Jmeter is not passing the Microsoft authentication in my script for testing performance on my test website, showing Access denied - authentication

My application has a microsoft authentication on it before logging into it & I have recorded script but when I am running it, it is showing me access denied error everytime.I have set authentication manager but still same error. See image attached.
I have tried HTTP Authentication Manager & provided login username & password.

Most probably your application uses OAuth therefore it is neither something you can really record and replay nor handle with the HTTP Authorization Manager.
Depending on your application setup you will either need:
To perform correlation of the query parameters
Or to pass the relevant Authorization Bearer token via HTTP Header Manager. The process of obtaining the token can be different depending on your application login chain implementation, check out How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter article to get a couple of ideas regarding bypassing 3rd-party provider login challenge in JMeter tests.

Check if you can provide the auth credentials as parameter of the requests.
for example Replicate the same with Jmeter

Use Fiddler (or you can get away with browser dev tools if you don't mind searching manually) and log in manually via your browser.
Check the request(s) that are submitted to Microsoft for tokens/GUIDs and search for where the browser got those strings from (it'll be in one of the previous requests' responses' bodies or redirect URLs. In Fiddler you can use the find function on responses, browser dev tools you'll have to find it manually).
You can then use a JMeter Regular Expression Extractor post-processor (or any of the other post processors you prefer) to extract that string from the earlier request into a variable.
In your login request you can then use the value of that variable (if you used regular expression post-processor with a capture group the first group's value will be ${variable_g1}
You'll probably have an anti-forgery value that you can extract from the HTML of the login page which needs to be submitted with the username and password and then in the response you'll get a cookie set and potentially JWT token in the response body/URL.


How to perform login field for using Jmeter

I need to perform one app that is signed in via, but I get this error "We can`t sign you in your browser is currently set to block cookies. you need to allow cookies to use this service." maybe someone else has experienced something similar.
I tried changing HTTP Cookie Manager type from standart to others, also I used with true and false but nothing worked.
HTTP Cookie Manager
You're not supposed to have the request to as the very first request in your JMeter script.
My expectation is that you're trying to test an application which uses Microsoft Identity Platform as authentication provider so depending on your application auth flow you need to pass some parameters to this page and the parameters need to be extracted from the previous request.
So try starting with your application login page and I believe you should be redirected to the with valid cookies and appropriate parameters

Workaround in JMeter for Autorization Bearer from Microsoft login (for single page application with specific organizational service accounts)

Single page application with specific organizational service accounts uses microsoft authorization (2.0).
To pretend in JMeter as user working with this application, it is enough to have Bearer access_token and then pass this Bearer in header of JMeter script requests.
I can manually login with user credentials in browser, get Bearer and set up it as variable in JMeter in API requests headers and successfully continue to work with application functionality.
Also I can login in WebDriverSampler (and I suppose, can emulate with WebDriverSampler another user's actions with application like in "browser").
What is the simplest and shortest way, having all above, to get Bearer somehow for API calls in a script without time-consuming or programming-oriented complex solutions? Is it possible somehow to use WebDriverSampler requests for parsing Bearer?
On this stage, the goal is to collect (and generate) Bearers, which have long time of life, with intention to use this set of Bearers for multi-session JMeter "users" later. (Because users amount is under cost constrtaints with users service accounts, i.e. I have 1 provided user only).
Will be very appreciated for grace tips and advices with such kind of problem.
It should be possible to use i.e. BrowserMob Proxy for capturing the traffic between the browser orchestrated by the WebDriver Sampler and the backend, this way you will be able to extract Authorization header value and i.e. store it into a CSV file for later re-use.
In general it should also be possible to replicate the browser's authentication flow with JMeter's HTTP Request samplers as browsers don't do any magic, they just send HTTP Requests and display the responses so well-behaved JMeter test should generate the same network footprint as the real browser does

How to Login LDAP with Jmeter?

I am currently recording a web with Login LDAP that means I need to input username and password in popup authentication (screenshot attached).
After I am done recording, I play back the script, and it always failed.
And I followed tutorial from but it still failed.
Here is my Test Plan:
Here is HTTP Authorization Manager setting:
Please help.
If you really "followed the tutorial" you should know what is your authentication type challenge, the choice is in:
Basic Access
Your setup is wrong for any of the types as you should have either base url or domain or domain+realm+appropriate configuration in jaas.conf and krb5.conf files.
I don't think sending one request is sufficient for simulating log in process, real users do the following:
open login page (at least 1 request)
type credentials (you need to mimic the time required to type using Timers)
perform login (another at least 2 request)
You may also need to perform correlation of dynamic parameters (if any), check out How to Handle Correlation in JMeter to learn more about the concept / implementation
Your approach of AJAX requests simulation is wrong, as per the definition AJAX requests are Asynchronous, to wit real browsers execute them at the same time while in your setup they are sequential. So consider placing the AJAX calls under the Parallel Controller

How to work with apache Jmeter for login applications?

Hi I would like to test using Jmeter for my application which has login page. I am able to write Sample http request for login page which is working ( passing username and password as POST parameters).
But the another Sample HttpRequest ( is not working which is again redirecting to login page. I also added HttpCookieManager at Thread level. Not sure why the authentication is not carry forward to other pages, Can anyone please help me on this.
Most probably your test doesn't work due to missing or incorrect correlation. The absolute majority of modern web applications use dynamic parameters for different reasons (client state tracking, security, etc.) so you need to setup your test plan like:
Open Login Page (usually GET request)
Extract dynamic parameters
Perform Login (usually POST request), provide credentials and dynamic parameters extracted from the previous request
Extract dynamic parameters
Open Home Page (usually GET request)
You can extract dynamic parameters using JMeter Post-Processors
Also make sure you add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan to represent browser cookies and deal with cookie based authentication.
BTW, you can quickly build test plan "skeleton" by simply recording your test scenario using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder

missing authentication or invalid log in

I am new to Jmeter. Trying to use this tool for load/performance testing.
go to
log in
the application I am trying allows a user to log in with username/password. In the background however, if the user has correct credentials s/he is issued with bearer token. This token is valid until user logs out. this bearer token is generated against the validation of user's credentials.
The issue I am facing using Jmeter is how to keep this token throughout the test, that is make it dynamic.
Here is call sequence -
Now when I use blazemeter's chrome extension to record the test and load it in the Jmeter- here is how it gets loaded
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
When makes a Post request for the first time, it passes.
However when it makes another call it fails because the bearer token is invalid. The only difference when I compared the Request headers of the call sequence is
missing "Authorization: bearer 5a010a8f995d2" in the second.
I used regular expression extractor, BeanShell Processor, etc. but nothing works.
Here is what I tried so far-
Jmeter testing for Login
JMeter Basic Authentication
enter image description here
This Authorization: bearer xxxxx indicates that your application is protected with OAuth 2.0 therefore you have 2 options (depending on your application design):
If this OAuth token is permanent - just obtain all of them using sniffer tool and put into CSV file along with users credentials
If the token has limited lifetime - it can still be correlated, check out How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter article for more details on bypassing OAuth challenges in JMeter tests