Call component from another component - vue.js
This is my Folder structure.
I want to call Login Component from AppHeader Component. What will be the folder structure during calling.
My try:
Not working.
import Login from '../components/auth/Login.vue'
export default

You should accomplish it with
import Login from '../../auth/Login'

Use # prefix to point to root folder of project then you can go anywhere
import Login from '#/...';


Can i use multiple Vue Composable functions in one file? how do I structure it?

Can i use multiple vue composables in one file?
export function arrayToInt(arr) {
export function arrayToUint(arr) {
then somewhere else:
import {arrayToInt, arrayToUint} from "./useBytesHelper"
because im getting a vue router parsing error right at the beggining when loading my app. and i might be doing this wrong
Considering that the file is JavaScript module (useBytesHelper.js) and not Vue SFC (useBytesHelper.vue), it's incorrect to use <script> tag there.
The rest is correct, it should be used as listed:
import {arrayToInt, arrayToUint} from "./useBytesHelper"

How do I create a module above App module in angular 12?

i have a Login module which contains login.html.
i want login to be the default module and login.html as the default opening page.
in main.ts file you will have something like this
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
replace this with
import { LoginModule } from './login.module';

How to access to subfolders in vue

I have below folders
-> test.js
I need to call common folder in 1.vue.
I have tried below script, but its not working.
import { common } from '../common'
Is there any suggestion on how can I call common folder from 1.vue?
If test.js is a default export then:
import Test from '../../common/test';
If it's a named export then:
import { Test } from '../../common/test';

Vue warn: 'Unknown custom element' with re-exported component

I have an index.js file in my Vue project's components folder which allows me to import components like this:
import { home, search, tour } from '#/components';
The index.js file:
export { default as home } from './home/home.vue';
export { default as search } from './search/search.vue';
export { default as tour } from './tour/tour.vue';
export { default as tourItem } from './tour-item/tour-item.vue';
Now, when doing this with nested components (a component that should be used in another) it gives me the unknown custom element error.
I don't get why that error is thrown - it's just another component, right?
To be more clear, this works:
import tourItem from '#/components/tour-item/tour-item.vue';
And this doesn't:
import { tourItem } from '#/components';
I had the same issue. Try export children/local component just BEFORE parent in index.js. This solve problem in my case.
Solution in Vue forum

Redirect using history in actioncreator and react-router v.4

I'm trying to navigate programmatically in action creator after calling an API and receiving a response.
What I did:
I created a file utils/History.js with this code:
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
export default createBrowserHistory();
and then used it in action creator:
import History from '../../utils/History';
//some code
Of course, I let relevant component know about this routing. If I use <NavLink to='/sign-in'>, it works. But if I want to render this component on History.replace('/sign-in') or History.push('/sign-in'), I can see just 'localhost:8080/sign-in' in address bar, but relevant component doesn't appear.
Please help me to figure out.
The simplest way would be to create a history.js file:
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
export default createHistory();
And then, in your action.js (or actions/index.js, whatever you prefer):
import history from './history';