How to call a commit and dispatch asynchronously from same action? - vuejs2

I want to perform an action after mutation has done it's job.
The mutation (SOME_MUTATION) is from same store and the action(test/testAction) is from a module
someAction(context, data) {
context.commit('SOME_MUTATION', data) // this should be committed first
context.dispatch('test/testAction') // this action should be dispatched after the above commit
Note: I don't know whether or not it is the default behaviour

you would change your someAction(context, data) to this
someAction({commit, dispatch}, data) {
.then(=> {
using {commit, dispatch} will allow you use both inside action without having to say context. because actions only accept 2 parameters you pass both in as single object, so that you can still pass in the data parameter.


Is it valid inside a getter, call an action in vuex?

For example, I use a Getter for write a logic about a if object has a especify content.
const state = {
object = []
const getters = {
CHECK_OBJECT_STATE: (state) => {
if(, "error")){
//return a message, in this case is not necessary proceed the logic.
//otherwise I need take and fetch a new a action.
const actions = {
anyone can suggest me other method to do it, if it's not valid?
Vuex Getters are not designed for asynchronous tasks, those should be handled in the actions. I really think that getters operate best as pure functions which perform read-only operations on an existing state, so it should do only one job: retrieve the data in the state.
So you process the logic, the if statement in the actions, store the returned value in a state array object (which is pretty weird for me to name an array "object"), and the getter only has to retrieve such array. Things are reactive so that getter will always hold the latest data set.

Vuex mutations and actions responsibilities

Except that a mutation must be synchronous whereas an action can contain asynchronous code, I find it difficult to establish some guidelines on how to correctly choose where the logic is supposed to be implemented.
The Vuex doc describes the mutations as transactions, which makes me think that each mutation must ensure as much as possible state coherence, potentially doing multiple changes in the store within the same mutation.
Let’s take for example the following state, storing documents that can either be loading or loaded:
const state = {
loading: []
loaded: []
const mutations = {
setLoaded(state, doc) {
// Remove doc from loading:
const index = state.loading.find(loadingDoc => ===
if (index !== -1) {
state.loading.splice(index, 1)
Here the mutation ensures that the doc is either in loading or loaded state, not both. The problem doing so is that the mutations could eventually end up having a lot of logic, which could make them more difficult to debug through the Vuex dev tools.
Some prefer to keep the mutations as simple as possible (eg. only one state change per mutation), but then it’s up to the actions (or the components in case they directly call mutations) to ensure state coherence, which could be more error-prone since, in the above example, you would need to remove the doc from loading state each time you call the “setLoaded” mutation.
As for data validation, unluckily we have no simple way to do it in mutations since mutations cannot return anything. So an action calling a mutation has no way to know that the data is invalid. Eg.:
const mutations = {
setValue(state, intValue) {
if (intValue < 0) {
// error
state.value = intValue;
Thus, it seems that data validation needs to be done in actions, with mutations assuming that the data they receive are correct.
What are your thoughts about this, and more generally about actions and mutations? Do you have guidelines on how to properly use them from your own experience?
Data validation MUST be done in actions if it encompasses multiple mutations and/or needs to signal to the caller if the operation failed.
My rule (and this will be argued...) is to always use async CALLS (with async/await) whenever possible, even if I am calling sync methods. Then my code is future proof if the sync method becomes async. And in the case you mentioned, it also allows a return value and/or error from Vuex.
let response
response = await anAsyncMethod()
response = await aSyncMethod()
response = await aVuexMutateOp()
response = await aVueActionOp()
Yes this adds a bit of processing overhead, but it is also just as clear by using async/await syntax. It streamlines the error processing as well, routing it to a catch block.
Because mutations have the restriction that they MUST be synchronous AND CANNOT call other mutations AND DO NOT return a value demonstrates that the mutate should only be used in the simplest of situations.

How to correctly utilise redux-saga putResolve

I'm trying to sequence my API calls so that I can call an endpoint, wait for it to succeed, then select the required value out of the state.
I'm very new to redux-saga and am finding it difficult to understand how to achieve this!
What I've tried:
So we try and block whilst we perform an API call:
const resp = yield putResolve(assistantActions.fetchSustainability());
Later in the code we select the updated value out of the state:
const assistant = yield select(getAssistant);
The action that is called looks like:
export const fetchSustainability = () => ({ type: FETCH_SUSTAINABILITY });
In the saga we:
yield takeEvery(FETCH_SUSTAINABILITY, fetchSustainability);
Then the function returns a promise:
function fetchSustainability() {
return axios.get(`${url}/sustainability`);
I'm not sure that I've set this up any where near right as I've made lots of changes trying to get it working!
The select statement executes immediately and as the call isn't blocked the state isn't updated correctly.
Is my approach correct? If not is someone able to provide a simple working example on how to achieve a blocking call.
So the second parameter to takeEvery needs to be a generator function;
within that you can call your fetchSustainability
function* generator() {
yield call(fetchSustainability); // calls the actual function
// in the saga
yield takeEvery(FETCH_SUSTAINABILITY, generator);
your action fetchSustainability should return a Promise.
Here's an example to highlight the difference between put and putResolve.
The example uses thunkMiddleware

RN with Firestore unable to wait for Promise to resolve

I have a simple call to Firestore to write a doc and then wait for the doc to finish writing before changing state of the parent. However, the parent state is being changed too fast, resulting in reading fields that I think have not yet been written/propagated. I tried adding a delay with setTimeout and it seems ignored. How can I make sure the state change is absolutely only called after the Firestore doc is written completely?
The code:
updateDBEntry(stateObj) {
var that = this;
var docRef = firebase.firestore().collection('sessions').doc(this.state.userID);
docRef.get().then((doc) => {
if (!doc.exists) {
const timestamp = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();
var duration = (stateObj.seshDuration) ? stateObj.seshDuration : 1;
seshName: stateObj.seshName,
seshStreet: stateObj.seshStreet,
seshZipcode: stateObj.seshZipcode,
seshDuration: duration,
seshDesc: stateObj.seshDesc,
seshTime: timestamp,
}).then(() => {
var handleToUpdate = that.props.handleToUpdate;
setTimeout(() => {
handleToUpdate(1); //this changes the parent's state
}, 10000);
I'm not sure exactly the problem you're running into here, mostly because you've only shown this one function, and not how you're using it in the rest of your app. But I can tell you three things for sure:
When the promise from set() resolves successfully, you can be certain the document is written.
get() and set() are asynchronous, and so is then(). They all return promises the represent async work.
Item 2 means that your entire function updateDBEntry() is also asynchronous and returns immediately, before any of the work is complete.
Because this entire function is async, when it returns, the document will not have been created yet. Instead, maybe this function should return that resolves only after all the work is complete, so that the caller can also use it set up some code to execute after the work is done.

How to initialize MobX store with async data (AsyncStorage) in React Native

We created a simple MobX store to save an object. This MobX store also syncs with AsyncStorage every time fooObject is changed:
import { observable } from 'mobx';
class FooStore {
#observable fooObject = {};
setFooObject(newFooObject) {
this.fooObject = newFooObject;
syncWithAsyncStorage() {
AsyncStorage.setItem('fooObject', JSON.stringify(this.fooObject));
This mobx store is then consumed by various screens in the app.
As you can see, we use RN AsyncStorage, which is kind of a LocalStorage but for native apps, to always store the current state of fooObject.
The question is: when the app is closed, we loose FooStore state, so we want to retrieve the last 'save' we did to AsyncStorage (which is persisted).
The problem is AsyncStorage is (as the name states) an ASYNC function, and we can't wait for a promise resolution in FooStore's constructor.
How one would accomplish this initial state initialization of this MobX store based on the resolved return value of AsyncStorage?
We thought about writing an initialization method (async method) in FooStore like this:
async initializeFromAsyncStorage() {
this.fooObject = await JSON.parse(await AsyncStorage.getItem('fooObject'));
And then call this method on app initialization in our root App.js.
But I'm not sure if this would present unintended side effects and if this is idiomatic mobx/react-native.
Yes, I would create an initialization method. If the instance is not dependent of the initial data, you could call it right after the instantiation:
const fooStore = new FooStore()
export default fooStore
Thill will not guarantee that the initial data is loaded when the app is constructed, but since the data is an optional observable, your app will react to it if/when it’s available.
Remember that AsyncStorage.getItem will resolve null if it has not been set, so you might want to do:
async initializeFromAsyncStorage() {
const result = await AsyncStorage.getItem('fooObject')
if (result !== null) {
this.fooObject = JSON.parse(result)