Cupy structure array subscript - cupy

How do I subscript a structured cupy array. I can't find the document about it...
arr = cp.zeros(shape=(100,), dtype=cp.dtype([('t', '<f4'), ('tri', '<i4'), ('u', '<f4'), ('v', '<f4')]))
# numpy...
# cupy

Currently, CuPy does not support structured arrays. In fact, only boolean and numeric ones are listed as the supported data types in the Overview documentation.


how to compress lists/nested lists in hdf5

I recently learned of the hdf5 compression and working with it. That it has some advantages over .npz/npy when working with gigantic files.
I managed to try out a small list, since I do sometimes work with lists that have strings as follows;
def write():
test_array = ['a1','a2','a1','a2','a1','a2', 'a1','a2', 'a1','a2','a1','a2','a1','a2', 'a1','a2', 'a1','a2','a1','a2','a1','a2', 'a1','a2']
with h5py.File('example_file.h5', 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset('test3', data=repr(test_array), dtype='S', compression='gzip', compression_opts=9)
However I got this error:
f.create_dataset('test3', data=repr(test_array), dtype='S', compression='gzip', compression_opts=9)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 136, in create_dataset
dsid = dataset.make_new_dset(self, shape, dtype, data, **kwds)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 118, in make_new_dset
tid = h5t.py_create(dtype, logical=1)
File "h5py/h5t.pyx", line 1634, in h5py.h5t.py_create
File "h5py/h5t.pyx", line 1656, in h5py.h5t.py_create
File "h5py/h5t.pyx", line 1689, in h5py.h5t.py_create
File "h5py/h5t.pyx", line 1508, in h5py.h5t._c_string
ValueError: Size must be positive (size must be positive)
After searching for hours over the net on any better ways to do this, I couldn't get.
Is there a better way to compress lists with H5?
This is a more general answer for Nested Lists where each nested list is a different length. It also works for the simpler case when the nested lists are equal length. There are 2 solutions: 1 with h5py and one with PyTables.
h5py example
h5py does not support ragged arrays, so you have to create a dataset based on the longest substring and add elements to the "short" substrings.
You will get 'None' (or a substring) at each array position that doesn't have a corresponding value in the nested list. Take care with the dtype= entry. This shows how to find the longest string in the list (as slen=##) and uses it to create dtype='S##'
import h5py
import numpy as np
test_list = [['a01','a02','a03','a04','a05','a06'],
# arrlen and test_array from answer to SO #10346336 - Option 3:
# Ref:
slen = max(len(item) for sublist in test_list for item in sublist)
arrlen = max(map(len, test_list))
test_array = np.array([tl+[None]*(arrlen-len(tl)) for tl in test_list], dtype='S'+str(slen))
with h5py.File('example_nested.h5', 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset('test3', data=test_array, compression='gzip')
PyTables example
PyTables supports ragged 2-d arrays as VLArrays (variable length). This avoids the complication of adding 'None' values for "short" substrings. Also, you don't have to determine the array length in advance, as the number of rows is not defined when VLArray is created (rows are added after creation). Again, take care with the dtype= entry. This uses the same method as above.
import tables as tb
import numpy as np
test_list = [['a01','a02','a03','a04','a05','a06'],
slen = max(len(item) for sublist in test_list for item in sublist)
with tb.File('example_nested_tb.h5', 'w') as h5f:
vlarray = h5f.create_vlarray('/','vla_test', tb.StringAtom(slen) )
for slist in test_list:
arr = np.array(slist,dtype='S'+str(slen))
for row in vlarray:
print('%s[%d]--> %s' % (, vlarray.nrow, row))
You are close. The data= argument is designed to work with an existing NumPy array. When you use a List, behind the scenes it is converted to an Array. It works for a List of numbers. (Note that Lists and Arrays are different Python object classes.)
You ran into an issue converting a list of strings. By default, the dtype is set to NumPy's Unicode type ('<U2' in your case). That is a problem for h5py (and HDF5). Per the h5py documentation: "HDF5 has no support for wide characters. Rather than trying to hack around this and “pretend” to support it, h5py will raise an error if you try to store data of this type." Complete details about NumPy and strings at this link: h5py doc: Strings in HDF5
I modified your example slightly to show how you can get it to work. Note that I explicitly created the NumPy array of strings, and declared dtype='S2' to get the desired string dtype. I added an example using a list of integers to show how a list works for numbers. However, NumPy arrays are the preferred data object.
I removed the f.close() statement, as this is not required when using a context manager (with / as: structure)
Also, be careful with the compression level. You will get (slightly) more compression with compression_opts=9 compared to compression_opts=1, but you will pay in I/O processing time each time you access the dataset. I suggest starting with 1.
import h5py
import numpy as np
test_array = np.array(['a1','a2','a1','a2','a1','a2', 'a1','a2',
'a1','a2','a1','a2','a1','a2', 'a1','a2',
'a1','a2','a1','a2','a1','a2', 'a1','a2'], dtype='S2')
data_list = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
with h5py.File('example_file.h5', 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset('test3', data=test_array, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9)
f.create_dataset('test4', data=data_list, compression='gzip', compression_opts=1)

Object arrays not supported on numpy with mkl?

I recently switched from numpy compiled with open blas to numpy compiled with mkl. In pure numeric operations there was a clear speed up for matrix multiplication. However when I ran some code I have been using which multiplies matrices containing sympy variables, I now get the error
'Object arrays are not currently supported'
Does anyone have information on why this is the case for mkl and not for open blas?
Release notes for 1.17.0
Support of object arrays in matmul
It is now possible to use matmul (or the # operator) with object arrays. For instance, it is now possible to do:
from fractions import Fraction
a = np.array([[Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 3)], [Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 2)]])
b = a # a
Are you using # (matmul or dot)? A numpy array containing sympy objects will be object dtype. Math on object arrays depends on delegating the action to the object's own methods. It cannot be performed by the fast compiled libraries, which only work with c types such as float and double.
As a general rule you should not be trying to mix numpy and sympy. Math is hit-or-miss, and never fast. Use sympy's own Matrix module, or lambdify the sympy expressions for numeric work.
What's the mkl version? You may have to explore this with creator of that compilation.

numpy.savetxt for 2d array in Python 3.5.1

my question is related to this but I can't get that solution to work and didn't want to add my own scenario to the old question.
I have a 2D float numpy array, am running python 3.5.1 with numpy 1.10.4, and am trying to write out the array with
numpy.savetext(filename, arrayname, delimiter = ',')
which works beautifully with a 1D array.
I've tried the solution from the referenced post
with open(filename, 'ab') as f:
numpy.savetext(f, arrayname, delimiter = ',')
to no avail. Actually, I've tried this without the delimiter as well as with 'w', 'wb, 'a' and with formatting arguments, and always get the same error message:
TypeError: Mismatch between array dtype ('float64') and format specifier.
I need to write this 2D array to a file which will be read later into a panda dataframe (have been using read.csv). I understand this may be an issue with numpy.savetxt, so I'm looking for an alternative.
Please try a minimal example and post the result, since the following works for me:
import numpy as np
np.savetxt('file1.txt', array1 , delimiter = ',')
file content:
I had the same error message - until I finally realized that the type of my output actually was a list, not a numpy array!

Cython: storing unicode in numpy array

I'm new to cython, and I've been having a re-ocurring problem involving encoding unicode inside of a numpy array.
Here's an example of the problem:
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cpdef pass_array(np.ndarray[ndim=1,dtype=np.unicode] a):
cpdef access_unicode_item(np.ndarray a):
cdef unicode item = a[0]
Example errors:
In [3]: unicode_array = np.array([u"array",u"of",u"unicode"],dtype=np.unicode)
In [4]: pass_array(unicode_array)
ValueError: Does not understand character buffer dtype format string ('w')
In [5]: access_item(unicode_array)
TypeError: Expected unicode, got numpy.unicode_
The problem seems to be that the values are not real unicode, but instead numpy.unicode_ . Is there a way to encode the values in the array as proper unicode (so that I can type individual items for use in cython code)?
In Py2.7
In [375]: arr=np.array([u"array",u"of",u"unicode"],dtype=np.unicode)
In [376]: arr
array([u'array', u'of', u'unicode'],
In [377]: arr.dtype
Out[377]: dtype('<U7')
In [378]: type(arr[0])
Out[378]: numpy.unicode_
In [379]: type(arr[0].item())
Out[379]: unicode
In general x[0] returns an element of x in a numpy subclass. In this case np.unicode_ is a subclass of unicode.
In [384]: isinstance(arr[0],np.unicode_)
Out[384]: True
In [385]: isinstance(arr[0],unicode)
Out[385]: True
I think you'd encounter the same sort of issues between np.int32 and int. But I haven't worked enough with cython to be sure.
Where have you seen cython code that specifies a string (unicode or byte) dtype? has expressions like
# We now need to fix a datatype for our arrays. I've used the variable
# DTYPE for this, which is assigned to the usual NumPy runtime
# type info object.
# "ctypedef" assigns a corresponding compile-time type to DTYPE_t. For
# every type in the numpy module there's a corresponding compile-time
# type with a _t-suffix.
ctypedef np.int_t DTYPE_t
def naive_convolve(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2] f):
The purpose of the [] part is to improve indexing efficiency.
What we need to do then is to type the contents of the ndarray objects. We do this with a special “buffer” syntax which must be told the datatype (first argument) and number of dimensions (“ndim” keyword-only argument, if not provided then one-dimensional is assumed).
I don't think np.unicode will help because it doesn't specify character length. The full string dtype has to include the number of characters, eg. <U7 in my example.
We need to find working examples which pass string arrays - either in the cython documentation or other SO cython questions.
For some operations, you could treat the unicode array as an array of int32.
In [397]: arr.nbytes
Out[397]: 84
3 strings x 7 char/string * 4bytes/char
In [398]: arr.view(np.int32).reshape(-1,7)
array([[ 97, 114, 114, 97, 121, 0, 0],
[111, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[117, 110, 105, 99, 111, 100, 101]])
Cython gives you the greatest speed improvement when you can bypass Python functions and methods. That would include bypassing much of the Python string and unicode functionality.

NumPy argmax and structured array error: expected a readable buffer object

I got the following error while using NumPy argmax method. Could some one help me to understand what happened:
import numpy as np
b = np.zeros(1, dtype={'names':['a','b'], 'formats': ['i4']*2})
The error is
TypeError: expected a readable buffer object
While the following runs without a problem:
a = np.zeros(3)
It seems the error dues to the structured array. But could you anyone help to explain the reason?
Your b is:
array([(0, 0)], dtype=[('a', '<i4'), ('b', '<i4')])
I get a different error message with argmax:
TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype([('a', '<i4'), ('b', '<i4')]) to dtype('V8') according to the rule 'safe'
But this works:
In [88]: b['a'].argmax()
Out[88]: 0
Generally you can't do math operations across the fields of a structured array. You can operate within each field (if it is numeric). Since the fields could be a mix of numbers, strings and other objects, so there's been no effort to handle special cases where such operations might make sense.
If you really must to operations across the fields, try a different view, eg:
In [94]: b.view('<i4').argmax()
Out[94]: 0