RabbitMQ Multiple Consumers with Single connection Object - rabbitmq

I have 35 queues in my application. I have created a single connection object and 35 unique channel to consume the data from the dedicated queue.
Some time (after running 6 hrs and 12 hrs), I'm not able to receive any messages from the RabbitMQ. In the rabbitMQ management portal the consumers are not available.
Exception in the RabbitMQ loggers:
closing AMQP connection <0.10985.3> ( ->, vhost: '/', user: 'guest'): client unexpectedly closed TCP connection
Is this fine with one connection for the all the consumers? Or is something wrong?
I am using RabbitMQ 3.6.12 and amqp-client-5.5.0.jar for the Java client.


Spring AMQP reconnection issue with rabbitmq cluster due to queue checking retry limit

I have a rabbitmq cluster with 3 nodes. One node has a durable and non-mirrored classic queue named test-queue.
I have a spring boot app using spring-AMQP default connection factory new CachingConnectionFactory() to firstly ensure the queue exists and then subscribe its messages. Everything works fine
Then I started a rolling update to the rabbitmq cluster, where node was being restarted one by one.
I observed following during this process from the log:
Upon start I saw below output
Received shutdown signal for consumer tag=amq.ctag-pzPHM_GEd5e-J5Y_L2W7_g com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: connection error; protocol method: #method<connection.close>(reply-code=320, reply-text=CONNECTION_FORCED - broker forced connection closure with reason 'shutdown', class-id=0, method-id=0)
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory[m][] - Attempting to connect to: xxx:5672
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory[m][] - Created new connection: xxx#66971f6b:58/SimpleConnection#4315e774
Which shows that the app received shutdown signal and successfully reconnected. At this point, it looks like the node that has the queue was shut down, but the app was able to establish a new connection because there are other nodes
Later I saw more shut down signal which indicates the other node started to shutdown
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer[m][] - Consumer raised exception, processing can restart if the connection factory supports it com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: connection error; protocol method: #method<connection.close>(reply-code=320, reply-text=CONNECTION_FORCED - broker forced
At the same time I noticed below logs, which indicate that although connected, spring amqp can't find the queue. I guess it is because the node has the queue was down. Spring amqp might be checking other nodes. It thought the queue does not exist so it started to recreate the queue. Also note that there was a retry limit which is 3
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.BlockingQueueConsumer[m][] - Failed to declare queue: test-queuey
Queue declaration failed; retries left=3 org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.BlockingQueueConsumer$DeclarationException: Failed to declare queue(s):[test-queue]
Caused by: com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: channel error; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reply-code=404, reply-text=NOT_FOUND - queue 'test-queue' in vhost '/' process is stopped by supervisor, class-id=50, method-id=10)
At the end, retry exhausted. I noticed the followings. Looks like spring amqp give up, and started to close everything. The end state was that, no consumer registered to the queue. Spring app was still running but not be able to get messages. It no longer retry like how the disconnection is handled. The resolution was to reboot the app.
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer[m][] - Cancelling Consumer#7f74d6dd: tags=[[]], channel=Cached Rabbit Channel: AMQChannel(amqp://guest#xxx:5672/,26), conn: Proxy#65ef722a Shared Rabbit Connection: SimpleConnection#4315e774 [delegate=amqp://guest#xxx:5672/, localPort= 37208], acknowledgeMode=AUTO local queue size=0
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.BlockingQueueConsumer[m][] - Closing Rabbit Channel: Cached Rabbit Channel: AMQChannel(amqp://guest#xxx:5672/,26), conn: Proxy#65ef722a Shared Rabbit Connection: SimpleConnection#4315e774 [delegate=amqp://guest#xxx:5672/, localPort= 37208]
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory[m][] - Closing cached Channel: AMQChannel
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer[m][] - Stopping container from aborted consumer
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer[m][] - Shutting down Rabbit listener container
I get spring amqp come with a retry on disconnection logic which keeps reconnecting indefinitely. But for such case, how can I make it so that spring wait until cluster restart is completed then start reconnecting? or is there a way to disable the retry limit on the queue checking so that it will keep checking the queue until cluster restart is completed instead of giving up early? Would changing queue to mirrored queue or Quorum queue resolve this issue?
The number of retry attempts when passive queue declaration fails. Passive queue declaration occurs when the consumer starts or, when consuming from multiple queues, when not all queues were available during initialization. When none of the configured queues can be passively declared (for any reason) after the retries are exhausted, the container behavior is controlled by the 'missingQueuesFatal` property, described earlier.
The interval between passive queue declaration retry attempts. Passive queue declaration occurs when the consumer starts or, when consuming from multiple queues, when not all queues were available during initialization.
You can increase one or both of these from their defaults (3 and 5000 respectively).

Can RabbitMQ cluster be used as a single endpoint by application?

There are three nodes in a RabbitMQ cluster as below.
Within RabbitMQ, there are two queues, q1 and q2.
The master replica of q1 and q2 are distributed on different nodes. Both queues are mirrored by other nodes.
There is a load balancer in front of three nodes.
AMQP(node port 5672) and Management HTTP API(node port 15672) are exposed by load balancer.
When application establishes a connection through load balancer, it could reach a random RabbitMQ node behind. And this is invisible to application.
Is it ok for application to consume both queues in a single AMQP channel over a single connection no matter which RabbitMQ node it reaches?
It is ok for application to call management HTTP API no matter which RabbitMQ node its request hits?
When RabbitMQ is set up as a cluster and you have your queues mirrored across them, it doesn't matter to which node you are connected. Because the AMQP connection for a queue will be automatically routed to the node containing the master queue and this handled by RabbitMQ internally. So, if a request to publish or consume on queue q1 comes, it will be routed to Node #1.
Answers to your question.
It is not advisable to consume more than one queues in a single AMQP connection. Exception from one consuming process may cause the connection to close which will interrupt the other one.
It is ok for application to call management HTTP API no matter which RabbutMQ node its request hits. Once management plugin in a RabbitMQ cluster is enabled, all the nodes will accept the Management HTTP API requests.
Reference: https://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html

RabbitMQ durable queue losing messages over STOMP

I have a webpage connecting to a rabbit mq broker using javascript/websockets that are exposed by a spring app deployed in tomcat. Messages are produced 1 per second by an external application and are rendered on the webpage. The javascript subscription is durable.
The issue I'm experiencing is that when the network connection is broken on the javascript client for a period of time (say 60 seconds), the first ~24 seconds of messages are missing. I've looked through the logs of the app deployed in tomcat and the missing messages seem to be up until the following log statement:
org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler - DEBUG - TCP connection to broker closed in session 14
I think this is the point at which the endpoint realises the javascript client is disconnected and decides to close the connection to the broker resulting in future messages queueing up.
My question is how can I ensure that the messages between the time the network is severed and the time the endpoint realises the client is disconnected are not lost? Should the endpoint put the messages back on the queue somehow? Maybe there's a way to make it transactional?
Thanks in advance.
The RabbitMQ team monitors this mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
Your Tomcat application should not acknowledge messages from RabbitMQ until it confirms that your Javascript client has received them. This way, any messages that aren't ack-ed by the JS client won't be ack-ed by Tomcat, and RabbitMQ will re-deliver them.
I don't know how your JS app and Tomcat interact, but you may have to implement your own ack process there.

RabbitMQ - connect using AMQP and STOMP to same exchange

We are using RabbitMQ as message broker. Producer1 connects using AMQP, Producer2 connects using STOMP protocol, Consumer1 connects using AMQP, Consumer2 (using javascript) connects using STOMP via websocket.
(Producer1 and consumer1 uses spring cloud stream)
Test1: When producer1 using AMQP sends messages, it is received in consumer1(AMQP) and failed to receive in consumer2(STOMP). Consumer2 javascript client is getting disconnected immediately when producer1(AMQP) send message and queue is getting deleted.
Test2: When producer2 using STOMP sends message, it is received in consumer1(AMQP) and consumer 2 (STOMP) with out any issue.
Test1 - is it possible scenario? We are trying to connect to same exchange in RabbitMQ using AMQP and STOMP protocol by consumers. STOMP consumer is being disconnected when AMQP producer sends message. Verified both rabbitmq and consumer logs. it didn't give much information in logs.
As STOMP only supports text. Changing the message content type worked.

ActiveMQ Durable consumer is in use for client and subscriptionName via STOMP

I have an iOS client that connects to several ActiveMQ topics and queues via STOMP protocol. When I connect to the server, I send the following message:
2012-10-30 10:19:29,757 [MQ NIO Worker 2] TRACE StompIO
2012-10-30 10:19:29,758 [MQ NIO Worker 2] DEBUG ProtocolConverter
2012-10-30 10:19:29,775 [MQ NIO Worker 2] TRACE StompIO
And then, I subscribe to several topics using the following message:
2012-10-30 10:19:31,028 [MQ NIO Worker 2] TRACE StompIO
I'm facing two problems with the ActiveMQ server. Each time I connect, the Number of Consumers column in the web interface gets incremented, so I have just one real consumer but the count is around 50 consumers. But the most problematic issue is that when I plug another iOS device into my laptop to test the messaging environment, i get the following error when connecting to ActiveMQ:
WARN | Async error occurred: javax.jms.JMSException: Durable consumer is in use for client: ID:mbp.local-0123456789 and subscriptionName: user#mail.com-/topic/SPOT.SPOTCODE
This seems to be that disconnecting from ActiveMQ via STOMP is not working propertly, because this logging attempt is made when the other device is not running the app. I've tried the following things in order to solve the issue:
Always logoff when attempting to subscribe to the topics.
I'm currently using v5.6.0 executing the server on my laptop.
IF you read the STOMP page on the ActiveMQ site you will notice that client-id and activemq-subscriptionName must match in order to use STOMP durable subscribers. These value should be different for each of you client's otherwise you will see the same errors because of the name clashes.