lodash js function for check or value is higher or maybe less then zero - lodash

I use this condition quite often on my code base. Maybe exist lodash function for that:
note: totalDiscount can be undefined
const hasDiscount = totalDiscount > 0 || totalDiscount < 0

Since lodash has only three methods on the Number type and Object ones are not suitable to have the code prettier, I would not look specifically for lodash.
Why don't you extract the condition in your own module, or you could even extend lodash object withour your own method like this:
_.extend(_.constructor.prototype, {
hasDiscount: function(discount) {
return discount > 0 || discount < 0;
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash#4.17.11/lodash.min.js"></script>

You can use plain javascript
const hasDiscount = Boolean(totalDiscount)
If totalDiscount is undefined, null or 0, then hasDiscount will be false.
In all other cases, totalDiscount will equal to true.


How to create v-autocomplete which first shows items startsWith and then shows items indexOf

I would like to create a vuetify autocomplete with a custom filter that first shows the hits that start with the searchtext and then show the hits that not start with the searchtext, but have the searchtext somewhere in the middle.
I now have a custom filter like this, but this filter is not prioritizing words that start with the searchtext:
customFilter(item, queryText) {
const textOne = item.description.toLowerCase();
const textTwo = item.code.toLowerCase();
const searchText = queryText.toLowerCase();
return (
textOne.indexOf(searchText) > -1 || textTwo.indexOf(searchText) > -1
Codepen (Type 'ma' for example)
I believe you need to sort it manually, filter returns only true/false whether item is a match.
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/36114029/1981247
var _sortByTerm = function (data, term) {
return data.sort(function (a, b) {
// cast to lowercase
return a.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) < b.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) ? -1 : 1;
Then pass sorted array to items prop
<v-autocomplete :items="computedItems"
computed: {
computedItems() {
return _sortByTerm(this.states, this.search.toLowerCase())
Note this is just to get you started, and you might need to change code a bit according to the data (and filters) you are using, e.g. _sortByTerm works only on array of strings, but in the link there is a solution for sorting arrays of objects also.

How to select efficiently from a long list of options in react-select

My use case is to allow the user to select a ticker from a long list of about 8000 companies. I fetch all the companies when the component mounts, so I don't really need the async feature of react-select. The problem really is displaying and scrolling through the 8000 items (as described in several open issues like this one).
My thought is why display 8000 entries when the user can't do anything meaningful with such a big list anyway. Instead why not show a maximum of 5 matches. As the user types more, the matches keep getting better. Specifically:
When the input is blank, show no options
When the input is a single character, there will still be hundreds of matches, but show only the first 5
As the user keeps on typing, the number of matches will reduce, but still limited to 5. However they will be more relavant.
I am not seeing this solution mentioned anywhere, so was wondering if it makes sense. Also wanted to find out what's the best way to implement it with react-select. I have tried the following two approaches - can you think of a better way:
Approach 1: Use Async React Select
Although I don't need async fetching, I can use this feature to filter down the options. It seems to work very well:
const filterCompanies = (value: string) => {
const inputValue = value.trim().toLowerCase();
const inputLength = inputValue.length;
let count = 0;
return inputLength === 0
? []
: companies.filter(company => {
const keep =
count < 5 &&
(company.ticker.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue) >= 0 ||
company.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue) >= 0);
if (keep) {
count += 1;
return keep;
const promiseOptions = (inputValue: string) =>
return (
getOptionLabel={option => `${option.ticker} - ${option.name}`}
getOptionValue={option => option.ticker}
Approach 2: Use filterOption
Here I am using the filterOption to directly filter down the list. However it does not work very well - the filterOption function is very myopic - it gets only one candidate option at a time and needs to decide if that matches or not. Using this approach I cannot tell whether I have crossed the limit of showing 5 options or not. Net result: with blank input I am showing all 8000 options, as user starts typing, the number of options is reduced but still pretty large - so the sluggishness is still there. I would have thought that filterOption would be the more direct approach for my use case but it turns out that it is not as good as the async approach. Am I missing something?
const filterOption = (candidate: Option, input: string) => {
const { ticker, name } = candidate.data;
const inputVal = input.toLowerCase();
return (
ticker.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputVal) >= 0 ||
name.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputVal) >= 0
return (
getOptionLabel={option => `${option.ticker} - ${option.name}`}
getOptionValue={option => option.ticker}
you can try using react-window to replace the menulist component
ref : https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/issues/3128#issuecomment-431397942

Can We Get Vue to 'Detect Changes' to an Array If We Use `Filter()`?

First, I had this: parts = parts.filter(part => part.id !== change.doc.id);
So, data is an Array and it gets 'clobbered' with a new 'filtered' Array.
Vue didn't seem keen on detecting the change and updating my DOM.
So, I saw this. Specifically: To deal with caveat 2, you can use splice:
I refactored (or is it 'de-factored' b/c my code 'grew'?) to this:
// Get index of part removed
const index = parts.forEach((part, i) => {
if (part.id === change.doc.id) {
return i;
parts.splice(index, 1);
She works...but really? Do I have to do this way? 😬
parts.splice(parts.findIndex(part => part.id === change.doc.id), 1);
I got the splice in there while still keeping as 1 line, so m happy! 🤓

Vue Error in render: "RangeError: Invalid array length"

Vue: v2.*
In my project vuejs
I use v-for range
with computed
computed: {
numberOfPages() {
const result = Math.ceil(this.collection.total / this.collection.per_page)
return (result < 1) ? 1 : result
<li class="waves-effect" v-for="(number,index) in numberOfPages"
:key="index" :class="collection.current_page == number ? 'active' : ''"
<a class="">{{number}}</a>
Error Console
1 - [Vue warn]: Error in render: "RangeError: Invalid array length"
2 - RangeError: Invalid array length
The most likely candidate for your problem is that your computed property returns NaN or Infinity. Without seeing all of your code, the most likely reason for that is one of the following:
You initialize collection to an empty Object. const result = Math.ceil(undefined / undefined) will return NaN
You do correctly prevent the property from being calculated before the result comes in, but the response from the server that populates collection has a per_page of 0. The calculation mentioned above would return Infinity, and Vue would not be able to create a range from that.
There are multiple ways of dealing with this problem. The easiest way is, if you can be certain that per_page is always > 0, to put a v-if on the element around your loop. If there is no convenient element, you can use the <template> element to put around it.
Otherwise you can check in your computed property if de data you are going to calculate with, is actually correct, and otherwise return a default number.
numberOfPages() {
if (
!this.collection ||
Number.isNaN(parseInt(this.collection.total)) ||
Number.isNaN(parseInt(this.collection.per_page)) ||
this.collection.per_page <= 0
) {
return 0;
const result = Math.ceil(this.collection.total / this.collection.per_page)
return (result < 1) ? 1 : result
Like someone else said, carefully check your computed properties. I had two different "interesting" situations (bugs that I introduced):
(1) First I forgot to include the "return" keyword in my computed property!
So I was doing:
myComputedProp () {
which should have been return arr.length ... easy to overlook :-)
(2) Second, the result of my calculation (which I used as an array length/size) was not an integer but a real (broken number). Solution was of course to add Math.round() or Math.trunc() ... :-)

KnockoutJS throttle input

I'm trying to implement something like a typesafe ViewModel using KnockoutJS. It works pretty well until I start to update observables via HTML input tags.
I have implemented type extender which returns computed observable:
return ko.computed({
read: target,
write: fixer
Where fixer is something like:
function (newValue) {
var current = target(),
valueToWrite = (newValue == null ? null : fixNumber(newValue, 0));
if (valueToWrite !== current) target(valueToWrite);
else if (newValue !== current) target.notifySubscribers(valueToWrite);
And fixNumber is
function fixNumber(value, precision) {
if (value == null || value === '') return null;
var newValue = (value || '').toString().replace(/^[^\,\.\d\-]*([\.\,\-]?\d*)([\,\.]?\d*).*$/, '$1$2').replace(/\,/, '.'),
valueToWrite = Number(newValue);
return !!(valueToWrite % 1) ? round(valueToWrite, precision) : valueToWrite;
It looks not so straightforward, but I have to consider possible use of comma as a decimal separator.
Often I need to update my observables as soon as user presses key to reflect this change immediately:
<input type="text" data-bind="value: nonThrottled, valueUpdate: 'afterkeyup'"></input>
And here comes a lot of problems, because, for example, I can't input decimal values less than 1 (0.1, 0.2, etc) there.
When I try to throttle an observable it mostly works. But sometimes user input and type fixer go out of sync, so it looks like some input gets lost occasionally.
Full example is there http://jsfiddle.net/mailgpa/JHztW/. I would really appreciate any hints, since I have spent days trying to fix these problems.
UPDATE 11/04/2013
I solved my problem providing custom value binding, so now throttled observables doesn't eat my input occasionally.
I've added additional valueThrottle option-binding to throttle updating of element's value:
var valueThrottle = allBindingsAccessor()["valueThrottle"];
var valueThrottleTimeoutInstance = null;
/* ... */
if (valueThrottle) {
valueThrottleTimeoutInstance = setTimeout(function () {
ko.selectExtensions.writeValue( element, ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) );
}, valueThrottle);
} else applyValueAction();
Also I've noticed that inability to enter values like 0.2 in my case comes from that statement in original value binding:
if ((newValue === 0) && (elementValue !== 0) && (elementValue !== "0"))
valueHasChanged = true;
I've rewritten it as
if ((newValue === 0) && (elementValue != 0))
valueHasChanged = true;
It works at least at Chrome, but I haven't tested it properly and even not sure that it's correct.
Example is to be added, for some reason jsFiddle does not accept my custom binding.
Any comments are really appreciated.