area not calculated in graphdb - graphdb

I need to calculate Area but there is an error Query evaluation error: Unknown function '' (HTTP status 500)
By following query in the image
But it works in stardog, see image please
Thanks for your reply in advance

geof:area does not appear to be a part of the core GeoSPARQL specification, so Stardog must have created an extension on it. GraphDB does not have the exact same extensions. Instead, it uses the uSeekM function and its prefix,
So, your query would look something like this:
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof:<>
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX ext: <>
SELECT ?a ?area
?a geo:hasGeometry ?g1 .
?g1 geo:asWKT ?lit
BIND(ext:area(?lit) as ?area).


Converting a bnode to a string in graphdb

I have an RDF file where the resources are identified with nodeID's instead of URIs. I have imported them into Ontotext graphdb, and would like to generate URIs based on the nodeID (which I preserved during import). For example, I am trying to map this triple
_:C00456 rdf:type skos:Concept
to this:
<> rdf:type skos:Concept
Unfortunately, if ?s is a BNODE, STR(?s) is an empty string in graphdb. xsd:string(?s), ditto. IRI(?s), you guessed it. Is there any function that will expose the form of the bnode as a string, so that I can build a URI from it? I went through the list of functions in the sparql 1.1 specification and could not see any.
PS It would have been nice if graphdb would just convert the nodeIDs to URIs during import (I specified a prefix for relative names), but it went by the book and turned them into bnodes. If I overlooked something, I'll be glad to be set right.
You can use the spif:buildString function to convert a BNode to String and then to IRI.
Here is a sample query:
PREFIX spif: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
?s ?p ?o .
FILTER (isBlank(?s))
BIND (IRI(spif:buildString("http://my/namespace/{?1}", ?s)) as ?sIRI)
} LIMIT 10
The function is documented here:

Wikipedia Linked Data Fragments endpoint fails

I am trying to get alternative names of given names in WikiData with the following simple query:
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
CONSTRUCT {?s rdfs:label ?o}
WHERE { ?s ps:P31 wd:Q202444. ?s rdfs:label ?o}
LIMIT 1000
Initially, the query was much more complex, but I was getting time-outs on the public WikiData SPARQL endpoint. I decided to use Linked Data Fragments to offload some filtering from the server to the client.
$comunica-sparql "" -f query > given_names.n3
Could not retrieve (500: unknown error)
(where query is a file with the SPARQL query shown above). Unfortunately, the client tries to get output from the 3rd page, I am getting the error. Following the link in fact returns HTTP 500 error with
The link points to the 3rd page. It works if you try to go to the second page.
Is this a bug or a limitation of a service?
This is definitely a bug; the server does not fulfill the Triple Pattern Fragments specification if pagination does not work.

How to get composer of a symphony in dbpedia?

This is my query
select *
?symphonies_by_composer <> <> .
?symphony <> ?symphonies_by_composer .
I run it over Dbpedia end point
it gives me many symphonies. i want to construct my triples, adding my own property, which is mo:composedBy like this:
PREFIX mo: <>
?symphony mo:composedBy ?composer .
?symphony a mo:Symphony
?symphonies_by_composer <> <> .
?symphony <> ?symphonies_by_composer .
but i don't know how to get the binding for the ?composer variable.
Do you know how ?
(I'm aware that there might be no way to get it, if you think there is no way, kindly just let me know and i will pass, unfortunately, those data)
There seems to be no explicit relation in DBPedia connecting these symphonies to an actual resource that represents the composer.
A possible workaround is to extract the name of the composer from the prefLabel of the category, by snipping off the first bit ("Symphonies by"):
PREFIX mo: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
?symphony mo:composedBy ?composer_name .
?symphony a mo:Symphony
?symphonies_by_composer skos:broader <> ;
skos:prefLabel ?label .
?symphony dct:subject ?symphonies_by_composer .
BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?label), (STRLEN("Symphonies by ") + 1)) AS ?composer_name)
This will give you back the name of each composer as a literal value.
A second possible step is to try and reconstruct the actual IRI of the resource identifying the composer, from the name. For example, in the case of "Hans Werner Henze", the actual resource identifying the person is, so a simple further string operations or two, replacing spaces and concatenating with the dbpedia base IRI, will resolve this. However, this is brittle, as there is no guarantee that the resource exists, and even if it does, whether it actually identifies the composer (there might be more than one Hans Werner Henze, for instance).
Of course, you can expand this further by doing followup queries to verify that the resource exists and is the correct one, but it will require some additional trial and error. If the goal is simply the name of the composer, the first example query should work fine for most instances.

Query on sindice SPARQL endpoint

I tried to make this query on
PREFIX rev: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
?thing rdfs:label ?name .
?thing rev:hasReview ?review .
filter regex(str(?name), "harlem", "i")
} LIMIT 10
And it returns 504 Gateway Time-out
The server didn't respond in time.
What i'm doing wrong?
You made a query that was too hard for the endpoint to answer in a timely fashion hence why you got a timeout response. Note that there website states the following:
all queries are time and resource limited. notice that this means that
sometime you will get incomplete or even no results. If this is
happening often for you or you really want to run more complex queries
please contact us
Your query essentially selects a vast swathe of data and then makes the engine run a regular expression over ever possible value which is extremely slow.
I believe Sindice use Virtuoso as their SPARQL implementation so you can cheat and use Virtuoso specific full text query extension like so:
PREFIX rev: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
?thing rdfs:label ?name .
?thing rev:hasReview ?review .
?name bif:contains "harlem" .
However this query also seems to timeout, if you can add more conditions to constrain your query further you will have more chance of getting results in a timely fashion.

sparql empty result for dbpedia-owl:influenced property

I am trying to retrieve the value of the dbpedia-owl:influenced in this page e.g: Andy_Warhol
The query I write is:
PREFIX rsc :
PREFIX dbpedia-owl :
rsc:Andy_Warhol dbpedia-owl:infuenced ?o .
but it is EMPTY.
Strange is that when I have the same query for another property from the ontology type like "birthPlace", the sparql engine gives the result back:
rsc:Andy_Warhol dbpedia-owl:birthplace ?o .
which is a link to another resource:
I am just confused how to write this query?
besides several formal errors addressed in the answer of #Joshua, there is also the semantic problem that the properties you are looking for - in this case - seem to be found on the entities that were influenced.
this query might give you the desired results
PREFIX rsc: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
?s dbpedia-owl:influencedBy rsc:Andy_Warhol .
run query
There are a few issues here. One is that the SPARQL, as presented, isn't correct. I edited to make the prefix syntax legal, but the prefixes were still wrong (they didn't end with a final slash). You don't want to be querying for after all; you want to query for Some standard namespaces for DBpedia are listed on their SPARQL endpoint. Using those namespaces and the SPARQL endpoint, we can ask for all the triples that have as the subject with this query:
dbpedia:Andy_Warhol ?p ?o .
In the results produced there, you'll see the one using (note the captial P in birthPlace), but you won't see any triples with the predicate, so it makes sense that your first query has no results. Do you have some reason to suppose that there should be some results?