FluentValidation testing with RuleSets - fluentvalidation

Im writing some test for a FluentValidator that contains RuleSets like this:
RuleSet("Patch", () =>
RuleFor(x => x.Name)
and I test this with FluentValidation.TestHelper, the test look like this:
_sut.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.Name, string.Empty);
The problem is that the ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor dont go in the RuleSet therefore the NotEmpty check dont fires.
How do I specify the test to use the the RuleSet "Patch"?


How can I set unique recurring intervals for sidekiq-scheduler?

I am surprised there isn't more documentation on this, or maybe I am looking in the wrong place. I have set up sidekiq and sidekiq-scheduler in my rails app to handle recurring scheduled tasks. It works like a charm for basic jobs like documented:
Sidekiq.set_schedule('heartbeat', { 'every' => ['1m'], 'class' => 'HeartbeatWorker' })
However, I require more unique and dynamic schedules. Something along the lines of:
Sidekiq.set_schedule('heartbeat', { 'every' => ['1month'], 'class' => 'HeartbeatWorker' })
or even better:
Sidekiq.set_schedule('heartbeat', { 'every' => ['first_of_month'], 'class' => 'HeartbeatWorker' })
Is there a way to handle this complexity with my current setup or do I require another gem?
This is my first time working with sidekiq and cron.

How to change yii2 default module

Hello I am not an expert in Yii2 and would appreciate any help, We want to change our default module,
Our logic:
site implements a use of wildcard domain, https://example.com,
we implement a bootstrap component to Identify a use of a "subdomain" in the
url I.E. https://sub.example.com,
$config = [
'id' => 'basic',
'name' => 'exapmle',
'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),
'bootstrap' => [
'app\components\SubBootstrap', #this is the bootstrap component we use
now we would have liked to use the same logic to change the default module to a new "submodule" but we can't use the bootstrap because it happens after the default module has been applied.
obviously we can have an explicit url call for the module I.E.
'modules' => [
'class' => 'app\modules\sub\Module',
but that means that the url would look like https://somesub.example.com/sub/ which is undesirable.
thank you very much
In your case, what you can do is override the UrlManager component and manually adjust the path to reflect the module that you want to envoke behind the scenes.
So your code would look something like this:
namespace app\components;
use Yii;
class UrlManager extends \yii\web\UrlManager
public function parseRequest($request)
if (!empty(Yii::$app->sub)) {
$pathInfo = $request->pathInfo;
$moduleIds = array_keys(Yii::$app->modules);
$inModule = false;
foreach ($moduleIds as $moduleId) {
if (preg_match("/^{$moduleId}/", $pathInfo)) {
$inModule = true;
if (!$inModule) {
$pathInfo = 'sub/' . $pathInfo;
return parent::parseRequest($request);
and then in config/web.php:
'urlManager' => [
'class' => 'app\components\UrlManager',
You don't need to change the module configuration. You need to change web-server path to this module and architech the UrlManager rules;
Bootstraping yii module it's only some way to load it before another components.

PrestaShop save HTML in CustomerMessage->message

I'm making a customization in a PrestaShop where I need to offer an HTML editor when the employee answers to a customer thread. This part I achieved and the I'm getting to send the HTML in the e-mail message.
My problem is to show in the history, I need to show the HTML in the history (sometimes employees send links etc..). To achieve that I need to be able to save HTML in the message field of the customer_message table. When I go to the definition of the ObjectModel (classes/CustomerMessage.php) I see this:
'message' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isCleanHtml', 'required' => true, 'size' => 65000),
Which is cleaning the HMTL. So I created a new file at override/classes/CustomerMessage.php with this content:
class CustomerMessage extends CustomerMessageCore
public function __construct($id = null) {
self::$definition['fields']['message'] = array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isAnything', 'required' => true, 'size' => 65000);
This I believe that would override the property allowing me to save HTML in this field. But it doesn't work. Am I doing it the wrong way? If so, how can I redefine this field?
Thanks for any help
you have to use this settings:
self::$definition['fields']['message'] = array('type' => self::TYPE_HTML, 'validate' => 'isCleanHtml', 'required' => true, 'size' => 65000);
the type should be TYPE_HTML, and don't change validation isCleanHtml because it check about parts of html code that you don't want (like js, script, iframe, etc)
Let me know :)
PS: Every time that we make an override, delete the class_index.php that is stored in cache folder

YII2 UrlManager wrong route

On my site I have this urlManager rule:
'city/<id:\d+>-<alias:\S*>' => 'city/view',
On page of module "user", for example this https://example.com/user/profile, there is a link for rule
Url::to(['city/view', 'id' => $this->id, 'alias' => $this->alias], $absolute)
But link becomes this https://example.com/user/city/view?id=1&alias=city_alias
What I am doing wrong?
You need to add module ID in the route as well. In the simplest case it's
'user/city/<id:\d+>-<alias:\S*>' => 'user/city/view'
If there are more than one module using similar route you can use wildcard
'<module>/city/<id:\d+>-<alias:\S*>' => '<module>/city/view'
You should simply try :
Url::to(['/city/view', 'id' => $this->id, 'alias' => $this->alias], $absolute)
Read more about creating urls.

Zend Framework - how to rewrite url to seo friendly url

I got website on Zend Framework (im total noob in Zend). For example I would like to make one URL "somewebsite.com/test/about" to look like this "somewebsite.com/for-fun-link". How do i achieve this in Zend ? Im newbie in Zend and Apache server. Where i do rewrites in Zend ? I want static URL somewebsite.com/page/about rewrite to somewebsite.com/about-product
And last question: where do i usually create rewrites ? its depends of sever/technology ?
In your bootstrap, you'll need to configure some "routes". So, if your bootstrap ends something like this:
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
you can just add in some route definitions like this:
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$router = $frontController->getRouter();
$router->addRoute( 'mylovelyroute',
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static( 'for-fun-link',
array( 'controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'about' )
$router->addRoute( 'myotherroute',
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static( 'about-product',
array( 'controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'about' )
$router->addRoute( 'justonemore',
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static( 'another/longer/path',
array( 'controller' => 'mycontroller',
'action' => 'myaction',
'someparameter' => 'foo'
The first parameter of addRoute() is just a unique name. Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static takes the path you'd like to capture, and then an array of parameters, including a controller and action (and module if it applies).
If you wanted to add complexity, you could load the routes out of a database, or start using more dynamic routes. The docs here are a useful next step: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.router.html#zend.controller.router.routes.standard