Why do I need resources per swapchain image - vulkan

I have been following different tutorials and I don't understand why I need resources per swapchain image instead of per frame in flight.
This tutorial:
has a uniform buffer per swapchain image. Why would I need that if different images are not in flight at the same time? Can I not start rewriting if the previous frame has completed?
Also lunarg tutorial on depth buffers says:
And you need only one for rendering each frame, even if the swapchain has more than one image. This is because you can reuse the same depth buffer while using each image in the swapchain.
This doesn't explain anything, it basically says you can because you can. So why can I reuse the depth buffer but not other resources?

It is to minimize synchronization in the case of the simple Hello Cube app.
Let's say your uniforms change each frame. That means main loop is something like:
Poll (or simulate)
Update (e.g. your uniforms)
If step #2 did not have its own uniform, then it needs to write a uniform previous frame is reading. That means it has to sync with a Fence. That would mean the previous frame is no longer considered "in-flight".

It all depends on the way You are using Your resources and the performance You want to achieve.
If, after each frame, You are willing to wait for the rendering to finish and You are still happy with the final performance, You can use only one copy of each resource. Waiting is the easiest synchronization, You are sure that resources are not used anymore, so You can reuse them for the next frame. But if You want to efficiently utilize both CPU's and GPU's power, and You don't want to wait after each frame, then You need to see how each resource is being used.
Depth buffer is usually used only temporarily. If You don't perform any postprocessing, if Your render pass setup uses depth data only internally (You don't specify STORE for storeOp), then You can use only one depth buffer (depth image) all the time. This is because when rendering is done, depth data isn't used anymore, it can be safely discarded. This applies to all other resources that don't need to persist between frames.
But if different data needs to be used for each frame, or if generated data is used in the next frame, then You usually need another copy of a given resource. Updating data requires synchronization - to avoid waiting in such situations You need to have a copy a resource. So in case of uniform buffers, You update data in a given buffer and use it in a given frame. You cannot modify its contents until the frame is finished - so to prepare another frame of animation while the previous one is still being processed on a GPU, You need to use another copy.
Similarly if the generated data is required for the next frame (for example framebuffer used for screen space reflections). Reusing the same resource would cause its contents to be overwritten. That's why You need another copy.
You can find more information here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/api-without-secrets-the-practical-approach-to-vulkan-part-1


Combined image samplers vs seprate sampled image and sampler

I want to access multiple textures with the same sampling parameters from a fragment shader (For instance, texture and normal map). Moreover, images change frequently whilst sampler stays stationary (suppose the texture is a video). I've found contradictory information about how it can be done. Vulkan Cookbook states that using combined image samplers might have a performance benefit on some platforms, but this Reddit answer states that combined image samplers don't make any sense.
My question is: Is there any reason to not use separate sampled images and one sampler (for both images) considering it makes the program's logic more simple?
Odds are good that which one you pick will not be the primary limiting factor in your application's performance. It's speed is more likely to be determined by the user factors: how efficient you are at building CBs, walking through your data structures, and so forth.
So use whichever works best for your needs and move on.
this Reddit answer states that combined image samplers don't make any sense.
Considering that said "answer" claims that this statement from the specification:
On some implementations, it may be more efficient to sample from an image using
a combination of sampler and sampled image that are stored together in the
descriptor set in a combined descriptor.
"warns you that [combined image samplers] may not be as efficient on some platforms", it's best to just ignore whatever they said and move on.

When is it safe to write over and reuse a MTLBuffer or other Metal vertex buffer?

I'm just getting started with Metal, and am having trouble grasping some basic things. I've been reading a whole bunch of web pages about Metal, and working through Apple's examples, and so forth, but gaps in my understanding remain. I think my key point of confusion is: what is the right way to handle vertex buffers, and how do I know when it's safe to reuse them? This confusion manifests in several ways, as I'll describe below, and maybe those different manifestations of my confusion need to be addressed in different ways.
To be more specific, I'm using an MTKView subclass in Objective-C on macOS to display very simple 2D shapes: an overall frame for the view with a background color inside, 0+ rectangular subframes inside that overall frame with a different background color inside them, and then 0+ flat-shaded squares of various colors inside each subframe. My vertex function is just a simple coordinate transformation, and my fragment function just passes through the color it receives, based on Apple's triangle demo app. I have this working fine for a single subframe with a single square. So far so good.
There are several things that puzzle me.
One: I could design my code to render the whole thing with a single vertex buffer and a single call to drawPrimitives:, drawing all of the (sub)frames and squares in one big bang. This is not optimal, though, as it breaks the encapsulation of my code, in which each subframe represents the state of one object (the thing that contains the 0+ squares); I'd like to allow each object to be responsible for drawing its own contents. It would be nice, therefore, to have each object set up a vertex buffer and make its own drawPrimitives: call. But since the objects will draw sequentially (this is a single-threaded app), I'd like to reuse the same vertex buffer across all of these drawing operations, rather than having each object have to allocate and own a separate vertex buffer. But can I do that? After I call drawPrimitives:, I guess the contents of the vertex buffer have to be copied over to the GPU, and I assume (?) that is not done synchronously, so it wouldn't be safe to immediately start modifying the vertex buffer for the next object's drawing. So: how do I know when Metal is done with the buffer and I can start modifying it again?
Two: Even if #1 has a well-defined answer, such that I could block until Metal is done with the buffer and then start modifying it for the next drawPrimitives: call, is that a reasonable design? I guess it would mean that my CPU thread would be repeatedly blocking to wait for the memory transfers, which is not great. So does that pretty much push me to a design where each object has its own vertex buffer?
Three: OK, suppose each object has its own vertex buffer, or I do one "big bang" render of the whole thing with a single big vertex buffer (this question applies to both designs, I think). After I call presentDrawable: and then commit on my command buffer, my app will go off and do a little work, and then will try to update the display, so my drawing code now executes again. I'd like to reuse the vertex buffers I allocated before, overwriting the data in them to do the new, updated display. But again: how do I know when that is safe? As I understand it, the fact that commit returned to my code doesn't mean Metal is done copying my vertex buffers to the GPU yet, and in the general case I have to assume that could take an arbitrarily long time, so it might not be done yet when I re-enter my drawing code. What's the right way to tell? And again: should I just block waiting until they are available (however I'm supposed to do that), or should I have a second set of vertex buffers that I can use in case Metal is still busy with the first set? (That seems like it just pushes the problem down the pike, since when my drawing code is entered for the third update both previously used sets of buffers might not yet be available, right? So then I could add a third set of vertex buffers, but then the fourth update...)
Four: For drawing the frame and subframes, I'd like to just write a reuseable "drawFrame" type of function that everybody can call, but I'm a bit puzzled as to the right design. With OpenGL this was easy:
- (void)drawViewFrameInBounds:(NSRect)bounds
int ox = (int)bounds.origin.x, oy = (int)bounds.origin.y;
glColor3f(0.77f, 0.77f, 0.77f);
glRecti(ox, oy, ox + 1, oy + (int)bounds.size.height);
glRecti(ox + 1, oy, ox + (int)bounds.size.width - 1, oy + 1);
glRecti(ox + (int)bounds.size.width - 1, oy, ox + (int)bounds.size.width, oy + (int)bounds.size.height);
glRecti(ox + 1, oy + (int)bounds.size.height - 1, ox + (int)bounds.size.width - 1, oy + (int)bounds.size.height);
But with Metal I'm not sure what a good design is. I guess the function can't just have its own little vertex buffer declared as a local static array, into which it throws vertices and then calls drawPrimitives:, because if it gets called twice in a row Metal might not yet have copied the vertex data from the first call when the second call wants to modify the buffer. I obviously don't want to have to allocate a new vertex buffer every time the function gets called. I could have the caller pass in a vertex buffer for the function to use, but that just pushes the problem out a level; how should the caller handle this situation, then? Maybe I could have the function append new vertices onto the end of a growing list of vertices in a buffer provided by the caller; but this seems to either force the whole render to be completely pre-planned (so that I can preallocate a big buffer of the right size to fit all of the vertices everybody will draw – which requires the top-level drawing code to somehow know how many vertices every object will end up generating, which violates encapsulation), or to do a design where I have an expanding vertex buffer that gets realloc'ed as needed when its capacity proves insufficient. I know how to do these things; but none of them feels right. I'm struggling with what the right design is, because I don't really understand Metal's memory model well enough, I think. Any advice? Apologies for the very long multi-part question, but I think all of this goes to the same basic lack of understanding.
The short answer to you underlying question is: you should not overwrite resources that are used by commands added to a command buffer until that command buffer has completed. The best way to determine that is to add a completion handler. You could also poll the status property of the command buffer, but that's not as good.
First, until you commit the command buffer, nothing is copied to the GPU. Further, as you noted, even after you commit the command buffer, you can't assume the data has been fully copied to the GPU.
Second, you should, in the simple case, put all drawing for a frame into a single command buffer. Creating and committing a lot of command buffers (like one for every object that draws) adds overhead.
These two points combined means you can't typically reuse a resource during the same frame. Basically, you're going to have to double- or triple-buffer to get correctness and good performance simultaneously.
A typical technique is to create a small pool of buffers guarded by a semaphore. The semaphore count is initially the number of buffers in the pool. Code which wants a buffer waits on the semaphore and, when that succeeds, take a buffer out of the pool. It should also add a completion handler to the command buffer that puts the buffer back in the pool and signals the semaphore.
You could use a dynamic pool of buffers. If code wants a buffer and the pool is empty, it creates a buffer instead of blocking. Then, when it's done, it adds the buffer to the pool, effectively increasing the size of the pool. However, there's typically no point in doing that. You would only need more than three buffers if the CPU is running way ahead of the GPU, and there's no real benefit to that.
As to your desire to have each object draw itself, that can certainly be done. I'd use a large vertex buffer along with some metadata about how much of it has been used so far. Each object that needs to draw will append its vertex data to the buffer and encode its drawing commands referencing that vertex data. You would use the vertexStart parameter to have the drawing command reference the right place in the vertex buffer.
You should also consider indexed drawing with the primitive restart value so there's only a single draw command which draws all of the primitives. Each object would add its primitive to the shared vertex data and index buffers and then some high level controller would do the draw.

Vulkan: Is there a way to draw multiple objects in different locations like in DirectX12?

In DirectX12, you render multiple objects in different locations using the equivalent of a single uniform buffer for the world transform like:
// Basic simplified pseudocode
for (auto object : objects)
struct VSConstants
QEDx12::Math::Matrix4 modelToProjection;
} vsConstants;
vsConstants.modelToProjection = ViewProjMat * object->GetWorldProj();
SetDynamicConstantBufferView(0, sizeof(vsConstants), &vsConstants);
However, in Vulkan, if you do something similar with a single uniform buffer, all the objects are rendered in the location of last world matrix:
for (auto object : objects)
Is there a way to draw multiple objects with a single uniform buffer in Vulkan, just like in DirectX12?
I'm aware of Sascha Willem's Dynamic uniform buffer example (https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan/tree/master/dynamicuniformbuffer) where he packs many matrices in one big uniform buffer, and while useful, is not exactly what I am looking for.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I cannot find a function called SetDynamicConstantBufferView in the D3D 12 API. I presume this is some function of your invention, but without knowing what it does, I can only really guess.
It looks like you're uploading data to the buffer object while rendering. If that's the case, well, Vulkan can't do that. And that's a good thing. Uploading to memory that you're currently reading from requires synchronization. You have to issue a barrier between the last rendering command that was reading the data you're about to overwrite, and the next rendering command. It's just not a good idea if you like performance.
But again, I'm not sure exactly what that function is doing, so my understanding may be wrong.
In Vulkan, descriptors are generally not meant to be changed in the middle of rendering a frame. However, the makers of Vulkan realized that users sometimes want to draw using different subsets of the same VkBuffer object. This is what dynamic uniform/storage buffers are for.
You technically don't have multiple uniform buffers; you just have one. But you can use the offset(s) provided to vkCmdBindDescriptorSets to shift where in that buffer the next rendering command(s) will get their data from. So it's a light-weight way to supply different rendering commands with different data.
Basically, you rebind your descriptor sets, but with different pDynamicOffset array values. To make these work, you need to plan ahead. Your pipeline layout has to explicitly declare those descriptors as being dynamic descriptors. And every time you bind the set, you'll need to provide the offset into the buffer used by that descriptor.
That being said, it would probably be better to make your uniform buffer store larger arrays of matrices, using the dynamic offset to jump from one block of matrices to the other. You would tehn
The point of that is that the uniform data you provide (depending on hardware) will remain in shader memory unless you do something to change the offset or shader. There is some small cost to uploading such data, so minimizing the need for such uploads is probably not a bad idea.
So you should go and upload all of your objects buffer data in a single DMA operation. Then you issue a barrier, and do your rendering, using dynamic offsets and such to tell each offset where it goes.
You either have to use Push constants or have separate uniform buffers for each location. These can be bound either with a descriptor per location of dynamic offset.
In Sasha's example you can have more than just the one matrix inside the uniform.
That means that inside UploadUniformBuffer you append the new matrix to the buffer and bind the new location.

How to return acquired SwapChain image back to the SwapChain?

I can currently acquire swap chain image, draw to it and then present it. After vkQueuePresentKHR the image is returned back to the swap chain. Is there other way to return the image back. I do not want to display the rendered data to screen.
You can probably do what you want here by simply not presenting the images to the device. But the number of images you can get depends on the VkSurfaceCapabilities of your device.
The maximum number of images that the application can simultaneously acquire from this swapchain is derived by subtracting VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::minImageCount from the number of images in the swapchain and adding 1.
On my device, I can have an 8-image swapchain and the minImageCount is 2, letting me acquire 7 images at once.
If you really want for whatever reason to scrap the frame just do not Present the Image and reuse it next iteration (do not Acquire new Image; use the one you already have).
If there's a possibility you are never going to use some Swapchain Image, you still do not need to worry about it. Acquired Images will be reclaimed (unpresented) when a Swapchain is destroyed.
Seeing your usage comment now, I must add you still need to synchronize. And it is not guaranteed to be round-robin. And that it sounds very misguided. Creating Swapchain seems like equal programming work to creating and binding memory to the Image. Considering the result is not "how it is meant to be used"...
From a practical point, you will probably not have good choice of Swapchain Image formats, types and usage flags and they can be limited by size and numbers you can use. It will probably not work well across platforms. It may come with performance hit too.
TL;DR Swapchains are only for interaction with the windowing system (or lack thereof) of the OS. For other uses there are appropriate non-Swapchain commands and objects.
Admittedly Vulkan is sometimes less than terse to write in(a product of it being C-based, reasonably low-level and abstracting a wide range of GPU-like HW), but your proposed technique is not a viable way around it. You need to get used to it and where apropriate make your own abstractions (or use a library doing that).

Working around WebGL readPixels being slow

I'm trying to use WebGL to speed up computations in a simulation of a small quantum circuit, like what the Quantum Computing Playground does. The problem I'm running into is that readPixels takes ~10ms, but I want to call it several times per frame while animating in order to get information out of gpu-land and into javascript-land.
As an example, here's my exact use case. The following circuit animation was created by computing things about the state between each column of gates, in order to show the inline-with-the-wire probability-of-being-on graphing:
The way I'm computing those things now, I'd need to call readPixels eight times for the above circuit (once after each column of gates). This is waaaaay too slow at the moment, easily taking 50ms when I profile it (bleh).
What are some tricks for speeding up readPixels in this kind of use case?
Are there configuration options that significantly affect the speed of readPixels? (e.g. the pixel format, the size, not having a depth buffer)
Should I try to make the readPixel calls all happen at once, after all the render calls have been made (maybe allows some pipelining)?
Should I try to aggregate all the textures I'm reading into a single megatexture and sort things out after a single big read?
Should I be using a different method to get the information back out of the textures?
Should I be avoiding getting the information out at all, and doing all the layout and rendering gpu-side (urgh...)?
Should I try to make the readPixel calls all happen at once, after all the render calls have been made (maybe allows some pipelining)?
Yes, yes, yes. readPixels is fundamentally a blocking, pipeline-stalling operation, and it is always going to kill your performance wherever it happens, because it's sending a request for data to the GPU and then waiting for it to respond, which normal draw calls don't have to do.
Do readPixels as few times as you can (use a single combined buffer to read from). Do it as late as you can. Everything else hardly matters.
Should I be avoiding getting the information out at all, and doing all the layout and rendering gpu-side (urgh...)?
This will get you immensely better performance.
If your graphics are all like you show above, you shouldn't need to do any “layout” at all (which is good, because it'd be very awkward to implement) — everything but the text is some kind of color or boundary animation which could easily be done in a shader, and all the layout can be just a static vertex buffer (each vertex has attributes which point at which simulation-state-texel it should be depending on).
The text will be more tedious merely because you need to load all the digits into a texture to use as a spritesheet and do the lookups into that, but that's a standard technique. (Oh, and divide/modulo to get the digits.)
I don't know enough about your use case but just guessing, Why do you need to readPixels at all?
First, you don't need to draw text or your the static parts of your diagram in WebGL. Put another canvas or svg or img over the WebGL canvas, set the css so they overlap. Let the browser composite them. Then you don't have to do it.
Second, let's assume you have a texture that has your computed results in it. Can't you just then make some geometry that matches the places in your diagram that needs to have colors and use texture coords to look up the results from the correct places in the results texture? Then you don't need to call readPixels at all. That shader can use a ramp texture lookup or any other technique to convert the results to other colors to shade the animated parts of your diagram.
If you want to draw numbers based on the result you can use a technique like this so you'd make a shader at references the result shader to look at a result value and then indexes glyphs from another texture based on that.
Am I making any sense?