I try to change location when the user is successful login but seems like not working. I'm using "connected-react-router": "^6.2.2" and this is code:
yield put(authenticationActions.getAuthenticationRequestSuccess({
yield put(push('/com'));
I have redux chrome plugin and last action is :
type: '##router/CALL_HISTORY_METHOD',
payload: {
method: 'push',
args: [
But the path is not changing. Any idea why?
Have you already read this fresh GitHub issue similar to yours?
Here's a simple example on the forgot password reset page of my app, I would want to bypass the server side and just have the password reset to succeed on click so I would write a test and use the custom test store like so:
const customStore = {
state() {
return {
Authentication: {
passwordResetSuccess: false,
mutations: {
state.Authentication.passwordResetSuccess = true;
actions: {
forgotPasswordResetPassword() {
Then I could include the custom store in my beforeEach() and it worked great. I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work with pinia, but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm using jest along with vue/test-utils.
I basically tried just creating the test pinia store, but I can't figure out how to get the component to use the custom test store.
const useCustomStore = defineStore('AuthenticationStore', {
state: () => ({
passwordResetSuccess: false,
actions: {
forgotPasswordResetPassword() {
this.passwordResetSuccess = true;
const authenticationStore = useCustomStore();
I can't directly add it as a plugin because it can't find an active instance of pinia.
I went through this guide: https://pinia.vuejs.org/cookbook/testing.html#unit-testing-a-store
and I also tried using jest mock as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/71407557/4697639
But it still failed.
If anyone has any idea how to create a custom store that can be used by the component and actually hits the custom actions, I could really use some help figuring this out. Thank you!!
Tao mentioned in the comments that this isn't a good way to do unit tests. I will mark this as resolved and fix how I do the testing.
I am trying to follow the Strapi v4.0.0 guide on https://docs.strapi.io/developer-docs/latest/developer-resources/plugin-api-reference/server.html#entry-file for extending the users-permission plugin to add a custom route/controller, but so far have been unsuccessful. I add the custom files as stated in the docs, but there is no change in the UI.
I managed to get this to work for normal API highlighted in yellow, but was unable to do so for the users-permission plugin
In the previous version 3.6.8 this functionality was allowed through the extensions folder.
Am I missing something from the new guide, I even tried copying the files from node_modules > #strapi > plugin-users-permission and adding a new route and method to the exiting controller file but it still does not reflect the change in the section where we assign different route permission to roles. The user-permission plugin still shows the original routes, with no change.
I ran into this thread while researching pretty much the same issue, and I wanted to share my solution.
First of all, I found this portion of the documentation more useful than the one you referenced: https://docs.strapi.io/developer-docs/latest/development/plugins-extension.html
My goal was the write a new route to validate JWT tokens based on the comment made here: https://github.com/strapi/strapi/issues/3601#issuecomment-510810027 but updated for Strapi v4.
The solution turned out to be simple:
Create a new folder structure: ./src/extensions/user-permissions if it does not exist.
Create a new file ./src/extensions/user-permissions/strapi-server.js if it does not exist.
Add the following to the file:
module.exports = (plugin) => {
plugin.controllers.<controller>['<new method>'] = async (ctx) => {
// custom logic here
method: '<method>',
path: '/your/path',
handler: '<controller>.<new method>',
config: {
policies: [],
prefix: '',
return plugin;
If you're unsure what controllers are available, you can always check the API documentation or console.log(plugin) or console.log(plugin.controllers).
After the admin server restarts, you should see your new route under the user-permissions section as you would expect, and you can assign rights to it as you see fit.
My full strapi-server.js file including the logic to validate JWT:
module.exports = (plugin) => {
plugin.controllers.auth['tokenDecrypt'] = async (ctx) => {
// get token from the POST request
const {token} = ctx.request.body;
// check token requirement
if (!token) {
return ctx.badRequest('`token` param is missing')
try {
// decrypt the jwt
const obj = await strapi.plugin('users-permissions').service('jwt').verify(token);
// send the decrypted object
return obj;
} catch (err) {
// if the token is not a valid token it will throw and error
return ctx.badRequest(err.toString());
method: 'POST',
path: '/token/validation',
handler: 'auth.tokenDecrypt',
config: {
policies: [],
prefix: '',
return plugin;
When exporting routes you need to export the type, either content-api or admin. Look at the Strapi email plugin in node_modules for example, change the folder and file structure in your routes folder to match that and then you will be able to set permissions in the admin panel.
If your Strapi server is using Typescript, make sure that you name your extension files accordingly. So instead of strapi-server.js, you would need to name your file strapi-server.ts.
I'm trying to get Local Notifications working in an Ionic Vue app (using capacitor).
I did get scheduling notifications working, but now i want to listen to clicks on the notification.
in main.js I bind LocalNotifications to this.$LocalNotifications:
import { Plugins } from '#capacitor/core';
const { LocalNotifications } = Plugins;
Vue.prototype.$LocalNotifications = LocalNotifications;
in my Root component App I have this:
created() {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', () => {
this.$LocalNotifications.addListener('localNotificationReceived', (notification) => {
console.log('Notification action received', notification);
}, false);
When I build and run on the ios-emulator, i get the following output in my log:
To Native Cordova -> Badge load Badge1248600129 ["options": []]
⚡️ [log] - onscript loading complete
To Native Cordova -> Device getDeviceInfo Device1248600130 ["options": []]
⚡️ To Native -> Storage get 90127150
⚡️ TO JS {"value":null}
⚡️ [log] - Created!
To Native Cordova -> LocalNotification launch LocalNotification1248600131 ["options": []]
To Native Cordova -> LocalNotification ready INVALID ["options": []]
⚡️ To Native -> LocalNotifications addListener ⚡️ [log] - ready
⚡️ WebView loaded
⚡️ To Native -> App addListener 90127152
When I schedule a Notification, the notification does show up, but I think something doesn't go quite well when i'm adding the listener:
INVALID ["options":[]]
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?
Or does anyone have a code example of working notifications in an Ionic Vue app?
Kind regards,
To sum up:
You should use localNotificationActionPerformed instead of localNotificationReceived. The latter is called when notifications are displayed, while the other is listening to actions performed on a notification (as it's stated in the docs), that of course includes clicking / tapping on it.
So your code would look like this:
this.$LocalNotifications.addListener('localNotificationActionPerformed', (notification) => {
console.log('Notification action received', notification.actionId);
...which would output "tap". Since you did write 'Notification action received', I assume you wanted to get the action, so I added .actionId after 'notification', which only by itself would be logged as [object Object] or as the object tree.
You also asked for code example, so here it comes:
// 1.
import { LocalNotifications } from '#capacitor/local-notifications';
// 2.
await LocalNotifications.requestPermissions();
// 3.
await LocalNotifications.registerActionTypes({
types: [
id: 'your_choice',
actions: [
id: 'dismiss',
title: 'Dismiss',
destructive: true
id: 'open',
title: 'Open app'
id: 'respond',
title: 'Respond',
input: true
// 4.
notifications: [
id: 1,
title: 'Sample title',
body: 'Sample body',
actionTypeId: 'your_choice'
// 5.
LocalNotifications.addListener('localNotificationActionPerformed', (notification) => {
console.log(`Notification ${notification.notification.title} was ${notification.actionId}ed.`);
1: Since your question, plugins have been placed into their own npm packages, so one needs to install #capacitor/local-notifications and import from there.
2: You should make sure that notifications are allowed, ask for permissions if needed.
3: Tapping was your question's topic, but you can define a lot more than that.
4: This is how you actually create & send a notification at once.
5: Logs "Notification Sample title was taped / opened / dismissed / responded.", according to the given action (but not always according to grammar).
Finally, if someone's just getting into local notifications, check out the really nice documentation on what else (a whole lot more!) can be done and also watching this video might give one a head start. At least that's what I did.
SDK Version: 37
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android (Expo Client)
I’m using useAuthRequest from expo-auth-session to fetch an authentication code for itsme, a Belgian OpenID Connect authentication provider. I'm using the Expo client on Android.
The code looks like this:
export default function SignUpScreen() {
const discovery = useAutoDiscovery('https://e2emerchant.itsme.be/oidc');
const [request, response, promptAsync] = useAuthRequest(
clientId: Itsme.CLIENT_ID,
redirectUri: makeRedirectUri(),
scopes: [
extraParams: {
claims: JSON.stringify({
userinfo: {
'tag:sixdots.be,2016-06:claim_nationality': null,
'tag:sixdots.be,2016-06:claim_city_of_birth': null,
'tag:sixdots.be,2016-06:claim_eid': null,
'tag:sixdots.be,2017-05:claim_photo': null
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={promptAsync}>Log in</TouchableOpacity>
When the “Log in” button is pressed, the following happens:
(OK) The itsme application is correctly opened. I can tell that the scopes have also been correctly communicated.
(OK) I can authenticate within the itsme application with my itsme PIN code.
(OK) The itsme application then closes, which is expected.
(OK) My app is re-opened.
(NOT OK) The response variable becomes equal to { type: 'dismiss' }.
Whatever I do, the response is always “dismiss”. I find it strange because the docs say:
If the authentication is dismissed manually with AuthSession.dismiss() , the result is { type: 'dismiss' } .
However, I never call AuthSession.dismiss().
It looks like it’s failing right at the last step, when it’s supposed to parse the authorization code out of the response URL.
I tried several things:
starting Expo in all three modes: tunnel, lan, localhost
adding a path to the redirect URI, like makeRedirectUri({ path: '/itsme' })
the AppState.currentState “trick” described in a (related?) GitHub issue.
None of these tries worked and I’m out of ideas. Any thoughts or suggestions? Or maybe how to debug inside `expo-auth-session to see what’s going on?
Thank you in advance.
I'm using karma with qUnit (after following this tutorial) to test my Ember application. It's mostly going well, however I've run into a problem that doesn't make sense.
Given the 2 following tests:
test('can get to products', function() {
.then(function() {
test('can get to catalogues', function() {
.then(function() {
The first will run fine. The test runner gets to /products and finds something.
However, the second test returns an error in the console:
Error: Assertion Failed: You have turned on testing mode, which disabled the run-loop's autorun. You will need to wrap any code with asynchronous side-effects in an Ember.run
I turned on transition logs, and the test runner is visiting products.catalogues.index before throwing the error.
Any ideas with this? Or is it simply a bug inside ember's testing tools?
Both are valid routes defined inside the router...
The last part of the error holds the key to how to fix this problem. You have to make sure that any code that make async calls is wrapped in Ember.run. This includes things as simple as the create and set methods.
If you have something like
App.ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [
Ember.Object.create({title: "product1"}),
Ember.Object.create({title: "product2"})
refactor it to
App.ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [
Ember.run( Ember.Object, "create", {title: "product1"} ),
Ember.run( Ember.Object, "create", {title: "product2"} )
App.ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Ember.run(function() {
return [
Ember.Object.create({title: "product1"}),
Ember.Object.create({title: "product2"})
If you posted your /products code it would be easier to give a more specific answer.