Odoo 12 - XML files not triggering server reload with --dev=all - odoo

New Odoo user here.
It's been a few days since I started messing around with Odoo(v12). I managed to build a module, including creating models, views and menus. It's working like a charm, though there is one issue that is really bothering me.
I've read that running odoo-bin with the --dev=all arg -- which requires watchdog, by the way -- is supposed to trigger a server restart whenever .py or .xml files are changed inside one of the addons folders.
The server does restart when I modify PYTHON files, but so far, even after trying it out for hours, I can't seem to make the same thing work for XML files.
For reference, I'm building the openacademy module from the official documentation, and I'd like for the server to read the views from the XML files instead of the database and reload on change, so I can customize the forms and views and see the result without having to upgrade my module every single time.
--dev=all, unfortunately, doesn't seem to work.
Can anyone help?
Edit: here's the full command I'm using to start up Odoo:
py odoo-bin -c odoo.conf --dev=all
P.S: I'm running Odoo 12 source on Windows 10 64bit

--dev=all actually works in conjunction with watchdog, so if you have watchdog package installed in your running odoo python environment, any change in your addons .py file with cause watchdog to notify running server and the server will reload automatically. You can actually see those messages if you have loglevel set to info. In case view update, changes in xml file doesn't actually reload the server but causing a refresh in the browser automatically updates the view. But, if there is any error in the view definitions, i faced this situation that odoo is not updating the changes. So make sure that there is no error in the xml views and update should be done automatically after page refresh.

Late to the party but as I spent a lot of time trying to figure this out on both Mac and Ubuntu it's worth noting that the --dev xml does not update to reflect every change in a .xml file. I was modifying menus and seeing nothing and thinking it was broken but from some investigation I discovered that the changes only pick up modifications to ir.ui.view models and (I think from looking at the source code) ir.rule models.


I'm having trouble with extended entities

This question is related to I need help upgrading OroCommerce to 4.1.1.
I'm getting several errors related to extended entities... I believe there must be something wrong with cache building but I can't find the root cause (nor a solution :( ).
I checked the db structure in my production server against the VM where everything is working just fine and I can't see any significant difference (meaning the new fields such as digitalAsset_id for oro_attachment_file table or wysiwyg for oro_fallback_localization_val are there).
I just run an extra php bin/console oro:migration:load --force -e prod it didn't make a difference...
Just checked the differences in the var/cache directory of both installations and in fact I see that the VM version has the methods that are missing from the prod one.
I uploaded the working code into the production server and re run the platform upgrade but I'm still running into issues.
In case oro:migration:load command (or oro:platform:update that actually triggers migration load) failed for the first time, you have to:
fix errors,
restore from the database dump
and run the command again.
Otherwise, there could be migrations that end up with errors,
but on the second run, they are not executed again, which could lead to the mess with the database schema, entity metadata, or entity config.
Also oro:migration:load command is not self-sufficient. There could be a need to warm up some entity configuration after the schema change. Please, try to run oro:platform:update, even if all the migrations are already executed, it would try to warm up all the caches and could fix an error.

Maxmind .MMDB to .DAT? mod_maxminddb in Debian Repo?

There is allready another Thread about this which isn't really answered:
How to Convert a Maxmind .MMDB to .DAT?
Here Greg Oschwald, working at Maxmind, said that "The Legacy GeoIP builds (.dat) are not going away in the near future". Yeah, but the future is now, and they are going away on 1. April 2018 which is in a month ;) I really liked my current Apache-Configuration (Debian) using mod_geoip2 and GeoIP .dat-Databases. Works like a charm. So it's kind of anoying to change everything now. Especialy because there is no native Apache-Module like mod-geoip2 to use, but I have to build a module from source, install libraries and mess with my whole apache-config to enable apxs. And I don't have an automatic Update of the new module by repository but have to update it manually with new libraries and new tarballs when they are available. This is not very convenient.
Well, I could download the CSV-release, Add the IP-Ranges with Maxminds provided CSV-Converter (https://github.com/maxmind/geoip2-csv-converter/releases) write a script which transforms the bunch of csv-Files into a single "Legacy-Like" csv-File and transform this with the Debian Program (https://github.com/dankamongmen/sprezzos-world/blob/master/packaging/geoip/debian/src/geoip-csv-to-dat.cpp) to a .dat File. >Maybe< this could work for some time. But it's very ugly. Isn't there a better solution?
If not: Will there be a native Apache Module in the Debian Repository which removes the "build/install it yourself" part? Then I would have no issue with the new format.
Greetings daily

What text editors does --dev reload with work

I'm following Odoo's documentation to use the --dev all parameter when I run odoo-bin, in order to have Python models get updated when I change the source code without me having to restart the server. According to the documentation, the reload flag (which is part of all) doesn't work with some text editors. I've been using Sublime Text, and that doesn't seem to work because my model changes don't take effect until I restart the server. Is there a good, commonly used text editor which does work with the reload parameter, or is there a list of text editors which work with it?
If you're running Odoo from the command line via a standard ./odoo-bin --dev reload command then you should not have any issues as long as you have the lib dependencies setup.
Make sure to monitor your log for errors. It requires the watchdog library to be installed via pip install watchdog. Take a look at (currently line 943) of the core files https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/10.0/odoo/service/server.py to see how dev reload works:
def start(preload=None, stop=False):
watcher = None
if 'reload' in config['dev_mode']:
if watchdog:
watcher = FSWatcher()
_logger.warning("'watchdog' module not installed. Code autoreload feature is disabled")
if 'werkzeug' in config['dev_mode']:
server.app = DebuggedApplication(server.app, evalex=True)
I am not completely sure, but after doing a quick search on the text editor that I have been primarily using (Atom developed by GitHub), I believe it may have what you're looking for.
Have fun with your future endeavors. I hope my answer helps.
Since odoo uses werkzeug server,you can just use the command line argument to start the server, and everything will be taken care by the server.
./openerp-server --auto-reload
this will restart the server whenever .py file is modified.

Gulp with WinSCP - livereload and less

I am using gulp with livereload, less, and others on a remote server. I have successfully used gulp before many times, and have never experienced this scenario.
I am using WinSCP to save/edit files (I double click the file, and it opens in Sublime Text ... I save it, WinSCP automatically uploads it back to the server ).
However, when doing it this way gulp-less fails almost all the time. I have two core CSS files that are compiled - one is Bootstrap and one is my own - they should both be compiled with their own gulp tasks upon modification - but Bootstrap fails every time, and the other file fails about half of the time.
When I say fails, here's what I mean - with Bootstrap I always get the same error:
variable #grid-columns is undefined in file ....grid.less line no. 48
This happens even if I define #grid-columns as the first-heading in my main Bootstrap "import" file.
The other one fails in that livereload reloads the compiled CSS at some point prior to the Less file being compiled. This should be impossible, but it happens somehow.
However, when from the SSH command prompt, I type touch myfile.less or touch anybootstrapfile.less, everything works perfectly.
Obviously this is very annoying, but its livable. I think there must be some way to fix it though. Any ideas on what in the world could make this happen and what (if anything) I could do to fix it?
Chances are that, when WinSCP uploads the file after you save it in the internal editor, it sets a timestamp of uploaded file to older than it was before.
This might be particularly true, if you are using the FTP protocol, or Windows Vista or older.
For details, refer to WinSCP FAQ:
Why are the changes, I upload to webserver, not visible in the web browser?
Alright. With the help of Martin, who I now realize is the developer of WinScp, I have solved this. I had been working with the gulp.wait plugin and inserting a pause before the final reload - and it wasn't working.
Because... that wasn't where the problem was. The problem was happening at the time of upload; in that the file was getting 'touched' to soon (or there was something with the timestamp that ended up causing the functional equivelant).
So I moved the wait process to just before the less process was called like so:
I'm gonna experiment, 500ms is probably longer than needed..but not too long to be painful. This solved the problem instantly.
Thanks Martin!

Local Monticello repository

I would like to run a local Monticello HTTP repository at work, so that we can share code easily among colleagues.
Is there a way to run something similar to SmalltalkHub privately?
I have tried all the options here and neither of them seems to work smoothly. Let me recap the options:
1) WebDAV on Apache, following Stuart. I have tried it, following some online guides. My current dav.conf looks like this:
DavLockDB /tmp/DavLock
Alias /pharo /opt/data/pharo
<Location /pharo>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Options Indexes MultiViews
Dav On
AuthType None
I worked for a few days. Then suddenly I am not able to read new versions of a certain package. Whenever I write a version in an image and read it in another one, I get an exception ZnInvalidUTF8. I am not sure why, it may be that WebDAV has issues listing too many files?
2) Setting up my FTP. It seems to work, but when I try to set this repository as a remote in the versionner I get MCFtpRepository doesNotUnderstnd: #koRemote
3) SqueakSource3, following Tobias. I have tried running the two Gofer commands in both Pharo2 and Pharo3. In Pharo2 it does not load at all. In Pharo3, more or less everything works. I had to fix a few errors due to deprecated or removed messages, but in the end I am able to create projects and write to them.
The problem arises when I read. Apparently SS3 keeps some kind of internal cache. The result is that the list of packages I see on the project page is different from the list of packages that the client gets. The difference seems to be that the client requires a short version of the page, like http://localhost:8080/ss/MyProject/?C=M;O%3DD, and the results there are consistently less than in the full page http://localhost:8080/ss/MyProject.
Moreover, even on the project page, the list of versions remains cached until I navigate on a different project.
4) SmallTalkHub, following Sean. I have tried both using images from the INRIA server and images suggested from the Pharo-VM-loader (they may be the same).
I had to install Seaside again, since there was no ZnZincAdaptor in the downloaded image. I am now able to start SmallTalkHub, but as soon as I try to register a user, I get an error MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "new" is nil. I am not able to track where this error comes from (is there a way to open a server-side debugger instead of returing 500 in Seaside?).
After this error, I can see a user both in mongodb and in the interface, but I am not able to login.
5) Git using filetree, as suggested by Kylon. This would prevent me from using MetaCello to handle dependencies and looks even more compelx than the other options.
At this point I am at a loss. :-( If I want to use Pharo, I will need to be able to collaborate with my colleagues. Using open source repositories is not an option, at least right now.
Is there a simple, tried and tested way to set up such a repository?
SqueakSource3 or SmallTalkHub would be even better, thanks to their user interfaces, but I really need at least basic collboration. Having an option that can run on a headless server would also be a big plus, as if this becomes a tool we use, it will not be doable to host the repository on my laptop.
Per this thread on the Pharo Dev mailing list:
Setting up the Server:
Download a SmalltalkHub image (https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/SmalltalkHub/)
Install mongodb on your computer (for Debian: apt-get install mongodb)
Launch the SmalltalkHub image
Evaluate: ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080
Visit http://localhost:8080/tools/hub, create an account and a project
In addition to Sean's answer - if you just want a Metacello repository, and don't necessarily need the full SmalltalkHub stuff, then you just need a WebDav server. Apache will work fine, and I've even used Confluence's WebDAV support (with some tweaking) successfully in the past.
In addition to the other answers:
Just storing your versions in DropBox work very well!
You can also install SqueakSource3 (like SmalltalkHub, doesn't need MongoDB):
Gofer new
package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside3) project version: #stable) load.
Gofer new
package: 'ConfigurationOfSqueakSource';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSqueakSource) project version: #bleedingEdge) load: #('All').
Then start your Adaptor (eg ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080) and goto http://localhost:8080/instalSS
Another way is go down the popular route of Git. I am using Github for my projects and it works great while Git itself works very well locally too. So if are already familiar with Git then its a very good choice
You can find more information here https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/PharoForTheEnterprise/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/GitAndPharo/GitAndPharo.pier.html
Sorry about the bad smalltalkhub experience. I have made some fixes to the configuration, and need to check if that is enough