Zapier Webhooks add data to default payload - shopify

I am setting up a Zap on Zapier and i have been trying to send a payload from Shopify(create order) to a Webhook which is sending data to an API. The problem i am having is adding data to the default payload(all data). I want to send all the data from the payload plus some additional attributes which i am configuring on the Data section, but this replaces the default-all data.
Is there a way to add a value to all the payload? I know i have the option to add the value by header or query string but i would like to add to the body instead. I am currently viewing the custom request but it seems complicated to configure the whole request to just add one value.
Thanks in advance.

David here, from the Zapier Platform team. This is a great question!
The short answer is that it's not possible to do quite what you want. You'll need to map each property into that data box like you're doing and add the custom properties you want.
That said, we track all feature requests that come in through tickets, so if you'd like to voice your support and get notified if/when this does get implemented, I'd suggest emailing in to


Coinbase Webhooks: is there a list of all data available?

I am looking into the webhook notifications and I am struggling to find documentation...
I would need to find the different payload for the "data" in the notification response...
the documentation only have one example:
it is almost impossible to built an app if I need to try and see every type of notification by myself... (trial and error approach :( )
any extra resource? any help here?
thank you all
On this page, there is a link that says
See full list of notifications and corresponding payload information
But guess what, it links to the pages in your OP.
Even CB's newest documentation doesn't outline the payload until you run a sample to get the result displayed in the docs page. Here is a simple example, just click Try It to see the payload. It's not a bad thing until you need to see the payload of a signed request, then it's a PITA...
I've never used their webhooks to know how the payload differs but considering their docs you may need to run each notification to see what to expect and save the result to refer to later.

Data storage after API call form Postman/SoapUI

I need to create an automated test-setup for some webservies, and plan to use SoapUI or Postman for that. My question is pretty basic. What happnds to the data after a request is made?
E.g. if the response contains data from a system, and display it in the Postman UI, will Postman store the response? Or what will happnd to it after the request?
I'm asking for security purpose and I was not able to find a concrete answer myself. Thank you in advance.
Postman provides us the explicit ways to store data or not. When you try to run a collection then in the settings we can specify if we want to store responses, cookies, etc or not. Configure it as per your need.
As per the official site
"Postman does not track any content of your requests/responses."
Under File--> settings
You can even avoid using the cloud version if you don't want to sync up things
Re SoapUI...
If you call a service once, then the data remains in the UI. If you run a second or third time, then only the last response is shown in he UI.
Once you close SoapUI, the request and response data is gone.
However, you can save the data from every request and response by using a datasink step, should that be what you want.

Consuming TFS Web Hooks (Post via HTTP)

Is there a specific request format that the webhooks have? I am using the Pull Request Updated event, and I am trying to deserialize into a class, but I do not know what fields I will need. Is there a class or example of the request content details for the different events?
As far as I know, there isn't a generic template for the HTTP post request/response from TFS.
The TFS HTTP post JSON request/response format is based on the specific action.
For example, for the web hooks whenever a work item is updated.If I update a description field, I am getting one format and if I add a child work item, I am getting another format.
However for the specific event, you can check the response format, then get the useful information which you needed.
Please refer to Send JSON representation to a service for more information.
And at the end of the Q&A part there is a sample JSON.

Restful api custom types

So I am building a restful api allowing users to send events.
There are "standard" events like birthday, wedding, etc that each have their separate properties. So if someone sends data for type = birthday they can also specify the parameters date_of_birthday, new_age, etc. If they send type = wedding, for example, they have to specify different properties.
So basically when they make /event/create api call, they specify a type and a list of properties based on that type. If they want to specify a "custom" type they can. In that case the properties they specify are up to them.
How best to build this api so that it is true to rest?
To create an event, clients should make a POST request like
HTTP POST: /event
The post parameters should contain the event details and can be of any structure that the application understands.
Create events using POST, this request it self stands for "Create new" event. I would also suggest following structure of your API URIs:
POST /event/birthday //Create new birthday event
POST /event/wedding //Create new wedding event
POST /event/{event_name}
this will help you provide clear structure of the RESTful API. E.g. getting all event types can be retrieved with GET /event, getting all birthdays with GET /event/birthday, getting weddings on 1.1.2014 GET /event/wedding/1-1-2014 etc
Think of your resource URI structure in the same way, you will define a folders and files structure.

Google Reader API - get subscribers

Anyone know the http request in order to find the subscriber count for a subscription?
Something similar to must exist for subscribers, no?
This is what Reader uses to fill in the data in the "show details" UI for a particular feeed:
Specifically, you'd want the "subscribers" property in the JSON output. The general format for the "s" parameter is feed/". Note that it requires authentication.
I wanted to do this same thing but from PUBLIC location so i hacked together an API for everyones use... it returns as JSON or JSONP and i dont save any history of feeds that are looked up... but i do have logging to be able to ban abusive ip