'month') AS "Today, Three Months Hence" FROM dual;
This is similar to the answer provided by Alex. I did notice that when I type in month in lower case the result is also in lower case, and when it type it in as MONTH, in upper case, the result is then in upper case, which is good to know. This wasn't required, but I was curious.

Oracle to_date function with quarter-format

I need to find some records created in a range of quarters. For example, I'm looking for all records created between the 4th quarter of 2008 and the 1st quarter of 2010. I have this in my WHERE-clause:
...and r.record_create_date between to_date('2008 4','YYYY Q')
and to_date('2010 1','YYYY Q')
but Oracle says: ORA-01820: format code cannot appear in date input format. The Q is a valid date format symbol, so I'm not sure what's happened. Is this even a valid way to find values in between calender quarters, or is there a better way?
Also interesting, and possibly related, if I execute this:
select to_date('2009','YYYY') from dual;
The value displayed in my IDE is 2009-08-01. I would have expected 2009-08-04, since today is 2010-08-04.
select to_date('2009 1','YYYY Q') from dual;
of course, fails.
(Oracle 10g)
Oracle says: ORA-01820: format code cannot appear in date input format. The Q is a valid date format symbol, so I'm not sure what's happened.
See the second column of table 2.15 at Not all format elements are allowed when converting to dates, timestamps, etc.
I recommend against using between for date range checks. People often will miss values within the ending day that the expect to be included. So I would translate:
and r.record_create_date between to_date('2008 4','YYYY Q')
and to_date('2010 1','YYYY Q')
and to_date('2008-10-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') <= r.record_create_date
and record_create_date < to_date('2010-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') -- < beginning of 2Q2010.
Someone asked the same question on OTN:
The crux of the issue is that you can not specify "Q" in the TO_DATE function.
Given that you're already specifying a portion of the date, why not provide the entire date? Mind too that to_date('2010 1','YYYY Q') would give you Jan 1st, 2010 when you really want March 31st, 2010... at a second to midnight.
Since the relationship between quarters to months is one-to-many, it doesn't make sense to do TO_DATE('2008 1', 'yyyy q'); what date should be returned? The first of the quarter, the end of the quarter, ...? (On the other hand, converting a date to a quarter - like TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyy q') makes sense because a specific date only exists in one quarter.)
So, if you do want a query that looks for a date that falls between two quarters, you will have to "rolll your own" (explicitly stating the dates of the start/end of a quarter.)
As a side note, in case anyone is considering not using TO_DATE please do not use things like: WHERE date_value BETWEEN 'date string1' and 'date string2' without the TO_DATE function. It assumes a default date format and under certain situations can avoid potentially useful indexes altogether.
Below is one example where the same query can have a different result.
select sysdate from dual where sysdate between '1-Jan-10' and '31-Dec-10';
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
Session altered.
SQL> select * from dual where sysdate between '1-Jan-10' and '31-Dec-10';
no rows selected
(Notice that in the second instance no error is returned. It just assumes Jan 10, 0001 and Dec. 10th, 0031.)
I think the best way is to just input the quarter start date and quarter end dates without even bothering with to_date. I think if you use
between '1-Jan-10' and '31-Dec-10'
for example, then you don't (in Oracle I believe) need to_date and it isn't much more difficult than typing in the quarter number
To calculate in Oracle the first day of a quarter and the last day of a quarter from the year and quarter:
I Use the fact
start_month= -2 + 3 * quarter
last_month = 3 * quarter
variable v_year number
variable v_quarter number
exec :v_year :=2017
exec :v_quarter:=4
select :v_year as year,
:v_quarter as quarter,
to_date(:v_year||to_char(-2+3*:v_quarter,'fm00'),'yyyymm') as quarter_start,
last_day(to_date(:v_year||to_char(3*:v_quarter,'fm00')||'01 23:59:59','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')) as quarter_end
from dual a;
2017| 4|2017-10-01 00:00:00|2017-12-31 23:59:59