Naming conventions for intents, events and contexts - naming-conventions

I am wondering if there are any agreed upon naming conventions for intents, events and contexts in Dialogflow.
If there are none, then I would appreciate if you shared your own naming conventions!

I find that it's a bit of a contradiction to say 'it doesn’t really matter as long as it‘s easy to understand for others'. If there were naming conventions, it would be much easier for someone to understand a new Dialogflow bot.
Here's my take:
I use dots to group intents and imply a hierarchy. The first part of the intent name is ideally just one word that clearly indicates the main subject of the intent. For example
name would be an intent that receives a user's name as an input. name.confirm would be the follow-up intent that receives confirmation of the name. name.confirm.yes would be the intent where the user has given confirmation.
This is in the context of a bot which is gathering contact data so the input function is implied. In a more mixed-type chatbot, you could add the type of intent as a first word to categorize your intents better. E.g. or FAQ.shipping.overseas or smalltalk.agent.location ('Where are you?').
I use the same approach for fallback intents: would be the fallback intent that is triggered when the bot is waiting for the user to input their name but doesn't understand the answer.
For contexts I use snake case. For example awaiting_email would be the context that is set when the bot is waiting for the user to input their email address. After I have the email address I would set a context email to carry forward the information so that other intents can use it as a context. Or if I'm collecting several pieces of data about the user, I will set the context user and other intents can access certain parameters e.g. via
I made a video about the topic as well:
It's obvious that everyone is coming from a slightly different angle because their area of application is different. I'm sure we'll get to a common standard eventually!

I am going to answer this from perspective of a service based company's project.
In my project, we have used similar naming convention for intents as in-built small-talk intents, because its easy to understand and categorize. like FAQ.Comapny.your_question, etc.
(for some unknown reasons we capitalize the first letter of main categories of intents, in small-talk all letters are lower case as it should be).
For the events we have used similar notation for universal constants, like INVOKE_EVENT.
For parameters and contexts, we used snake_case i.e coffee_cost.
Basically, it doesn't really matter as long as it's easy to understand and replicate. But you should always have a basic structure which you and your whole team follows throughout the project.

There aren't any, unfortunately, and the system is flexible enough that it doesn't matter too much. Pick names that make sense (duh).
Although most of the examples use it, I avoid using a space in the name. I treat them more like function names, so having a space in it breaks my aesthetics.
I tend to group Intents based around what part of the conversation they're working on, which is managed through the use of contexts that are set, and separate the part and subpart designations by dots, so it vaguely looks like package designations. I'll have Intents named something like
Where the "calculate" ones all have an Input Context of "calculate".
Most of all, remember that Intents (and thus their names) represent what the user says and not what your code does with that. This is the big way that it differs from a function name.

Honestly, it really doesnt matter! As long as its easy to replicate in code and clear to see/understand for anyone else that might be working on your agent, then anything is fine. Generally though using typical coding notation such as CamelCase is probably not a bad idea.


Best practice instead of hard-coded RFC destinations?

is there a good way to use not hardcoded RFC destinations?
Right now our solution is to check which system is used and then assign the destination to a variable
IF cl_role EQ 'P'.
p_dest = 'ESW300'.
p_dest = 'EAW300'.
which we use when calling our destination function.
Is there a good way to not use the hardcoded destinations?
Thank you for the help!
RFC destinations are already an abstraction of the endpoint so I would not recommend to abstract it yet again. For that reason I would suggest using the same name across systems as a leading practice and not change them to be instance specific.
Otherwise I would suggest instead of hard-coding that you determine the RFC destination dynamically if you really want to use different RFC destination names across systems (I would not). If you look at some SAP standard programs they use specific format to determine the expected RFC destination name for example <hostname>_<systemname>_<system number> is used by SolMan but there are many examples if you look at the standard RFC destinations you can find.
I would also recommend as a best practice that any hard coded values never be populated inline as your example shows but in a header constant.
I realize you were probably only trying to focus on your question but for others reading this.
I saw every company creating its own custom table containing the RFC destinations (maintained differently in every SAP system by administrators; eventually it can be custom entries in the standard table TVARVC), but nobody published anything about it. Eventually this blog post but it's a very complex solution, only documented, but no code provided.
An easier (and adequate?) way is to create a Logical System (transaction code BD54) for every system, and assign a RFC destination (transaction code BD97).
In your program, do this kind of thing:
FROM tblsysdest
WHERE logsys = 'CRM'
INTO #DATA(crm_system).
PS: prefer to abstract things, like creating a global class with one method GET_CRM_SYSTEM instead of hardcoding the SELECT in every program.

Are there conventional synonyms used to replace keywords reserved in programming languages?

The main examples of the words I mean are "object", "value" etc. In many (well, not really, but the chances are on some occasions at least) cases you may happen to find yourself willing to name a variable etc. of yours this way.
Another example I have stumbled upon in my practice is "try" which represents both the keyword (in many C-like and other languages) used in exception handling and the currency of Turkey. But this is an example just for fun, I doubt there are any common practices known for this particular case (though I feel like there may be for the previous).
What do people do in such cases? What are some synonyms for an object, a value etc reasonable in the programming and data modelling context?
For example imagine you are developing an object database, manipulating objects, properties and values (rather than documents, fields and... eh... values) is, for some reason, among the key ideas of its philosophy and you really don't want to use words too distinct from these semantically. What words would you use to replace the reserved ones while keeping the sense very close to that of theirs?
The easiest solution to come into my mind so far it to use misspelled (or spelled in a different language orthography) varieties of the same words like "objekt", "walue" etc. but although this can do the job this just disgusts me so much I really don't want to accept going this way ever.
UPDATE: Indeed, in some specific cases (particular languages) using a different case (which, some times, may go against the case aspect of the commynity and/or the company naming convention by the way) and/or namespaces (which have been introduced almost exactly for this) may solve the problem at least partially but I am still interested in alternatives as I believe actually duplicating a system keyword is a thing one should at least think about avoiding (might there be a way to do it easily without accepting compromises considered too serious) in every case.
I am even considering writing script that would scrape through GitHub to analyse the common code elements naming vocabulary but I think it is always a good idea to ask first rather than to "reinvent a bicycle", perhaps somebody has done something like this already.
UPDATE2: Please do me a favour and consider the following with applicable degree of objectivity before voting to close. With all do respect I would like to emphasise that the actual degree of subjectivity of this question is excusably low (though, I admit, somewhat above zero anyway). The only real flaw of it is that it might perhaps fit the English site better but I believe the audience of StackOverflow is much more relevant (generally informed in a much more relevant way) to the context. The actual goal of publishing this question is to highlight a problem that is fairly easy to understand clearly enough and which can not be denied of existence (though its importance may be questionable so far) but is spoken of too little (as importance of code clarity and semantic relevance is increasing, IMHO, code as a media is quickly moving towards obtaining bigger cultural (in the broad meaning of this word) importance than of books). And to let people share the ways of addressing it in practice they know of.
Capitalization: Often, a different capitalization instead of a synonym does the trick, as most language keywords are case-sensitive. E.g. object = new Object();
Prefix / Postfix: Another often encountered solution is to write myObject = new Object(). Which one you chose really depends on the naming conventions you follow. For private class fields, some developers use an underscore, e.g. this._object indicating a private access modifier.
Specification: In most cases however, you can find a more specific word describing the role - such as instance, parent, child or argument - or the subclass - such as integer or n instead of a generic number datatype - of your object.
In addition to the above, many language communities follow de-facto conventions such as cls for Class, obj for Object, me or self for this etc.

Query String vs Resource Path for Filtering Criteria

I have 2 resources: courses and professors.
A course has the following attributes:
A professor has the the following attributes:
So, you can say that a course has one professor and a professor may have many courses.
If I want to get all courses or all professors I can: GET /api/courses or GET /api/professors respectively.
My quandary comes when I want to get all courses that a certain professor teaches.
I could use either of the following:
GET /api/professors/:prof_id/courses
GET /api/courses?professor_id=:prof_id
I'm not sure which to use though.
Current solution
Currently, I'm using an augmented form of the latter. My reasoning is that it is more scale-able if I want to add in filtering/sorting criteria.
I'm actually encoding/embedding JSON strings into the query parameters. So, a (decoded) example might be:
GET /api/courses?where={professor_id: "teacher45", year: 2016}&order={attr: "topic", sort: "asc"}
The request above would retrieve all courses that were (or are currently being) taught by the professor with the provided professor_id in the year 2016, sorted according to topic title in ascending ASCII order.
I've never seen anyone do it this way though, so I wonder if I'm doing something stupid.
Closing Questions
Is there a standard practice for using the query string vs the resource path for filtering criteria? What have some larger API's done in the past? Is it acceptable, or encouraged to use use both paradigms at the same time (make both endpoints available)? If I should indeed be using the second paradigm, is there a better organization method I could use besides encoding JSON? Has anyone seen another public API using JSON in their query strings?
Edited to be less opinion based. (See comments)
As already explained in a previous comment, REST doesn't care much about the actual form of the link that identifies a unique resource unless either the RESTful constraints or the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) itself is violated.
Regarding the use of query or path (or even matrix) parameters is completely up to you. There is no fixed rule when to use what but just individual preferences.
I like to use query parameters especially when the value is optional and not required as plenty of frameworks like JAX-RS i.e. allow to define default values therefore. Query parameters are often said to avoid caching of responses which however is more an urban legend then the truth, though certain implementations might still omit responses from being cached for an URI containing query strings.
If the parameter defines something like a specific flavor property (i.e. car color) I prefer to put them into a matrix parameter. They can also appear within the middle of the URI i.e. /api/professors;hair=grey/courses could return all cources which are held by professors whose hair color is grey.
Path parameters are compulsory arguments that the application requires to fulfill the request in my sense of understanding otherwise the respective method handler will not be invoked on the service side in first place. Usually this are some resource identifiers like table-row IDs ore UUIDs assigned to a specific entity.
In regards to depicting relationships I usually start with the 1 part of a 1:n relationship. If I face a m:n relationship, like in your case with professors - cources, I usually start with the entity that may exist without the other more easily. A professor is still a professor even though he does not hold any lectures (in a specific term). As a course wont be a course if no professor is available I'd put professors before cources, though in regards to REST cources are fine top-level resources nonetheless.
I therefore would change your query
GET /api/courses?where={professor_id: "teacher45", year: 2016}&order={attr: "topic", sort: "asc"}
to something like:
GET /api/professors/teacher45/courses;year=2016?sort=asc&onField=topic
I changed the semantics of your fields slightly as the year property is probably better suited on the courses rather then the professors resource as the professor is already reduced to a single resource via the professors id. The courses however should be limited to only include those that where held in 2016. As the sorting is rather optional and may have a default value specified, this is a perfect candidate for me to put into the query parameter section. The field to sort on is related to the sorting itself and therefore also belongs to the query parameters. I've put the year into a matrix parameter as this is a certain property of the course itself, like the color of a car or the year the car was manufactured.
But as already explained previously, this is rather opinionated and may not match with your or an other folks perspective.
I could use either of the following:
GET /api/professors/:prof_id/courses
GET /api/courses?professor_id=:prof_id
You could. Here are some things to consider:
Machines (in particular, REST clients) should be treating the URI as an opaque thing; about the closest they ever come to considering its value is during resolution.
But human beings, staring that a log of HTTP traffic, do not treat the URI opaquely -- we are actually trying to figure out the context of what is going on. Staying out of the way of the poor bastard that is trying to track down a bug is a good property for a URI Design to have.
It's also a useful property for your URI design to be guessable. A URI designed from a few simple consistent principles will be a lot easier to work with than one which is arbitrary.
There is a great overview of path segment vs query over at Programmers
Of course, if you have two different URI, that both "follow the rules", then the rules aren't much help in making a choice.
Supporting multiple identifiers is a valid option. It's completely reasonable that there can be more than one way to obtain a specific representation. For instance, these resources
could all return representations of the same "answer".
On the /other hand, choice adds complexity. It may or may not be a good idea to offer your clients more than one way to do a thing. "Don't make me think!"
On the /other/other hand, an api with a bunch of "general" principles that carry with them a bunch of arbitrary exceptions is not nearly as easy to use as one with consistent principles and some duplication (citation needed).
The notion of a "canonical" URI, which is important in SEO, has an analog in the API world. Mark Seemann has an article about self links that covers the basics.
You may also want to consider which methods a resource supports, and whether or not the design suggests those affordances. For example, POST to modify a collection is a commonly understood idiom. So if your URI looks like a collection
POST /api/professors/:prof_id/courses
Then clients are more likely to make the associate between the resource and its supported methods.
POST /api/courses?professor_id=:prof_id
There's nothing "wrong" with this, but it isn't nearly so common a convention.
GET /api/courses?where={professor_id: "teacher45", year: 2016}&order={attr: "topic", sort: "asc"}
I've never seen anyone do it this way though, so I wonder if I'm doing something stupid.
I haven't either, but syntactically it looks a little bit like GraphQL. I don't see any reason why you couldn't represent a query that way. It would make more sense to me as a single query description, rather than breaking it into multiple parts. And of course it would need to be URL encoded, etc.
But I would not want to crazy with that right unless you really need to give to your clients that sort of flexibility. There are simpler designs (see Roman's answer)

Does my API design violate RESTful principles?

I'm currently (I try to) designing a RESTful API for a social network. But I'm not sure if my current approach does still accord to the RESTful principles. I'd be glad if some brighter heads could give me some tips.
Suppose the following URI represents the name field of a user account:
But there are almost hundred possible fields. So I want the client to create its own field views or use predefined ones. Let's suppose that the following URI represents a predefined field view that includes the fields "name", "age", "gender":
And because field views are kind of higher logic I don't want to mix support for field views into the "people/{UserID}/profile/fields" resource. Instead I want to do the following:
Another example
Suppose we want to perform some quantity operations (hope that this is the right name for it in English). We have the following URIs whereas each of them points to a list of persons -- the friends of them:
GET people/exampleUID-1/relationships/friends
GET people/exampleUID-2/relationships/friends
And now we want to find out which of their friends are also friends of mine. So we do this:
GET people/myUID/relationships/intersections/{Value-1};{Value-2}
Whereas "{Value-1/2}" are the url encoded values of "people/exampleUID-1/friends" and "people/exampleUID-2/friends". And then we get back a representation of all people which are friends of all three persons.
Though Leonard Richardson & Sam Ruby state in their book "RESTful Web Services" that a RESTful design is somehow like an "extreme object oriented" approach, I think that my approach is object oriented and therefore accords to RESTful principles. Or am I wrong?
When not: Are such "object oriented" approaches generally encouraged when used with care and in order to avoid query-based REST-RPC hybrids?
Thanks for your feedback in advance,
I've never worked with REST, but I'd have assumed that GETting a profile resource at '''/people/{UserId}/profile''' would yield a document, in XML or JSON or something, that includes all the fields. Client-side I'd then ignore the fields I'm not interested in. Isn't that much nicer than having to (a) configure a personalised view on the server or (b) make lots of requests to fetch each field?
Hi peta,
I'm still reading through RESTful Web Services myself, but I'd suggest a slightly different approach than the proposed one.
Regarding the first part of your post:
I don't think that this is RESTful, as utils is not a resource. Defining custom views is OK, however these views should be (imho) a natural part of your API's URI scheme. To incorporate the above into your first URI example, I would propose one of the following examples instead of creating a special view for it:
The latter example considers fields as an input value for your algorithm. This might be a better approach than having fields in the URI as it is not a resource itself - it just puts constraints on the existing view of people/{UserID}/profile/. Technically, it's very similar as pagination, where you would limit a view by default and allow clients to browse through resources by using ?page=1, ?page=2 and so on.
Regarding the second part of your post:
This is a more difficult one to crack.
Having intersection in the URI breaks your URI scheme a bit. It's not a resource by itself and also it sits on the same level as friends, whereas it would be more suitable one level below or as an input value for your algorithm, i.e.
GET people/{UserID}/relationships/friends/intersections/{Value-1};{Value-2}
GET people/{UserID}/relationships/friends/?intersections={Value-1};{Value-2}
I'm again personally inclined to the latter, because similarly as in the first case, you are just constraining the existing view of people/{UserID}/relationships/friends/
Secondly, regarding:
Whereas "{Value-1/2}" are the url
encoded values of
"people/exampleUID-1/friends" and
If you meant that {Value-1/2} contain the whole encoded response of the mentioned GET requests, then I would avoid that - I don't think that the RESTful way. Since friends is a resource by itself, you may want to expose it and access it directly, i.e.:
GET friends/{UserID-1};{UserID-2};{UserID-3}
One important thing to note here - I've used ; between user IDs in the previous example, whereas I used , in the fields example above. The reasoning is that both represent a different operator. In the first case we needed OR (,) in order to get all three fields, while in the last example above we had to use AND (;) in order to get an intersection.
Usage of two types of operators can over-complicate the API design, but it should provide more flexibility in the end.
thanks for your clarifying answers. They are exactly what I was asking for. Unfortunately I hadn't the time to read "RESTful Web Services" from cover to cover; but I will catch it up as soon as possible. :-)
Regarding the first part of my post:
You're right. I incline to your first example, and without fields. I think that the I don't need it at all. (At the moment) Why do you suggest the use of OR (,) instead of AND (;)? Intuitively I'd use the AND operator because I want all three of them and not just the first one existing. (Like on page 121 the colorpairs example)
Regarding the second part:
With {Value-1/2} I meant only the url-encoded value of the URIs -- not their response data. :) Here I incline with you second example. Here it should be obvious that under the hood an algorithm is involed when calculating intersecting friends. And beside that I'm probably going to add some further operations to it.

When to join name and when not to?

Most languages give guidelines to separate different words of a name by underscores (python, C etc.) or by camel-casing (Java). However the problem is when to consider the names as separate. The options are:
1) Do it at every instance when separate words from the English dictionary occur e.g. create_gui(), recv_msg(), createGui(), recvMsg() etc.
2) Use some intuition to decide when to do this and when not to do this e.g. recvmsg() is OK, but its better to have create_gui() .
What is this intuition?
The question looks trivial. But it presents a problem which is common and takes at least 5 seconds for each instance whenever it appears.
I always do your option 1, and as far as I can tell, all modern frameworks do.
One thing that comes to mind that just sticks names together is the standard C library. But its function names are often pretty cryptic anyway.
I'm probably biased as an Objective-C programmer, where things tend to be quite spelled out, but I'd never have a method like recvMsg. It would be receiveMessage (and the first parameter should be of type Message; if it's a string, then it should be receiveString or possibly receiveMessageString depending on context). When you spell things out this way, I think the question tends to go away. You would never say receivemessage.
The only time I abbreviate is when the abbreviation is more clear than the full version. createGUI is good because "GUI" (gooey) is the common way we say it in English. createGraphicalUserInterface is actually more confusing, so should be avoided.
So to the original question, I believe #1 is best, but coupled with an opposition to unclear abbreviations.
One of the most foolish naming choices ever made in Unix was creat(), making a nonsense word to save one keystroke. Code is written once and read many times, so it should be biased towards ease of reading rather than writing.
For me, and this is just me, I prefer to follow whatever is conventional for the language, thus camelCase for Java and C++, underscore for C and SQL.
But whatever you do, be consistent within any source file or project. The reader of your code will thank you; seeing an identifier that is inconsistent with most others makes the reader pause and ask "is something different going on with this identifier? Is there something here I should be noticing?"
Or in other words, follow the Principal of Least Surprise.
Edit: This got downmodded why??
Just follow coding style, such moments usually well described.
For example: