vue emit data back to parent when using a slot - vue.js

I have input on custom component and when i click on the next button on the wrapper component i need to emit details to the parent component.
How is this possible in vue?
<div :id="contentId" class="mt-3">
<b-row class="float-right">
<button cssClass="e-outline" v-on:click="btnNext">{{nextButtonText}}</button>
<Wrapper contentId="1">
<CustomComponent1 />
<Wrapper contentId="2">
<CustomComponent1 />
<input v-model="name" />
<input v-model="name2" />
code above is for illustrative purposes.

The problem is that the wrapper doesn't innately have access to data of the scoped component, therefore these links have to be created manually. There is no way to tell how many children or slots the component may have, so this kind of functionality is not part of the vue magic.
So in an example where you have parent App component, which holds a Wrapper that has a MyInput component in the slot...
The MyInout component doesn't automatically update other components, so it needs to be setup to $emit the internal data.
This can be done using a watch, #change listener for the input, or some other way. You can emit multiple datum as they change, or use a single payload with all the data
this.$emit("input", myData);
The App needs to explicitly connect the data between MyInout and Wrapper
<Wrapper> <MyInput #input="onInput" slot-scope="{ onInput }" /> </Wrapper>
The magic/trick happens here, where we bind the input emit function of the input to the onInput function using slot-scope.
The wrapper then needs to listen to the events passed (via App) from Wrapper
<slot :onInput="onInput" />
where onInput is a method that would process the data
see example below
I would recommend the following reading (specifically Evan's response why it's not possible) Adam has a thoroughly documented way of using render functions and slots to abstract functionality from the UI. While it's not directly related, it's a worthwhile read and may provide more info on using slot-scope as well as some perspective on improving the structure of UI components.


how to delegate content from vue slots to web components slots?

The Problem
Let's say we have a page template written as a Web component in a shared library to keep the company design system consistent. That page has some slots:
export class PageTemplate extends LitElement {
static properties = {
title: { type: String },
render() {
return html`
<slot name="template-body"></slot>
<div class="some-special-styles">
<slot name="template-buttons"></slot>
customElements.define("page-template", PageTemplate);
Then we use this template in a Vue (v3.2.45) application on a base component to be used in the same app by multiple pages.
<page-template title="My App Name">
<slot name="base-body"></slot>
<slot name="base-buttons"></slot>
Here, we will use the page base vue component on a specific page.
<template #base-body>
<div slot="template-body">
<input placeholder="some special code"/>
<template #base-buttons>
<button slot="template-buttons">login</button>
<button slot="template-buttons">back</button>
To make the login page components show inside that original page template web component; we need to declare the slot property on the leaf components like in <button slot="template-buttons">
How can I implement the Vue Page Base component to avoid the need to remember to set the slot property in every leaf vue component?
Things I've Tryied
I've tried to solve this using the vanilla web syntax below, but Vue appears not to dispatch that information to the final HTML:
<page-template title="My App Name">
<!-- this does not work -->
<slot name="base-body" slot="template-body"></slot>
<slot name="base-buttons" slot="template-buttons"></slot>
There was also an attempt (after a suggestion in the comments) to use a template as a ghost intermediate in the page base. But nothing was rendered at runtime.
<page-template title="My App Name">
<!-- i can't have that span because of some-special-styles applied in the template-->
<template slot="template-body"><slot name="base-body"></slot></template>
<template slot="template-buttons"><slot name="base-buttons"></slot></template>
The approach to using some middle element to make the connection (like below) enables content rendering. Still, it does not work for the project requirements because, for style reasons, I need that the final components be the top-most nodes in the page template slots.
<page-template title="My App Name">
<!-- although it runs, i can't have these spans because of some-special-styles applied in the template -->
<span slot="template-body"><slot name="base-body"></slot></span>
<span slot="template-buttons"><slot name="base-buttons"></slot></span>

Passing undeclared props to child component (like ...args)

I am making a wrapper component for a Vue component.
For example, I want to wrap Quasar's q-input (let's say because I am doing some custom styling:
// q-input-wrapper.vue
<q-input v-model="inputValue" label="Some Label">
But then I want q-input-wrapper to be able to accept all props that q-input supports. I do not want to re-declare all of them in q-input-wrapper.vue.
Is there a way to bind props that are passed in q-input-wrapper for q-input to consume?
<q-input-wrapper color="blue" icon="mail" class="some-class" style="some-style: value" />
color, icon are both q-input props and I do not want to explicitly declare them as q-input-wrapper's props but still want to use them.
Probably something similar to how ...args work?
You can pass along any props with v-bind="$attrs" and any listeners with v-on="$listeners":
<q-input v-model="inputValue" label="Some Label"

Register multiple Vue components in parent component

I have a global sidebar component TheSidebar.vue:
In Blogs.vue (a page component) I try to register two components.
<SearchBlog />
<CategoryCheckboxFilter />
<ExperienceList />
It seems like I cannot register two components in a slot?
Is this a good setup anyway and who do I have to achieve this?
It's just working fine now and I can register more than one component in a <slot />. I think some webpack building issue before.

What does it actually means - Use created + activated for keep-alive components in Vuejs

Initially, I am fetching data from api in the created hook which is perfectly working.
created() {
But I was having look over best practices for lifecycle hooks and I came to this line You need to fetch some data for your component on initialization. Use created (or created + activated for keep-alive components)
I also tried to look for relevant articles or information on the internet.
Url for reference -
My component is rendering inside keep-alive so I tried this for the test purpose.
activated() {
Instead of created, now as expected everytime the component activates it execute the api call which is really cool. But I still want to understand what this actually created + activated as I am using activated or created but if I am correct just by reading that I should do them both.
Please let me know if anything else required to understand my question.
Use correctly keep-alive!!
<div v-if="canRender">
<my-component />
<div v-if="canRender">
<my-component />
<my-component v-if="canRender" />

Vue, change native event not working, input native does

I have a question and maybe a Vue bugg.
I have a custom component that needs a #change.native event. But it does not trigger anything and I could not find anything about this issue myself.
So i tried some different stuff and like #click.native and #input.native does work. Even tho #input.native works and do the trick i want to, i still want to know why the change event does not work.
Anybody? Else I should report this.
Vue version: 2.5.2
<custom-input type="search"
#input.native="change" />
If the <input /> inside the custom component is a child element of another element, then the event listener bound by the .native modifier will not be reached, since it is listening to the event of a different element.
<input :value="someValue" />
export default {
props: ['value']
so if you have this scenario, then the #change.native will be bound on the <div> (the wrapper).
(sadly) You need to manually propagate the event manually.