Google tokeninfo is returning deprecated Google Plus scopes, even when supplying the new scopes. What to do? - google-plus

Google is deprecating Google Plus and related APIs.
They recommend a simple migration, replacing the older deprecated scopes with new ones:
plus.login -> profile -> openid -> email
userinfo.profile -> profile -> email
Performing OAuth (using the code flow) with the new scopes works as expected. However, when calling the tokeninfo API the scopes are returned as their previous deprecated versions:
'scope': ''
Is this a problem specific to the tokeninfo API? Or is this by design, and these are the scopes that will be returned - as they are to be maintained alive, even though they're deprecated?

will be valid scopes going forward and are synonyms of 'email' and 'profile' (note, there's no reference to plus).
We are in the process of making changes to token info such that openid will be returned instead of


Clarification on Google Authentication and Authorization, with OAuth in 2022

I am writing an App and am trying to leverage Google for A&A. The app itself relies on access to the users Google Calendar, and so initially I leveraged their updated OAUTH2 library for A&A.
Here is my flow:
User goes to the index.html which has "" script and google.accounts.oauth2.initCodeClient is called with my client_id, scopes, redirect url
<script src=""></script>
let client;
function initClient() {
client = google.accounts.oauth2.initCodeClient({
client_id: '',
' \ \ \',
ux_mode: 'redirect',
redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:5000/oauth2callback',
// Request an access token
function getAuthCode() {
The user clicks the login button, which kicks off requestCode() and they begin the login flow. They login or select their google account, then besides the unapproved app screen, they get to the consent screen with my requested scopes.
After, they are redirected to my expressjs endpoint and using the "googleapis" library I exchange with id_token for the access and refresh tokens.
const { tokens } = await oauth2Client.getToken(req.query.code); //exchange code for tokens
const userInfo = (
await oauth2Client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: tokens.id_token,
if (![]) { // check if user exists
const newUser = {
o_id: userInfo.sub,
picture: userInfo.picture,
r_token: tokens.refresh_token,
Ok, all good.... but not quite. The problem is, that next time the user wants to login to the app, they go through the entire flow again, including the consent screen (again).
So, after going through more docs, even looking at examples from google. I was surprised and I noticed that many of those apps used the passport oauth2 plugin :( Something i've done in the past, but was hoping to avoid that with the recently updated Google client and nodejs libraries.
Ok, how to not prompt for consent screen on subsequent logins?
Maybe separate A&A, so first I use "Sign In With Google" for Authentication, then when I get the user info, check if the user is already registered (hence I have already saved the refresh token) and they start the app.
On the other hand, if they are new (not in existing app user collection), after authenticating, I will then call the OAUTH2 authorization redirect, so again they on Googles site, this time to do the scopes api confirmation.
So, first question, is that the best practice with most apps with leverage a Google API via OAuth? To first Authenticate, then possibility Authorize (as needed). Hopefully this will still work ok when things come up with expired/invalid refresh token (fingers crossed the default google library handles that).
When doing the Authorize for consent, can I pass something from the previous Authenticate flow so they don't need to do that again.
Or maybe when doing the Authenticate process (Google Identity Service), there is some flag or param so that if they have already consented, they don't have to do that again on subsequent logins.
Incase I wasn't clear, in a nutshell the question is: should I be doing Authenticate for login, separately from Authorization (oauth2 token). Or should I go right into the Authorization flow, which first Authenticates the user, and can I skip the Authorization consent screens if they've already done that. Or maybe there's another way which is the best practice.
Thanks for your attention.
Background info
Authentication is the act where by a user logs in into a system using their login and password. With authentication we know that the user is behind the machine. For this we use Open id connect, which was built on top of Oauth2. Open id connect returns and id_token which can be used to identify the user, it is often a jwt containing some claims to identify the subject or the user behind the Authentication.
The scope used for open id connect is profile and email. open id connect grants you consent to access a users profile information.
This is an example of the decrypted id token returned by google from a simple call using profile scope only. All this id token is telling you is who the user behind the machine is.
"iss": "",
"azp": "",
"aud": "",
"sub": "1172004755672775346",
"at_hash": "pYlH4icaIx8PssR32_4qWQ",
"name": "Linda Lawton",
"picture": "",
"given_name": "Linda",
"family_name": "Lawton",
"locale": "en",
"iat": 1655219027,
"exp": 1655222627
In the same call google also returned an access token. Now my call contained only the scope for profile, due to the fact that its open id connect. This means that I will only have access to the data that the profile scope would grant access to. In this case most of what is behind the Google people api.
Note: The user does not see a consent screen with open id connect, even though they are consenting to profile scope. It is assumed by signing into your account that the system you are logging into would have access to your profile info.
Authorization is the process by which a user grants your application authorization to access their private user data. The user is shown a consent screen where they consent to your application accessing data defined by some scopes.
In the case of google calendar api there are serval See, edit, share, and permanently delete all the calendars you can access using Google Calendar View and edit events on all your calendars View events on all your calendars See and download any calendar you can access using your Google Calendar View your Calendar settings
In this case you are only given an access token this is again Oauth2 it is authorization to access the users calendar data it is not authentication this is not related to login.
Your question
So, first question, is that the best practice with most apps with leverage a Google API via OAuth? To first Authenticate, then possibility Authorize (as needed).
You would do both at the same time.
When you authencation your user make sure to include your google calendar scope then the access token and refresh token returned will grant you access to google calendar.
I am going to assume that you have some kind of user system. When you store the user be sure to store the refresh token that is returned.
As far as Authentication goes i will assume you either have a remember me system which will set a cookie on their machine and remember the user so that you can then get the refresh token from their system the next time they come back.
If they did not chose to select a remember me option then will then have to login every time they visit your site but part of the login will return the "sub": "1172004755672775346", this is the users id on google system so you can use that in your database to match the user when they come back.
Your question is quite complex and will depend upon the type of system you have what it is designed to do as well as what programming language you are using. That being said I hope this very long answer clears things up a bit.

Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential

I am trying to update Google sheet values.
"Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential."
I want to do this using API key not outh 2.0
Can anyone have any suggestions.
Not possible. You need to use the OAuth login as indicated here in spreadsheets.values.batchUpdate:
You can see on the authorization part that it uses OAuth scopes, therefore it follows that it uses OAuth not API KEY:
Requires one of the following OAuth scopes:
I am facing similar type of issue.
Issue Analysis:
Actual issue is missing of scope.
Scope can be added by the following ways:
using enabling api
Adding oauth scope list. List is available here:
Adding scope from Code level
Details are available here:
If any scope is missing, first we need to check that related api is enabled or not. If not enabled yet, go first on google console and enable api.
Procedure is available here:
After enabling api, sometimes you will not get your expected scope. If there is any sophisticated scope is required, you need to add those in your scope list. For this, you need to follow the procedure:
i) Go to google console
ii) Select your project
iii) In left sidebar, you will get "Oauth consent screen". Click on that button
iv) You will get "Add scope" button. There is actually 3 is enlisted primarily: email, profile and openID
v) You can add your expected scope here.
In code level, we can also add SCOPES. In code level, I am using singleton list. Which is always using single scope. So when I need another scopes like user profile or user email. I can't reach those. So I changed it and got my expected result.
Previous Code:
private static final List<String> SCOPES = Collections.singletonList(DriveScopes.DRIVE);
After change:
private static final List<String> SCOPES = new ArrayList<>(

Is it possible to use MSAL.js to get refresh token?

I want to integrate with Miscrosoft Outlook. I am able to login with MSAL.js and get an access token, but I am not able to get a refresh token. Is there a way to do it?
I'll assume that since you're using the MSAL.js ( that you're using implicit flow for authentication and authorization.
Implicit flow doesn't support refresh tokens, but you can request a new token silently. This is done similarly to how you request the token (id or access) in the first place. Unfortunately, I haven't found that MSAL.js does this transparently and I've needed to detect expired tokens and request the new tokens in my code. You can read more about refreshing tokens here.
Alternatively, if what you're implementing allows you to use one of the other MSAL libraries (for example, the .Net one) then you can use one of the other OAuth flows that explicitly support refresh tokens.
I couldn't find any answer in the MSAL.js documentation, however this source code comment suggests you can renew a token manually by passing only the clientId as your scope to acquireTokenSilent.
To renew idToken, please pass clientId as the only scope in the Authentication Parameters
I use msal v1.4.0
I remove 2 keys in storage (see picture) then call acquireTokenSilent again to get new access token.
Code to remove those 2 keys:
const keys = Object.keys(sessionStorage).filter(x => x.indexOf('authority') > 0)
keys.forEach(x => sessionStorage.removeItem(x))

Incremental Google OAuth2 — adding new scopes to old tokens

We're running a web service that's been using OAuth2 Login for Google Accounts for the past 10 months.
I'm wondering if there are any known or potential issues when using the new incremental auth for adding new scopes to old tokens, e.g. tokens that were granted up to several months ago?
We're running into a problem that's been verified by two of our devs, but is hard to reproduce since we only have so many accounts with old refresh tokens in a non-production environment. See below for the full story. I'd be curious to hear from anyone at Google whether this may be a bug, or more likely something we're doing wrong on our side.
We were excited to see the new incremental auth, since we're just about to launch a new feature that involves accessing a user's Google Contacts, but only for a specific use case.
So we added a new OAuth endpoint on our server that includes the include_granted_scopes flag and requests only the Contacts scope:
my $url = URI->new('');
my $params = {
state => 'code_request_contacts',
response_type => 'code',
client_id => $config->{oauth_client_id},
redirect_uri => $c->host . '/auth/oauth',
scope => '',
access_type => 'offline',
approval_prompt => 'force',
include_granted_scopes => 'true'
When testing on our local dev machines this worked beautifully: contacts access was granted, and the same token would work for both contacts and the existing scopes (which included userinfo.profile,, and drive.file).
However, when we started testing on our pre-production server which had existing access tokens and Google Accounts connected, we ran into problems: once the contacts authorization completed, the returned tokens would work ONLY for contacts, failing with a "403 insufficientPermissions" when used to make any Drive API requests.
After seeing those errors, we tried (a) revoking access via the Account Permissions page (, (b) logging out of our app, and (c) logging in again to get a fresh token with the basic scopes. Strangely, at this point the incremental auth for contacts would work like a charm, and the new tokens had all combined scopes as expected.
So this is where are now — we've twice seen a problem that would be a show-stopper for rolling this out to production, but we can't reliably reproduce if its behavior involves old tokens.
Our current workaround is to have the Contacts OAuth request also include all of our initials scopes. This leads to a longer list of warnings when the Contacts popup appears, but it otherwise seems to achieve the desired end result.
Could it be that you have another difference in the new code, e.g., using a different client_id from the one used in the old tokens?

How can I use Google's OpenID and/or OAuth services to login and allow access to APIs with only ever one prompt to the user?

I am attempting to create a login system for my website that permits both authentication via Google's API and access to any of the OAuth-supported Google Data APIs while ideally only showing the user one prompt ever, no matter if he's creating an account or logging into his existing one. I want to minimize the number of times he's asked for approval.
I am aware that Google provides Hybrid OpenID/OAuth for this purpose, but the issue is that every time I add OAuth extensions to my OpenID request, it never remembers the user's approval for that request. Is there any way for the approval to be remembered when I am doing Hybrid OpenID/OAuth? If I just do OpenID without OAuth extensions, everything is remembered just fine and it doesn't keep bugging the user with the prompt.
Here are the pertinent extensions I'm sending in addition to my OpenID request, which result in me getting an OAuth request token (good) but cause the approval to never get remembered (bad).
PHP syntax:
$args["openid.ns.ext2"] = '';
$args["openid.ext2.consumer"] = '';
$args["openid.ext2.scope"] = '';
$args["openid.mode"] = 'checkid_setup';
$args["openid.realm"] = '';
Is it normal for Hybrid OpenID/OAuth to act this way (not remembering the last OAuth authorization)? What is the best way to get around this? I have thought of storing cookies on the user's computer to link to somewhere in my database so I could use the last access token again, etc... (the issue here being I don't know whose token to look up unless I know who the user is...a circular problem). And doing an OpenID-only request to get his user ID to see if he has an account in order to look up his access token, followed by an OpenID+OAuth request (if an access token for him isn't stored) would result in two prompts, which really wouldn't help.
It also seems like Hybrid only supports OAuth 1.0, which I think is fine until 2015, so it's not an issue right now for me. I am assuming they will support OAuth 2.0 in the future.
Is checkid_immediate relevant to this in any way? I'm just not sure how to use this to accomplish what I want.
I would suggest using OAuth 2.0. This supports getting both identity and access to APIs -- so accomplishes the same end goal, but is much easier than OAuth 1 Hybrid.
Take a look here:
The scopes you're trying to access are included in the URL (see "Forming the URL"). The referenced doc lists the scopes required for getting identity/profile information. You can simply add additional scopes to the string, comma-delimited in order to request access to other APIs. The resulting access token will access both the APIs and identity information (via the UserInfo API endpoint mentioned).
That said, what you're trying to do with OpenID 2.0/OAuth 1 hybrid should work-- and the user should see a checkbox for "remembering" the authorization. If you really want to debug this further, it'd be helpful to have a webpage you can point to which kicks off this authentication+authorization flow so we can see what's happening.
I figured out that checkid_immediate (and x-has-session, not sure if that's needed or even working) is allowing me to determine whether or not a user is logged in without prompting him, and if he is, it is giving me a claimed_id by which I can identify the user. That's exactly what I needed. The original question is solved, but I do want to figure out how to use identify with OAuth 2.0 because I have already implemented that.
Furthermore, I've noticed that when using OpenID/OAuth that the user still gets asked to authorize OAuth even after he's authorized OpenID. I can't see the advantage to the hybrid approach from the user's perspective.
If the user is logged out of Google, that's a total of three prompts just to sign up for my website and grab his name and profile image.
If anyone wondered, here are the steps necessary to get Hybrid OpenID/OAuth completely working (an overview). I was confused thoroughly throughout this process, so I hope this helps someone.
Do normal OpenID handshake and add on AX extensions for OAuth 1.0.
Use 'checkid_immediate' to permit probing for an active Google session without prompting the user. Use *claimed_id* as a unique identifier to link the user to your database.
If 'setup_needed' is returned, use 'checkid_setup' so the user is prompted and verified before continuing.
This leaves you with two possibilities. *checkid_immediate* returning immediately giving you a claimed_id, or a claimed_id coming through after *checkid_setup* (basically sign-up) succeeds.
Hybrid OpenID/OAuth 1.0 will give you an authorized request token.
Use the authorized request token to get an access token (you only need to call OAuthGetAccessToken)
Use that OAuth 1.0 access token to do whatever you want.
I was successful in using OAuthGetAccessToken to get an access token from the authorized request token my Hybrid OAuth dance, omitting the 'oauth_verifier' parameter (irrelevant to Hybrid).
I was successful in using OAuthGetAccessToken to get an access token after my Hybrid OAuth dance, omitting the 'oauth_verifier' parameter (irrelevant to Hybrid).
In a PHP/Zend environment:
$config = array(
'accessTokenUrl' => '',
'consumerKey' => $consumer_key,
'consumerSecret' => $consumer_secret
$consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($config);
$zendRToken = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Request(); // create class from request token we already have
$accessToken = $consumer->getAccessToken(array(
'oauth_token' => $requestToken,
// 'oauth_verifier' => '', // unneeded for Hybrid
'oauth_timestamp' => time(),
'oauth_nonce' => md5(microtime() . mt_rand()),
'oauth_version' => '1.0'
), $zendRToken);
} catch (Zend_Oauth_Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
echo "OAuth Token: {$accessToken->getToken()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "OAuth Secret: {$accessToken->getTokenSecret()}" . PHP_EOL;