Why is the Akka.Serialization.Hyperion serialization package still in beta? - akka.net

I know that Akka.Serialization.Hyperion is scheduled to be the default serialization in Akka.NET 1.4. The beta mark usually means don't use this in production. I was curious what the pitfalls might be around using Hyperion in production at this time.


NETCORE ConfigurationRoot Memory Leak

We are facing memory leak issue with ConfigurationProviders ConfigurationRoot.
Looks like this issue may have been fixed
However, Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 3.0.0 requires NETCORE 3.0. Can someone please confirm how this fix can be applied with .NETCore 2.2.7? We do not want to upgrade to NETCORE 3 yet, as we have time constraints for project delivery.
This is specifically related to the reload change token, so I would assume disabling reload on the JSON files would negate the issue. That means you'd have to restart your app if you made any changes to the JSON files, but that really shouldn't be much of an issue, as you should really only be making configuration changes as part of a new build and deployment anyways (via your CI/CD pipeline).
Otherwise, no, you'd have to upgrade to Core 3.0, unless this fix gets back-ported into the 2.1 LTS release. That's actually a possibility, so it might be worth calling it out on the issue, since a memory leak is a pretty serious issue to leave unchecked in an LTS release. It might have just flown under the team's radar.
The other possibility is that is is back-ported into 2.1, but since you're on 2.2, it's not there. I'm not sure if they'd necessarily back port it into 2.2, since that's not an LTS. As such, your choice may boil down to down-grading to 2.1 or upgrading to 3.0. That's the breaks of the game when you're not not on the LTS release - upgrading may be required.
This issue has been sorted, see details here

Use java 8 features (newer janino version) in pentaho data integration

Pentaho Data Integration 8.0.x is using Janino 2.5.16, released in 2010 for compiling the User Defined Java Class step. There is a JIRA in pentaho for updating this to use a newer Janino version which would bring new java 8 related features in pentaho v8.2.0 GA. But there is no info on when will this be released.
Is there any other way I can use a newer janino version (janino-3.0.8.jar) with exiting pentaho for UDJC? I tried to copy updated jar in the lib and also added commons-compiler-3.0.8.jar to fulfill dependency. Now when I open Spoon, I get the following error:
Please advise on how this can be achieved. I understand that just replacing the jar may not be enough but just want if something else can be done.
This is not easy. Even now, since you got ClassNotFound, public api of janino is changed. Some classes are removed some are changed. What is actual needs to update it?
If you need really complicated business logic, then create custom plugin. Documentation and tutorials are available and you can look into sources of current builtin plugins (sources are available on github).
What important new version of janino has, that old doesn't (beside java8 support)? Checkout kettle engine, look into sources of UserDefinedClass step, change code to support new janino version, test and make own build of pdi kettle, and try to send push request to maintainers of repository.
Any of this quite complicated, This plugin is builtin into engine, and you have to make own build. Own build means, you have to support it by yourself. This is non trivial, project is huge and now even bigger and continue evolving, I spent several days to make my first custom build (version of 4, was in ivy) just for purpose to know better and debug complicated cases, and it used never in production.
Maintainers of repository must have good reason to include your changes into stream, it must be well tested and it is long procedure and most probably doesn't worth it. A lots of changed since 2010, I probable have seen in release notes, new version of java already have abilities to compile at runtime.
My advice is to make you own plugin.

Hortonworks vs Apache projects

I want to know what is the difference between installing HortonWorks HDP vs installing the components directly from Apache projects? One thing I can think of is that Horton works probably has the packages aligned so that the version of each component is compatible with that of the others within the suite, while getting them directly from Apache projects, I may have to handle version compatibility myself. Is that correct? Is there any other difference involved ignoring the support subscription aspect of it.
There are a lot of differences between "roll your own" and using a distribution. Some of the most obvious include:
All of the various components and versions have been tested and built to work together - incompatibility between versions (e.g. Hive, Hadoop, Spark, etc.) can be a painful problem to sort through on your own
Most distribution providers, including Hortonworks, will bring patches in from unstable releases into stable releases, so even for the "same" version (e.g. Hive 1.2.1) you're getting a better release than vanilla - these can include both bug fixes and "safe" feature changes
Most distribution providers, including Hortonworks, provide some flavor of centralized platform management. I'm a big fan of Ambari (the one that comes with HDP), for example - it makes configuration and monitoring significantly easier than coordinating a vanilla install
I would strongly recommend against trying to deploy vanilla, unless it's just for learning and playing. HDP community edition is free (both definitions) and a major improvement over doing it yourself. My last deployment of HDP was entirely based on the community edition.

Why akka.persistence is still having beta release? Is it stable?

Why akka.persistence is still having beta release on nuget packages. Does it imply it is still not stable and not good for used in production applications?
In Akka.NET in order to get out of prerelease, a package must meet multiple criteria, like:
Having full test suite up and running. In case of clustered plugins, this also includes multi-node tests.
Having a fixed API. There are dedicated API Approval tests ensuring, that no public API has been accidentally changed.
Having a battery of performance tests. While many of plugins are ready and usually fast without it, stress tests are needed in order to check if any of the merged pull requests didn't introduce any performance penalties.
Having all documentation writen and published.
While this is a lot, not all of these are necessary to make plugin functional. In case of Akka.Persistence there are minor changes (like deprecation of PersistentView in favor of persistence queries), but the plugin itself is production ready and used as such already. However maturity of persistent backend plugins, that are used underneat, may vary.
Akka.Persistence is stable now. You can download it by running following command in Package Manager Console
Install-Package Akka.Persistence

Differences between CruiseControl (original) and CruiseControl.NET

Are there any differences between the original CruiseControl and the .NET port? I've compared the 2, but can't find any big differences except the language it has been developed in. I want to use either one of them for (automated) testing of web applications, using Selenium and Subversion, perhaps even Groovy but don't know which to choose.
After looking at CC and Hudson, I've chosen Hudson for it's simplicity, it already has plugins to run Groovy scripts and Selenium as well
Choose me, choose me! (I work on the original CruiseControl.)
I've never used CC.NET but from what I know I agree that they are pretty comparable. Probably the most important difference is cross-platform vs. Windows only.
Now I wonder how long until someone comes by and says their both crap and you should try Hudson? ;)
(And of course there are lots of other choices...)
CruiseControl.NET (cc.net henceforth) has build queues (http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.org/display/CCNET/Project+Configuration+Block), which allows you to serialize builds that depends on a certain build order. I'm in the process of emulating this behavior in the java version of cruisecontrol but the functionality doesn't map one to one. The reason however, that I'm at all moving from the .net to the java version is that the .net version core dumps with mono (cc.net nightly build and mono nightly build as of two months ago). The fault lies with monos thread handling but voids attempts to get cc.net up and running.
The documentation on this can be tricky to find, if you don't notice the version numbers that the configuration examples/documentation adhere to (confluence.public.thoughtworks.org has the updated configuration documentation whereas ccnet.sourceforge.net has not. I know that the ccnet is most likely a dead site, but if your're not carefully reading the datestamps on every page you're visiting, this may bite you).
Furthermore, the sourcecontrol blocks for cvs and svn in cc.net are more granular and featurerich than their counterpart in the java version, but this has not been a problem in my work. The java version is also easy to extend/modify re: plugin behavior, but you would really just like to see this kind of work going upstream instead of forking.
I'm fairly impressed with both the java version and the fork in .net (modulo mono runtime behavior), but you really do not want to try any of the other forks of cruisecontrol. I've had peripheral experience with hudson, and the features were just not compelling enough to veer me from cruisecontrol. Hudson has a (somewhat coloured) comparison map of Hudson and CruiseControl (java) at http://hudson.gotdns.com/wiki/display/HUDSON/Home
A viable alternative is the python implemented buildbot (http://buildbot.net/trac). It does not have fancy gui dashboards and the setup is somewhat more commandline-bound, but if you're doing distributed builds, it's very easy to set up and get running.
I think for you it will come down to operating system, original can run on nix, and .net version runs on windows.
There are other automated build utilities that can do this as well, such as TeamCity in the windows space, and cruisecontrol.rb in the ruby world.
Also there is a PowerShell based build utility called pSake that can poll subversion and perform tasks.