Getting the OLE value from a String with a date. (VB.Net) -

My first question on StackOverflow. Hope it gets recieved okay. :)
So I have a form with 3 text boxes.
Lets say you write the date like this "05/07/1994"
The problem i have when converting a date like that, is the culture support.
Is 05 the month and is 07 the day? This varies from country to country.
I wanna be able to write it in the "format" textbox. Like this:
Date: 05/07/1994
Dim strDate As String = String.Empty
Dim strFormat As String = String.Empty
Dim strResult As String = String.Empty
'I got the code to split the "strDate" by every "/" or every "." so i can isolate the days/months/years in a list.
How would you create the logic, so that it reads the "format" and then handles the date in the way that the user want it
Thanks in advance! Please tell me if i need to formulate it in a different way.


converting string date to dd.MM.yyyy format

I am working on application
am getting date like this :
recevdate = rs("ITIReceiveddate")
my recevdate format is like this : 2/27/2016 month/date/year
i want to convert like this : date.month.year 27.2.2016
so i wrote code like this :
Dim dt as string = DateTime.ParseExact(recevdate, "dd.MM.yyyy", Nothing)
but its getting error ..
What is wrong with my code? how i can rectify this issue?
any help is very appreciable..Thanks
DateTime.ParseExact returns a DateTime, not a string. Your project is setup with the Option Strict set to Off and this enables this kind of automatic conversions. But it is, as usual, a trap waiting to kick on unsuspecting programmers.
To execute correctly you need
Dim recevdate = "2/27/2016"
Dim dt As DateTIme = DateTime.ParseExact(recevdate, "M/d/yyyy", Nothing)
Dim formattedString = dt.ToString("d.M.yyyy")
Notice that you have an error also in your formatted mask for parsing the date. If your date has only one digit for months or one digit for days then you need just one M and one d both on the parsing and in the formatting back to string

Remove dot´s from date

I made a program that generates a daily index code.
It gets created from
Employer (everyone has a number from 0-9)
Date of serial code requested
Everything is working fine, but I wannt to remove the dots from the date
I tried things like
date.Text = date.Text.Replace(".""", """")
Dim clean as String
clean = myString.Replace(".", "")
But nothing happens
May be I just didnt unterstand the using... If yes, so please help me to find a alternative.
Ok i will try to explain better.
As I lunch it a textbox gets the date of today, the textbox is called date
Ive got a combobox, from there you select the employer. Every employer has a number. For example Andreas is Number 1.
I wannt to do something like:
if combobox1.text = "Andreas" then
dailyCode.text = "1" & date.text
end if
My problem is that the date is written with dots, the daily code should not have dots.
Sorry for my bad English
In your questions Details are still incomplete.still assuming that the date(still i am confused how are you using reserved keyword) is declared as date type itself,consider formatting it with Format function itself.
Try using
Dim s As String = Format(date, "ddMMMyyyy")
hope that helps.

Problems converting string to DateTime

I am making a program in which there is a function that check the database for user that haven't been called for 2 weeks or more, and shows them in a ListView.
In this part I am checking how long ago they were called:
Dim r As Int32 = excelWS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim bel As New ArrayList
For nm As Int32 = 1 To r Step 1
If Convert.ToInt32(DateDiff("ww", Date.ParseExact(excelWS.Cells(nm, 1).value(), "yyMMddhhmm", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), Now, FirstDayOfWeek.Monday, FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1)) >= My.Settings.Tijdverschil Then
End If
I get the FormatException was unhandled at the if line.
In the error description it says (roughly translated to english):
The tokens aren't recognized at valid DateTime.
If anyone thinks the format in excel is wrong, i copied one field over, they are all like this.
Without additional information, I wonder if your date from Excel is coming in as an OLE Automation Date. Depending on how you read the data from Excel, it may come back in this format.
If it is, you need to parse it as a double and then as an OLEDate. Something like this:
Dim oleDate as Double
Dim result as DateTime
If Double.TryParse(excelWS.Cells(nm, 1).value(), oleDate) Then
' Handle valid OLE Automation dates...
result = DateTime.FromOADate(oleDate)
End If
The trick for this is include a datetime picker in your application set visibility to false.
Then set the string as value to the datetime picker and make use of the datetime picker to get the difference between dates. get specific characters from listbox

I want to get specific characters from listbox, but I don't know how to do it properly. I already used search (tried because I don't know how properly to name) but get nothing.
So i have this line in my listbox:
How do i need to get only XYZ123? Its always same format, 3 letters and 3 numbers.
Thank you.
I would use a Regular Expression
The Regex of XYZ123 = \w{3}\d{3}
First solution:
Based on a small console application:
Dim i As String = "1,2014-01-01,Text,Text,**XYZ123**,Text,Text"
For Each Str As String In i.Split(",")
Dim match As Match = Regex.Match(Str, "\w{3}\d{3}")
If match.Success Then
End If
Second (better) solution:
Based on the comment of Chinz (all credits belong to him)
Dim i As String = "1,2014-01-01,Text,Text,**XYZ123**,Text,Text"
Console.WriteLine(Regex.Match(i, "\w{3}\d{3}").Value)
if all the strings have the same overall format you could split on "**" and get the [1] from the plitted

Yet another date formatting problem :(

I seem to have a date formatting problem every day!
I am querying a table and am getting a date back in the format dd/mm/yyyy (as a string btw). Brilliant! thats what I want. But, now I want to convert that string to a date so i can do
dim dayNumber as integer = day.DayOfWeek
But when I convert it to a date it changes it to #m/dd/yyyy#. AHHHH! how can I change this?
here is my code i've tried
Dim ActivityDate As String
If dt.Rows(i)("Date") Is DBNull.Value Then
ActivityDate = ""
ActivityDate = dt.Rows(i)("Date")
End If
Dim ci As New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-CA")
Dim theDate As Date = Date.Parse(ActivityDate, ci)
Dim day As Integer = theDate.DayOfWeek
Brilliant! thats what I want
That's not what you want. It is the worst possible format for a date because it is so horribly ambiguous. Date string formats depend on the current culture. "4/1/2010" is Unicorn day at SO, it is day in January in Europe. "#4/1/2010#" is a legacy VB6 format.
Always store dates in a DateTime in your code. Always store dates in a database column type of datetime in your dbase. There is never any ambiguity and you'll have an easy time with the DateTime members to manipulate dates.
If you convert the string to a date, you can always output it back to the original format using a custom format string:
The correct solution here (at least until you tell us why this isn't possible) is to update your database to use a datetime column type rather than a varchar. Now we also know that this column has no NULL values, because otherwise you'd be complaining about exceptions on your Date.Parse() call. After applying both those sentences, you can trim all that code down to a simple one-liner:
Dim day As Integer = DirectCast(dt.Rows(i)("Date"), DateTime).DayOfWeek
May I also ask why you're looping through the table row by row? I've worked in a shop where that was the norm, but since I've left there I've run in to alternatives and more and more I'm coming to find looping through a datatable as just wrong. It's an older imperative coding style, and generally you want to go for a declarative coding style.
Are you parsing it like this:
Dim newDate as DateTime = DateTime.Parse(myDate)
If the culture of your system does not use that date format, then you should get that date string as an actual date:
' canadian date format is dd/mm/yyyy
Dim ci As New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-CA")
Dim theDate As Date = Date.Parse("13/04/2010", ci)
Make sure you specify an exact parse format like so:
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.ParseExact("17/12/2010", "dd/mm/yyyy", null));
I am not sure what the last parameter is but it is safe to ignore it.
I'm guessing that you are seeing the #m/dd/yyyy# in the debugger, like this screenshot below. Don't worry!
A Date variable isn't stored as a string. The debugger has to convert your Date into a string to display it, and it insists on showing dates in #m/dd/yyyy# format. But that doesn't have any effect on the runtime behaviour of your program.
Screenshot of Visual Studio Debugger