Redirect and change the request method and content - apache

I was reading the mod_rewrite documentation but haven't found an example to match the following scenario.
The use will try to use a GET request to /api/getCars.
On apache I need to change this request to POST method, to a different server, like https://internal_server/getAllCars, and I need to add some content on the body of this request and send it as x-www-form-urlencoded Content Type.
Which apache module do I have to use to achieve this behavior.
Can anybody provide any example?


Apache mod_ext_filter : Get POST data

I'm trying to get an ID contained in the body of a POST request and only allow access to my location through reverse proxy for some of these IDs
I saw mod_ext_filter which seemed interesting but I didn't find how to access the content of the POST request, do you have any ideas?
Otherwise there is also mod_lua which could be interesting?

How to pass original URI, with arguments, to Traefik ErrorPage handler specified in `query`?

I'm trying to use nginx to serve a custom error page using the Error Page middleware so that 404 requests to a lambda service (which I don't control) can be handled with a custom error page. I want to be able to get the context of this original request on that error page, either in Nginx for further forwarding, or else as a header for further handling e.g. in PHP or whatnot so I can provide contextual links on the 404 page.
However, right now after the redirection to Nginx in Traefik's ErrorPage middleware it seems the request has lost all the headers and data from the original service query.
The relevant part of my dockerfile:
traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/myservice;ReplacePathRegex:^/myservice/(.*) /newprefix/$$1
Nginx receives the forwarded 404 request, but the request URI comes through as nothing more than the path /myservice-404 specified in query (or /, if I omit traefik.frontend.errors.myservice.query). After the ReplacePathRegex I have the path of the original request available in the HTTP_X_REPLACED_PATH header, but any query arguments are no longer accessible in any header, and nginx can't see anything else about the original URI. For example, if I requested, the HTTP_X_REPLACED_PATH header will show /myservice/some/subpath but not include the parameters.
Is it possible in Traefik to pass another service the complete context about the original request?
What I'm really looking for is something like try_files, where I could say "if this traefik request fails, try this other path instead", but I'd settle for being able to access the original, full request arguments within the handling backend server. If there was a way to send Nginx a request with the full path and query received by Traefik, that would be ideal.
I am routing a request to a specific service in Traefik
If that request 404s, I want to be able to pass that request to Nginx for further processing / a contextual error page
I want Nginx and/or the page which receives the ErrorPage redirect to be able to know about the request that 404'd in the service
Unfortunately this is not possible with Traefik. I tried to achieve something similar but I realized that the only information that we are able to pass to the error page is the HTTP code, that's it.
The only options available are mentioned in their docs:

Ambassador Mapping Rewrite Needs Original URL In Header

I'm using Ambassador Mappings created through a Helm chart in order to rewrite and forward a web request. The client has requested that we include the originally requested URL in a header when we forward the request.
Based on documentation, it looks like there are only two dynamic values I can set: %DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS_WITHOUT_PORT% and %PROTOCOL%, neither of which seems to solve my issue.
Are there any ways for me to set this header properly through an Ambassador mapping?
So I think we've found the solution. If you use Envoy's syntax and make sure that is forwarded through, you can use their REQ() function, to get the authority and path, to construct the URL. For example:
Here is the documentation for all of the possibilities you can use with Envoy through Ambassador's mapping:

When I send post request in vue.js it generates get request

The code is as simple as
this.$, data);
On local machine it generates POST request.
On cloud server it generates GET request.
Version of vue.js is the same.
On localhost request to /example/url/ is processed without redirect but on server request to /example/url/ makes redirect to /example/url (without trailing slash). Because of this POST becomes GET.
I faced this same problem. try to use [HttpPost] attribute in the controller along with the attribute you are using.

How to add HTTP header to URL

I'm working with an API which provides a HTTP header called token with value 12abc3 and my url is Is there a way by which I can add the header as a parameter in the url so that I can type it directly on my browser's address bar instead of using cURL
The only way I can imagine being able to do this would be to write a small HTTP proxy that takes a specially formatted URL and extracts header values out of the URL and re-issues the request for you. I'm not aware of any service to do this automatically for you.
I think it's too late to reply but for those who still finding the solution
you can send your token through url like this
https://yoururl?Authorization=Bearer yourtokenhere