Can I count rows across multiple pages of a table with robot framework? - selenium

I am quite new to robot, and have only been working solo on it at work for a month or so.
Currently I am trying to count the total number on rows in a table within the application I am testing. (chrome based)
This is what I am using:
${count}= get element count //table[#class='options-table']/tbody/tr
Which brings back a value of 5 - this is counting the first page. However, I'm expecting it to bring back 76 as there are multiple pages.
Can anyone help on how to bring back the amount of rows across multiple pages?
${count}= get element count //table[#class='options-table']/tbody/tr
Expected result: 76
Actual result: 5 (only the first page)

To avoid a slightly complex logic (iterating through pages, summing up element counts) in a Robot Framework keyword you could write your own keyword in Python for example.
In this case you need a keyword that takes an element locator (//table[#class='options-table']/tbody/tr to be specific) and a list of page urls.
To implement such keyword, create a file like
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
def get_element_count_from_pages(locator, *page_urls):
seleniumlib = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('SeleniumLibrary')
element_count = 0
for url in page_urls:
element_count += seleniumlib.get_element_count(locator)
return element_count
and from your test code you can use it like:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library ExtendedSeleniumLib
*** Variables ***
${SE HEADER LOCATOR} //a[#class='site-header--link fs-headline1 fw-bold']
*** Test Cases ***
Count Elements On Multiple Pages Example
[Setup] Open Browser Firefox
Maximize Browser Window
Set Selenium Speed 0.1
${count}= Get Element Count From Pages ${SE HEADER LOCATOR}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${count} 3
[Teardown] Close Browser
This example iterates through three Stack Exchange sites and counts the header elements. As there should be only one on each page the expected result is 3. Based on this you should be able to count the table rows on your pages.
About how to configure search path for libraries and resources, check the relevant chapter form the Robot Framework User Guide; Configuring where to search libraries and other extensions. If you place the python file into the same directory where your robot file is, then you do not need anything to do.

Please check below code, it assumes that the total number of pages will not be more than 100 since I'm not aware of the webpage, you can either take this number from webpage if available. Also, if you are sure that total number of rows per page is always 5 then you can use below formula
[ 5 * (total number of pages - 1 ) + row count of the last page]
This can give you total row count across all pages without traversing through all the pages. Also, please add any time synchronisation steps for the successful run.
Get Count of All Pages
${next_page_locator} Set Variable enter next page icon/link xpath here
${first_row_locator} Set Variable enter first row xpath here
${total_count} set variable 0
: FOR ${index} IN RANGE 1 100
\ Wait Until Element Is Visible ${first_row_locator}
\ ${count} get element count //table[#class='options-table']/tbody/tr
\ ${total_count} evaluate ${count} + ${total_count}
\ ${next_link_present} Run Keyword And Return Status Page Should Contain Element ${next_page_locator}
\ exit for loop if ${next_link_present} is ${False}
\ Click Element ${next_page_locator}


composeTestRule checking that atleast 1 item exists

I have a list which has 2 different items. However, if the user gets close to the end of the list then the 2 same items are added again and again to create an infinite scrolling feel.
I've created a test to basically verify that the item exists like so:
As you can see this just finds nodes with the content description of "Home" and checks if their are 2.
Currently, this works as the screen size is small but let's say the screen size is doubled then this will fail as the assertCountEquals(2) would need to check for 4.
I was wondering to make this code better, is there a way to basically check that atleast 1 exists?
onAllNodes methods return an array, grab the first element and check whether it exists or is displayed.

In selenium, how to located two elements have same span class name?

I need use selenium to located two elements. However, they both have same span class name. My code:
select_button = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[#class='mat-button-wrapper']")
The issue is: I can this command 10 times, 6 times it locates my element, ( select button), but the other 4 times, it landed on the other button. How do I make sure it is 10 out of 10 times it will located my "select " button?
In case there are 2 elements with the same xpath as you mentioned you can use (//span[#class='mat-button-wrapper'])[1] xpath to access the first element and (//span[#class='mat-button-wrapper'])[2] for the second.
However I guess it's possible to locate the desired element with relation to some other element. I will do it if you present the web page link.

In Adobe Acrobat Javascript, how can I force a page to become "editable" before a certain part of a script acts upon it?

What I'm trying to do: Iterate over each page in a PDF, and extract the number of words on each page.
What is happening instead: The code below will return 0 words for any page that has not become "editable". Although I have selected for all pages to become editable at once, Adobe will not maintain the editability of a page for very long after I have left that page. Side note: It also seems to cap how many pages I can have "editable" at once. This is a problem because right now I'm working with a 10 page selection of a pdf file. This same code will have to work with a 120+ page pdf. Please click 'Edit PDF'-->'Scanned Documents'-->'Settings' to see what I mean by "editable". I have already selected the option to have all pages become editable at once.
What I've tried so far: I've tried various ways to get Acrobat to make the page being iterated upon the "active one" so that it would become editable. I've tried manually setting the page number after each iteration of the for loop, and including an artificial delay like with the h variabled for loop in the sample code. I've tried looking for some sort of method that determines which page is the "active one" but I've had no luck so far.
CurrDoc = app.activeDocs[0]
NumPagesInDoc = CurrDoc.numPages;
console.println("Document has "+NumPagesInDoc+" pages");
for (j=0; j<NumPagesInDoc; j++)
NumWordsOnPage = CurrDoc.getPageNumWords(j);
CurrDoc.pageNum = j;
for(h=0; h<10000;h++); //<--I've tried adding in delays to give time so that
//Acrobat can catch up, but this hasn't worked.
console.println("Page number: "+j+" has this number of words: "+ NumWordsOnPage);
Document has 10 pages
Page number: 0 has this number of words: 309
Page number: 1 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 2 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 3 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 4 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 5 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 6 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 7 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 8 has this number of words: 0
Page number: 9 has this number of words: 158
Note: Different pages might work on the output at different times depending on which pages I've clicked on most recently before running the script.
Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
So. I'm still not entirely sure what the issue is, but I've found a way to get acrobat to function most of the time.
Before clicking the "make all pages editable" option, zoom all the way out until you can see all the pages in the document. For whatever reason, when I did this, it would seem to refresh something about the settings and once again make all the pages editable. This even seemed to work when I opened a totally different pdf and pressed "make all pages editable" even without zooming out.

For loop on test case titles in robot frame work

On one page there are various item. I am able to iterate over all items/elements on the page.
Though would like to keep every iteration is a separate test cases.
As in below Test case title First Page Item No expand
Is there any way to put test case name in for loop.
For example First Page and Item No both can be variable and controlled by for loop.
*** Test Cases ***
First Page Item No expand
\ Click Element xpath=/html/body/div[1]/div[2]/section/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[${INDEX}]/div[1]/div/p[2]
From my understanding this should not be possible. However there are two ways to get around:
Treat is as one test case, have a keyword that does the FOR loop
Have 80 test cases calling one keyword with an ${index} attribute

Nightwatch .waitForElementVisible('#primary-btn') warning : WaitForElement found 2 elements

I am using nightwatch with chrome driver for UI-Testing. I have come across an issue when trying to click on 'primary-btn' in the web-page. First the waitForElement returns a warning "Warn: WaitForElement found 2 elements for selector "#primary-btn". Only the first one will be checked" and the subsequent .click('#primary-btn') does not yield the desired result.
I checked the web-page to see if actually there are 2 elements with the name "#primary-btn" using document.getElementById('primary-btn'). However the function listed only 1 element with id 'primary-btn'
I am not sure why this happens. Does nightwatch support wait for animation to finish.
You should try this
In nightwatch :
It means that you have 2 elements in you page with an identical id. While the standard impose a unique name, it is not enforced in the browser. You can verify it by executing this command in your browser:
So to get the expected element, you need to extend your selector with another condition. It could be for example:
'#container-id #primary-btn'