How can I see submitted POST request data in Chrome DevTools for multipart/form-data [duplicate] - http-headers

I'm creating some performance tests for a web application that sends requests of the same type that a browser would send to our server. One of these requests is a POST that uploads an image. I looked at this question where it looks like the actual contents of the image file should be inside the body of the request. However when I use F12 dev tools in Chrome to inspect what the browser sends in the request it looks like this:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="profileImg[]"; filename="bmp.bmp"
Content-Type: image/bmp
The space where I expected to see the file contents is blank. I was expecting to see some string of seemingly random characters representing the contents of the image file. There's also no path to the image in the request, only the name of the file, so I can't understand exactly how the file could be uploaded? Is Chrome just hiding the data from me?

Chrome hides the file data, when viewing the request payload using dev tools, for performance reasons:!topic/google-chrome-developer-tools/FaInquBDhU0

So I downloaded Fiddler and it actually shows that there is data being sent where we in Chrome see only a blank space. This means that Chrome does indeed hide the data.


Pdf shows grey screen at first but loads the content after refresh in IE11

I am generating pdf using XSLT.Facing two issues:
1) Opened one pdf and closed and tried to open another pdf shows the same old pdf content: Looked for a solution and implemented this:
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); // HTTP 1.1.
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0.
response.setHeader("Expires", "0"); // Proxies.
But this solution is creating another problem now,now the pdf shows grey screen at first and after a refresh it loads the page.
Any suggestions how to solve this? Thanks In Advance
The first time when it shows grey screen,i saw in developer tools that
it shows In progress ,thus the pdf is not loaded and after a refresh
it shows status OK
Perhaps the pdf file is a little big, and needs some time to load, so, we could wait the pdf file load success, then it will display in the Browser.
Besides, you could also try to clear the browser data (such as cache, cookie and history) to improve the browser performance.
I faced a similar issue when creating a PDF file on the server and redirecting the browser straight to its URL. What seems to have fixed it was, instead of redirecting from the backend, writing
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" />
to my response (substitute the URL of your PDF file). That way, it is the browser that redirects itself after the response has been completed and received.
More info here.

S3/Cloudfront does not send image/jpeg Content-Type

I have a .jpg file stored in S3 and distributed using CloudFront. I can view the file when I download it, but I cannot view the file in Chrome or Safari. From what I can tell, I can't view the file in a browser because the Content-Type isn't getting sent despite the fact that I've set it in S3.
You can see what happens when you enter this signed CloudFront url into a browser. It should remain valid for roughly 24 hours after this post.
It seems like the original image is a TIFF file, not a JPEG. That's why you cannot see it in a browser but can open it upon download. The content type header is being sent correctly by Cloudfront if you look at the response headers.

Jmeter: Cannot upload file with put method in jmeter

I want to upload an image with put method in JMeter. Based on chrome-network, I set the same header and body data in JMeter.
header manager:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryMByG8MgRZu8H9cSQ
Body data
------WebKitFormBoundaryMByG8MgRZu8H9cSQ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="avatar"; filename="1.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpeg
But NoHttpResonseException appears in jmeter.
Could anyone do me a favour? Thanks.
The error you're getting doesn't seem to be connected with the file upload, it tells that JMeter is not able to connect the server so I would suggest testing baseline connectivity first of all.
Copying request body form the other tool won't help in case of file upload as these multipart requests are different beasts. Particularly in your case the relevant configuration would be:
Switch to the "File Upload" tab of the HTTP Request sampler
Set "method" to Post
Check use multipart/form-data box
Add the following parameter:
Filename: 1.jpg if the file is present in JMeter's "bin" folder, otherwise - full path to the file
Parameter Name: the name of the file input, in your case it is avatar
MIME type of the file, being uploaded, in your case it is application/jpeg
See Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for comprehensive explanation on how to upload and download files in your JMeter web tests.
Alternative option of building the relevant request is just recording it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, in this case make sure 1.jpg file is present in JMeter's "bin" folder during test recording and execution.
for this part, I suggest you to try doing your action from postman. And if it is successful you just need to record action performed by postman via jmeter(Http(s) test script recorder). And then configure your jmeter accordingly later.
I had a similar issue and I followed above approach.

Download dynamic generated pdf from dynamic url which is being viewed in webbrowser control in adobe viewer in

I am developing a windows application in in which i have a url which first ask me to login on the website and then display a view pdf link. As i make it click it again redirect to another page where instead of asking for download pdf it opens it in my web browser control. Now i want to save that opened pdf on my specified path. I have googled a lot but didn't find any solution for the same. I even found some related posts but none of them have my answer. Here my pdf url doesnt contains any file name like '.pdf'. Url contains some token values. To open this url it requires login on the website. I am trying to download pdf file for many days. Please help me.
you have to push your file using http headers
Unique HTTP Headers Returned
because these headers are the only thing controlling how your browser handles the file.
Save As Mode (askapache_pdf=s)
Content-Disposition: attachment
Content-Type: application/pdf
for more info goto
This does not have anything to do with server side scripting language its same that you have to add a response in your header of http request. But anyway in ASP you should try something like below
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=somefile.ext")

Firebug - how do I see the request/response headers for "attachment" or other responses that trigger an open/save dialog?

Firefox with Firebug and Jsonview addons installed and verified to work,
A web service that claims to send the response with "application/json" as the mime type; the service URL does NOT end in ".json".
Problem: Firefox puts up the open/save dialog instead of letting Jsonview to display the content.
Question: How do I see the response headers/content in Firebug for attachments or other responses that otherwise trigger an open/save dialog?
Related question: Is it possible to see headers/content in Firebug for responses that are targeted for popup windows?
Would like to avoid installing other plugins or network monitors if at all possible. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I've noticed that Firebug needs to be "refreshed" when you want it to display a request with Content-Disposition: attachment:
Try to switch to another Firefox tab, where Firebug is not activated, and then switch back to your current tab. Firebug will get refreshed and show also previously invisible request in its Net panel.
Now it's known issue 7264