React Router: Rendering entirely/dynamically from a route-config - react-router-v4

Looking at the react router documentation for the Route Config feature
I'm wondering if instead of hard coding the Link tags, if we could dynamically render straight from the routes array. EG: in the example they are hard coding the top level tags Taco and Sanwiches
That would also mean when we click on a top level route, the children are shown dynamically... and so on, for however deep it goes
To make it easier: I am less interested in each level being its own component... each can just be a page with child links... so the same component at every level
Any ideas of how to set this up?


Best solution to update component content from another component in Nuxt

I'm new to Nuxt and Vue in general, so I'm not sure, what would be the best solution for this use case.
I want to change the text (like "Home", "Settings", "Favourites" etc.) inside my Header.vue (always fixed on top of the page) from another component. like Favourites.vue for example.
Sometimes I want to hide the header completely or hide the title and display buttons instead,
so I need to pass more props than just the title.
I tried using different layouts, but that breaks the animation transitions (I haven't found the solution for this yet), but I think it's still better to have control from the page in what I'm passing into this component.
Should I pass props from Page.vue to parent and read it from there in Header.vue component?
Should I use Vuex to pass this through the store and update it when the route changes? Or is that too complex for this use case?
Maybe there's a simpler solution that I'm not aware of.
Folder structure:
Vuex is the answer here— don’t worry about the 'simple' use case. As soon as you notice you’re creating data that other components may rely on (is the header visible on this page? Is the text different? etc) it’s a good idea to move into Vuex and maintain a single source of truth.
Your app may seem simple to begin with, but it’ll inevitably grow and at that point you’ll appreciate having a single source of truth vs. trying to pass things between components via props.
Nuxt also makes implementing Vuex very straight forward. No doubt you’re capable of pulling up the docs!

Vue dynamic component vs router

I would like to ask when do you use dynamic components instead of vue router? Is it good to use dynamic components instead of vue router? I'm referring more to child routes. Let's say we have an app and we have several nav elements. For instance 'About', 'Cases', 'Services', 'Contact' and if we go to each of them there are a few more options displayed. Let's say if we go to 'About' then we have 'Team', 'What we do', 'Our mission' something like that displayed in that page. Other ones have extra links inside as well. So these could be used as child nav or could be loaded as a dynamic component. What would be advantages and disadvantages to use one over another?
With routing you can link to pages easily and refresh them. As dynamic components linking to them would be more difficult and refreshing would revert the component to default state.
In your case I would use routing but you have to weigh the usefulness case by case. Would someone want to link to yourpage/about/team? You can also consider fitting them all to single page and using anchors yourpage/about#team. I imagine crawlers won't be able to access views behind button clicks either, only links.

Can I Dynamically Inject a Router View

I am trying to accomplish something that I am not sure is possible or semantically good. I am building out a personal portfolio website and I liked the idea of a full page navigation where each link transitions into a 90% view and the router view loads in that space(See codepen below for transition example). I've stripped out the main router-view from my codesandbox. I am wondering maybe I need named router views?
Another thing I'd like to know is if I could keep the html semantic at all if I basically inject a main tag directing after a nav link? There has to be a better way than how I am doing this. I just need to step back and look at it differently.
CodeSandBox Portfolio:
CodePen Tester for Navigation Transition (I will probably do this a different way using Vue transition components)
See the Pen Portfolio Nav Tester by CJ Haviland (#cjhaviland) on CodePen.

Vue Router sub components

I have a website consisting of a Sitemap like this:
-- Course one
-- Course two
-- Work one
-- Work two
So Work.vue is laid out like this
My question in my main navigation above if I click the sub navigation item Work two how I then go to the Work page and scroll to the Work two component or even better if the work two component would load first and the work one component would load under it.
Really hope I am making sense but basically I want to be able to link to specific parts of a vue Page component which contains other components also.
If I understand you correctly, this doesn't really have much to do with Vue or Vue router as it does simple html.
You can use anchor tags for this (
Simply put, in each components html have something like
<a name="work-one"></a>
Then, when you want to link to that specific component on that page, you can do:
Link Text
Or the Vue Router way:
<router-link to="">Link Text</router-link>

Aurelia child router - use case

I have been doing some initial work to get to grips with the Aurelia framework and am trying to decide if I should be using child routers. This doesn't seem to be covered in much detail on the Aurelia router configuration page.
I was wondering if anyone has come across any good use case scenarios that I could examine to get a better understand of where and when to use this feature.
One scenario that springs to mind is 2nd level navigation. Say, for example, you have a main router for the top level sections of your app, eg:
Those sections could have a child router to handle the 2nd level pages - eg:
Having the sub-views (aircraft, bombs, etc) for the products view in their own child router allows you to easily build out 2nd level navigation.