Problems configuring Cmake via macports - cmake

I get the following error message when trying to install inkscape via Macports:
$ sudo port install inkscape
---> Computing dependencies for cmake
---> Configuring cmake
Error: Failed to configure cmake: configure failure: command execution failed Error: See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_devel_cmake/cmake/main.log for details.
Error: Unable to execute port: upgrade cmake failed Christian-Tofts-MacBook-Pro:~ clta$
Im running High Sierra OS and port version 2.5.4
Any input on how to fix this?


libtiff check failed when trying to build a library that depends on it

I am using ubuntu 18.04. I have libtiff5 installed (using sudo apt install libtiff5). When trying to build a library that depends on libtiff I get the following error:
checking for TIFFOpen in -ltiff... no
configure: error: libtiff check failed
Any suggestions on how to fix this? My guess is I have to modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but I don't know where apt installed libtiff

Unable to build Solidity Compiler in Aion FastVM

I'm using the steps on the FastVM guide to build it. I'm stuck on the part where you have to build the Solidity compiler. I've installed the prerequisites but when I run make I get the following:
compilation terminated.
In file included from ./libsolidity/interface/ABI.cpp:21:0:
./libsolidity/interface/ABI.h:25:10: fatal error: json/json.h: No such file or directory
#include <json/json.h>
compilation terminated.
In file included from ./libsolidity/interface/Exceptions.h:27:0,
from ./libsolidity/interface/ErrorReporter.h:25,
from ./libsolidity/interface/ErrorReporter.cpp:23:
./libdevcore/Exceptions.h:20:10: fatal error: boost/exception/exception.hpp: No such file or directory
#include <boost/exception/exception.hpp>
compilation terminated.
^CMakefile:9: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Interrupt
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
It looks like the Aion FastVM is built to run on Ubuntu 16.04, not 18.04. Here's the steps I took to get it up and running. I used the steps on Aion's Github for reference.
Spin up a Ubuntu 16.04 x86-64 environment (either locally or on AWS / Azure / DigitalOcean / etc).
SSH into your new environment and run the following line-by-line:
cd ~
git clone
sudo apt install build-essential llvm-4.0-dev
cd solidity
sudo apt install build-essential libboost-all-dev libjsoncpp-dev
Reboot the VM: sudo reboot now.
I did get a few warnings while building the Solidity compiler, but they were just warning. Nothing was terminated.

Tensorflow Custom Compile on Windows

So, I've installed Bazel via Chocolatey, installed Python 3.5 and 2.7, installed CUDA v8, and cuDNN v6, and installed JDK 8.0, I'm now trying to custom-build TensorFlow on my Windows 10 device, with AVX, AVX 2 and CUDA. TensorFlow-GPU, the pre-built version, does work, I've already tested and run that successfully.
I've followed the instructions of other articles, both on TensorFlows' actual site (trying to adapt some sections from the Linux/Mac installs), and on here. The furthest I've made it is; cloning the Github repository via Msys2, running, then attempting to build via bazel build --config=opt --config=cuda //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package I receive an error, the header of which is:
Error reading CreateProcess(): The system cannot find the file specified.
: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v8.0/include/cudnn.h
I've double checked, that file does exist, so I'm not sure why I'm getting this error.
EDIT: Also attempted to run via Powershell, reached the same point.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I had the exact same error while trying to build Tensorflow on Windows (using cuDNN 5.1). I fixed it by launching bazel from the msys2 terminal (instead of from the windows command prompt) and manually setting the BAZEL_SH environment variable before attempting to build.
export BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe
bazel build -c opt --config=win-cuda tensorflow/cc:cc_ops
The following steps helped me to compile Tensorflow on Windows 10.
pacman -Syuu patch
ln -s "c:\python27\python.exe" /usr/bin/python
export BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\chocolatey\bin\bazel.exe" build --config=opt --config=win-cuda //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
But after 1 hour of compilation I got another error:
: fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler generated file: '': Invalid
argument Target //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
failed to build

Error installing ruby packages

I used the following command to run the installation
curl -L | bash -s stable --autolibs=3 --ruby
I then received a error
I then checked the error, and below is the log,
[2013-05-18 12:11:22] requirements_osx_port_libs_install
Error: No valid Xcode installation is properly selected.
Error: Please use xcode-select to select an Xcode installation:
Error: sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/ # version 4.6.1
Warning: xcodebuild exists but failed to execute
Warning: Xcode does not appear to be installed; most ports will likely fail to build.
---> Computing dependencies for apple-gcc42
---> Dependencies to be installed: cctools ld64 llvm-3.2 gcc_select
---> Building llvm-3.2
Error: for port llvm-3.2 returned: command execution failed
Error: Failed to install llvm-3.2
Please see the log file for port llvm-3.2 for details:
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: cctools ld64 llvm-3.2 gcc_select
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port apple-gcc42 failed
There were package installation errors, make sure to read the log.
I checked my xcode version (I'm still subscribed to the $99, if that means anything), and it says this
xcode-select version 2003
How do I solve the problem?
I fixed the problem. Thanks for all the comments.
I was installing rvm last night, and my internet connection got cut off. That corrupted the installation. The problem was with Xcode. I uninstalled then install again, and then re install rvm, and it worked.

Permission denied when installing RVM

I'm trying to install rvm. I typed:
curl -L | bash -s stable --autolibs=3 --ruby
And I got the below
It's working now. My Xcode was not updated.
But now second problem, also permission denied are the packages. It says it can't be installed. Log is shown below,
[2013-05-18 15:37:46] requirements_osx_port_libs_install
---> Computing dependencies for apple-gcc42
---> Dependencies to be installed: cctools ld64 llvm-3.2 gcc_select
---> Building llvm-3.2
Error: for port llvm-3.2 returned: command execution failed
Error: Failed to install llvm-3.2
Please see the log file for port llvm-3.2 for details:
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: cctools ld64 llvm-3.2 gcc_select
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port apple-gcc42 failed
There were package installation errors, make sure to read the log.
How do I solve this?
Your /usr/local dir is locked to (probably) root. To solve this run this line:
sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local
It will make it writable for you. That can be an issue but usually it should be not.