VB.net rename each file in a directory - vb.net

Id like to rename all my files in one specific directory. They shall all get the identical extension. I tried using a for loop:
For Each s As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(Environ("PROGRAMFILES(x86)"), "*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(s, s & ".new")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
So that the name s (as string) becomes s & extension ".new"
However, that didnt work.

If you had read the documentation for the RenameFile method you are calling, as you should have to begin with but especially when it didn't work, then you would know that the first argument requires the full path of the file while the second argument requires just the new name of the file. That means that you need this:
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(s, My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(s) & ".new")
The File.Move method requires full paths in both cases because it supports renaming within the same folder and moving to a different folder. You say that you want to use RenameFile but didn't bother to note how it is different, i.e. it only supports renaming within the same folder so specifying that path twice is pointless and allowing different paths to be specified would cause problems.


Rename a «grandparent» folder case-sensitive?

How can I rename the folder called «grandparent» in the following directory structure
to «GrandParent» and
The child-folder is not empty and contains different files.
If I try it with the command IO.Directory.Move(OldDirName, NewDirName) I get an error that the directory name must not be identical (ignoring the different case spelling).
Do I really have to move it to a completely new temporary directory (like C:\AnotherTemp\ and then move it back to the desired «GrandParent»?
(This answer seems only to work, if the last part («child») should be renamed.)

WinSCP Session::RemoveFiles - Delete specified files in sub directories

[Question] Does Session::RemoveFiles() remove files in sub directory of source directory? If not, how to implement this ability?
(Please do not ask me why I have the remote directory as /C/testTransfer/. The code just for testing purpose.)
I have a SFTP program using WinSCP .Net assembly. Program language is C++/CLI. It opens up a work file. The file contains many lines of FTP instructions.
One type of instruction I have to handle is to transfer *.txt from source directory. The source directory may contain sub directories which may contain .txt as well. Once transfer is successful, delete the source files.
I use Session::GetFiles() for the transfer. It correctly transfer all .txt files (/C/testTransfer/*.txt), even those in sub directories (/C/testTransfer/sub/*.txt), in the source to the destination.
transferOptions->FileMask = "*.txt";
session->GetFiles("/C/testTransfer", "C:\\temp\\win", false, transferOption);
Now to remove, I use session->RemoveFiles("/C/testTransfer/*.txt"). I only see *.txt in the source (/C/testTransfer/*.txt), but not in the sub directory (/C/testTransfer/sub/*.txt), are removed.
The Session::RemoveFiles can remove even files in subdirectories in general. But not this way with wildcard, because WinSCP will not descend to subdirectories that do not match the wildcard (*.txt). Also note that even if you do not need the wildcard, the Session::RemoveFiles would remove even the subdirectories themselves, what I'm not sure you want it to.
Though you have other (and better = more safe) options:
Use the remove parameter of the Session::GetFiles method to instruct it to remove source file after successful transfer.
If you need to delete source files transactionally (=only after download of all files succeed), iterate the TransferOperationResult::Transfers returned by Session::GetFiles and call the Session::RemoveFiles for each (unless the TransferEventArgs::Error is not null).
Use the TransferEventArgs::FileName to get a file path to pass to the Session::RemoveFiles. Use the RemotePath::EscapeFileMask to escape the file name before passing it to the Session::RemoveFiles.
There's a similar full example available for Moving local files to different location after successful upload.
To recursively delete files matching a wildcard in a standalone operation (not after downloading the same files), use the Session::EnumerateRemoteFiles. Pass your wildcard to its mask argument. Use the EnumerationOptions.AllDirectories option for recursion.
Call the Session::RemoveFiles for each returned file. Use the RemotePath::EscapeFileMask to escape the file name before passing it to the Session::RemoveFiles.

Filter files from directory vb.net

Straight to the question...I have files such as word documents with extension(.doc) and its respective sample files starting with (.sample)
Now I would like to load only the word documents..
I found the way as shown below to load the files but this loads all the files
Can anyone say me how do I filter these files while loading them ?
This is what I'm trying to do:
Dim files = Array.FindAll(Directory.GetFiles(mydir), Function(x) (Not x.StartsWith(".sample")))
This is my directory consists of files as said above:
The way you use it, all the files are retrieved (paying the whole computational cost) and then they are filtered.
As stated in this article, you can use a search pattern directly in file retrieval from your file system.
I suppose you could do something like that:
Dim files = Directory.GetFiles(mydir,".doc*")
If you gave an example of filenames, perhaps I would give you the right filter to apply too.
Hope I helped!
The GetFiles method returns filenames with the path that you specified included.
So if your files are in a folder C:\working\, your mydir variable will contain "C:\working\" and all of the results of GetFiles will be something like
So your x.StartsWith is always going to return false, because x always starts with C:\
Try this:
Dim files = Array.FindAll(Directory.GetFiles(mydir), Function(x) (Not x.StartsWith(mydir & ".sample")))
Note this assumes that your mydir variable ends with a \ character. If not, add it in in the concatenation within the function.
Try this,
Dim files = Array.FindAll(Directory.GetFiles(mydir), Function(x) (Not Path.GetFileName(x).StartsWith(".sample")))

Rename a file at runtime with vb.net

i try to rename a file using vb.net in this way:
But if i use a software to recover files deleted, i find a file named :"_ldname", and if i recovery the file "_ldname" i have, in this way, two files equals.
Can i do this without have a duplicate of my file?
Best regards
You cannot, this is a windows filesystem limitation and nothing to do with programming. Two files cannot have the same name in the same location.
The recovery software should be forcing a rename to Myfile(1).txt or something like that to distinguish between the two files.
You could always use:
If File.Exists(path) = False Then
To make sure the file doesn't already exists. Then if it does exist you could add a "(1)" to the file name.

Automatically locating a file

By default AutoCAD installs a text based file called acad2010.lsp at the set location below
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support\acad2010.lsp"
However it my be that the user/ administrator/ or third party has changed the location of this file. Is it possible to then locate it using the following
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\*\acad2010.lsp"
In other words search the entire c:\ drive for file acad2010.lsp?
If this doesn't work can you please let me know what would?
You could search for it with an FSO. It's not going to be fast however you do it but this is the fastest way I can think of.
http://www.microbion.co.uk/developers/fso.htm should give you a rough idea of how it's done.
Your solution will not work. Is not possible to locate it using *. (BTW is possible in ms-builds scripts). The only way of doing it is:
1- Create a FindFile function (check for example
2- Use it to locate the exact path of the file. (It could be really time
3- From this point your code is the same...
Unfortunately, you can't use wildcards in a filepath. You have two options:
Prompt the user for the file location using the "Open File" dialog. The code to do this varies based on which Office product you are using. In Excel, you would use the Application.FindFile method (more info here).
Write your own function to search the filesystem for the file. Microsoft provides an example here.
If that file is used by internal functions of the application, the installer will have recorded a registry key for the file's location.
Open regedit.exe and search for the file name and path.
You can read a registry entry using this VBA one-liner:
You may need a terminating backslash on the key address, but that's a safe and simple registry access method. More details on the MSDN site: