Call a function after state changes - react-native

I'm building a React Native app and when one button is pressed I want to call two functions. The first one will make a get call and set the state loading: true, the second one will show a popup with the result of that get call.
I am calling the second function only if loading === false but it is executed immediately after the first one before the state can change, because loading is false by default. I can resolve this with setTimeout but I was wondering if there was a cleaner way to do this.
onPress() {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.props.loading === false) {
}, 1000);

You can create callback function for that
getUsers = (callback) => {
//do whatever you want
//when it's done
In onPress function
onPress = () => {
this.props.getUsers(() => {
if (this.props.loading === false) {

setState Function can take two param:
setState(updater, callback)
setState({loading:true},() => {
//this fires once state.loading === true

Use getDerivedStateFromProps. It always fire when component's props change.
Below is the example.
class EmailInput extends Component {
state = {
email: this.props.defaultEmail,
prevPropsUserID: this.props.userID
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
// Any time the current user changes,
// Reset any parts of state that are tied to that user.
// In this simple example, that's just the email.
if (props.userID !== state.prevPropsUserID) {
return {
prevPropsUserID: props.userID,
email: props.defaultEmail
return null;
// ...


Why this navigation.goBack is not working as I intended ? How can I get the Last Active State?

I got 3 pages
homepage, productList and productDetails
When going from homepage to productList I pass a route param,
navigation.navigate('productList', { showCategory: 'productListA'} )
InitialProcess when component mounted
Inside the productList page when the component is mounted. I am declaring use state like this.
const {showCateory} = route.params;
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState(showCateory);
and calling api using that activeTab
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
await dispatch(
} catch (err) {
return unsubscribe;
}, []);
User Interaction
But I also add the button in the productList so that user can change the current active tab
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => changeTab()}></TouchableOpacity>
const changeTab = async () => {
await setActiveTab('productListB'),
await dispatch(fetchProductList(activeTab)
Take note that right now active tab and data coming from api is different from when the component is start mounted.
Navigation Change again
When use goes from productList to productDetails. All thing is fine.
But inside the product details I am going back to productList with this.
When I am back in productList page The activeTab is change back to productListA and the data is change back to when component is mounted
Can I pass or change the route params when calling navigation.goBack()?
add activeTab in useEffect depedineces.
as docs say
The array of dependencies is not passed as arguments to the effect function. Conceptually, though, that’s what they represent: every value referenced inside the effect function should also appear in the dependencies array. In the future, a sufficiently advanced compiler could create this array automatically.
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
await dispatch(
//this value will always updated when activeTab change
} catch (err) {
return unsubscribe;
}, [activeTab]); //<<<<< here
also you need to know setState() does not always immediately update the component. see here
so change this
const changeTab = async () => {
//await setActiveTab('productListB'),
//await dispatch(fetchProductList(activeTab)
This might be happening because route.params is still set to { showCategory: 'productListA'} when you are coming back to the screen.
If this is the case, you can fix it by Changing params object in changeTab() like
showCategory: 'productListB',
I hope this will fix your problem.
This happens because the callback function inside the focus listener uses the initial value of the state when the function was defined (at initial page render) . Throughout the lifespan of listener the callback function uses this stale state value.You can read more about this behaviour in this answer
Although the answer by Ahmed Gaber works in this case as the listener is cleared and redefined after each state change.Another common work-around is to use an useRef instead of useEffect.A ref is basically a recipe that provides a mutable object that can be passed by reference.
In your case you can initialise activeTab with navigation param value using useRef hook as :
const activeTab = useRef(showCateory);
and the focus listener callback function should be changed to use the Reference current value as
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
await dispatch(
activeTab.current, //<<<<<<---------here
} catch (err) {
return unsubscribe;
}, []);
and the changeTab function can directly update reference current value
const changeTab = async () => {
setActiveTab.current = 'productListB';

VueJS data doesnt change on URL change

My problem is that when I go from one user page to another user page the info in component still remains from first user. So if I go from /user/username1 to /user/username2 info remains from username1. How can I fix this ? This is my code:
mounted() {
this.$store.dispatch('getUserProfile').then(data => {
if(data.success = true) {
this.username = data.user.username;
this.positive = data.user.positiverep;
this.negative = data.user.negativerep;
this.createdAt = data.user.createdAt;
this.lastLogin = data.user.lastLogin;
data.invites.forEach(element => {
And this is from actions.js file to get user:
const getUserProfile = async ({
}) => {
try {
const response = await API.get('/user/' + router.currentRoute.params.username);
if (response.status === 200 && {
const data = {
success: true,
return data;
} else {
return console.log('Something went wrong.');
} catch (error) {
Should I add watch maybe instead of mounted to keep track of username change in url ?
You can use watch with the immediate property, you can then remove the code in mounted as the watch handler will be called instead.
watch: {
'$route.params.username': {
handler: function() {
this.$store.dispatch('getUserProfile').then(data => {
if(data.success = true) {
this.username = data.user.username;
this.positive = data.user.positiverep;
this.negative = data.user.negativerep;
this.createdAt = data.user.createdAt;
this.lastLogin = data.user.lastLogin;
data.invites.forEach(element => {
deep: true,
immediate: true,
Your page is loaded before the data is retrieved it seems, you need put a "loading" property in the data and have a v-if="!loading" for your component then it will only render once the display is updated. Personally I would avoid watch if I can it is not great for performance of for fine grained handling.
Yes you should add wach on statement that contain user info.(you may have a problem to watch on object, so you can save user info in json, but im not sure). When user changing - call action, after recived response call mutation that should change a state, then watch this state.
And you might use better syntax to receive data from store. That is really bad idea call dispatch directly from your mouted hook, use vuex documentation to make your code better.

Failed in retrieve data from AsyncStorage

I am a beginner at react-native.
I trying to retrieve data that stored from screen1.js in Screen2.js but I failed.
I have import Asyncstorage from react-native for both .js
This how I store variable from screenone.js :
class screenone extends Component {
state = {
oldpin: '000000',
newpin: '',
secpin: '',
onPressButton = () => {
if (this.state.newpin == this.state.secpin) {
{ oldpin: this.state.newpin },
async() => await this.storeData());
else {"Password Unmatched", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
storeData = async () =>{
const {oldpin} = this.state;
let pin : oldpin;
await AsyncStorage.setItem('mypin',pin);"Password Changed", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
catch (err){
This is how I trying to retrieve data in screentwo.js:
class screentwo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.onComplete = this.onComplete.bind(this);
this.state = {
pin: ''
retrieveData = async (mypin) => {
try {
let value = await AsyncStorage.getItem(mypin);
if (value !== null) {
pin: value})
} catch (error) {
onComplete(inputtedPin, clear) {
if (inputtedPin !== {"Incorrect Pin", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
} else {"Pin is correct", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
Reference Error: ReferenceError:Can't find variable:retrieveData
Am I using the right way to stored and retrieve data?
Any suggestion?
Thank you.
There are a couple of issues that I can see with your code.
Firstly the retrieveData() function. It is asynchronous and should be called with await also you are getting the error: Reference Error: ReferenceError:Can't find variable:retrieveData because you haven't used this
So ideally you should call it await this.retrieveData();
There are a few more issues with this function. You use the parameter mypin but don't seem to pass any parameter to the function when you call it. Fixing this issue you should call retreiveData() like this:
await this.retrieveData('mypin');
Or you could remove passing the paramater altogether, which I will show how to do in my refactor below.
Finally you call retreiveData every time you check the inputtedPin this isn't that efficient, it is asynchronous so it may take some time, and secondly it also takes time for the setState function to complete, which means that the state may not have updated in time when you go to check it against the inputtedPin, meaning that you are checking the inputtedPin against the wrong value.
Code Refactor
This is how I would refactor your component.
Refactor retrieveData so that it no longer takes a parameter and the key is hardcoded in the .getItem
In the componentDidMount get the value of the pin from AsyncStorage and save it to state.
Remove the retrieveData call from onComplete
Here is the refactor
retrieveData = async () => { // parameter have been removed
try {
let value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('mypin'); // notice I am now passing the key as a string not as a parameter
if (value !== null) {
this.setState({ pin: value })
} catch (error) {
// here we call the refactored retrievedData which will set the state.
async componentDidMount () {
await this.retrieveData();
onComplete(inputtedPin, clear) {
// we remove the call to retrieveData as we have already gotten the pin in the componentDidMount
if (inputtedPin !== {"Incorrect Pin", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
} else {"Pin is correct", ToastAndroid.SHORT);
only replace
When you call async method from a caller method that method also become async Try prefix
async onComplete () { await this.retrieveData() }

Is there a way to use promise in action with this structure Vuex

I have an action which fires on form submit in component
this.$store.dispatch('registerAction', this.registerData);
Also in this component I want to show message like "Registration is successful".
For that I want to listen for property in my this.$store.state registerSuccess which is false by default.
registerAction (Vuex)
return this.api.registerUser()
.then(response => {
if(response.success) {
return store.dispatch('registerSuccess');
return store.dispatch('registerFail');
registerSuccess mutation sets state.registerSuccess = true; (and fail sets it to false)
How can I listen for changes to state.registerSuccess in this case? If I'm putting it in computed it returns false. Although it does change in Vuex store to true
computed: {
registerSuccess() {
return this.$store.state.registerSuccess;
You've mentioned that registerSuccess is a mutation which also means that you have put it inside the mutation property inside your store object like this:
state: {
registerSuccess: false
mutations: {
registerSuccess(state) {
state.registerSuccess = true;
In that case, you would need to use commit() to execute the registerSuccess mutation.
Your code should be:
return this.api.registerUser()
.then(response => {
if(response.success) {
return store.commit('registerSuccess');
return store.commit('registerFail');

How to avoid navigating to other screen multiple times

When press on any button on my React Native App to navigate to a different screen multiple times, then it will redirected to the next screen multiple times.
My sample code is:
// This is my button click event
I am using react-navigation to navigate through my app.
How can I fix this behaviour?
I think there are a few ways this could be done. Perhaps recording when the navigation has occurred and preventing it from navigating multiple times.
You may also want to consider resetting hasNavigated after an amount of time etc as well.
// Somewhere outside of the myMethod scope
let hasNavigated = false
// This is my button click event
if (!hasNavigated) {
hasNavigated = true
This react-navigation issue contains a discussion about this very topic, where two solutions were proposed.
The first, is to use a debouncing function such as Lodash's debounce that would prevent the navigation from happening more than once in a given time.
The second approach, which is the one I used, is to check on a navigation action, whether it is trying to navigate to the same route with the same params, and if so to drop it.
However, the second approach can only be done if you're handling the state of the navigation yourself, for example by using something like Redux.
Also see: Redux integration.
One of solution is custom custom components with adds debounce to onPress:
class DebounceTouchableOpacity extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.debounce = false;
_onPress = () => {
if (typeof this.props.onPress !== "function" || this.debounce)
this.debounce = true;
this.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.debounce = false;
}, 2000);
componentWillUnmount() {
this.timeoutId && clearTimeout(this.timeoutId)
render() {
const {children, onPress,} = this.props;
return (
<TouchableOpacity {} onPress={this._onPress}>
another: wrap onPress function into wrapper with similar behavior
const debounceOnPress = (onPress, time) => {
let skipCall = false;
return (...args) => {
if (skipCall) {
} else {
skipCall = true;
setTimeout(() => {
skipCall = false;
}, time)