HTTPS security is compromised by http: * - apache

I have problem while redirecting the http:// url from https:// pages.
http pages are the url formed internally in java code. when redirection happens from https to formed http url pages are not loading properly and showing loading symbols.
In browser console error showing as "HTTPS security is compromised by"
when i forcibly try to replace http to https redirection says target page uses older tls version


Apache Basic Authentication (htpassword, .htaccess) does not work with HTTP to HTTPS redirection

We want to ensure all sites hosted on apache web server all protected using htpasswd (Apache Basic Authentication)
There are a few sites which are redirected from http to https, and the above authentication goes into a redirect loop on HTTPS (on further,related reading it seems that HTTP basic authentication compares the password (encrypted) format in plain text)
We have tried several samples/snippets to make basic authentication prompt work on HTTPS, but every code snippet results into multiple redirect loop and back to Auth prompt even when I key the correct password.
The links that I have already referred are : Apache .htaccess redirect to HTTPS before asking for user authentication
Do HTTP authentication over HTTPS with URL rewriting
We have tried all the combinations SSLRequireSSL, writing it in other VirtualHost, but nothing seems to work as site redirects from HTTP to HTTPS during the Authentication, Furthermore, there are no error logs of any kind, so it implies the .htaccess and apache config is fine.
SSL,rewrite,auth etc modules are already enabled on the server

How to handle "non-https" (http) sites in https TYPO3 backend

We run a TYPO3 multidomain system and added https support to our TYPO3 domain [typo3domain]. All other domains still run without https support (http only).
https works perfect for [typo3domain].
Redirect of all non https request to TYPO3 backend (lockSSL) works perfect as well. [typo3domain]/typo3 redirects automatically to https://[typo3domain]/typo3
Now our problem:
If a editor [domain1] edits some content on https://[typo3domain]/typo3 and goes to page -> view page then https://[domain1] is called, but this does not work (invalid certificate), because [domain1] is a non ssl domain.
How can i fix this?
You can set the preview domain in the root page TSconfig of the non-https sites, including the protocol:
TCEMAIN.previewDomain = http://domain1
More on this option can be found here:

Prevent http login in Moodle when https login is enabled

I enabled Use HTTPS for logins in HTTP Security. It works fine when I enter root address ( Unfortunately it is possible to login through unsecured connection in two cases:
When session expires - Moodle asks for credentials via http login page (http:// (...) /login/index.php)
It is possible to change protocol in address bar from https to http.
After login communication is not encrypted (It should be this way).
I use Debian/Apache server.
What should I do to eliminate possibility of insecure login?
Maybe you could resolve this problem by using an Apache redirect. Create a file in login folder and name it .htaccess, then insert these lines:
# HTTP 301 redirect
RewriteEngine On
RedirectMatch 301 ^/login/login\.php$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/login/login.php
You must have the rewrite module enabled, otherwise this solution won't work.
add this code in your moodle/config.php file

SSL http to https redirection using drupal

I have recently setup a SSL certificate to my domain. Installation was successful. Post installation when i opened https it showed a Internal Server error'The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.' at the same time when i opened http it worked fine.
Then i have made a change in my htaccess file adding
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
to it. Now http is redirected to https but still am getting same Internal server error.
I checked my error log i found error
[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `' does NOT match server name!?
Please help me how to solve this.
May I suggest also using HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in addition to the other suggestions... :-)
Drupal configuration
If you want to support mixed-mode HTTPS and HTTP sessions open up sites/default/settings.php and add $conf['https'] = TRUE;. This enables you use the same session over HTTP and HTTPS both -- but with two cookies where the HTTPS cookie is sent over HTTPS only. You will need to use contributed modules like securepages to do anything useful with this mode, like submitting forms over HTTPS and so on. While your HTTP cookie is still vulnerable to all usual attacks, a hijacked insecure session cookie can only be used to gain authenticated access to the HTTP site. It will not be valid on the HTTPS site. Whether this is a problem or not depends on the needs of your site and the various module configurations. For example, if all forms are set to go through HTTPS and your visitors can see the same information as logged in users then this is not a problem.
For even better security, leave $conf['https'] at the default value (FALSE) and send all authenticated traffic through HTTPS and use HTTP for anonymous sessions. Once again contributed modules like 443 Session or Secure Login can help you here. Drupal 7 automatically enables the session.cookie_secure PHP configuration on HTTPS sites, which causes SSL-only secure session cookies to be issued to the browser.
For best-possible security, setup your site to only use HTTPS, not even responding to HTTP with a redirect. HTTPS is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks if the connection starts out as a HTTP connection before being redirected to HTTPS. $conf['https'] can be left at its default value (FALSE) on pure-HTTPS sites. You can run the HTTP site from a different server and simply deliver a plain text message telling your users to use HTTPS.
It's a problem with your certificate not with your redirection or drupal.
Perhaps your certificate it's for and you try to access . If you want to access both you will need a wildcard certificate.

SSL Certificates installed on my site. but still browser shows unsafe connection

I have installed ssl certificates on my site but the browsers still showing unsafe connection. However i can access a safe connection by using https:// before site url
If you want to force https you'll need to set that up.
As explained on the apache wiki the recommended method is to setup the http virtual host to redirect to the https virtual host. Alternatively, you can use mod_rewrite to redirect from http to https.