Remove join date - pypi

How do I remove the Joined on MM DD, YYYY from my PyPI public profile?
Clicking on "Edit profile" does not give me the option to hide it.
Most accounts have the Joined on MM DD, YYYY. New accounts show it by default.
tusharmakkar08 (4 projects) has Joined on May 22, 2016
alecthomas (12 projects) does not have Joined on MM DD, YYYY.
From this I thought that if there are greater than 10 projects then the date is not shown.
iotile (30 projects) does not have Joined on MM DD, YYYY.

It looks like very old accounts don't have join date


How to display days in "rd", "th", "nd", and "st" format in Oracle SQL Developer?

I have to display the day of tomorrow in the format: January 10th of year 2019.
I created this query:
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1),'Month DD (ddspth) "of year" YYYY') AS tomorrow FROM DUAL;
The output is:
May 23 (twenty-third) of year 2023
How can I get the output in the desired format?
Thanks in advance.
Don't spell the word out; and use FM to suppress blank padding:
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1),'FMMonth ddth "of year" YYYY') AS tomorrow FROM DUAL;
May 24th of year 2022
db<>fiddle demo.
Month names are NLS-sensitive, so someone running this in a session with a different date language set will see something else - which you can override. The th will be in English anyway, as will your character literal part. You might want to force the month names to English to match. That might be beyond the requirements for this exercise but I've included how to to it in the db<>fiddle.
For a more European style (i.e. day then month, then year): how to amend the above solution wasn't immediately obvious (to me). But this works well:
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1),'FMddth Month "of year" YYYY') AS tomorrow FROM DUAL;
24th May of year 2022

SSRS SQL I need to display data for dates used in the parameter and the previous month

I have an SSRS report with parameters for Created On Start and Created On End. Users run this manually and choose the date range to display records for. I need to display in two different columnns the records for the month the user entered in the parameters and the previous month for the dates used in the parameters.
For example the user uses the the following dates in the parameters:
Start Date: 03/01/2016 EndDate: 03/31/2016
The Report should display in one column the records for march 2016 and next to it the records for february 2016
You could write one query which queries both months.
Add a field that will act as the column label eg format the date as the first of the month.
Then create a pivot table to show the two months as the columns with the usual rows .
EDIT - new details
dateStart = '2016-03-01'
dateEnd = '2016-03-31'
These could be less than the whole month, but should be in the same month. prevStart = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '2000-01-01', dateStart)-1, '2000-01-01')
the first day of the previous month.
Use similar for the prevEnd to calculate the last day of previous month.
OK. Now build your select:
SELECT xxxx, yyyy, zzzz
, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '2000-01-01', createdOnDate), '2000-01-01') as MonthCol
FROM tables
WHERE (createdOnDate>= prevStart and createdOnDate<=prevEnd)
OR (createdOnDate>= dateStart and createdOnDate<=dateEnd)
Build a pivot table style grid with monthCol as the heading of the columns and your usual data as the rows. That way you can get your "previous Month" columns as well as the date range that you selected

Query working days from calendar in CRM 2015

I have created a calendar (working days) for a resource (e.g. facility). How can I get a list or at least ranges of working days directly from the database?
All I have found so far are Calendar and CalendarRule views. The problem with the CalendarRule is that the rule is written with a pattern like
I can not find a way to use this in SQL query.
Assuming working days are mon to fri and your calendar table is linked to the resources table by calendar.workingdays = resources.daysworked, if not obviously adjust them to suit.
SELECT EXTRACT(dow FROM timestamp (to_timestamp(c.workingdays), "YYYY-MM-DD")), r.facility
FROM Calendar c
LEFT JOIN Resources r ON c.workingdays = r.daysworked
WHERE EXTRACT(dow FROM timestamp (to_timestamp(c.workingdays, "YYYY-MM-DD"))
NOT IN (0,6)

Oracle Query for data in specific quarter from previous year

I have an excel spreadsheet that queries an oracle database for some data. I sue excel to do some calculations and then post it share point.
I need to gather data from the 4th quarter of last year (2013) my data selection look like this
How would I make this look at October, November, and December of 2013?
where to_char("TABLE"."DATEFIELD", 'qyyyy') = '42013'
Please refer to this oracle documentation link for the specific meaning of q and yyyy.
In short, to_char(<date expression>, <format model>) returns a string whose meaning is specified by the format model and whose values is dependent on the date expression.
Here, the q tells to return a single character identifying the quarter of the date expression (4 = Oct through Dec). Then yyyy specifies to return the year as four characters.
All dates that fall within the last quarter of 2013 are, according to this format model, equal to 42013.

SQL Server 2005, Calculating upcoming birthdays from date of birth

This one has bugged me for a while now. Recently when revisiting some code I wrote for a customer a few years ago I was wondering if there is a more elegant solution to the problem.
The customer stores all of their clients information including date of birth (date time field)
They run an extract every Monday that retrieves any customer whose birthday will fall within the following week.
I.e. if the extract was run on Monday Jan 1st, Customers whose birthday fell between (and including) Monday Jan 8th -> Sunday Jan 14th would be retrieved.
My solution was to use the Datepart(dy) function and calculate all upcoming birthdays based off the customers date of birth converted to day of year, adding some logic to include for the extract being run at the end of a year.
The problem was that using Day of year throws results off by 1 day if the customer was born on a leap year and / or the extract is run on a leap-year after the 29th of Feb, so once again I had to add more logic so the procedure returned the expected results.
This seemed quite over-kill for what should be a simple task
For simplicity let’s say the table 'customer' contains 4 fields, first name, last name, dob, and address.
Any suggestions on how to simplify this would really be appreciated
Would something like this work for you?
select * from Customers c
where dateadd(year, 1900-year(dob), dob)
between dateadd(year, 1900-year(getdate()), getdate())
and dateadd(year, 1900-year(getdate()), getdate())+7
Why not use DATEPART(wk) on this year's birthday?
SET DATEFIRST 1 -- Set first day of week to monday
SELECT * FROM customer
WHERE DATEPART(wk, DATEADD(yy, DATEPART(yy, GETDATE()) - DATEPART(yy, customer.dob), customer.dob)) = DATEPART(wk, GETDATE()) + 1
It selects all customers who's birthday's weeknumber is one greater than the current weeknumber.
I think DATEADD should do the proper thing.
YEAR(GETDATE() - dbo.Patients.Dob) - 1900
I can safely assume you will never have customers born before 1900
Please Try This one.
SELECT TOP 10 BirthDate, FirstName
FROM Customers
AND DATEPART(day,BirthDate) >= DATEPART(day,getdate())
OR DATEPART(mm,BirthDate) > DATEPART(mm,getdate())
ORDER BY DatePart(mm,BirthDate),DatePart(day,BirthDate)
this query will get upcoming birthdays including today itself