DataGridViewAutoFilterTextBox displaying small number of items -

Using this article ( and the library included in the demo project I have setup Excel-like autofiltering on a datagridview.
However on columns where there are not many distinct values, only one or two rows are displayed:
In this example, there are actually 3 or 4 values in the filter list that the user could select but only two rows are displayed and the rest you must scroll to find.
I've been unable to find where the height of the list box is set. Any can anyone point out where I can change/set this?

I believe that this may be what you are looking for.
In the documentation is the following paragraph:
The SetDropDownListBoxBounds Method
The SetDropDownListBoxBounds method initializes the size and location of the drop-down list.
The preferred size depends primarily on the dropDownListBox contents, which are the formatted values stored in the Keys collection of the filters dictionary. The SetDropDownListBoxBounds method first calls the Graphics.MeasureString method for each filter value. For each value, the width is stored if it is wider than all previous values, and the height is added to an accumulating total height for all values. The results are then used to determine the preferred size.
The preferred height is the smallest of the following values:
The accumulated height of all filter values.
The user-specified maximum height as calculated from the
DropDownListBoxMaxLines property value.
The available height of the DataGridView control client area.


Spotfire calculated column based on filter

I want to create a calculated column that is equal to the percent of the total of the previous column, but only for the rows that are selected.
For example, the two columns below show rows where I've filtered for only the rows of interest. The sum is accurate, but I want the percent of the total to be only out of sum of the currently selected rows rather than the absolute total (which is how it's currently being calculated). I want the percent of the total to dynamically change depending on what is filtered in the data table. Is this possible?
Image of my 2 columns:
I know spotfire somehow calculates this becuase when I insert a bar graph using % of Total(SumofComponents) the ratio is only out of the current total.
Image of my bar chart:
much like in programming, Spotfire has a rough concept of scope. and unfortunately, calculated columns are above filters in terms of scope; they have no concept of what is and is not filtered.
visualizations themselves, however, do*!
what you can do in this case is to put your expression on the Y axis (it looks like you've done this), and it will respect your selected filters*.
*caveats: there are a few ways that filtering can be negated on a given visualization:
Properties>>Appearance>>Show shadows indicating the unfiltered data. this option shows a grey bar that represents the data hidden by whatever filter selection was made
Properties>>Data>>Limit data using filterings. these options allow the viz to use separate filtering sets ("Filter Schemes" as they're called in Spotfire) or none at all (to ignore filters completely)
Properties>>Subsets. by default there are three subsets: "All Data" which ignores filters, "Not in current filtering" which inverts the filter selection (e.g., if you filter a boolean column to show only TRUE, this chart would show only FALSE), and "Current filtering" which is the default behavior. you can check the online help for additional subsets that you can add.

How to display filtered data rows as a tooltip in Tableau Public?

Noob here, I have a table with different entries (rows) per different (repeating) regions.
I'd like to be able to display the data rows filtered - matching that particular region thanks - so I get those particular fields related to each region as a tooltip on a map. (I know how to build the map)
Thank you
Just dragging the fields you want to Details or Tooltip is not doing the trick?
Putting a measure on a shelf (other than filter shelf) includes that field in the visualization query results -- i.e. applies the chosen aggregation function to yield an aggregate result value for each partition of the data (as specified by the unique combination of dimensions)
Putting a dimension on a shelf (other than the filter shelf) also includes that field in the query results, but since the dimensions define how data rows are partitioned, it can affect the level of detail of the query. You'll notice this often as suddenly getting many more marks in your visualization after you add a dimension to a shelf. If you are familiar with SQL, dimensions define the fields that follow the GROUP BY keyword.
Thanks for the addition, #AlexBlakemore. I've never said dragging a dimension would not work, only that it wouldn't work as the OP wanted it to (basically the same as you're saying).
And though everything you said (above) is true, it's particularly not exact when it comes to maps. Yes, dragging a dimension will further partition the data, but it will not create additional marks on a map (unless it has also geographical properties). Rather, the tooltip will get the first occurrence of that dimension, and display data for that only. For instance, if you drag "Product" to details, and the possible values are "Bread", "Coffee" and "Milk", it will probably just show "Product: Bread", and the measures for "Bread" only. So yes, it will partition, but no, it won't create additional marks.
Back to OP problem. What I believe you want is a tool tip with all values of the dimension (in my poor example you'd like to see "Bread, Coffee, Milk"). Tableau does not have functions to aggregate strings yet, so it's hard to do so.
What I would suggest is to create a separate sheet, and just drag the dimensions and measures you want to rows. Then put it side by side with the map on a dashboard, and use the map as a filter. Then, when you click on a country/region/city, you'll see the data of that region on the other chart.
Refer to:

Getting table height dynamically in iText

Is there a way of getting the height of a table before adding it to the document?
At first glance, I supposed that the number of rows in the table is enough to calculate height since I know the font size. However, some rows break that rule. For instance, one cell might store a paragraph that has more than one line. Hence, what I need to know is the total of the heights of every row.
Yeah, answer was not complicated.
In order to get the height of a table, one must set the width of the table first. In other words,
table.setTotalWidth((PageSize.A4.getWidth() - document.leftMargin()
- document.rightMargin()) * table.getWidthPercentage() / 100);
does give the height of the table.
If you want to get table's height dynamically you can do so only after you have added all the content to it. In order to make this work you have to set its fixed width property and locked width property first.
after this you can get table's height by using its table.getTotalHeight() method

SSRS - Producing a report that is not dynamic in size

I want to build a report that is completely static in size and shape. I'm attempting to mimic a hand-entered report that someone in my organization has been building from a word doc for years.
The critical piece appears to be fixing the number of rows that are produced in the various Table grids that fill the page. I would like them to always contain a set number of rows, whether data is present or not. It would seem that if I can just fix the size my tables, then all the other elements will not be forced to move because of stretching repeater sections.
All my grids are backed by stored procedures, so I'm open to SQL tricks as well.
Sorry i did miss-read the question.
If you know how many rows you need to return (say 20) maybe you could pad some bogus info into your records returned from the stored procedure. You might be able to count the records your query has returned before you send them back, and if you have less than 20 add some bogus ones to the record set, put something like 'NonDisp' or something in them.
Then in the report put an iif statement into the cells that checks for this bogus info, if it is found change the cell to display nothing, otherwise show the valid values
Not a direct answer, but perhaps a workaround you might consider: perhaps you can insert a page break after the table grids that have dynamic sizes, so that all elements that follow it have a fixed position (relative to the top of the page).
Add a parent group to tablix with =Ceiling((RowNumber(Nothing)) / 10000) expression. (10000 or whatever is required no. of rows)
In page break properties of group, check box for insert break between groups, leave the bottom boxes un-checked.
Optionally, we may chose to set hidden property true for text boxes added because of new parent group.
In tablix properties, check box for "Keep together on one page".

Automatic Chart Pagination with Report Parameters

Based on several report parameters in SQL Server 2005 reporting services, I would like to automatically generate one or several chart(s) for each row in the return result and paginate or space them out. How do I go about that?
If the number of charts will vary for each row, but the variations are known (e.g. it's either just chart 1, or chart 1 and 3, or charts 1 2 and 3) then it's simple enough using a table.
In the default detail row add any normal fields you need. Now insert a new detail row for each chart you might need. Lastly set the visibility of each chart row based on your rules, noting that the rule will hide the row if your expression evaluates to true. Make sure you select the row using the area to the left of the left-most cell, if you got it right you'll see that it's a row in the properties grid.
To get the layout you want you can merge cells for the charts to go in, or use a single cell and put a Rectangle in it, then in the Rectangle lay out your other controls.
Any rows that are hidden will be collapsed, so you wont get big empty sections like you can if you simply toggle the visibility of the charts themselves.
What you can do is place a List control on the page, set List grouping by record unique key (ID, or several fields if composite), and place a charts on the List. Next, set items visibility expressions to control it with report parameters.