How to create one variable conditional on other variables in R - variables

I have a very big data-frame like the following:
Region year prate
1 2005 24
1 2006 17
1 2007 56
2 2005 13
2 2006 65
2 2007 43
3 2005 91
3 2006 65
3 2007 12
I want to create a new variable called prate07 in which the variable for year 2007 is the value of prate in that year and the value for other years is 0. Something like the following:
Region year prate prate07
1 2005 24 0
1 2006 17 0
1 2007 56 56
2 2005 13 0
2 2006 65 0
2 2007 43 43
3 2005 91 0
3 2006 65 0
3 2007 12 12
May someone please help me to find the code for it?
Thanks for the help in advance
I used the following code, but it does not work:
dat2 <- dat %>%
mutate(group2 = str_c("p_rate", year), prate07 = prate) %>%
spread(group2, prate07, fill = 0)


Pandas - creating new column based on data from other records

I have a pandas dataframe which has the folowing columns -
Day, Month, Year, City, Temperature.
I would like to have a new column that has the average (mean) temperature in same date (day\month) of all previous years.
Can someone please assist?
Thanks :-)
dti = pd.date_range('2000-1-1', '2021-12-1', freq='D')
temp = np.random.randint(10, 20, len(dti))
df = pd.DataFrame({'Day':, 'Month': dti.month, 'Year': dti.year,
'City': 'Nice', 'Temperature': temp})
out = df.set_index('Year').groupby(['City', 'Month', 'Day']) \
>>> out
Day Month Year City Temperature
0 1 1 2000 Nice 12.000000
1 1 1 2001 Nice 12.000000
2 1 1 2002 Nice 11.333333
3 1 1 2003 Nice 12.250000
4 1 1 2004 Nice 11.800000
... ... ... ... ... ...
8001 31 12 2016 Nice 15.647059
8002 31 12 2017 Nice 15.555556
8003 31 12 2018 Nice 15.631579
8004 31 12 2019 Nice 15.750000
8005 31 12 2020 Nice 15.666667
[8006 rows x 5 columns]
Focus on 1st January of the dataset:
>>> df[df['Day'].eq(1) & df['Month'].eq(1)]
Day Month Year City Temperature # Mean
0 1 1 2000 Nice 12 # 12
366 1 1 2001 Nice 12 # 12
731 1 1 2002 Nice 10 # 11.33
1096 1 1 2003 Nice 15 # 12.25
1461 1 1 2004 Nice 10 # 11.80
1827 1 1 2005 Nice 12 # and so on
2192 1 1 2006 Nice 17
2557 1 1 2007 Nice 16
2922 1 1 2008 Nice 19
3288 1 1 2009 Nice 12
3653 1 1 2010 Nice 10
4018 1 1 2011 Nice 16
4383 1 1 2012 Nice 13
4749 1 1 2013 Nice 15
5114 1 1 2014 Nice 14
5479 1 1 2015 Nice 13
5844 1 1 2016 Nice 15
6210 1 1 2017 Nice 13
6575 1 1 2018 Nice 15
6940 1 1 2019 Nice 18
7305 1 1 2020 Nice 11
7671 1 1 2021 Nice 14

Pandas Avoid Multidimensional Key Error Comparing 2 Dataframes

I am stuck on a multidimensional key value error. I have a datframe that looks like this:
year RMSE index cyear Corr_to_CY
0 2000 0.279795 5 1997 0.997975
1 2011 0.299011 2 1994 0.997792
2 2003 0.368341 1 1993 0.977143
3 2013 0.377902 23 2015 0.824441
4 1999 0.41495 10 2002 0.804633
5 1997 0.435813 8 2000 0.752724
6 2018 0.491003 24 2016 0.703359
7 2002 0.505771 3 1995 0.684926
8 2009 0.529308 17 2009 0.580481
9 2015 0.584146 27 2019 0.556555
10 2004 0.620946 26 2018 0.500790
11 2016 0.659388 22 2014 0.443543
12 1993 0.700942 19 2011 0.431615
13 2006 0.748086 11 2003 0.375111
14 2007 0.766675 21 2013 0.323143
15 2020 0.827913 12 2004 0.149202
16 2014 0.884109 7 1999 0.002438
17 2012 0.900184 0 1992 -0.351615
18 1995 0.919482 28 2020 -0.448915
19 1992 0.930512 20 2012 -0.563762
20 2001 0.967834 18 2010 -0.613170
21 2019 1.00497 9 2001 -0.677590
22 2005 1.00885 13 2005 -0.695690
23 2010 1.159125 14 2006 -0.843122
24 2017 1.173262 15 2007 -0.931034
25 1994 1.179737 6 1998 -0.939697
26 2008 1.212915 25 2017 -0.981626
27 1996 1.308853 16 2008 -0.985893
28 1998 1.396771 4 1996 -0.999990
I have selected the conditions for column values of 'Corr_to_CY' >= 0.70 and to return values of 'cyear' column into a new df called 'cyears'. I need to use this as an index to find the year and RMSE value where the 'year' column is in cyears df. This is my best attempt and I get the value error: cannot index with multidimensional key. Do I need to change the index df "cyears" to something else - series, list, etc for this to work? thank you and here is my code that produces the error:
cyears = comp.loc[comp['Corr_to_CY']>= 0.7,'cyear']
cyears = cyears.to_frame()
result = comp.loc[comp['year'] == cyears,'RMSE']
ValueError: Cannot index with multidimensional key
You can use isin method:
import pandas as pd
# Sample creation
import io
comp = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO('year,RMSE,index,cyear,Corr_to_CY\n2000,0.279795,5,1997,0.997975\n2011,0.299011,2,1994,0.997792\n2003,0.368341,1,1993,0.977143\n2013,0.377902,23,2015,0.824441\n1999,0.41495,10,2002,0.804633\n1997,0.435813,8,2000,0.752724\n2018,0.491003,24,2016,0.703359\n2002,0.505771,3,1995,0.684926\n2009,0.529308,17,2009,0.580481\n2015,0.584146,27,2019,0.556555\n2004,0.620946,26,2018,0.500790\n2016,0.659388,22,2014,0.443543\n1993,0.700942,19,2011,0.431615\n2006,0.748086,11,2003,0.375111\n2007,0.766675,21,2013,0.323143\n2020,0.827913,12,2004,0.149202\n2014,0.884109,7,1999,0.002438\n2012,0.900184,0,1992,-0.351615\n1995,0.919482,28,2020,-0.448915\n1992,0.930512,20,2012,-0.563762\n2001,0.967834,18,2010,-0.613170\n2019,1.00497,9,2001,-0.677590\n2005,1.00885,13,2005,-0.695690\n2010,1.159125,14,2006,-0.843122\n2017,1.173262,15,2007,-0.931034\n1994,1.179737,6,1998,-0.939697\n2008,1.212915,25,2017,-0.981626\n1996,1.308853,16,2008,-0.985893\n1998,1.396771,4,1996,-0.999990\n'))
# Operations
cyears = comp.loc[comp['Corr_to_CY']>= 0.7,'cyear']
result = comp.loc[comp['year'].isin(cyears),'RMSE']
If you want to keep cyears as pandas DataFrame instead of Series, try the following:
# Operations
cyears = comp.loc[comp['Corr_to_CY']>= 0.7, ['cyear']]
result = comp.loc[comp['year'].isin(cyears.cyear),'RMSE']

pandas- return Month containing Max value for each year

I have a dataframe like:
Year Month Value
2017 1 100
2017 2 1
2017 4 2
2018 3 88
2018 4 8
2019 5 87
2019 6 1
I'd the dataframe to return the Month and Value for each year where the value is the maximum:
year month value
2017 1 100
2018 3 88
2019 5 87
I've attempted something like df=df.groupby(["Year","Month"])['Value']).max() however, it returns the full data set because each Year / Month pair is unique (i believe).
You can get the index where the top Value occurs with .groupby(...).idxmax() and use that to index into the original dataframe:
In [28]: df.loc[df.groupby("Year")["Value"].idxmax()]
Year Month Value
0 2017 1 100
3 2018 3 88
5 2019 5 87
Here is a solution that also handles duplicate possibility:
m = df.groupby('Year')['Value'].transform('max') == df['Value']
dfmax = df.loc[m]
Full example:
import pandas as pd
data = '''\
Year Month Value
2017 1 100
2017 2 1
2017 4 2
2018 3 88
2018 4 88
2019 5 87
2019 6 1'''
fileobj = pd.compat.StringIO(data)
df = pd.read_csv(fileobj, sep='\s+')
m = df.groupby('Year')['Value'].transform('max') == df['Value']
Year Month Value
0 2017 1 100
3 2018 3 88
4 2018 4 88
5 2019 5 87

pivoting and multi-indexing

How do I transform a pandas dataframe that is in the following format:
Index Code Year Week Count
0 AE 2005 1 0
1 AE 2005 2 0
2 AE 2005 3 2
3 AE 2005 4 0
4 AE 2005 5 0
51 AE 2005 52 1
52 AE 2006 1 3
53 AE 2006 2 0
54 AE 2006 3 1
55 AE 2006 4 0
56 AE 2006 5 0
102 AE 2006 52 1
103 AU 2005 1 0
104 AU 2005 2 0
105 AU 2005 3 2
106 AU 2005 4 0
107 AU 2005 5 0
153 AU 2005 52 1
154 AU 2006 1 3
155 AU 2006 2 0
156 AU 2006 3 1
157 AU 2006 4 0
158 AU 2006 5 0
203 AU 2006 52 1
There are multiple codes, multiple years, 52 weeks entries for each year and a count value for each week
The required format:
Year 2005 2006
Week 1 2 3 ... 52 1 2 3 ...
AE 0 0 2 ... 0 0 1 2 ...
I have tried looking up different solutions here as well as have tried pivot, pivot_table, combinations of stack and unstack, but haven't been able to workout the solution :(.
You can do with set_index and stack
Year 2005
Week 1 2 3 4 5
AE 0 0 2 0 0

Pandas: Group by two columns to get sum of another column

I look most of the previously asked questions but was not able to find answer for my question:
I have following data.frame
id year month score num_attempts
0 483625 2010 01 50 1
1 967799 2009 03 50 1
2 213473 2005 09 100 1
3 498110 2010 12 60 1
5 187243 2010 01 100 1
6 508311 2005 10 15 1
7 486688 2005 10 50 1
8 212550 2005 10 500 1
10 136701 2005 09 25 1
11 471651 2010 01 50 1
I want to get following data frame
year month sum_score sum_num_attempts
2009 03 50 1
2005 09 125 2
2010 12 60 1
2010 01 200 2
2005 10 565 3
Here is what I tried:
sum_df = df.groupby(by=['year','month'])['score'].sum()
But this doesn't look efficient and correct. If I have more than one column need to be aggregate this seems like a very expensive call. for example if I have another column num_attempts and just want to sum by year month as score.
This should be an efficient way:
sum_df = df.groupby(['year','month']).agg({'score': 'sum', 'num_attempts': 'sum'})