ul li list items checked and save it in Nightwatchjs - testing

I'm trying to build a News site and I need to do some testing with NightwatchJS in the process.
I want to make something like like an RSS feed and when testing the information should be sent to the API.
Here is what I tried:
browser.elements('css selector','ul#feed-list', function (result) {
els = result.value;
var jsonString = "";
els.forEach(function(el,j,elz) {
browser.elementIdText(el.ELEMENT, function(text) {
jsonString += text;
Here the sample code to the from the site:
<div class="tab-active">
<div class="full-content">
<ul class="media-list" id="list-feed">
<li class="block blog _feedBlog blog-feed" id="blog-******">
<div class="news-body">
<div class="author">
<div class="title">
<div class="news-text">
****** is the news article ID;
tab-active is the whole tab with news
full-content represents the whole feed under tab-active
So, basically I need to read the last 10 items of the ul and if they are not already present, send them via an API call.
I need title, author and news-text to be stored in variables so I can send them and if something is missing, or if the text is small sized on the news, I want to be notified.


Use GetElementsByClass to find all <div> elements by class name, nested inside a <p> element

I am creating a parser using Jsoup in Kotlin
I need to get a inner text of a tag with class "ptrack-content" inside the tag with class "titleCard-synopsis"
When I am trying to getElementsByClass in a element objects that created by a former getElementsByClass, I getting 0 elements
class NetlifxHtmlParser {
val html = """
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title"><span class="titleCard-title_text">Map Her</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span></div>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text">
<div class="ptrack-content">A hidden map rocks Hartley High as the students' sexcapades are publicly exposed. Caught as the culprit, Amerie becomes an instant social pariah.</div>
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title"><span class="titleCard-title_text">Renaissance Titties</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span></div>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text">
<div class="ptrack-content">Amerie, the new outcast, receives a party invitation that gives her butterflies. But when she manages to show up, a bitter surprise awaits.</div>
fun parseEpisode() {
val doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html)
val titleCards = doc.getElementsByClass("titleCard-synopsis")
println("Episode: count titleCard = > ${titleCards.count()}") // 2
titleCards.forEachIndexed { index, element ->
val ptrack = element.getElementsByClass("ptrack-content")
println("Episode: count ptrack = > ${ptrack.count()}") // 0 !!
println("inner html = > ${ptrack.html()}") // null string !!
In the above code,
First, I am extracting tags with class name titleCard-synopsis.
For that , I using doc.getElementsByClass("titleCard-synopsis") which returns 2 element items.
Then, In the List of titleCard elements, I am extracting the elements that have ptrack-content as Class, by using the same getElementsByClass in each element,
which returns empty list.
Why this is happening ?
My goal is, I need to extract the description text for each title, the stored in the interior tags of p tag with class titleCard-synopsis.
If I try to get directly from "ptrack-content", it's working fine, but this a general class used in many places in the main HTML source. (this is snippet)
I need to get a inner text of a tag with class "ptrack-content" inside the tag with class "titleCard-synopsis"
But in the above method in the code, I am only getting emtpy list.
Why ?
Also note that, if I invoke the HTML() method in a element object of titleCards(ptrack.html()),
I am not getting the inner DIV tag, an empty string!!!
Please guide my to resolve the issue !
I need to get a inner text of a tag with class "ptrack-content" inside the tag with class "titleCard-synopsis"
I'm not really familiar with Kotlin, but this should produce the desired output:
val doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html)
val result = doc.select(".titleCard-synopsis + .ptrack-content")
result.forEachIndexed {index, element ->
Live example
This is an interesting problem!
You basically have an invalid HTML and jsoup is smart enough to auto-correct it for your. Your HTML structure gets altered and suddenly your query does not work.
This is the error:
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text">
<div class="ptrack-content">A hidden map rocks Hartley High as the students' sexcapades are publicly exposed. Caught as the culprit, Amerie becomes an instant social pariah.</div>
You can't nest a <div> element inside a <p> element like that.
Paragraphs are block-level elements, and notably will automatically close if another block-level element is parsed before the closing </p> tag. [Source: <p>: The Paragraph element]
Also, look at Nesting block level elements inside the <p> tag... right or wrong?
This is how jsoup parses your tree:
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title">
<span class="titleCard-title_text">Map Her</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text"></p>
<div class="ptrack-content">
A hidden map rocks Hartley High as the students' sexcapades are publicly exposed. Caught as the culprit, Amerie becomes an instant social pariah.
<div class="titleCardList--metadataWrapper">
<div class="titleCardList-title">
<span class="titleCard-title_text">Renaissance Titties</span><span><span class="duration ellipsized">50m</span></span>
<p class="titleCard-synopsis previewModal--small-text"></p>
<div class="ptrack-content">
Amerie, the new outcast, receives a party invitation that gives her butterflies. But when she manages to show up, a bitter surprise awaits.
As you can see, elements with class titleCard-synopsis have no children with class ptrack-content.

how to extract H1,H2,H3 tag values from html using selenium webdriver

<div id="page-filter1">
Browse Category
<ul class="mt-accordion multiple">
<li id="phdesktopbody_0_phdesktopfilterbycategory_0_liAllProduct" class="cls-8dcbcbac-2fef-4231-9641-d61818abe0e0 item-1 odd first odd">
<a id="phdesktopbody_0_phdesktopfilterbycategory_0_hypAllProducts" href="/en-us/products">All Products</a>
<div class="span12">
<h3 class="onelayout-heading">
<strong><em>Callout <sub>©</sub>itle<sup>x</sup></em></strong>
<div id="phdesktopbody_0_phdesktopflexiblepromo_0_phdesktoppromocontentarea6b299d9421684ceaaed7c23ebee57f57_0_panelSubheadlineandCTASection" class="span7 pull-left">
i've more than 1 H2 ,&H3 tags in each page,
The class name and description changes each and every times ,pls help me on identifying the tags and extract the values from it.
Hi Arjun Vc please do like below if the class name and description changes each and every times same beloe piece of code will work.
driver.get("http://www.seleniumhq.com"); // link to your web page
// working with H1 H2 .... tags
String TagToWorkWith = "h1"; // here simply change the tag name on which you want to work
List<WebElement> myTags = driver.findElements(By.tagName(TagToWorkWith));
// now extracting the vale
// this for loop will print/extract all the values for tag 'H1'.
for(int i=0;i<myTags.size();i++){
// extracting tags text
System.out.println(TagToWorkWith + " value is : " + myTags.get(i).getText());

Soundcloud waveform nodes

I was reading a article on soundcloud today about their waveforms and how they generate them by converting the highest volume point into a INT between 0 - 1.
After that I opened the console on chrome and then a track on Soundcloud, going through the networks tab (all files) there was no file returning a array of data to generate the html5 waveform, so my question is how do they do it without requesting the data?
Interesting question :) I'm no expert at HTML5's canvas, but I'm sure it has to do with that.
If you look at the DOM you'll see a structure like this:
<div class="sound__body">
<div class="sound__waveform">
<div class="waveform loaded">
<div class="waveform__layer waveform__scene">
<canvas aria-hidden="true" class="g-box-full sceneLayer" width="453" height="60"></canvas>
<canvas aria-hidden="true" class="g-box-full sceneLayer waveformCommentsNode loaded" width="453" height="60"></canvas>
<canvas aria-hidden="true" class="g-box-full sceneLayer" width="453" height="60"></canvas>
<div class="commentPlaceholder g-z-index-content">...</div>
<div class="commentPopover darkText smallAvatar small">...</div>
On my page I have four sounds. In my networkpanel I also have four of these:
They are being sent as JSON, not as PNG!
And contain stuff like:
...much more
...much more
I'm pretty sure this is the data being used to draw the waveform using canvas.
As far as i understand this process.
SoundCloud creates an image directly after the upload.
You can access it via the tracks endpoint.
SC.get('/tracks/159966669', function(sound) {
$('#result').append('<img src="' +sound.waveform_url+'"/>' );
I.e. http://jsfiddle.net/iambnz/fzm4mckd/
Then they use a script like that, written by (former) SoundCloud devs, http://waveformjs.org - which converts the image into floats.
Example call:
Example response (extract)
See example here, more detailed on waveform.js
<div class="example-waveform" id="example2">
<canvas width="550" height="50"></canvas>
SC.get('/tracks/159966669', function(sound) {
var waveform = new Waveform({
container: document.getElementById("example2"),
innerColor: "#666666"
See docs here: http://waveformjs.org/#endpoint
I hope this will help you a bit.

magnific popup Inline Lightbox Gallery how to specify item in array from html link

Wanted to use this 'item' example:
but instead of having one button, I'd like to have multiple buttons for each inline element (like a gallery).
For example, How would I create a second button that would open data array item 2 (paul irish)? Is there a way to specify from the button link? thanks!
I had to do something similar and had no idea how to do it so hopefully this helps someone later.
All my modals were inline but I also needed a list for each item on the page so you could click on the link and it would open at Item 2 or 3 etc..but still allow you to navigate through the gallery. I based my code off this http://codepen.io/dimsemenov/pen/zvLny and added the additional parts for the id's.
Basically you just have to put a data attribute e.g data-slideid on the individual links and pass that through when you open magnific. After you set everything you can specify which item it opens at by passing through the value from data-slideid. If anyone has a better solution i'd love to know!
Check out my below
<div id="gallery1" class="mfp-hide">
<div class="slide" data-slideid="0">slide 1</div>
<div class="slide" data-slideid="1">slide 2</div>
<div class="slide" data-slideid="2">slide 3</div>
// single link opens gallery starting at first slide
<p>view gallery</p>
// individual links opens gallery starting at relevant slide
$('.open-gallery-link').click(function() {
var itemNum = $(this).data("slideid"); // get the id
var items = [];
$( $(this).attr('href') ).find('.slide').each(function() {
items.push( {
src: $(this)
} );
gallery: {
enabled: true
},itemNum); // set it in here

Jquery toggle div hide/show from dynamic id's

I have, essentially, an unlimited number of containers with dynamic ids and a dynamic menu to load each containers content. I have done this with static id's (but still seems such a heavy use) but do not know where to go to use dynamic.
When a nav link (from .img_select) is clicked it shows the corresponding div and hides all others in the group. It also updates the class of the menu items so the clicked item becomes selected, and the remaining become unselected.
<div id="pf1_1">
My content for pf1_1 container goes here
<div id="pf1_2">
My content for pf1_2 container goes here
<!-- This could have a dozen+ or more divs, or only 1 //-->
<p class="img_select"><span class="pf_current" id="pfc1_1">1-1</span> <span class="pf_next" id="pfc1_2">1-2</span></p>
<div id="pf2_1">
My content for pf2_1 container goes here
<div id="pf2_2">
My content for pf2_2 container goes here
<div id="pf2_3">
My content for pf2_3 container goes here
<!-- This could have a dozen+ or more divs or only 1 //-->
<p class="img_select"><span class="pf_current" id="pfc2_1">2-1</span> <span class="pf_next" id="pfc2_2">2-2</span> <span class="pf_next" id="pfc2_3">2-3</span></p>
the jquery I would like to create dynamically something similar to this
If you can point me in the right direction, be much appreciated, thank you.
Seeing as I found a way, not saying was right way, but it worked, I wanted to share it with you.
I would like to point out it didn't take 2 months to sort a solution, just 2 months to post it here.
To combat this;
I used this;
first it hides all id's starting with pf_
then it shows only the first by matching id ending in _1
To combat this;
// etc.....
I used this;
$('span[id^=pfc_]').live("click", function(e) {
var id = $(this).attr('id').split('_');
var classname = $(this).attr('class');
var navwidth = $("div[id^=pf_"+id[1]+"_"+id[2]+"]").width();
if(classname != 'pf_current'){
// change portfolio item
Hope this helps someone else