Why does selecting PostgreSQL interval using Knex.js returns a JSON or JavaScript object rather than a string? - sql

I have a PostgreSQL table which has a column of the type interval which is storing a time duration in the ISO 8601 format i.e. P1D equals "1 day".
The problem I am having is that when selecting this data from the database using Knex.js the data is converted from the string P1D into a JSON object {"days":1}, if I execute the same basic select query in the command line interface I get the string P1D back, and have the option to set the style of output SET intervalStyle = iso_8601.
As best I can tell this is being doing by a dependency of Knex.js called "node-pg-types" which in turn uses "postgres-interval". In Bookshelf.js you can set a data processor, and in using the "pg" module directly you can set different type behaviours, however it's not clear at all how to modify the behaviour of Knex.js in this regard, and yet Bookshelf.js can do this and is built on Knex.js.
In short my question is how do I make Knex.js output ISO 8601 style intervals on interval columns rather than a JSON object?

It turns out that through my research jumping from one module to another, that indeed Knex.js does use "node-pg-types" to format the interval columns, and that in turn is using "postgres-interval", neither module document this well at all.
In looking into "postgres-interval" it was evident that the data returned was a JavaScript object which was being encoded into what looked like JSON, however reading the documentation on this module it actually has functions you can call to get the data in any format:
interval.toPostgres() -> string
Returns an interval string. This allows the interval object to be passed into prepared statements.
interval.toISO() -> string
Returns an ISO 8601 compliant string.
So the answer is to append .toISO() to your code.
I will notify the developer that this particular behaviour is not well documented so they can look to improve awareness of how Knex.js passes off some of the work to other modules which also pass work off, however I wrote this self answered question so no one else has to spend countless hours trying to figure this out.


Data Factory expression substring? Is there a function similar like right?

Please help,
How could I extract 2019-04-02 out of the following string with Azure data flow expression?
The first part of the string received as a ChildItem from a GetMetaData activity is dynamically. So in this case it is ABC_DATASET that is dynamic.
Kind regards,
There are several ways to approach this problem, and they are really dependent on the format of the string value. Each of these approaches uses Derived Column to either create a new column or replace the existing column's value in the Data Flow.
Static format
If the format is always the same, meaning the length of the sections is always the same, then substring is simplest:
This will parse the string like so:
Useful reminder: substring and array indexes in Data Flow are 1-based.
Dynamic format
If the format of the base string is dynamic, things get a tad trickier. For this answer, I will assume that the basic format of {variabledata}-{timestamp}.parquet is consistent, so we can use the hyphen as a base delineator.
Derived Column has support for local variables, which is really useful when solving problems like this one. Let's start by creating a local variable to convert the string into an array based on the hyphen. This will lead to some other problems later since the string includes multiple hyphens thanks to the timestamp data, but we'll deal with that later. Inside the Derived Column Expression Builder, select "Locals":
On the right side, click "New" to create a local variable. We'll name it and define it using a split expression:
Press "OK" to save the local and go back to the Derived Column. Next, create another local variable for the yyyy portion of the date:
The cool part of this is I am now referencing the local variable array that I created in the previous step. I'll follow this pattern to create a local variable for MM too:
I'll do this one more time for the dd portion, but this time I have to do a bit more to get rid of all the extraneous data at the end of the string. Substring again turns out to be a good solution:
Now that I have the components I need isolated as variables, we just reconstruct them using string interpolation in the Derived Column:
Back in our data preview, we can see the results:
Where else to go from here
If these solutions don't address your problem, then you have to get creative. Here are some other functions that may help:

Why would SQL statement return out of ordered dataset?

I have written a program that logs events into a db file as they happen using SQL statement. Whenever I open the table to view, I specifically request the dataset in descending order based on ALARM's date and time. It seems to work only for part of the table. I am using SQLite3 and my program is written in delphi or Pascal.
Here is the SQL statement:
FROM Alarms
Here is a snapshot of the table. Pay attention to the red arrows. That's where Alarm's date and time doesn't follow descending order. I don't know why this is happening.
I'm not sure how you created your date/time string in your database since that information wasn't given in the question. However, according to the documentation for the datetime() function, the format you have of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS xx is not one of the accepted formats. In fact, if you do SELECT datetime('1/23/2018 01:40:00 PM') at an SQLite prompt, you get NULL. Whereas, if you use an acceptable format, you do not: SELECT datetime('2018-01-23') gives '2018-01-23 00:00:00'.
So I think the solution is to write the ALARMTIME field using datetime('now'), which does yield a format accepted by datetime(). If you need to sort based upon the format you have now, you can't do it with datetime(). You'd need to reformat the field using string functions to get it in a form you could do a string compare with (e.g., as is done here).
The OP has indicated in a comment that the ALARMTIME is set using the following Pascal code:
FieldByName('AlarmTime').AsDateTime := now;
There's no guarantee that Pascal is going to use a date/time string format in this context that is compatible with SQLite's datetime() function. So Pascal date/time formatting functions can be used to create a format more specifically acceptable by SQLite's datetime(). Then you'd use something like:
FieldByName('AlarmTime').AsString := FormatDateTime('YYYY-MM-DD hh:nn:ss',now);
Now this will change the default view of the date to YYYY-MM-DD .... If you still want your view of the table to show MM/DD/YYYY... then you'll either need to go back to my prior comment about processing the string on the fly in the comparison for sort, or write a little view formatting code so that it displays in a format that's different than what is stored internally, which is a common view/model separation technique.
If you can write your original ALARMTIME format as MM/DD/YYYY and make sure you pre-pad with zeroes (e.g., 01/09/2018 not 1/9/2018) then you can use SQLite's substr function:
ORDER BY (substr(ALARMTIME,7,4)||substr(ALARMTIME,1,2)||substr(ALARMTIME,4,2)||substr(ALARMTIME,11)) DESC
And you would create your ALARMTIME using this:
FieldByName('AlarmTime').AsString := FormatDateTime('dd-mm-yyyy hh:nn:ss', now);
The above solutions are fairly generic. Depending upon the client library you are using (which you have not specified), there may be another more suitable approach to solving the problem.
You cannot do, for example, SELECT * FROM Alarms ORDER BY ALARMTIME DESC and get an accurate sort since, for example, the date 12/1/2018 would come after 2/1/2018 in that sort ordering even though 2/1/2018 is later in time. This is because 2 follows 1 in the ASCII collating sequence.
If you need to keep your current ALARMTIME string format and not change how you're saving it, which is somewhat free form m/d/yyyy in which the day or month can have one or two digits, you're going to have a bit of work to do in order to sort it if your client library doesn't support some helpers in this regard. Perhaps your only other option would be to use a custom SQLite function. These are written in C and compiled and linked with SQLite. You'd have to find one already written, or write your own.

Date format error on user's computer dependent

Here is my problem. the date that i got from my database contains "12/31/2013". Based on this date, the format is mm/dd/yy. Now the question is how do i makes it that no matter what format of the date in the user's computer, they will always read the date "12/31/2013" as mm/dd/yy instead of example dd/mm/yy which when it reads it contains an error due to there is no 31 month. i try the split method on the date i receive from my database but i coudn't get it to confirm to the format that is independent from the user's computer
Is your date being stored in your database as an actual date format, or as a string?
Remember that DateTime.Parse by default, uses the current user's current system date/time formatting settings (so UK users are dd/MM/yyyy, but US users are MM/dd/yyyy). If you want uniform parsing then use DateTime.ParseExact and specify an exact parsing format string.
One rule of thumb that's useful to remember is that "if you're ever using String.Split, you're probably doing something wrong" (I'll make exceptions for quick-and-dirty by-design programs, but for parsing a Format-string, Regular-expression, or Finite state machine is more performant (less string allocations) and less brittle.
Back on-topic, if your database is storing objects as a date or datetime then don't use strings at all. Use the .GetDateString(int) method of IDataReader or typed field properties of EF classes.
How did you get a date from your database? Did you store the date as a string? If at all possible, consider keeping the date as a DateTime variable rather than a string. If not possible, look into the DateTime.TryParse method which supports internationalization and should be able to understand with the user's UI localization settings.
Its not clear if you want to read the same format from the database or display it on the screen (UI)
If its from the sql server, consider using convert <- follow this link

Apache Lucene - search by concrete date

I want to find some data of a application which allows using Apache Lucene syntax for search queries. I search data by date and want to find data from concrete date - concrete day. How can I do that?
date: [2010-10-4 TO 2010-10-4]
date: 2010-10-4
does not work.
Short answer: there is no "standard" for date query syntax in Lucene. You need to find out the format(s) your app supports.
Long answer: For the last couple years or so, Lucene keeps the numeric data specially encoded. Most likely, the date in the index is kept in the timestamp format. This means the query parser needs to take in the query, chew it and spit out the timestamp. Querying against a raw timestamp is not very practical - at least for humans - and your query parser likely has some pre-defined format it is able to understand.
For example, Solr has a pre-defined set of supported date/time formats and is able to parse those into timestamps.
Don't forget Lucene is just a library and each application (including Solr and the one you are using) is meant to use it the way they like.
I found the solution.
For searching by one conrete day, query:
date: [2010-10-4T00:00:00 TO 2010-10-4T23:59:59]
is correct
I put the date range without the hyphens and It worked for me.
date: [20210901 TO 20211101 ]
See the doc Range Searches

change postgres date format

Is there a way to change the default format of a date in Postgres?
Normally when I query a Postgres database, dates come out as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss+tz, like 2011-02-21 11:30:00-05.
But one particular program the dates come out yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.s, that is, there is no time zone and it shows tenths of a second.
Apparently something is changing the default date format, but I don't know what or where. I don't think it's a server-side configuration parameter, because I can access the same database with a different program and I get the format with the timezone.
I care because it appears to be ignoring my "set timezone" calls in addition to changing the format. All times come out EST.
Additional info:
If I write "select somedate from sometable" I get the "no timezone" format. But if I write "select to_char(somedate::timestamptz, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss-tz')" then timezones work as I would expect.
This really sounds to me like something is setting all timestamps to implicitly be "to_char(date::timestamp, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.m')". But I can't find anything in the documentation about how I would do this if I wanted to, nor can I find anything in the code that appears to do this. Though as I don't know what to look for, that doesn't prove much.
Never mind :'(
I found my problem. I was thinking that I was looking directly at the string coming back from the database. But I was overlooking that it was reading it as a Timestamp and then converting the Timestamp to a string. This was buried inside a function called "getString", which is what threw me off. I was thinking it was ResultSet.getString, but it was really our own function with the same name. Oops. What idiot wrote that function?! Oh, it was me ...
Thanks to all who tried to help. I'll give you each an upvote for your trouble.
I believe the table columns are specified differently. Try these variants:
timestamp(0) no millis
timestamptz with timezone
timestamptz(0) with timezone, no millis
With which client are you running the select statements? Formatting the output is the application's responsibility, so without knowing which application you use to display the data, it's hard to tell.
Assuming you are using psql, you can change the date format using the SET command:
Which is essentially a way to change the configuration parameters. The ones that are responsible for formatting data are documented here:
Daniel tells me to post my findings as an answer and accept it to close the question. Okay.
I found that the date format I was seeing that did not include a time zone was not what was coming directly from Postgres, but that there were a couple of function calls that I was missing that converted the incoming date to a java.util.Timestamp, and then from the java.util.Timestamp to a String. It was in this conversion from the Timestamp to the String that the time zone was defaulting to EST.
In my own humble defense, my mistake was not as dumb as it may sound. :-0 We had the execution of the query in a subclass that read the results into a List, which we do to allow modification of the query results before output. (In this case we are adding a coule of columns that are derived from the stored columns.) Then we have a set of functions that resemble the JDBC functions to pull the data out of the List, so a calling program can easily switch from processing a query directly to processing the List. When I was wrestling with the date format problem, it just didn't register on me that I wasn't looking at "real JDBC", but at "simulated JDBC" calls.