Interpolate additional points between two GPS points based on a predetermined interval - gps

My Erlang module loads a GPX file and performs a certain function for every set of lat/long coordinates in the file. I want to increase the resolution, so to speak, of the GPX file by filling in more GPS points between the existing points. For example, the GPX file may have points every 100 feet, or even points at random intervals, and I may want to have points consistently every 10 feet. I don't want to actually modify the GPX file; I only want my script to calculate these midpoints at runtime.
I do not care about interpolating speed or anything else; only regular GPS coordinates.
As you can see in my function below, I am using the egpx module to extract lat/long points from a GPX file. I also have discovered modules such as geolib that can perform geographical calculations, but my limited knowledge in this area precludes me from solving this issue on my own.
In Erlang, how can I interpolate more GPS coordinates between two coordinates based on a predetermined interval, such as 10 feet?
EDIT: I found this question on Stack Overflow which may be pertinent, but I still need help understanding and applying the solution: How to generate coordinates in between two known points
get_gpx_points([], _) -> ok;
get_gpx_points([H|T], Acc) ->
Lat = egpx:get_lat(H), % Egpx converts GPX trackpoints to lat/long
Long = egpx:get_lon(H),
% I want to interpolate more lat/long points here based on a set interval, like 10 feet
LatList = io_lib:format("~.6f",[Lat]), % Converts to list of no. with six decimal points
LongList = io_lib:format("~.6f",[Long]),
do_something(LatList, LongList), % Run a certain function for every coordinate
get_gpx_points(T, Acc + 1). % Recurse until no more trackpoints found


Numpy polyfit .How to get exact fit for the data points provided

I have x,y data points.
Using these points, I am trying to create a function to fit 50 (y points)points to generate the corresponding x coordinates.
But in my plot, when I try to zoom, the plot, I can see the 50 points provided is fitting the curve, but data points are slightly deviating from the plot. There is a small change from data point (in the range on delta=.001) with respect to the line generated from the 50 points if I zoom.
How do I generate a perfect curve which fits the data points along with the 50 points provided.
please refer the screenshot of the code
To cover 50 points perfectly you need to increase the order of the polynom. So instead of polyfit(x, y, 10) try polyfit(x, y, 49) ?
A "perfect" fit (one in which all the data points are matched) can often be gotten by setting the degree of the regression to the number of data pairs minus one.

Path mapping using VectorNav VN100 IMU to map a route between two GPS coordinates

I'm trying to use a VectorNav VN100 IMU to map a path through an underground tunnel (GPS denied environment) and am wondering what is the best approach to take to do this.
I get lots of data points from the VN100 these include: orientation/pose (Euler angles, quaternions), and acceleration and gyroscope values in three dimensions. The acceleration and gyro values are given in raw and filtered formats where filtered outputs have been filtered using an onboard Kalman filter.
In addition to IMU measurements I also measure GPS-RTK coordinates in three dimensions at the start and end-points of the tunnel.
How should I approach this mapping problem? I'm quite new to this area and do not know how to extract position from the acceleration and orientation data. I know acceleration can be integrated once to give velocity and that in turn can be integrated again to get position but how do I combine this data together with orientation data (quaternions) to get the path?
In robotics, Mapping means representing the environment using perception sensor (like 2D,3D laser or Cameras).
Once you got the map, it can be used by robot to know its location(Localization). Map is also used for find a path between locations to move from one place to another place(Path planning).
In your case you need a perception sensor to get the better location estimation. With only IMU you can track the position using Extended Kalman filter(EKF) but it drifts quickly.
Robot Operating System has EKF implementation you can refer it.
Ok so I came across a solution that gets me somewhat closer to my goal of finding the path travelled underground, although it is by no means the final solution I'm posting my algorithm here in the hopes that it helps someone else.
My method is as follows:
Rotate the Acceleration vector A = [Ax, Ay, Az] output by the VectorNav VN100 into the North, East, Down frame by multiplying by the quaternion VectorNav output Q = [q0, q1, q2, q3]. How to multiply a vector by a quaternion is outlined in this other post.
Basically you take the acceleration vector and add a fourth component on to the end of it to act as the scalar term, then multiply by the quaternion and it's conjugate (N.B. the scalar terms in both matrices should be in the same position, in this case the scalar quaternion term is the first term, so therefore a zero scalar term should be added on to the start of the acceleration vector) e.g. A = [0,Ax,Ay,Az]. Then perform the following multiplication:
A_ned = Q A Q*
where Q* is the complex conjugate of the quaternion (i, j, and k terms are negated).
Integrate the rotated acceleration vector to get the velocity vector: V_ned
Integrate the Velocity vector to get the position in north, east, down: R_ned
There is substantial drift in the velocity and position due to sensor bias which causes drift. This can be corrected for somewhat if we know the start and end velocity and start and end positions. In this case the start and end velocities were zero so I used this to correct the drift in the velocity vector.
Uncorrected Velocity
Corrected Velocity
My final comparison between IMU position vs GPS is shown here (read: there's still a long way to go).
GPS-RTK data vs VectorNav IMU data
Now I just need to come up with a sensor fusion algorithm to try to improve the position estimation...

Formula/algorithm to offset GPS coordinations

I have GPS coordinates provided as degrees latitude, longitude and would like to offset them by a distance and an angle.E.g.: What are the new coordinates if I offset 45.12345, 7.34567 by 22km along bearing 104 degrees ?Thanks
For most applications one of these two formulas are sufficient:
"Lat/lon given radial and distance"
The second one is slower, but makes less problems in special situations (see docu on that page).
Read the introduction on that page, and make sure that lat/lon are converted to radians before and back to degrees after having the result.
Make sure that your system uses atan2(y,x) (which is usually the case) and not atan2(x,y) which is the case in Excell.
The link in the previous answer no longer works, here is the link using the way back machine:
The formula is:
A point {lat,lon} is a distance d out on the tc radial from point 1 if:
IF (cos(lat)=0)
lon=lon1 // endpoint a pole
This algorithm is limited to distances such that dlon <pi/2, i.e those that extend around less than one quarter of the circumference of the earth in longitude. A completely general, but more complicated algorithm is necessary if greater distances are allowed:
lat =asin(sin(lat1)*cos(d)+cos(lat1)*sin(d)*cos(tc))
lon=mod( lon1-dlon +pi,2*pi )-pi

Calculating distance in m in xyz between GPS coordinates that are close together

I have a set of GPS Coordinates and I want to find the speed required for a UAV to travel between them. Doing this by calculating distance in x y z and then dividing by time to travel - m/s.
I know the great circle distance but I assume this will be incorrect since they are all relatively close together(within 10m)?
Is there an accurate way to do this?
For small distances you can use the haversine formula without a relevant loss of accuracy in comparison to Vincenty's f.e. Plus, it's designed to be accurate for very small distances. This can be read up here if you are interested.
You can do this by converting lat/long/alt into XYZ format for both points. Then, figure out the rotation angles to move one of those points (usually, the oldest point) so that it would be at lat=0 long=0 alt=0. Rotate the second position report (the newest point) by the same rotation angles. If you do it all correctly, you will find X equals the east offset, Y equals the north offset, and Z equals the up offset. You can use Pythagorean theorm with X and Y (north and east) offsets to determine the horizontal distance traveled. Normally, you just ignore the altitude differences and work with horizontal data only.
All of this assumes you are using accurate formulas to convert lat/lon/alt into XYZ. It also assumes you have enough precision in the lat/lon/alt values to be accurate. Approximations are not good if you want good results. Normally, you need about 6 decimal digits of precision in lat/lon values to compute positions down to the meter level of accuracy.
Keep in mind that this method doesn't work very well if you haven't moved far (greater than about 10 or 20 meters, more is better). There is enough noise in the GPS position reports that you are going to get jumpy velocity values that you will need to further filter to get good accuracy. The math approach isn't the problem here, it's the inherent noise in the GPS position reports. When you have good reports, you will get good velocity.
A GPS receiver doesn't normally use this approach to know velocity. It looks at the way doppler values change for each satellite and factor in current position to know what the velocity is. This works reasonably well when the vehicle is moving. It is a much faster way to detect changes in velocity (for instance, to release a position clamp). The normal user doesn't have access to the internal doppler values and the math gets very complicated, so it's not something you can do.

Simplification / optimization of GPS track

I've got a GPS track produced by gpxlogger(1) (supplied as a client for gpsd). GPS receiver updates its coordinates every 1 second, gpxlogger's logic is very simple, it writes down location (lat, lon, ele) and a timestamp (time) received from GPS every n seconds (n = 3 in my case).
After writing down a several hours worth of track, gpxlogger saves several megabyte long GPX file that includes several thousands of points. Afterwards, I try to plot this track on a map and use it with OpenLayers. It works, but several thousands of points make using the map a sloppy and slow experience.
I understand that having several thousands of points of suboptimal. There are myriads of points that can be deleted without losing almost anything: when there are several points making up roughly the straight line and we're moving with the same constant speed between them, we can just leave the first and the last point and throw away anything else.
I thought of using gpsbabel for such track simplification / optimization job, but, alas, it's simplification filter works only with routes, i.e. analyzing only geometrical shape of path, without timestamps (i.e. not checking that the speed was roughly constant).
Is there some ready-made utility / library / algorithm available to optimize tracks? Or may be I'm missing some clever option with gpsbabel?
Yes, as mentioned before, the Douglas-Peucker algorithm is a straightforward way to simplify 2D connected paths. But as you have pointed out, you will need to extend it to the 3D case to properly simplify a GPS track with an inherent time dimension associated with every point. I have done so for a web application of my own using a PHP implementation of Douglas-Peucker.
It's easy to extend the algorithm to the 3D case with a little understanding of how the algorithm works. Say you have input path consisting of 26 points labeled A to Z. The simplest version of this path has two points, A and Z, so we start there. Imagine a line segment between A and Z. Now scan through all remaining points B through Y to find the point furthest away from the line segment AZ. Say that point furthest away is J. Then, you scan the points between B and I to find the furthest point from line segment AJ and scan points K through Y to find the point furthest from segment JZ, and so on, until the remaining points all lie within some desired distance threshold.
This will require some simple vector operations. Logically, it's the same process in 3D as in 2D. If you find a Douglas-Peucker algorithm implemented in your language, it might have some 2D vector math implemented, and you'll need to extend those to use 3 dimensions.
You can find a 3D C++ implementation here: 3D Douglas-Peucker in C++
Your x and y coordinates will probably be in degrees of latitude/longitude, and the z (time) coordinate might be in seconds since the unix epoch. You can resolve this discrepancy by deciding on an appropriate spatial-temporal relationship; let's say you want to view one day of activity over a map area of 1 square mile. Imagining this relationship as a cube of 1 mile by 1 mile by 1 day, you must prescale the time variable. Conversion from degrees to surface distance is non-trivial, but for this case we simplify and say one degree is 60 miles; then one mile is .0167 degrees. One day is 86400 seconds; then to make the units equivalent, our prescale factor for your timestamp is .0167/86400, or about 1/5,000,000.
If, say, you want to view the GPS activity within the same 1 square mile map area over 2 days instead, time resolution becomes half as important, so scale it down twice further, to 1/10,000,000. Have fun.
Have a look at Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm for smoothening complex polygons, also Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm can help you reduce your points.
OpenSource GeoKarambola java library (no Android dependencies but can be used in Android) that includes a GpxPathManipulator class that does both route & track simplification/reduction (3D/elevation aware).
If the points have timestamp information that will not be discarded.
This is the algorith in action, interactively
This algorithm is based on reducing the number of points by eliminating those that have the greatest XTD (cross track distance) error until a tolerated error is satisfied or the maximum number of points is reached (both parameters of the function), wichever comes first.
An alternative algorithm, for on-the-run stream like track simplification (I call it "streamplification") is:
you keep a small buffer of the points the GPS sensor gives you, each time a GPS point is added to the buffer (elevation included) you calculate the max XTD (cross track distance) of all the points in the buffer to the line segment that unites the first point with the (newly added) last point of the buffer. If the point with the greatest XTD violates your max tolerated XTD error (25m has given me great results) then you cut the buffer at that point, register it as a selected point to be appended to the streamplified track, trim the trailing part of the buffer up to that cut point, and keep going. At the end of the track the last point of the buffer is also added/flushed to the solution.
This algorithm is lightweight enough that it runs on an AndroidWear smartwatch and gives optimal output regardless of if you move slow or fast, or stand idle at the same place for a long time. The ONLY thing that maters is the SHAPE of your track. You can go for many minutes/kilometers and, as long as you are moving in a straight line (a corridor within +/- tolerated XTD error deviations) the streamplify algorithm will only output 2 points: those of the exit form last curve and entry on next curve.
I ran in to a similar issue. The rate at which the gps unit takes points is much larger that needed. Many of the points are not geographically far away from each other. The approach that I took is to calculate the distance between the points using the haversine formula. If the distance was not larger than my threshold (0.1 miles in my case) I threw away the point. This quickly gets the number of points down to a manageable size.
I don't know what language you are looking for. Here is a C# project that I was working on. At the bottom you will find the haversine code.
Hope this gets you going.
This is probably NP-hard. Suppose you have points A, B, C, D, E.
Let's try a simple deterministic algorithm. Suppose you calculate the distance from point B to line A-C and it's smaller than your threshold (1 meter). So you delete B. Then you try the same for C to line A-D, but it's bigger and D for C-E, which is also bigger.
But it turns out that the optimal solution is A, B, E, because point C and D are close to the line B-E, yet on opposite sides.
If you delete 1 point, you cannot be sure that it should be a point that you should keep, unless you try every single possible solution (which can be n^n in size, so on n=80 that's more than the minimum number of atoms in the known universe).
Next step: try a brute force or branch and bound algorithm. Doesn't scale, doesn't work for real-world size. You can safely skip this step :)
Next step: First do a determinstic algorithm and improve upon that with a metaheuristic algorithm (tabu search, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms). In java there are a couple of open source implementations, such as Drools Planner.
All in all, you 'll probably have a workable solution (although not optimal) with the first simple deterministic algorithm, because you only have 1 constraint.
A far cousin of this problem is probably the Traveling Salesman Problem variant in which the salesman cannot visit all cities but has to select a few.
You want to throw away uninteresting points. So you need a function that computes how interesting a point is, then you can compute how interesting all the points are and throw away the N least interesting points, where you choose N to slim the data set sufficiently. It sounds like your definition of interesting corresponds to high acceleration (deviation from straight-line motion), which is easy to compute.
Try this, it's free and opensource online Service:
I guess you need to keep points where you change direction. If you split your track into the set of intervals of constant direction, you can leave only boundary points of these intervals.
And, as Raedwald pointed out, you'll want to leave points where your acceleration is not zero.
Not sure how well this will work, but how about taking your list of points, working out the distance between them and therefore the total distance of the route and then deciding on a resolution distance and then just linear interpolating the position based on each step of x meters. ie for each fix you have a "distance from start" measure and you just interpolate where n*x is for your entire route. (you could decide how many points you want and divide the total distance by this to get your resolution distance). On top of this you could add a windowing function taking maybe the current point +/- z points and applying a weighting like exp(-k* dist^2/accuracy^2) to get the weighted average of a set of points where dist is the distance from the raw interpolated point and accuracy is the supposed accuracy of the gps position.
One really simple method is to repeatedly remove the point that creates the largest angle (in the range of 0° to 180° where 180° means it's on a straight line between its neighbors) between its neighbors until you have few enough points. That will start off removing all points that are perfectly in line with their neighbors and will go from there.
You can do that in Ο(n log(n)) by making a list of each index and its angle, sorting that list in descending order of angle, keeping how many you need from the front of the list, sorting that shorter list in descending order of index, and removing the indexes from the list of points.
def simplify_points(points, how_many_points_to_remove)
angle_map =
(2..points.length - 1).each { |next_index|
removal_list.add([next_index - 1, angle_between(points[next_index - 2], points[next_index - 1], points[next_index])])
removal_list = removal_list.sort_by { |index, angle| angle }.reverse
removal_list = removal_list.first(how_many_points_to_remove)
removal_list = removal_list.sort_by { |index, angle| index }.reverse
removal_list.each { |index| points.delete_at(index) }
return points