cypress custom find command - testing

I have a custom command that gets me my elements with the data-cy attribute.
Cypress.Commands.add("getById", (id) => {
everything's working fine.
Now it would be nice if I had the same with find. It would be looking like this:
Cypress.Commands.add("findById", { prevSubject: true }, (subject, id) => {
The problem there is that cypress throws an error with this code:
cy.root().then((root) => {
if(root.findById("...").length) {
The error is "root.findById" is not a function.
Can you help me write that custom command correctly?

The basic problem is that subject passed in to the command is already wrapped, so just chain the find() from it. Also you need to return the result to use it in the test.
Custom command
Cypress.Commands.add("findById", { prevSubject: true }, (subject, id) => {
return subject.find(`[data-cy=${id}]`)
The next problem is you can't mix 'ordinary' js code with Cypress commands, so the returned value must be accessed from a .then().
describe('...', () => {
it('...', () => {
cy.root().findById('2').then(el => {
console.log('found', el, el.length)
Html used to test the test (app/find-by-id.html)
<div data-cy="1"></div>
<div data-cy="2"></div>
<div data-cy="2"></div>
<div data-cy="3"></div>

Adding to #Richard Matsen's answer, you might want to add some log into your command, so that it appears well in your cypress log, just as if you had used .find(...) directly:
prevSubject: ["element"],
subject: Cypress.Chainable<HTMLElement>,
testId: string,
options?: Partial<
Cypress.Loggable &
Cypress.Timeoutable &
Cypress.Withinable &
) => {
const $el = subject.find(`[data-testid=${testId}]`, options);
$el: $el as any,
name: "findByTestId",
message: testId,
return $el;


vuejs dynamically adding class

Using vuejs 3. In the vuejs app, I have:
return_prohibited turns to true when the server returns an error message from a fetch request:
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
if (data.message) {
this.credits = []
this.debits = []
return_prohibited = true
} // cut for brievity
Html file:
<button #click="previousMonth" id="bouton_mois_prec" :class="{interdit:return_prohibited}" >précédent</button>
I was expecting that the css class interdit would be added to the button each time that return_probibited is true, as per these explanations. But nothing happens.
You should append this. in front of return_prohibited - otherwise you will get errors in the console.

Able to display the result of a promise but length of the result appears as undefined

I'm new to vue/promise and I am struggling to understand why when I try to display the result of a promise I end up with the expected data but when I try to find out its length, it says undefined
When I try to display the alerts from displayAlerts() , I can see a list of alerts, 2 in total. However in computed within the title function ${this.displayAlerts.length} appears as undefined, I was expecting to see 2.
Does it have something to do with displayAlerts() resulting in a promise? How do I fix the code such that I get 2 instead of undefined?
The code is below:
<li v-for="alert in alerts" class="alert">
export default {
data () {
return {
alerts: null,
alert: new Alert(),
updatedAlert: new Alert(),
deletedAlert: new Alert(),
computed: {
displayAlerts() {
return getUserAlert({
user_id: this.profile.user_id,
token: this.token
}).then(response => (this.alerts =
error => console.log(error)
title () {
return `My Alerts (${this.displayAlerts.length})`
test2() {
return [1,2,3]
Something like this should work:
<div v-if="alerts">
<h4>{{ title }}</h4>
<li v-for="alert in alerts" class="alert">
{{ }}
export default {
data () {
return {
alerts: null
computed: {
...mapGetters('authentication', ['token']),
...mapGetters('user', ['profile']),
title () {
// Handle the null case
const alerts = this.alerts || []
return `My Alerts (${alerts.length})`
methods: {
// This needs to be in the methods, not a computed property
displayAlerts () {
return getUserAlert({
user_id: this.profile.user_id,
token: this.token
}).then(response => (this.alerts =
error => console.log(error)
// Initiate loading in a hook, not via the template
created () {
Computed properties shouldn't have side-effects. Anything asynchronous falls into that category. I've moved displayAlerts to a method instead.
Templates shouldn't have side-effects. The call to load the data should be in a hook such as created or mounted instead.
title needs to access this.alerts rather than trying to manipulate the promise.
While the data is loading the value of alerts will be null. You need to handle that in some way. I've included a v-if in the template and some extra handling in title. You may choose to handle it differently.
I've added title to the template but that's just for demonstration purposes. You can, of course, do whatever you want with it.
I've assumed that your original displayAlerts function was working correctly and successfully populates alerts. You may want to rename it to something more appropriate, like loadAlerts.

Cypress hangs in loop when running custom Chai assertion

I have been trying to create my own custom chai assertion (based on the Cypress recipe template:
What I have found with the code below is that when it is run I end up with a constant loop of WRAP, if I swap this.obj with element it then results in a constant stream of GET. I do not seem to ever progress further than getRect(first).then((actual)
If anyone could help me out I'd be very grateful.
describe('testing custom chai', () => {
it('uses a custom chai helper', () => {
cy.get('#orb-modules > header').should('be.leftAligned', '#orb-header');
function getRect(selector) {
if (selector === '&document') {
return cy.document().then(doc => doc.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect());
} if (typeof selector === 'string') {
return cy.get(selector).then($elem => $elem[0].getBoundingClientRect());
return cy.wrap(selector).then(elem => Cypress.$(elem)[0].getBoundingClientRect());
function getRects(first, second) {
return getRect(first).then((actual) => {
getRect(second).then(expected => [actual, expected]);
const aligned = (_chai, utils) => {
function leftAligned(element) {
getRects(element,this.obj).then((rects) => {
rects[0].left === rects[1].left,
'expected #{this} to be equal',
'expected #{this} to not be equal',
_chai.Assertion.addMethod('leftAligned', leftAligned);
The basic problem is that the async commands cy.get(), cy.wrap(), cy.document() can't be used in the custom assertion. My best guess is that the auto-retry mechanism is going bananas and giving you the constant loop.
Instead, you can use Cypress.$() which is the synchronous version (essentially jquery exposed on the Cypress object).
The following seems to work ok. (I renamed getRects() param to subject, as sometimes it's a selector and sometimes it's the object passed in to .should()).
Note also this._obj instead of this.obj.
function getRect(subject) {
if (subject === '&document') {
return Cypress.$(document).context.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
if (typeof subject === 'string') { // the selector passed in to assertion
return Cypress.$(subject)[0].getBoundingClientRect();
if (typeof subject === 'object') { // the element from cy.get() i.e this._obj
return subject[0].getBoundingClientRect();
return null; // something unkown
function getRects(first, second) {
const actual = getRect(first)
const expected = getRect(second)
return [actual, expected];
const aligned = (_chai, utils) => {
function leftAligned(element) {
const rects = getRects(element, this._obj)
rects[0].left === rects[1].left,
'expected #{this} to be equal',
'expected #{this} to not be equal',
_chai.Assertion.addMethod('leftAligned', leftAligned);
I was unable to test your BBC page directly, as there's a cross-origin problem occurring
Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'
but it does work with a mockup page
<div id="orb-modules">
<h1>Brexit: Boris Johnson's second attempt to trigger election fails</h1>
and testing like so
it('uses a custom chai helper', () => {
cy.get('#orb-modules > header').should('be.leftAligned', '#orb-modules');

How to write unordered list in vue.js?

I am trying to create and unordered list for an array of errors I am printing from my console. I am using vue.js and am struggling to understand how to write this. My relevant code is below.
Script for printing errors:
export default {
name: 'post',
data () {
return {
validationErrors: []
methods: {
getPost () {
//irrelevant code
.then(({data}) => {
this.validationErrors = data.validationErrors
postUpdate () {
//more irrelevant code
.catch(error => {
this.validationErrors =;
How I am displaying the errors:
<p v-show="(this.validationErrors || '').length > 0">{{this.validationErrors != null && validationErrors.length > 0 ? validationErrors[0].msg : ""}}</p>
Any help would be appreciated!
Not quite sure what result you want, but it's easier to reason about if you make sure validationError is always an array - even if empty- and not null. Then you don't have to check for length or if it's null, you can simply do this
<p v-for="error in validationErrors" :key="error.msg">
{{ error.msg }}
If there are no errors, than nothing renders.

Vue JS fire a method based on another method's output unique ID

I'm trying to render a list of notes and in that list I would like to include the note's user name based on the user_id stored in the note's table. I have something like this, but at the moment it is logging an error stating Cannot read property 'user_id' of undefined, which I get why.
My question is, in Vue how can something like this be executed?
<div v-for="note in notes">
return this.$http.get('http://api/notes/' + id )
this.notes = response.body;
return this.$http.get('http://api/user/' + id )
this.user = response.body;
created: function(){
.then( () => {
I modified my code to look like the below example, and I'm getting better results, but not 100% yet. With this code, it works the first time it renders the view, if I navigate outside this component and then back in, it then fails...same thing if I refresh the page.
The error I am getting is: [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'user_name' of undefined"
Notice the console.log... it the returns the object as expected every time, but as I mentioned if refresh the page or navigate past and then back to this component, I get the error plus the correct log.
<div v-for="note in notes">
return this.$http.get('http://api/notes/' + id )
this.notes = response.body;
for( let i = 0; i < response.body.length; i++ ) {
let uId = response.body[i].user_id,
uNote = this.notes[i];
this.$http.get('http://api/users/' + uId)
uNote.user = response.body;
It looks like you're trying to show the username of each note's associated user, while the username comes from a different data source/endpoint than that of the notes.
One way to do that:
Fetch the notes
Fetch the user info based on each note's user ID
Join the two datasets into the notes array that your view is iterating, exposing a user property on each note object in the array.
Example code:
let _notes;
.then(notes => this.fetchUsers(notes))
.then(notes => _notes = notes)
.then(users => this.joinUserNotes(users, _notes))
.then(result => this.notes = result);
Your view template would look like this:
<div v-for="note in notes">
demo w/axios
UPDATE Based on the code you shared with me, it looks like my original demo code (which uses axios) might've misled you into a bug. The axios library returns the HTTP response in a data field, but the vue-resource library you use returns the HTTP response in a body field. Attempting to copy my demo code without updating to use the correct field would cause the null errors you were seeing.
When I commented that axios made no difference here, I was referring to the logic shown in the example code above, which would apply to either library, given the field names are abstracted in the fetchNotes() and fetchUsers().
Here's the updated demo: demo w/vue-resource.
Specifically, you should update your code as indicated in this snippet:
fetchInvoices(id) {
return this.$http.get('http://localhost/php-api/public/api/invoices/' + id)
// .then(invoices =>; // DON'T DO THIS!
.then(invoices => invoices.body); // DO THIS: `.data` should be `.body`
fetchCustomers(invoices) {
// ...
return Promise.all( => this.$http.get('http://localhost/php-api/public/api/customers/' + id))
// .then(customers => =>; // DON'T DO THIS!
.then(customers => => customer.body)); // DO THIS: `.data` should be `.body`
Thank you for all your help and effort dude! Ultimately, with the help from someone in the Vue forum, this worked for me. In addition I wanted to learn how to add additional http requests besides the just the user in the fetchNotes method - in this example also the image request. And this works for me.
<div v-if="notes.length > 0">
<div v-if="loaded === true">
<div v-for="note in notes">
<img :src="note.image.url" />
<div v-else>Something....</div>
<div v-else>Something....</div>
name: 'invoices',
data () {
return {
invoices: [],
loaded: false,
methods: {
fetchNotes: async function (id){
let notes = (await this.$http.get('http://api/notes/' + id )).body
for (let i = 0; notes.length; i++) {
notes[i].user = (await this.$http.get('http://api/user/' + notes[i].user_id)).body
notes[i].image = (await this.$http.get('http://api/image/' + notes[i].image_id)).body
this.notes = this.notes.concat(notes)
}catch (error) {
this.loaded = true;