I want to learn about TensorFlowInferenceInterface which is used to create tensorflow apps. What sources can trusted? - tensorflow

I am working on project Audio classifier app. I am beginner in java Also if some one can help me figure out how to extract MFFC features from audio signal I would like give them credit,also provide me contact details if you are interested.

In Android, you can use TensorFlow Lite , a lightweight solution for TensorFlow.
You can convert a TensorFlow model, or Keras model to a TF Lite model ( .tflite ). See here.
This TF Lite model could be inferenced on an Android or iOS device using the TF Lite's Java and Swift API.
It may not support some layers like LSTM or BatchNormalization. Dense and all Conv layers work well.
Another method is using Tensorflow Mobile.
TensorFlow Mobile runs a protocol buffers file ( .pb ). It has been deprecated but can be still used. But, Google suggests its developers to use TF Lite.
You can find a complete tutorial here.


How to do fine tuning on TFlite model

I would like to fine tune a model on my own data. However the model is distributed by tflite format. Is there anyway to extract the model architecture and parameters out of the tflite file?
One approach could be to convert the TFLite file to another format, and import into a deep learning framework that supports training.
Something like ONNX, using tflite2onnx, and then import into a framework of your choice. Not all frameworks can import from ONNX (e.g. PyTorch). I believe you can train with ONNXRuntime, and MXNet. Unsure if you can train using TensorFlow.
I'm not sure to understand what you need. But if you want to know the exact architecture of your model you can use neutron to find out.
You will get something like the this :
And for your information TensorFlow Lite is not meant to be finetuned. You need to finetune a classic TensorFlow model and then convert it to TensorFlow Lite.

TF Lite Retraining on Mobile

Let's assume I made an app that has machine learning in it using a tflite file.
Is it possible that I could retrain this model right inside the app?
I have tried to use the Model Maker which is provided by TensorFlow, but, without this, i don't think there's any other way to retrain your model with just the app i made.
Do you mean training on the device when the app is deployed? If yes, TFLite currently doesn't support training in general. But there's some experimental work in this direction with limited support as shown by https://github.com/tensorflow/examples/blob/master/lite/examples/model_personalization.
Currently, the retraining of a TFLite model, as you found out w/ Model Maker, has to happen offline w/ TF before the app is deployed.

can we build object detection model using Tensorflow or it is only possible with the help f tf.keras

Is there any way to build object detection model using Tensorflow without any help of tf.keras module?
From Tensorflow documentation I'm not able to find any example which helps to create model without Keras.
Keras is a high level API. But if you want to use only Tensorflow then you have to implement the architecture using low level API. You can certainly implement but you have to code it yourself to build all the convolutional layers and dense layer by yourself.

Dumping Weights in TensorflowLite

new Tensorflow 2.0 user. My project requires me to investigate the weights for the neural network i created in Tensorflow (super simple one). I think I know how to do it in the regular Tensorflow case. Namely I use the command model.save_weights(filename). I would like to repeat this effort for a .tflite model but I am having trouble. Instead of generating my own tensorflow lite model, I am using one of the many models which are provided online: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/hosted_model to avoid having to troubleshoot my use of the Tensorflow Lite converter. Any thoughts?

Should I use the standalone Keras library or tf.keras?

As Keras becomes an API for TensorFlow, there are lots of old versions of Keras code, such as https://github.com/keiserlab/keras-neural-graph-fingerprint/blob/master/examples.py
from keras import models
With the current version of TensorFlow, do we need to change every Keras code as?
from tensorflow.keras import models
You are mixing things up:
Keras (https://keras.io/) is a library independent from TensorFlow, which specifies a high-level API for building and training neural networks and is capable of using one of multiple backends (among which, TensorFlow) for low-level tensor computation.
tf.keras (https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/keras) implements the Keras API specification within TensorFlow. In addition, the tf.keras API is optimized to work well with other TensorFlow modules: you can pass a tf.data Dataset to the .fit() method of a tf.keras model, for instance, or convert a tf.keras model to a TensorFlow estimator with tf.keras.estimator.model_to_estimator. Currently, the tf.keras API is the high-level API to look for when building models within TensorFlow, and the integration with other TensorFlow features will continue in the future.
So to answer your question: no, you don't need to convert Keras code to tf.keras code. Keras code uses the Keras library, potentially even runs on top of a different backend than TensorFlow, and will continue to work just fine in the future. Even more, it's important to not just mix up Keras and tf.keras objects within the same script, since this might produce incompatabilities, as you can see for example in this question.
Update: Keras will be abandoned in favor of tf.keras: https://twitter.com/fchollet/status/1174019423541157888