I need to minus some value from a fixed number in jsf - el

I need to minus some value (value coming from DB though Databean and VO) here is my code:
value="200 - #{pc_costReportDataBean.adjustCostVo.explanationLength}"
but the problem is result coming like [200-0].

The #{} means that the whole expression inside will be evaluated. The values outside will be just treated as Strings.


Array contains string from column in Athena

I'm trying to check if at least one element of my_array array contains a string from my_column column in athena. I want the end result to be a boolean.
I've tried :
contains(my_array, my_column)
It seems to be partially working and I actually can't understand why because sometimes I get false even though the element of the array and the string are matching, but I never get true if there's no match.
So I've also tried (as seen here : Presto array contains an element that likes some pattern )
cardinality(filter(my_array, x->x like my_column))>0
But same issue, ending with the exact same result as above.
I thought I had an issue with some values from my_column, but after checking all my problematic values it appears the strings from my_column are clean.
For instance I am able to find a match for the first value of my_array, but no match for the second, although both values are in my_column.
Could someone please help ?
Thank you so much !!

SSRS - Number format expression not working

I have a table in my database called systemconfig which has some configs that I'll use on my reports. The idea is, instead of adjusting the 'number formats' directly in the textboxes properties of the report, I just change a value in this table, and then through a custom expression in the format property, it gets the value from this table
The query of the dataset 'ds_DecimalValues' is like this:
DECLARE #DecimalValue Nvarchar(500)
SELECT #DecimalValue =
( SELECT Value as 'DecimalValue' FROM SystemConfig WHERE Key = Decimal_Value )
DecimalValue = #DecimalValue
ok, the result of this query is ##
In the textbox properties I have this expression in the Format line:
=First(Fields!DecimalValue.Value, "ds_DecimalValue")
But the report is showing 2 decimal values instead of none. I'm not sure if the decimal values are correct on the systemconfig table, I assume that '##' is correct to show no decimal values but I'm not sure about it. Any ideas guys??
Would something like this work for you? Should round it to the nearest integer
=Floor(First(Fields!DecimalValue.Value, "ds_DecimalValue"))
When I have done this in the past I would typically use someting like f0 or n0 as the format code.
Try using this instead of ##.
If this does not work then a couple of things to debug.
Add a textbox that contains the same expression as you are using in your format property expression, make sure it is returning what you expect
Type the format code directly in and make sure that it formats as you expected.
remember that you don't need to use quotes when using codes like f0 etc.

How can I set a minimal amount of numbers after the decimal dot (0.9=>0.90)

I'm using google bigquery, and a column has values I want to round. If I do, and the rounded value ends in a zero, the zero is not displayed.
I've tried the function FORMAT, which apparently has some .number function, but I have no idea how to use it. Whenever I include any 2 things separated by a comma inside its brackets, it complains that it only takes 1 value.
You would use FORMAT() with the precision specifier. For four decimal places always -- including zeros:
select format('%.4f', 1.23)
If the BQ documentation does not answer your questions, I find that that the function seems to be inspired by the classic C printf()/sprintf() functions.
Unaware if in BigQuery (haven't used it ever) there is a better way I guess this will fix your problem since I just tried it in their console.
Cast your float to a string and then check if your last digit is a 0. In case it's not add it:
SELECT case when RIGHT(cast(0.9 as string), 1) <> '0' then cast(0.9 as string)+'0' else cast(0.9 as string) end as FormattedNumber

how to convert this String to Decimal

i have this String '5666,232343' and i want to convert it to Decimal, i use cast('5666,232343' as decimal(7,5)) but it returns NULL value.
Do you know why it doesn't work with CAST
Zorkolot is right. The current precision and scale that you've used is not sufficient for the value you've provided.
If you're using SQL Server 2012 or higher and you want to keep the comma in the value, then you can use the TRY_PARSE function and set a culture. It will return NULL if it encounters an error instead of not completing the statement and returning red text. This also allows you to add basic error handling to the statement, if you wanted, by getting failed conversions to return the value of zero. For example:
This is your original query (which is currently erroring) with my error handling fix:
select coalesce(try_parse('5666,232343' as decimal(7,5) using 'en-GB'),'0') as [DecimalValue]
This is the same thing as above but I've amended the decimal precision and scale so that the value is successfully converted:
select coalesce(try_parse('5666,232343' as decimal(16,6) using 'en-GB'),'0') as [DecimalValue]
This should prevent you having to perform a REPLACE either manually or by using the SQL function.
You need to cast to a decimal that can hold the value of 5666.232343.
DECIMAL(7,5) allows numbers in this format: ##.#####. The biggest number you can have then is 99.99999. You also need to take the comma out and replace it with a period:
SELECT CAST('5666.232343' as decimal(16,6)) AS [DecimalValue]
The problem is probably the comma. In some databases, some of the functions are not as internationally-sensitive as (I think) they should be. So try:
cast(replace('5666,232343', ',', '.') as decimal(7, 5))

Filtering rows in Pentaho

I have a dataset with columns containing numbers. However, some of the rows in that column have missing data. Instead of numbers, a dash (-) is placed in the cell.
What I want to happen is to separate those rows with a dash and output them to a separate excel file. Those without the dash, should output to a csv file.
I tried the "filter rows" but it gives me an error:
Unexpected conversion error while converting value [constant String] to a Number
constant String : couldn't convert String to number
constant String : couldn't convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [-]
My condition is if
Column1 CONTAINS - (String)
You cant try to convert to number in the select step,and handler the error, if can not convert to number that mean that is (-)
You can convert missing value indicators (like a dash or any other string) to null in Text-File-Input - see field option "Null if". That way you still can use the metadata detection feature and will not trip over a dash arriving in a Number field.
With CSV-File-Input you should stick to the String datatype until a Null-If step has cleansed the values, so you can change the datatype to Number in a Select-Values step.
If you must preserve the dash character, don't use metadata detection (as it suggests datatype Number) or use more rows to sample (so a field with a dash is encountered) or just revert the datatype to String again before saving and running the transformation.
My solution lies on the first 'Replace in String'. I replaced the dash into something numeric and can easily be distinguished from the rest of the numbers (I used 9999) and carried on with the rest of my process.
In filter rows, I had no problems anymore with the data type because both my variables and condition contained numbers, therefore, it no longer had to convert anything.
After filter rows, I added the 'Null-if' to remove the random 9999 that I used
just to have something to replace the dash.
After that, the separation was made just as I hope it would.
Thanks to #marabu for the Null-if idea.