Parse string with `T` to timestamp PostgreSQL - sql

I have this string 2019-02-14T17:49:20.987 which I want to parse into a timestamp. So I am playing with the to_timestamp function and it seems to work fine except... The problem is with this T letter there. How do I make PostgreSQL skip it?
What pattern should I use in to_timestamp?
Of course I can replace the T with a space and then parse it but I find this approach too clumsy.

Quote from the manual
If there are characters in the template string that are not template patterns, the corresponding characters in the input data string are simply skipped over (whether or not they are equal to the template string characters).
So just put any non-template character there (e.g. X):
select to_timestamp('2019-02-14T17:49:20.987', 'YYYY-MM-DDXHH24:MI:SS.MS')
Online example:
Alternatively, you can simply cast the value:
select '2019-02-14T17:49:20.987'::timestamp

The string with T is a valid input literal for timestamp or timestamptz:
select '2019-02-14T17:49:20.987'::timestamp;
2019-02-14 17:49:20.987
(1 row)


How can I add a string character based on a position in OpenRefine?

I have a column in Openrefine, which I would like to add a character string in each of its rows, based on the position in the string.
For example:
I have an 8th character number string: 85285296 and would like to add "-" at the fourth place: "8528-5296".
Anyone can help me find the specific function in OpenRefine?
The simplest approach is to just use the expression language's built-in string indexing and concatenation:
or more generally, if you don't know that your value is exactly 8 characters long:
Possible solution (not sure if it's the most straightforward):
value.replace(/(\d{4})(.+)/, "$1-$2")
This means : if $1 represents the content of the first parenthesis/group in the regular expression before and $2 the content of the second one, replaces each value in the column with $1-$2.
Some other options:
I think 'splitByLengths' is the neatest, but I might use 'match' instead because it fails with an error if your starting string isn't 8 digits - which means you don't accidentally process data that doesn't conform to your assumption of what data is in the column - but you could use a facet/filter to check this with any of the others

Remove accents from string in Oracle

When trying to remove all accents from a string in Oracle using the techniques described in this stackoverflow answer: how replace accented letter in a varchar2 column in oracle I’m getting mixed results.
select CONVERT('JUAN ROMÄN', 'US7ASCII') from dual;
Returns the original string but replaces characters with for example ñ by a question mark (probably because of the chosen charset - tests with different charsets led to different results).
Using the following technique:
select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(nlssort(NAME_USER, 'nls_sort=binary_ai')) from YOUR_TABLE;
Returns the complete string but also places a NUL value at the end of the string.
Is there a characterset that I can use with Spanish accents to get a correct result (the original string with the different accents removed); is there a way to avoid the NUL value in the utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 technique?
Based on the comments the the replace char(0) seems to remove the NUL value. For example
upper(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2((nlssort('this is áà ñew test','nls_sort=binary_ai')))) as test,
replace(upper(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2((nlssort('this is áà ñew test','nls_sort=binary_ai')))),chr(0),'') as test2
from dual;
If possible I would however to have a more 'straightforward/simpler' solution.
You can use TRANSLATE(your_string, from_chars, to_chars)
Just put all chars with accents in from_chars string and their corresponding replacement chars in to_chars.

Removing replacement character � from column

Based on my research so far this character indicates bad encoding between the database and front end. Unfortunately, I don't have any control over either of those. I'm using Teradata Studio.
How can I filter this character out? I'm trying to perform a REGEX_SUBSTR function on a column that occasionally contains �, which throws the error "The string contains an untranslatable character".
Here is my SQL. AIRCFT_POSITN_ID is the column that contains the replacement character.
Your diagnostic is correct, so first of all, you might want to check the Session Character Set (it is part of the connection definition).
If it is ASCII change it to UTF8 and you will be able to see the original characters instead of the substitute character.
And in case the character is indeed part of the data and not just an indication for encoding translations issues:
The substitute character AKA SUB (DEC: 26 HEX: 1A) is quite unique in Teradata.
you cannot use it directly -
select '�';
-- [6706] The string contains an untranslatable character.
select '1A'XC;
-- [6706] The string contains an untranslatable character.
If you are using version 14.0 or above you can generate it with the CHR function:
select chr(26);
If you're below version 14.0 you can generate it like this:
select translate (_unicode '05D0'XC using unicode_to_latin with error);
Once you have generated the character you can now use it with REPLACE or OTRANSLATE
create multiset table t (i int,txt varchar(100) character set latin) unique primary index (i);
insert into t (i,txt) values (1,translate ('Hello שלום world עולם' using unicode_to_latin with error));
select * from t;
-- Hello ���� world ����
select otranslate (txt,chr(26),'') from t;
-- Hello world
select otranslate (txt,translate (_unicode '05D0'XC using unicode_to_latin with error),'') from t;
-- Hello world
BTW, there are 2 versions for OTRANSLATE and OREPLACE:
The functions under syslib works with LATIN.
the functions under TD_SYSFNLIB works with UNICODE.
In addition to Dudu's excellent answer above, I wanted to add the following now that I've encountered the issue again and had more time to experiment. The following SELECT command produced an untranslatable character:
Trying to perform a REGEXP_REPLACE or OREPLACE directly on this character produces an error:
Failed [6706 : HY000] The string contains an untranslatable character.
I changed the CHARSET property in my Teradata connection from UTF8 to ASCII and I could now see the offending character, looks like a tab
Using the TRANSLATE_CHK command using this specific conversion succeeds and identifies the position of the offending character (Note that this does not work using the UTF8 charset):
Now this character can be dealt with using some CASE statements to remove the bad character and retain the remainder of the string:
Hopes this helps someone out.

howto cut text from specific character in sqlite query

SQLITE Query question:
I have a query which returns string with the character '#' in it.
I would like to remove all characters after this specific character '#':
select field from mytable;
result :
So in my sample I would like to create a query which only returns :
I tried something with instr() to get the index, but instr() was not recognized as a function -> SQL Error: no such function: instr (probably old version of db . sqlite_version()-> 3.7.5).
Any hints howto achieve this ?
There are two approaches:
You can rtrim the string of all characters other than the # character.
This assumes, of course, that (a) there is only one # in the string; and (b) that you're dealing with simple strings (e.g. 7-bit ASCII) in which it is easy to list all the characters to be stripped.
You can use sqlite3_create_function to create your own rendition of INSTR. The specifics here will vary a bit upon how you're using

Convert text with HTML character encoding to database characterset

Our application receives data from various sources. Some of these contain HTML character makeup instead of regular characters. So instead of string "â" we receive string "â".
How can we convert "â" to a character in the database character set using SQL/PLSQL?
Our database is 10GR2.
Unescape_reference and excape_reference I believe is what you're looking for
This returns 'hello <'||chr(229).
You can use the CHR() function to convert an ascii character number to a character representation.
SELECT chr(226)
FROM dual;
For more information see:
Hope it helps...
one solution
replace(your_test, 'â', chr(226))
but you'd have to nest many replace functions, one for each entity you need to replace. This might be very slow if you have to replace many.
You can wrote your own function, seqrching for the ampersand and replacing when found.
Have you searched the Oracle Supplied Packages manual? I know they have a function that does the opposite for a few entities.
to convert a column in oracle which contains HTML items to plain text, you could use:
trim(regexp_replace(UTL_I18N.unescape_reference(column_name), '<[^>]+>'))
It will replace HTML character as above stated but will also remove HTML tags en remove leading and trailing spaces.
I hope it will help someone.